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  • 2. Correct mistakes paying attention to the Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses

  • 3. Choose the right variant paying attention to the Active Voice

  • 5. Choose the necessary modal verb or its equivalent

  • 6. Choose the right verb

  • VARIANT 2 1. Find the odd word

  • 4. Choose the right variant paying attention to the Active and Passive Voice

  • UNIT 8.

  • 2. Complete the sentence with the words and phrases below

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    1.Watch the video on https://www.esl-lab.com

    2.Do the tasks given.

    Write an essay Famous People in Engineering I Admire

    TEST 3

    1. Find the odd word:

    1. a) establishment b) identity c) available d) independence

    2. a) competitive b) specific c) compulsory d) especially

    3. a) accomplish b) discovery c) achieve d) recognize

    4. a) device b) poverty c) successive d) employee

    5. a) revenue b) wooden c) planetary d) urgent

    2. Correct mistakes paying attention to the Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses:

    1. He didn’t meet his fellow learners since studentship.

    2. We have travelled about Greece last year.

    3. Were you ever to the Tate Gallery?

    4. Тhe colleague from Moscow offered me the remote job as a mobile developer recently.

    5. The teacher didn’t post the new online course on the Spanish language yet.
    3. Choose the right variant paying attention to the Active Voice:

    1. The students … great progress in English lately.

    a) were making b) have made c) made d) make

    2. The group … the scientific project by next month.

    a) will have carried out b) will carry out c) carry out d) will be carrying out

    3. The engineers … the equipment when the commission arrived.

    a) tested b) have tested c) were testing d) had tested

    4. When we entered the room they … the contract.

    a) checked b) had checked c) were checking d) have checked

    5. The engineer-in-chief… negotiations now.

    a) conducts b) will conduct c) has conducted d) is conducting

    6. The construction of the factory … in 2016 and … by 2019.

    a) started; had been completed b) started; completed c) has started; has completed d) has started; had completed.

    7. Tomorrow evening our team … a presentation about the promising careers in the construction sphere.

    a) will prepare b) prepare c) will be preparing d) was preparing

    8. Why … architecture as your major?

    a) had you chosen b) have you chosen c) are you choosing
    d) were you choosing

    9. We … vacancies on the website Job Hunting when the chief came.

    a) were browsing b) browsed c) have browsed d) had browsed

    10. The engineers … the necessary data in a week.

    a) will have obtained b) will be obtaining c) obtain d) will obtain

    4. Choose the right variantpaying attention to the Active
    and Passive Voice:

    1. The tests for the foreign students …every day.

    a) are updated b) have been updated c) were updated d) will be updating

    2. All necessary documentation … to us already.

    a) had been shown b) are shown c) will be shown d) have been shown

    3. The explanation of this fact … by Russian scientists in the 19th century.

    a) had been given b) was given c) will be given d) has been given

    4. He … a new job before he finished the project.

    a) is being offered b) is offered c) had been offered d) was offered

    5. The annotation … by the interpreter tomorrow.

    a) will be translated b) will be translating c) will translate d) will have been translated

    6. New data … by our team before the forum starts.

    a) have been received b) will be received c) was being received d) will have been received

    7. The new campus … from 2017 till 2020.

    a) was building b) was being built c) was built d) has been built

    8. What issues … by the experts at the meeting now?

    a) were being discussed b) are being discussed c) are discussing
    d) discuss

    9. The global acceleration in remote and hybrid working … challenges to IT security professionals around the world.

    a) did bring b) was brought c) has brought d) had been brought

    10. The computer … the data now.

    a) is being processed b) is processing c) processes) has been

    5. Choose the necessary modal verb or its equivalent:

    1. You (следует) apply for the webinar as soon as possible.

    2. The SpaceX vehicles (придется) use Methalox, a combination of methane and oxygen. 

    3. The students (разрешили) redo this test.

    4. (Можно) I take your laptop for a while?

    5. He (в состоянии) do this project alone.

    6. The special commission of engineers (не нужно) test a new device.

    7. Most people (не могут) afford space tourism.

    8. I (должен) work harder to get a promotion.

    9. Musk’s projects in space (смогли) revolutionize how we get online and provide fast, affordable internet.

    10. He (должен) arrive in London at 11 a.m.
    a) is able to

    b) should

    c) needn’t

    d) had to

    e) may

    f) were allowed to

    g) can

    h) must

    i) could

    k) is to

    6. Choose the right verb:

    1. My friend … learnt French as his native language since childhood.

    2. … your friends in Scotland last summer?

    3. How … you usually spend your free time?

    4. A lot of mobile applications ... developed by the IT students every year.

    5. Data scientist … a profession in demand.

    6. The text… been translated before my friends came.

    7. I … posting my report on the university’s website now.

    8. … they make a number of experiments last week?

    9. … your elder brothers work as design engineers for this

    10. I … studying for my exams at this time yesterday.
    1. Find the odd word:

    1. a) establishment b) merchant c) ancient d) existence

    2. a) quiet b) significant c) foreign d) mainly

    3. a) determine b) agreement c) return d) destroy

    4. a) purpose b) environment c) extensive d) custom

    5. a) specialty b) absent c) sociable d) efficient
    2. Correct mistakes paying attention to the Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses:

    1. I just completed this scientific project.

    2. The engineer has met the mechanic two hours ago.

    3. Were you ever to China?

    4. We checked this device recently.

    5. I didn’t see her since the graduation from the university.
    3. Choose the right variant paying attention to the Active Voice:

    1. The students … the Bachelor’s lately.

    a) were earned b) have earned c) earned d) earn

    2. The group … the term work by next month.

    a) will have defended b) will defend c) defend d) will be defending

    3. By the time they … from their internship in New York the new academic year at our university started.

    a) returned b) have returned c) were returning d) had returned

    4. When we arrived in the city, our colleagues … the necessary data for the research.

    a) obtain b) obtained c) were obtaining d) have obtained

    5. The engineer-in-chief … the new equipment to the students now.

    a) shows b) will show c) has showed d) is showing

    6. Alexander Bell … the world’s first telephone in the 19th century.

    a) invented b) was inventing c) has invented d) had invented

    7. He … a report about the trends in the field of modern engineering the whole evening tomorrow.

    a) will prepare b) prepare c) will be preparing d) was preparing

    8. Why … the specialty Сivil Engineering as your major at the university?

    a) had you chosen b) have you chosen c) are you choosing
    d) were you choosing

    9. The students … the exams by the end of last month.

    a) had taken b) took c) have taken d) take

    10. The group … the language certificates in three days.

    a) will have got b) will be getting c) gets d) will get

    4. Choose the right variant paying attention to the Active
    and Passive Voice:

    1. Falcon 9 rocket … from reusable parts.

    a) is made b) have made c) was making d) made

    2. Many colleges over the world … courses online nowadays.

    a) had moved b) have moved c) move d) are moving

    3. The automobile … by Karl Benz in 1885.

    a) had been invented b) was invented c) will be invented d) has been invented

    4. This mobile application for IT English ... by the senior students before the semester started.

    a) were being developed b) are developed c) had been developed d) developed

    5. The new online course on Business English … in several days.

    a) will be launched b) will be launching c) will launch d) have been launched

    6. My British friends … Master’s course at Oxford University by the upcoming July.

    a) have been completed b) will be completed c) were being completed d) will have completed

    7. The building of the university … from 2021 till 2022.

    a) was reconstructing b) was being reconstructed c) was reconstructed d) has been reconstructed.

    8. What issues … by the experts at the meeting now?

    a) were being discussed b) are being discussed c) are discussing
    d) discuss

    9. English ... the prevailing language of the Western world in the 20th century.

    a) was become b) becomes c) has been become d) became

    10. When ... our marketing analyst at the office last time?

    a) does you see b) did you see c) were seen d) will see

    5. Choose the necessary modal verb or its equivalent:

    1. (Следует) I start looking for another job?

    2. (Можно) I speak to your superiors?

    3. Our group (разрешили) do take this exam in advance.

    4. My brother (пришлось) to apply for the remote job last year.

    5. The student (в состоянии) collect these data in the short time.

    6. You (нужно) to get interviewed at this corporation.

    7. Who (может) prepare the report on this topic?

    8. I (должен) complete my project by deadline.

    9. Nobody (смог) answer this question.

    10. My friend (должен) be at the university at 10 a.m.
    a) is able to

    b) should

    c) needn’t

    d) had to

    e) may

    f) were allowed to

    g) can

    h) must

    i) could

    k) is to

    6. Choose the right verb:

    1. My friend … learnt Spanish as the second language since school.

    2. …your friends in England last summer?

    3. Where … you usually find information for your articles?

    4. Many programs … developed by the experts every year.

    5. Teaching ... often low paid but for many people it ... a vocation.

    6. The computers… been repaired before the chief came.

    7. When … Tesla Roadster win the Global Green product award?

    8. … you already got a promotion?

    9. … your uncle work as an engineer-in-chief at the big construction company?

    10. I…preparing the report on Physics at this time
    UNIT 8. international LANGUAGES. English as a Global Language

    Learning another language is like

    becoming another person.

    Haruku Murakami
    Why is learning languages important in the global world?
    1. Find the appropriate equivalent:

    1. the phenomenon of our age

    1. заменить

    2. Phoenicians

    2. отражение

    3. reflection

    3. финикийцы (древний народ, живший на восточном побережье Средиземного моря на территории современного Ливана,говорили на финикийском языке)

    4. the birth of civilization

    4. с появлением национальных


    5. to replace

    5. явление нашей эпохи

    6. with the emergence of national states

    6. зарождение цивилизации

    7. educated people of Europe

    7. простой народ, простолюдины

    8. common people

    8. образованные люди Европы

    9. in the vanguard of European

    and world expansion

    9. относиться к одной из трех групп

    10. to fall into one of three groups

    10. в авангарде европейского

    и мирового распространения

    11. in the contemporary world

    11. упрощать

    12. to outweigh

    12. обстоятельства

    13. to define

    13. словоизменение; изменение

    формы слова

    14. lingua franca

    14. в современном мире

    15. preeminence

    15. простота формы

    16. circumstances

    16. лингва франка, франкский язык, (язык-посредник), функциональный тип языка, используемый в качестве средства общения между носителями разных языков в ограниченных сферах социальных контактов

    17. to simplify

    17. перевесить

    18. simplicity of form

    18. гибкость; вариативность

    19. inflection

    19. определить; дать определение

    20. flexibility

    20. преобладание

    21. loss of inflections

    21. открытость лексики

    22. openness of vocabulary

    22. дезаффиксация (утрата суффикса при словообразовании или формообразовании)

    23. creation of compounds and derivatives

    23. свободный доступ

    24. free admission

    24. образование сложных и производных слов (дериватов)

    25. to resist

    25. выжить, продолжать существовать

    26. to survive

    26. сопротивляться

    27. release

    27. преимущественно

    28. arrival

    28. выпуск, релиз

    29. predominately

    29. неизбежный

    30. inevitable

    30. принятие, прибытие

    2. Complete the sentence with the words and phrases below:

    1. lingua franca; 2. fall into; 3. birth;
    4. was regarded; 5. have been simplified; 6. inevitable; 7. the phenomenon; 8. survived; 9.
    loss of inflections; 10. gradually.

    1. The first international language appeared on the earth with the … of civilization.

    2. People who speak English … one of three groups.

    3. As a result of the … English has become a very flexible language.

    4. International language is not … of our age only.

    5. In the first half of the 20th century English started … to replace French as the international language.

    6. Knowledge of foreign languages … as a sign of a well-rounded

    7. Over the centuries a lot of English words … .

    8. English is the … of business, politics and science.

    9. Learning about another culture is … when you learn English.

    10. Latin … the collapse of the Roman Empire.

    Part 1. THE History of the International

    Read the text and point out the crucial stages in the history of foreign languages.

    Language is the means of communication. The most common way of expressing an idea for people is to say it out loud. Language enables
    people to understand each other. At the same moment language can be
    a major barrier to understanding because there are thousands of different languages on our planet. From the earliest time, with the development of trade and exchange of ideas and techniques people saw the necessity of learning foreign languages. A language that is used as a means of communication by people of different nations is called international. It helps people of different nations understand each other. As a rule the existence of the language as an international one is determined by political, cultural and economic development of the country which language is spoken as international.

    International language is not the phenomenon of our age only. The Biblical myth about the mixture of languages during the construction of the Babylon Tower, when the people lost their universal language and thus could not communicate, was a reflection of how dearly the people of ancient periods held the gift of speech and understanding. Ever since
    those times the foreign languages and people who knew them played
    a significant part in the development of international relations and trade
    of different countries.

    The first international language that we know about was the language of the Phoenicians. They were a nation of industrious
    merchants and seafarers who settled originally on the territory of the Lebanon. The Greek language replaced Phoenician as a mean of international communication. The Greek culture and language were imposed in all Hellenistic centers and states, including Egypt, Syria and Persia. The Romans went a little further. The Roman legionary marched to the end of the earth carrying Latin, their language, with the help of their orators and philosophers to Europe, Asia, and Africa. From that time the role of languages in the historical development of humanity has increased. Latin survived the collapse of the Roman Empire. Until the establishment
    of national states, new national languages that originated from Latin (French, Spanish, and Italian) were still emerging. In such circumstances it was the universal language of Medieval Europe for fifteen centuries. In Europe Latin was used for the serious business of government, diplomacy, and philosophy. A person who did not know Latin was unable to become educated because Latin was also the language of the Universities.

    Then with the emergence of national states and development
    of national languages the need to learn foreign languages became
    especially important. Educated people of Europe were to know several
    modern languages. For example, Rubens, the greatest painter of the
    Western civilization who lived in Flanders in the 17th century, spoke and wrote six modern languages.

    In the 15th and 16th centuries Spain was in the vanguard of European and world expansion so that the Spanish language became prevailing. French became the dominant language of the Western world in the 17th and 19th centuries. In the 19th century it was the official language of our country. Since childhood Russian aristocrats have learnt this language. For example, Alexander Pushkin wrote his first poem in French. The Russian language was spoken only by common people.

    In the first half of the 20th century, during the period between two World Wars, English started gradually to replace French as the international language. The transition to English as the international language was relatively easy because in many countries of the world people already speak it by that time.

    It should be said that not all the languages had equal importance in different centuries in the world. Preference was given to that one which country was more powerful at that time.
    Part 2. English as a global Language
    Read the text and state the main reasons for learning English language.
    The dominance of English in the contemporary world is explained by the two main historical factors. The first factor of the global spread of the English language was the result of building of the British Empire. The second reason was the result of the cultural, political and economic preeminence of the USA.

    At its height in 1922, the British Empire was the largest in history, covering a quarter of the Earth’s land area, with a population of over 450 million people. The primary aim of education in the colonies became the acquisition of English, and the future academic and financial success of those living in colonized countries depended mainly on their English language ability. After World War II, when the colonized countries started to gain independence, the English language maintained its influence by being selected as an official or national one. These factors contributed to the sole dominance of the English language as an official one, in over 75 territories with a combined population of over 2.2 billion people.

    On July 4th, 1776, thirteen British colonies located along the Atlantic seaboard declared independence and founded the United States of America. The global reach of America’s cultural, political and economic influence has contributed significantly to bolstering the prevailing position of the English language in the 20th and 21st centuries.

    Nowadays people who speak English fall into one of three groups: those who have learnt it as their native language, those who have learnt it as a second language in a society which is mainly bilingual and those who are forced to use it for a practical purpose.

    As for basic characteristics of English there are following:

    1. Simplicity of Form. Old English had many inflections to show singular and plural, tense, person etc., but over the centuries words have been simplified. Verbs now have very few inflections, and adjectives do not change according to the noun.

    2. Flexibility. As a result of the loss of inflections, English has become, over the past five centuries, a very flexible language. Without inflections, the same word can operate as many different parts of speech, many nouns and verbs have the same form, for example to work -work, to phone- phone, to visit- visit. Adjectives can be used as verbs: warm and to warm, clean and to clean.

    3. Openness of Vocabulary. This involves the free admission of words from other languages and the easy creation of compounds and derivatives. Most world languages have contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being reversed. Purists of the French, Russian, and Japanese languages are resisting the arrival of English in their vocabulary.

    As for reasons to learn the English language they are as follows:

    1. English is One of the Most Widely Spoken Languages.

    The second US President John Adams said that English would become the «world» language. And this prediction came true by the end of the 20th century. Now 300 million people in the world are native English speakers, 400 million people speak it as the second language. Although it comes second to Mandarin Chinese in the total number of speakers, English is the language you will be able to use most widely, as it is spoken in more countries than any other language.

    English is spoken on all the inhabited continents. Mostly it is spoken in the states of the British Commonwealth (the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, India, etc.), in Ireland and the US Insular Area (American Samoa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, etc.). In the USA there is no law about the official language, English is the official language there de facto.

    2.Job Prospects.

    Research from all over the world shows that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in English and many international companies expect employees to be well in it. Global companies such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Samsung and others have mandated English as their official corporate language. You will be in a much stronger position to apply for jobs overseas if you have reached a good level of fluency in English. What is more, English skills are desirable to employers in your own country. Your English abilities enable you to improve your social status by making your promotion.

    3. Better Cultural Understanding.

    Learning about another culture is inevitable when you learn English. Language and culture cannot be separated. Language is culture, and culture is language. Simply said, knowing English gives you more insight into how people who live in English-speaking countries think, live and work. If you understand which words or expressions are acceptable and unacceptable in English-speaking cultures, this might save you from a cultural misunderstanding with your friends and coworkers from the UK and prevent disputes and disagreements.

    4.Effective Communication Over the World.

    Nowadays English is accepted as a lingua franca (a mutually known language) by people from all around the world. It may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the official language in many countries. Being able to speak English opens up lots of possibilities for you in terms of the countries you could choose to seek work in one day – not to mention travel to as a tourist. You won’t have to worry about getting lost when you travel to any country, as you’ll easily be able to ask for directions, and taking guided tours, ordering food and chatting to the locals will no longer be a source of stress.

    5. English is the Language of International Science.

    In the last century, the number of scientific papers written in English has started to outweigh those written in the native language of the researcher. Learning English, you have access to a greater amount of knowledge available on the web; you can educate yourself and further will be able to read scientific books and papers. English is essential if you intend to pursue a scientific career. Within the Science Citation Index, compiled by the Institute for Scientific Information, an estimated 95% of articles are written in English despite only around half being from English-speaking countries.

    6. English is the Language of the Internet and Media Industry.

    Most of the content on the Internet is written in English. Many of the world's biggest news outlets, TV shows, newspapers, magazines, music compositions, films are produced in English. Go to any international film festival in the world and you will see that all films are either in English or have English subtitles.

    English is the international language of media and arts and if you want to access as much as possible for yourself, without relying on translations, it’s the most powerful language you can learn today.

    7. Brain Training.

    According to research, people who speak more than one language fluently tend to have better memory and be more cognitively creative and mentally flexible than monolinguals. Learning English will make you smarter and keep your brain strong. Scientists have been demonstrating that bilinguals are able to understand concepts quicker and get better scores on tests. If you keep your brain flexible by learning English it will prevent diseases dealing with brain functions: dementia and Alzheimer’s.

    8. Freedom of Movement.

    English is predominately the language used for free movement throughout the world. It is spoken by many people as a first or second language all over the world. If you speak English, you can study, travel, work and live comfortably in other countries. So, no matter where you travel - even to non-English-speaking countries- it is highly likely that some of the locals will speak this language.

    9. English is the Language of Higher Education

    English is widely regarded as the language of higher education. Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are just a few of the famous universities that occupy the top of the world education league tables, and you will need to speak English fluently for access to any of those. If English isn’t your native language, you’ll need to take TOEFL and IELTS during the admissions process to prove that your level of language is up to scratch for the demands of the academic environment.

    10. English is the Language of International Events.

    Speaking English allows you to take part in various international events such as conferences, forums and symposiums and others. The specialists across the globe need to have a good level of English if they want to give presentations and reports related to their professional area. Moreover you may meet a new employer or a client among the fellow delegates, so being well in English helps you communicate with them.

    As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for learning English. Although it can be challenging and time-consuming, we can see that it is also very valuable to learn and can create many opportunities mentally.

    At present no other language on the Earth is better suited to play the role of the global one. It is the language of diplomacy, cultural relations, tourism, science, trade, sport and the official language of the European Union, the United Nations, NATO and many others. English is the commonly adopted second language of people in a great many more countries, including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Holland.
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