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  • COMPREHENSION CHECK 1.Answer the questions

  • 2.Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not stated

  • 3. Choose the right variant

  • GRAMMAR IN FOCUS 1. Compare the translation of the sentences. Pay attention to the different forms of the Passive Voice

  • 2. Complete the sentence with correct option paying attention to Active and Passive Voice

  • 3. Translate the following sentences with modal verbs and their equivalents

  • 4. Substitute the modal verbs for the possible equivalents

  • 5*. Complete the sentence with correct option paying attention to the Simple, Continuous and Perfect Tenses in Active and Passive Voice

  • SPEAKING WORKSHOP 1*. Make the 5–7 min presentations about the Elon Musk’s projects. 2. Speak on the topic «

  • VIDEO 1.Watch the video on https://www.youtube.com/watchv=IgKWPdJWuBQab_channel TED 2.Say: What are the main ideas discussed.

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    2. Complete the sentence with the words and phrases below:

    1. dual; 2. odd jobs; 3.the recession; 4. combating;5.payloads; 6.perseverance; faith;7.to bar; 8. venture; 9. embedded; 10. filed a lawsuit

    1. Elon Musk arrived in Canada in 1989 and lived there for a year working … at a farm and lumber-mill.

    2. He transferred to the University of Pennsylvania and was awarded … Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Economics.

    3. Musk’s next … was an online financial service called X.com.

    4. During … Musk went on to become the CEO and product architect of the company.

    5. This launch vehicle was designed to carry immense … into orbit.

    6. In 2018 US Securities and Exchange Commission … against Musk.

    7. The lawsuit sought … Musk from serving as CEO on publicly traded companies.

    8. SolarCity is the provider of solar power systems in the United States with a focus on … global warming.

    9. Neuralink’s purpose is to create devices that are … in the human brain to facilitate the merging of the brain with machines.

    10.Elon Musk achieved all his success thanks to his … hard work and to the absolute … in his projects.
    TEXT 3.

    Read the text and speak on the biography, education and projects of Elon Musk.
    It is quite difficult to tie Elon Musk to a certain profession, but his engineering talent is hard to ignore. South African-born American entrepreneur and business magnate Elon Musk is also known as an inventor, innovator, and engineer. Among his projects are Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX),Tesla,Inc.,SolarCity,PayPal, Hyperloop, Neuralink, and many others. Musk invests in the projects and personally participates in designing electric cars and spaceships.

    Elon Musk was born on June 28, 1971, in Pretoria, South Africa. He was the eldest of three children in the family of English engineer Errol Musk, born in South Africa and model and nutritionist of Canadian and British descent Maye Musk. Elon has a younger brother Kimbal, born in 1972, and a sister Tosca born in 1974. Though Kimbal is not as successful as his elder brother, he still made a million dollars fortune in the restaurant business, and Tosca became a film producer.

    When the parents divorced in 1980, Elon stayed mainly with his father in South Africa. Musk studied at Pretoria Boys High School.

    At the age of 9, Elon received as a gift his first computer, Commodore VIC-20. He independently studied programming languages popular in those years and became carried away by creating programs. At the age of 12, Elon earned $500 by selling a computer game Blastar to PC&Office Technologies (a shooter similar to Space Invaders), which he had created by himself.

    In 1989, Elon Musk applied for a Canadian passport through his Canadian-born mother and moved to Canada. Having obtained Canadian citizenship, Elon went to Montreal. At first, he worked odd jobs at a farm and lumber-mill.

    At the age of 19, he entered Queens University in Kingston, Ontario. Musk had been studying in Ontario for two years, and then, finally, his dream came true – in 1992, he relocated to the United States. He was able to move to the US after receiving a scholarship from the University of Pennsylvania: Penn. Musk graduated from Penn in 1997 earning dual Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Economics.

    Having left the University of Pennsylvania, he enrolled in the graduate school at Stanford University to pursue studies in the field of applied physics and materials science.

    However, his move was timed perfectly with the Internet boom, and he dropped out of Stanford after two days, launching with the brother his first company Zip2 Corporation in 1995. At that moment, the Internet was experiencing a period of rapid growth and development; however, nobody had ever earned a considerable fortune on it. Musk created a platform providing and licensing online city guide software to newspapers like the New York Time and the Chicago Tribune.

    After the successful sale of Zip2 to Compaq in 1999, Musk went straight into his next venture, an online electronic payment system called X.com. Shortly after in 2001, after the merger, X.com was renamed to PayPal, and Elon Musk became the chairman and chief executive of PayPal. Musk was involved in the development of new business models, conducted a successful viral marketing campaign, which led to a rapid increase in the number of customers. In 2002, eBay bought PayPal for $1.5 billion.

    Musk became a US citizen in 2002. The same year he invested money in his third company Space Exploration Technologies or just SpaceX. It has developed a reusable rocket and launch system to significantly reduce the cost of space flight. Within seven years, the company had designed the Falcon line of space launch vehicles and the Dragon line of multi-purpose spacecraft and was making history with their privately funded innovation. In March 2017, SpaceX saw the successful test flight and landing of a Falcon 9 rocket made from reusable parts, a development that opened the door for more affordable space travel. The company enjoyed another milestone moment in February 2018 with the successful test launch of the powerful Falcon Heavy rocket. Armed with additional Falcon 9 boosters, the rocket was designed to carry immense payloads into orbit and potentially serve as a vessel for deep space missions. For the test launch, the Falcon Heavy was given a payload of Musk’s cherry-red Tesla Roadster, equipped with cameras to «provide some epic views» for the vehicle’s planned orbit around the sun.

    After four failed test flights prior to this, SpaceX launched and successfully landed its futuristic Starship on May 5, 2021, at last accomplishing a test flight of the rocketship that Elon Musk intends to use to land astronauts on the moon and send people to Mars.

    SpaceX began development of the Starlink constellation of low Earth orbit in 2015 to provide satellite Internet access, with the first two prototype satellites launched in February 2018. A second set of test satellites and the first large deployment of a piece of the constellation occurred in May 2019, when the first 60 operational satellites were launched.

    Tesla, Inc. (originally Tesla Motors) was founded with the mission of designing and building electric cars. Musk invested in the company and became its chairman in 2004, a year after its inception, taking on an active role in the design of the ‘Roadster’, which won the ‘Global Green’ product award. During the recession when the company was adversely affected, he went on to become the CEO and product architect of the company. Musk oversees all product development, engineering and design of the company’s products. In September 2018, US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit against Musk for a tweet in which he claimed that funding had been secured for taking Tesla. The lawsuit sought to bar Musk from serving as CEO on publicly traded companies.

    Later on Musk reached a settlement with the SEC. Under it terms, Musk and Tesla were fined $20 million each and Musk had to step down as Tesla chairman while remaining Tesla’s CEO. In place of Musk, Robyn Denholm was named as Tesla’s acting Chairman.

    Musk provided the initial concept and financial capital for SolarCity, which his cousins Lyndon and Peter Rive co-founded in 2006. By 2013, SolarCity was the second largest provider of solar power systems in the United States, with a focus on combating global warming. In 2014, Musk promoted the idea of Solar City building in Buffalo, New York, triple the size of the largest solar plant in the United States. Construction on the factory started in 2014 and was completed in 2017. It operated as a joint venture with Panasonic until early 2020 when Panasonic departed.

    In 2013, Musk announced revolutionary plans for a high speed travel technology known as the Hyperloop that, in theory, could replace airplane travel as a faster and cheaper option. The project represented a completely new type of transport, which would be 2 times faster than the aircraft, would be powered by the Sun’s energy and would not have a specific schedule, but set off at short intervals, like underground trains. However, Musk was not going to be engaged in the implementation of Hyperloop himself. As a result, the further development was taken up by Hyperloop Transportation Technologies that worked with the help of volunteer engineers and crowdfunding, as well as Virgin Hyperloop One. In 2017 the latter tested the model of the vacuum capsule, which accelerated up to 387 km/h.

    In 2016, Musk co-founded Neuralink, a neurotechnology startup company to integrate the human brain with artificial intelligence. Neuralink’s purpose is to create devices that are embedded in the human brain to facilitate the merging of the brain with machines. The devices will also reconcile with the latest improvements in artificial intelligence to stay updated. Such improvements could enhance memory or allow the devices to communicate with software more effectively.

    In 2010, the premier world organization for aerospace records, the ‘Fédération Aéronautique Internationale’ awarded Musk the FAI Gold Space Medal. He shares this highest honor with prominent personalities like Neil Armstrong and John Glenn. He has won multiple awards and recognitions for his many advancements in science, technology and business alike and in 2013 was named "Fortune" magazine’s "Businessperson of the Year" for his companies SpaceX, Tesla Motors and SolarCity.

    Elon Musk life story shows that all his success he achieved thanks to his perseverance, hard work and to the absolute faith in his projects. Being one of the greatest minds of our time he has made some tremendous contributions to our planet.

    Elon Musk is the wealthiest person in the world according to both the Bloomberg Billionaires Index and the Forbes real-time billionaires list.

    1.Answer the questions:

    1.Where is Elon Musk originally from?

    2.How did he earn first money?

    3.Is Elon Musk highly educated? Prove your answer.

    4.Why did he drop out of Stanford University?

    5.What was Elon Musk’s first big business?

    6.What are his other early projects?

    7.When did Elon Musk create SpaceX?

    8.What is mission of Tesla.Inc.?

    9.Why did US Securities and Exchange Commission file a lawsuit against Musk in 2018?

    10.What other Musk’s projects are presented in this text?

    11.Which of them do you consider to be the most significant and useful for the mankind?

    12.What projects is Elon Musk developing currently?

    13.What are Musk’s awards?

    14.Why did Elon Musk achieve such success?

    15.What is your opinion: has Musk really made tremendous contributions to our planet?

    2.Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not stated:

    1.Elon Musk is a native of South Africa, born in 1971 to parents who later divorced.

    2. Elon Musk and his brother Kimbal wrote on the code for the video game in their childhood.

    3. Musk didn’t like school as a child.

    4. Elon Musk obtained Canadian citizenship through his Canadian-born mother and moved to Montreal.

    5. Musk graduated from Queen’s University in Kingston earning dual Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Economics.

    6. He was a student of the graduate school at Stanford University.

    7. Elon Musk later regretted his leaving the Stanford University.

    8. In 1995 Musk and his brother launched their first company Zip2 Corporation.

    9. Musk’s next companies X.com and PayPal have not had the significant success.

    10. SpaceX has developed a reusable rocket and launch system to significantly reduce the cost of space flight.

    11. Tesla, Inc. was founded with the mission to replace airplane travel as a faster and cheaper option.

    12. Other notable Musk’s projects include SolarCity, Neuralink and Hyperloop.

    3. Choose the right variant:

    1. Elon Musk is known as … .

    a) a politician, designer and physicist;

    b) philanthropist, environmentalist and scientist;

    c) an entrepreneur, innovator and engineer.

    2. At the age of 12, Elon earned $500 by selling a … .

    a) computer program;

    b) computer game;

    c) computer language.

    3. Musk graduated from the University of Pennsylvania earning … in Physics and Economics.

    a) Bachelor’s degree

    b) dual Bachelor’s degree

    c) dual Master’s degree

    4. Elon Musk … of the Stanford University.

    a) dropped out

    b) graduated from

    c) got the PhD

    5. Musk created the company Zip2 Corporation … online city guide software to newspapers.

    a) providing and licensing;

    b) selling and installing;

    c) fixing and distributing.

    6. After … X.com was renamed to PayPal.

    a) the merger;

    b) failure;

    c) buying out.

    7. The rocket Falcon 9 was designed to carry … into orbit.

    a) lunar rovers;

    b) construction materials;

    c) immense payloads.

    8. SpaceX began development of the Starlink constellation of low Earth orbit to provide … .

    a) solar power systems;

    b) high speed travel technology;

    c) satellite Internet access.

    9. Tesla, Inc. was founded with the mission of … .

    a) combating global warming;

    b) designing and building electric cars;

    c) replacing airplane travel.

    10. Neuralink is a neurotechnology startup company to integrate the human brain with … .

    a) satellite Internet access;

    b) software

    c) artificial intelligence.

    11. Elon Musk has made some … contributions to our planet.

    a) tremendous;

    b) terrifying;

    c) terrible.


    1.Compare the translation of the sentences. Pay attention to the different forms of the Passive Voice:

    1. At the age of 9 Elon Musk was presented with his first computer.

    2. The CEO’s plans had been changed by the beginning of the

    3. The explanation of this failure hasn’t been given yet.

    4. New date will have been obtained by our team before the
    project starts.

    5. The documents are signed by CTO three times a week.

    6. New drawings for this project are being created by the specialist now.

    7. After the merger X.com was renamed to PayPal.

    8. The necessary material specifications will be requested tomorrow.

    9. Many significant innovations had been done by this scientist before he got the Noble Prize.

    10. This tender documentation has been just posted on the state procurements website.

    2. Complete the sentence with correct option paying attention to Active and Passive Voice:

    1.A new house … by the workers by 2022.

    1. built b) was built c) has been built d) had been built

    2.In 2013 Musk … revolutionary plans for a high speed travel technology.

    a) announced b) was announced c) has been announced d) announce

    3. The technicians … the new equipment now.

    a) have installed b) install c) are installing d) will install

    4. New diagrams … by our team.

    a) have already drawn b) had been already drawn c) were
    already drawn d) have been already drawn

    5. Who … this new project?

    a) just completed b) has just completed c) did just complete d) had just completed

    6. The engineer … the strength calculations before the crash test starts.

    a) will have done b) will do c) have done d) had done

    1. Prototype test program … by the end of the next week.

    a) will have agreed b) will have been agreed c) have been agreed d) will agree

    8. A lawsuit against Elon Musk … by US Securities and Exchange Commission in 2018.

    a) has been filed b) had filed c) filed d) was filed

    9. The commission certification tests of the equipment … the whole month.

    a) will carry b) will be carrying c) is carrying d) has

    10. The new sanctions on the delivery of the foreign-made automotive parts … by the end of March.

    a) had been imposed b) imposed c) have imposed d) were imposed.
    3. Translate the following sentences with modal verbs and their equivalents:

    1. An engineering degree can take you into all the realms of the professional world.

    2. Nobody could find the information about the next terms of the new equipment.

    3. The engineer ought to control the production process.

    4. The head of design bureau is to prepare the technical documentation at 11 am.

    5. The young automotive engineers were permitted to conduct testing of the new automobiles.

    6. The chief engineer asked the employee to update price information, but he wouldn’t.

    7. The contractor should deliver the project on time.

    8. Last year we would often work remotely.

    9. He will be able to meet his business partner in a month.

    10. Elon Musk had to step down as Tesla chairman because of the lawsuit.

    11. May my friend help you resolve the crash in the browser? He is a good IT-specialist.

    12. Error and unfair approach to work may affect the life of thousands of people.

    13. He should be more attentive while calculations.

    14. During their careers, engineers have to tackle various projects regardless of their area of expertise or education.

    15. You needn’t place this documentation on the website of our company.

    4. Substitute the modal verbs for the possible equivalents:

    1. The technical team must develop the normative documents during the week.

    2. Can engineers work in many different fields?

    3. One must earn a college degree for becoming an engineer.

    4. They can’t prepare the technical documentation by deadline.

    5. We may work from home if necessary.

    6. In big corporations, you must get continuous training as an engineer.

    7. The trainee may control the production process.

    8. The employees may work part-time at this enterprise.

    9. When the Chief Executing Officer came to London he could communicate with British colleagues without interpreter.

    10. May they launch a new website of our enterprise ?
    5*. Complete the sentence with correct option paying attention to the Simple, Continuous and Perfect Tenses in Active and Passive Voice:

    1. Engineering degrees highly (to respect) and engineers (to need) all over the world (Present Simple Passive).

    2. Graduates who (to earn) just their Bachelor’s or Master’s can expect a nice future (Present Perfect Active).

    3. The Chief Executing Officer (to conduct) negotiations from 11 till 12 yesterday (Past Continuous Active).

    4. Elon Musk (to provide) the initial concept and financial capital for SolarCity (Past Simple Active).

    5. During the last years of the nineteenth century, Benz (to be) the largest automobile company in the world (Past Simple Active).

    6. The Chief Technology Officer (to sign) the documents by the end of the next week (Past Perfect Passive).

    7. An engineer (to be) a person with a high level of education and training, who (to be) ready to perform any organizational or even creative work to solve the task (Present Simple Active).

    8. Many new innovations (to do) by this engineer lately (Present Perfect Passive).

    9. Why (not record) the specialists the new data next week? (Future Simple Active)

    10. A new contract (to check) by the experts now (Present Continuous Passive).

    11. When (to invest) Elon Musk money in his third company Space Exploration Technologies? (Past Simple Passive)

    12. The engineer (to prepare) all technical documentation from 5 till 7 pm. Tomorrow (Future Continuous Active).

    13. The normative materials on this equipment (to develop) by our engineering team in three days (Future Simple Passive).

    14. They (to test) developed devices before the commission (to arrive). (Past Perfect Passive, Past Simple Active).

    15. You ever (to hear) about the projects of this innovator? (Present Perfect Active).

    1*. Make the 5–7 min presentations about the Elon Musk’s projects.
    2. Speak on the topic «Elon Musk’s Biography: Success Story of the 21st Century Innovator» using these clichés:

    1. I would like to tell you about /This text is about ... .

    2.According to the text … .

    3.As I understood from the text ... .

    4. As it is described in the text ... .

    5.As seen from the text … .

    6.As for me I learnt that … .

    7.It is pointed out that … .

    8. I didn’t know that … .

    9.Connecting words: moreover, you know, besides, nevertheless, however, therefore etc.

    10. In conclusion I would like to tell /To sum up/Finally/To conclude ... .

    1.Watch the video on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgKWPdJWuBQ&ab_channel TED

    2.Say: What are the main ideas discussed.

    TEXT 4. KONSTANTIN THON (1794–1881)

    1. Give the Russian equivalent:

    Neoclassicism, the Kazan Cathedral, the Moscow Kremlin, the Model Album for Church Designs, Byzantine style, Revival style, Neo-Russian Grand Kremlin Palace, the Imperial Academy of Arts, Soviet authorities, Izmaylovo Estate, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the Armoury Chamber, the Empire Style, Venetian facades, Orel region,
    Maloarkhangelsk district.

    2. Match the columns:

    1. to admit

    1. назначать

    2. to appoint

    2. роскошный, шикарный

    3. to attract public attention

    3. представлять

    4. sumptuous

    4. привлекать общественное внимание

    5. to submit

    5. допускать, принимать

    6. to feel disaffected with

    6. господствующий,


    7. prevailing

    7. делать замечание,

    высказываться о (чём-л.)

    8. to remark

    8. быть недовольным чем-л.

    9. to cringe

    9. претенциозный

    10. revered

    10. угодничать, преклоняться

    11. ambitious

    11. почитаемый

    12. intended to underline similarity

    12. тем не менее

    13. to displease

    13. одобрять

    14. nevertheless

    14. предназначенный подчеркнуть простоту

    15. to approve

    15. вызывать недовольство,


    16. presentation to the Temple for the Semenovsky regiment

    16. смотреть, наблюдать

    17. to supervise

    17. громоздкий, массивный

    18. ponderous

    18. подарок храму Семеновского полка

    19. revivalist projects

    19. богатый, пышный

    20. to be assembled

    20. так называемый

    21. opulent

    21. быть собранным

    22. that of

    22. ренессансные проекты

    23. grandeur

    23. реконструировать

    24. to rehabilitate

    24. грандиозность, великолепие

    25. spacious

    25. заброшенный, покинутый

    26. ugly chests of drawers

    26. полномочия, указания

    27. abandoned

    27. обширный, просторный,


    28. almshouse

    28. уродливые коробки


    29. commissions

    29. приют

    30. daring

    30. включенный, являющийся

    частью целого

    31. incorporated

    31. смелый

    32. to implement

    32. стальная конструкция

    33. steelwork

    33. выполнять, осуществлять

    34. medieval

    34. последователь, ученик

    35. disciple

    35. слабеющее здоровье

    36. failing health

    36. средневековый, старомодный

    37. apart

    37. отклонять, отвергать

    38. to prevent from

    38. прикреплять ярлыки

    39. to dismiss

    39. мешать, препятствовать

    40. to label

    40. в стороне, отдельно
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