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  • 3. Choose the English equivalent

  • 4. Find the sentences with Complex Object and Complex Subject. Translate them into Russian

  • 5. Choose the right translation of the Infinitive

  • 6. State the function of the Infinitive


  • 1. Find the appropriate equivalent

  • 2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below

  • Comprehension Check

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    2. Choose the appropriate form of the Infinitive:

    1. Australia is known … the whole continent.

    a) to occupy b) occupy c) occupies

    2. They remembered … a lot about British customs and traditions at the language school in Liverpool.

    a) to tell b) to be telling c) to have been told

    3. Ann is likely … me to spend two weeks in Germany.

    a) invite b) to be inviting c) to invite

    4. The president is reported … European countries lately.

    a) to be visiting b) visit c) to have visited

    5. I didn’t notice him … the letter on the table.

    a) to be put b) put c) to put

    6. … scientific articles in these magazines is necessary for your promotion.

    a) Publish b) To be published c) To publish

    7. He proved … from his trip to New Zealand some days ago.

    a) to have returned b) return c) returning

    8. It is absolutely necessary … all the certificates for job interview.

    a) to bring b) bring c) bringing

    9. The scientists are thought … on this issue in the nearest future.

    a) to have focused b) focus c) to focus

    10. I went to Brighton in order … English.

    a) to learn b) learn c) learning

    3. Choose the English equivalent:

    1. She (предполагается) to be registering for online conference from 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow.

    2. He (считается) to be a good linguist.

    3. They (думают) to have gone away last week.

    4. Alex (ожидается) to make a report next Wednesday.

    5. He (определенно) to win this grant.

    a) is certain

    b) is supposed

    c) proved

    d) seemed

    e) is expected

    f) proves

    g) seems

    h) is considered

    j) turns out

    k) are thought

    4. Find the sentences with Complex Object and Complex Subject. Translate them into Russian:

    1. I would like them to join my online course on the platform of our university.

    2. He is the only one among us to give up learning Chinese.

    3. They are known to have graduated from Stanford University a year ago.

    4. I didn’t see my colleague at the office yesterday.

    5. They are sure to get the scientific scholarship soon.

    6.He is unlikely to participate at the Round table on videoconferencing.

    7. We never expected him to do so much work for us.

    8. They are known to have left the USA ten years ago.

    9. The administrator of the language center found the entry tests to be outdated for the new applicants.

    10. We knew this young scientist to have been awarded with the doctoral degree in Yale University.

    5. Choose the right translation of the Infinitive:

    1. I appear to have made a bad mistake in my essay.

    a) допустить b) допускаю c) допустил

    2. All colleagues know this webinar on English to have been held this Wednesday.

    а) состоится b) чтобы состоялся с) состоялся

    3. People can easily communicate with their foreign friends in English or in German.

    а) общаться b) общаясь с) общались

    4. The experts assume such revealing information not to be placed on the Internet.

    a) будет выложена b) не будет выложена с) выложили

    5. What are some ways students can earn money to pay for university tuition?

    a) оплатили b) чтобы оплатить c) оплатят

    6. He is certain to have progress in learning English.

    a) был b) есть c) иметь

    7. They are thought to have gone away some days ago.

    а) уезжают b) уедут с) уехали

    8. The commission is said to be checking the language tests in the room 401 now.

    а) проверяет b) проверили с) чтобы проверить

    9. He is unlikely to be invited to the conference in Belfast.

    a) чтобы пригласить b) пригласят с) пригласили

    10. He is supposed to be working on his new report on higher education in UK universities now.

    a) чтобы работать b) работал с) работает

    6. State the function of the Infinitive:

    1.The students should take part at this international competition.

    2. To improve English my tutor recommended me to watch movies without subtitles.

    3. The method to be used at our lessons is rather innovative.

    4. To work with new mobile applications for IT English was a challenge for many of us.

    5. Do you want to apply for language courses in Malta?

    6. Kate asked me to help her with the project.

    7. To tell the truth, I do not feel confident about my German language.

    8. She was the best to write this essay.

    9. We arrived in the airport only to find out that our flight to Montreal had been canceled.

    10. The sole function of this department is to prepare foreign students for exam on the Russian language.

    a) подлежащее;

    b) часть сказуемого (составное именное/составное глагольное);

    c) дополнение;

    d) определение;

    e) обстоятельство цели;

    f) вводная конструкция.

    Man is a child of his environment.

    I.S. Turgenev


    1. What are the most serious ecological problems nowadays?

    2. What is your opinion: is it possible to stop environmental pollution?
    1. Find the appropriate equivalent:

    1. overexploitation of natural resources

    1. за пределами наших возможностей к регенерации/восстановлению

    2. to entail a degradation of the environment

    2. приводить к деградации окружающей среды

    3. acquisition of products

    3. парниковый эффект

    4.beyond our regeneration capacities

    4. приобретение продукции

    5. greenhouse gases

    5.чрезмерная эксплуатация природных ресурсов

    6. greenhouse effect

    6. парниковые газы

    7. desertification

    7. отслеживание

    8. to cope with

    8. смягчать

    9. tracking

    9.дезертификация (опустынивание, превращение в пустыню)

    10. to mitigate

    10. справляться

    11. energy efficiency

    11. канализация

    12. wastewater treatment plant

    12. заболевание, передаваемое посредством воды

    13. sewage

    13. станция очистки сточных вод

    14. to discharge pollutants into the water bodies

    14. сток с территории города

    15. urban runoff

    15. осадки

    16. precipitation

    16. сливать загрязняющие вещества в водоемы

    17. to shut down non-compliant industries

    17. угрожать

    18. water-borne diseases


    19. fertility of the land

    19. засуха

    20. yield of crops

    20. устойчивая к изменению климата система здравоохранения


    21. отравление


    22. плодородие земли

    23.waste management

    23.место для отходов

    24. to threaten

    24. решать совместно

    25. circular economy

    25. утилизация отходов

    26. landfill space

    26. содержание серы

    27. to tackle together

    27. остановить производства, не отвечающие требованиям

    28. sulfur content

    28. циркулярная экономика

    29. climate-resilient health system

    29. урожайность сельскохозяйственных культур

    30. poisoning

    30. голод

    2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:

    1. wastewater treatment plants; sewage; 2. water-borne; 3. be tackled together; 4. mitigated; 5. the overexploitation; 6. landfill space; 7. non-compliant industries; 8. climate-resilient health system; 9. urban runoff; 10. precipitation.

    1. The various environmental problems come from … of natural resources.

    2. The ecological concerns on the planet are interlinked and ought to … on the international level.

    3. Global warming can be … by lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

    4. Water pollution can also lead to …diseases.

    5. The infrastructure should include …, for example … and industrial ones.

    6. Acid rain is a … composed of water and toxic waste.

    7. It is necessary to control polluting emissions, shut down … and reduce the sulfur content of fuels.

    8. Effective control of …includes reducing speed and quantity of flow.

    9. The three R’s rule helps to conserve natural resources, … and energy.

    10. World Health Organization supports countries in building … and tracking national progress in protecting health from climate change.
    Read the text and point out the most serious ecological problems and measures to protect the environment
    For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization mankind’s interference in nature began to increase. The more civilization is developing, the greater ecological problems are becoming.

    In today’s world our planet is continually facing various environmental problems. Most of them come from the overexploitation of natural resources at such an accelerated rate that it cannot be regenerated at the same speed. All this entails a degradation of the environment as a result of abusive consumption by human beings. Human consumption is based on the acquisition of products beyond our regeneration capacities.

    The environmental problems on the planet are interlinked and ought to be tackled together on the international level. Let us consider the most serious of them and some measures to be taken to protect the environment.

    Climate change and air pollution.

    Contemporary climate change includes both the global warming caused by humans, and its impacts on Earth’s weather patterns. The main cause is the emission of greenhouse gases, mostly carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane. Burning fossil fuels for energy use creates most of these emissions. This resulted in the serious problem - greenhouse effect. It works like this: sunlight gives us heat, some of the heat warms the atmosphere and some of the heat goes back into space. Nowadays the heat cannot go into space. This leads to higher temperatures in the oceans and on the Earth’s surface, causing melting of polar ice sheets, rising sea levels, and unnatural precipitation patterns such as flooding, excessive snow and desertification.

    Areas with weak health infrastructure – mostly in developing countries – will be the least able to cope without assistance to prepare and respond. World Health Organization (WHO) supports countries in building climate-resilient health systems and tracking national progress in protecting health from climate change.

    Global warmingcan be mitigated by lowering greenhouse gas emissions and removing them from the atmosphere. This will involve using more wind and solar energy, phasing out coal, and increasing energy efficiency. Switching to electric vehicles, and to heat pumps for homes and commercial buildings, will further limit emissions.

    The Paris Agreement 2015 on climate change is therefore potentially the strongest health agreement of this century. Under this document, nations collectively agreed to keep warming "well under 2°C" through mitigation efforts.

    Another serious problem, that is, air pollutionis directly interlinked with the climate change. According to the WHO, each year air pollution is responsible for nearly seven million deaths around the globe. The one of the main factors causing air pollution are mining for the use of chemical products and the heavy machinery necessary for its development, deforestation, increased transportation related to the burning of fossil fuels, smog, fires and the use of pesticides in agriculture. Toxic gases in the atmosphere in critical concentration change the world’s climate. Countries around the world are tackling various forms of air pollution. Local laws, where well enforced, have led to strong public health improvements. At the international level, some of these efforts have been taken – for example the Montreal Protocol was successful at reducing release of harmful ozone depleting chemicals or the 1985 Helsinki Protocol which reduced sulfur emissions.

    In any home, people can safeguard against indoor air pollution by increasing ventilation, testing for radon gas, using air purifiers, running kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans, and avoiding smoking.

    Water pollution is another serious ecological problem. Many factories and industries are dumping contaminated water, chemicals, and heavy metals into major waterways. It reduces the ability of the water body to provide the ecosystem services and leads to water-borne diseases.

    Control of water pollution requires appropriate infrastructure and management plans. The infrastructure must include wastewater treatment plants, for example sewage and industrial ones. Agricultural wastewater treatment for farms, and erosion control at construction sites can also help prevent water pollution. Effective control of urban runoff includes reducing speed and quantity of flow.

    Water pollution requires ongoing evaluation and revision of water resource policy at all levels from national to an international problem, especially in territories where rivers cross several countries. If everyone will follow their responsibility against water to protect it from getting polluted then it will be easy to get clean and healthy drinking water.

    Acid rain and deforestation

    Acid rain is a precipitation composed of water and toxic waste, especially acid from vehicles, industries or other types of machinery. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to control polluting emissions, shut down non-compliant industries and reduce the sulfur content of fuels or invest in renewable energy.

    Some governments have made efforts to mitigate the release of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere. These efforts have had positive results due to the widespread research on acid rain and the publicized information on its harmful effects.

    Deforestation is another serious ecological problem throughout the world. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As Scottish botanist Robert Chambers has written, if the forest is destroyed, then there will be a shortage of water, the fertility of the land will be reduced and the yield of crops will be decreased, the animals and the birds will die. Deforestation will create five terrible natural disasters: flood, drought, heat, famine and diseases.

    To avoid these calamities we should grow trees instead of cutting them. If every person plants a tree, then environment would be improved significantly. The air will be cleaner, the number of trees will increase, and pollution, global warming and greenhouse effect will be reduced.

    Poor waste management

    Improper waste management continues to be a major problem that affects us all. Overpopulation and the careless lifestyles of some consumers are causing an increase in the production of waste and, therefore, an increase in the exploitation of natural resources threatened by depletion. To prevent this ruthless exploitation, it is necessary to improve the circular economy through three R’s rules of environment: reduce, reuse and recycle. The three R’s help to cut down on the amount of waste we throw away. They conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy. The three R’s save land and money that communities must use to dispose of waste in landfills. Siting a new landfill has become difficult and more expensive due to environmental regulations and public opposition.

    As for the most environmentally friendly countries in the world (based on the Environmental Performance Index score) they are the following: Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland, United Kingdom, France, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Germany.

    Here are the countries with the most pollution: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Mongolia,Afghanistan,India,Indonesia,Bahrain,Nepal,Uzbekistan,Iraq.

    This text deals only with the most urgent issues concerning the environment and its protection. All these problems are the result of human’s careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crisis. The poisoning of the world’s land, air, and water
    is the fast-spreading disease of civilization. Current environmental problems pose a great risk to the health of humans and animals. Environmental protection is of a universal concern. The serious measures to improve a system of ecological security should be taken. If present negative trends continue for the next several decades, our planet will become uninhabitable.

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