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  • 2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available

  • 3. Choose the right variant

  • Grammar in Focus

  • 3. Choose the appropriate form of the Infinitive

  • 4. State the function of the Infinitive

  • 5. Correct mistakes if necessary. Mind using Infinitive with or without to

  • Speaking Workshop

  • 2. Read and dramatize the dialogue with your fellow students. What questions would you ask if you called a language center overseas

  • 3*. Online Investigation.

  • 4.Here are some tips foreigners give for more effective learning of English. What advice are the most useful for you Give your own tips.

  • Knut Holt, Internet Based Consultant and Marketer

  • Gabriel Ross, Teacher of English

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is language?

    2. What language is called an international one?

    3. What language was the first international one?

    4. Did the Greek language replace the Phoenician language? Prove your answer.

    5. What language was the next international one?

    6. Did all the languages have equal importance in different centuries in the world? Why?

    7. What language was popular in the 15th and 16th centuries? Prove your answer.

    8. When did French become the dominant language of the Western world?

    9. When did the transition from French to English start?

    10. What is the dominance of English in the contemporary world
    explained by?

    11. What are the basic characteristics of English?

    12. What are the three groups of people speaking English?

    13. Why do people learn the English language?

    14. What other foreign languages would you like to learn?

    15. At present the English language plays the role of the global one, doesn’t it? Prove your answer.
    2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available:

    1. Language enables people to understand each other.

    2. A language that is used as a means of communication by people of different nations is called national.

    3. International language is the phenomenon of our age.

    4. The first international language was the language of the Phoenicians.

    5. The Latin language replaced Phoenician as a means of international communication.

    6. Latin was the universal language of Medieval Europe for five

    7. Not all the languages had equal importance in different centuries
    in the world.

    8. French became the dominant language of the Western world in the 20th century.

    9. In the 19th century both Russian aristocrats and common people had to learn French.

    10. The transition from French to English as the international language was relatively hard.

    11. Throughout the centuries the USA expanded and ruled over many different countries.

    12. Now 300 million people in the world are native English speakers, 400 million people speak English as the second language.

    13. The basic characteristics of English were developed by the linguists in the 19th century.

    14. In the English language the same word cannot operate as many different parts of speech.

    15. German is very popular among young people.

    3. Choose the right variant:

    1. A language that is used as a means of communication by people of different nations is called … .

    a) national

    b) international

    c) local

    2. The first international language that we know about was the
    language of the … .

    a) Chinese

    b) Japanese

    c) Phoenicians

    3. The … language replaced Phoenician as a means of international communication.

    a) Greek

    b) Latin

    c) French

    4. In the 19th century… was the official language of our country.

    a) French

    b) English

    c) Russian

    5. Global companies have mandated English as their official … language.

    a) corporate

    b) professional

    c) national

    6. Mostly English is spoken in the states of the … .

    a) Great Britain

    b) British Empire

    c) British Commonwealth

    7. Verbs now have very few … .

    a) forms

    b) tenses

    c) inflections

    8. … also can be used as verbs.

    a) Nouns

    b) Pronouns

    c) Prepositions

    9. … of the French, Russian, and Japanese languages are resisting the arrival of English in their vocabulary.

    a) Purists

    b) Writers

    c) Teachers

    10. Nowadays English is accepted as a … by people from all around the world.

    a) unique

    b) lingua franca

    c) cultural

    Grammar in Focus
    1. Word-formation. Make up adjectives using necessary suffixes:

    Germany, Spain, Japan, Greece, Wales, Portugal, Europe, Denmark, Ireland, Australia, Vietnam, Scotland, Italy, China, Britain.

    2. Put «to» if necessary:

    1. I hope ... start learning Chinese offered by our language center.

    2. Could you … tell me the deadline of online registration on this master class?

    3. I pretended … have understood what my American colleagues were talking in English about.

    4. These are only the first steps … be taken … change this situation.

    5. He would rather … choose the major on Software Engineering.

    6. He was the last … get international scholarship at California Institute of Technology.

    7. She made her younger brother … apply for webinar on the English language.

    8. ... get grant for study at this UK university we must … create online course and … write a motivation letter.

    9. Our plan was … launch this joint international program next month.

    10. I am very upset …. have made some bad mistakes in my speaker paper on German.

    3. Choose the appropriate form of the Infinitive:

    1. I was glad … to this international forum by my American colleagues recently.

    a) to invite b) to be invited c) to have been invited

    2. We are going … for IELTS exam as soon as possible.

    a) to prepare b) be prepare c) prepare

    3. It is necessary … an international program for learning different foreign languages.

    a) develop b) to have developed c) to develop

    4. The dean let several students … these credit tests in a week.

    a) to retake b) to have retaken c) retake

    5. It is pleasant …with my British friends via videoconference now.

    a) to be communicated b) to have communicated c) to be communicating

    6. We were sure … him already at the symposium on neurolinguistic programming in Washington.

    a) meeting b) met c) to have met

    7. These contracts are the last … into German and Spanish next week.

    a) to be translated b) to have translated c) to have been translated

    8. You had better … information about tuition fee for study at this university on its website.

    a) to have found b) find c) to find

    9. He let me … his articles to prepare a presentation on higher education in British countries.

    1. use b) to use c) be using

    10. Several US universities had … all new international exchange and domestic events because of pandemic.

    a) be suspended b) to suspend c) suspended

    11. … any foreign language you should read books and watch movies in original.

    a) Master b) To master c) Be mastering

      1. We were proud … at the international conference in London lately.

    a) to have been spoken b) to have spoken c) to speak

    4. State the function of the Infinitive:

    1. Ann is skilled enough to teach English courses at this large company.

    2. То learn two foreign languages simultaneously is a challenge to me.

    3. My friend can’t pay his English summer courses in Malta.

    4. We are the first to apply for this internship at the college in London.

    5. People learn English to exchange the latest information concerning science, technology and commerce with their colleagues.

    6. What do you advise me to do in this situation?

    7. To learn languages in today’s era is a privilege.

    8. These applications to be used for improving language skills are rather useful for the students.

    9. Plenty of authentic texts are placed on this website in order to make the presentations about the most widely spoken languages in the world.

    10. To tell the truth, my English teacher helped me choose the suitable scholarship for study abroad.

    a) подлежащее;

    b) часть сказуемого;

    c) дополнение;

    d) определение;

    e) обстоятельство цели;

    f) вводная конструкция.

    5. Correct mistakes if necessary. Mind using Infinitive with or without to:

    1. At present no other language on the Earth is better suited to play the role of the global one.

    2. It takes time and effort to learn a new language.

    3. It is not shameful make mistakes while communicating with native speakers.

    4. What made you to change your major after two years of study at the university?

    5. Can students to choose live on or off campus?

    6. The students would rather to learn Chinese instead of Spanish.

    7. We hope to be invited to the scientific conference in Moscow next month.

    8. Don’t let anybody to use your gadgets.

    9.It is unusual to see you so early at the university.

    10. We don’t mind send you all application blanks per e-mail but you may complete them on the website as well.

    11. Self-isolation spurred more people start learning foreign languages online.

    12. You had better to think about other methods of remembering new English words.

    13. The students heard the dean to speak about our future internship at Moscow State University.

    14. The delegation from Dresden will arrive to our university on coming Wednesday.

    15. To put it briefly, I made him to subscribe to the mailout of this foreign magazine.

    Speaking Workshop

    1. Read and translate the following statements and jokes about English. Whose opinion do you appreciate best?

    1. He who knows no foreign language does not know his own
    one (Wolfgang Goethe).

    2. German and Spanish are accessible to foreigners: English is not
    accessible even to Englishmen (Bernard Shaw).

    3. Writing in English is like throwing mud at a wall (Joseph Conrad).

    4. The most known dead languages are Old Greek, Latin and literary English (Unknown Author).

    5. Making English grammar conform to Latin rules is like asking
    people to play baseball using the rules of football (Bill Bryson).

    6. I am is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that «I do» is the longest sentence? (George Carlin).

    7. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: «I’m from the government and I’m here to help» (Ronald Reagan).

    8. My English is a mixture between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Archbishop Tutu (Billy Wilder).

    9. When I read some of the rules for speaking and writing the English language correctly, I think any fool can make a rule, and every fool will mind it (Henry David Thoreau).

    10. I speak twelve languages. English is the bestes (Stefan Bergman).
    2. Read and dramatize the dialogue with your fellow students. What questions would you ask if you called a language center overseas to find out more about it? Think of five questions and rank them in order of importance to you. Make up your own dialogue.
    Receptionist: English Language Center. How may I help you?

    Caller: Good afternoon! I’m calling to find out more information about your program. For example, what kind of courses do you offer?

    Receptionist:Well, first of all, the purpose of our program is to provide language learning opportunities to this area’s community, whether a student’s goal is to master basic functional language skills, let’s say, for his or her job, or to study intensively to enter a US college or university.

    Caller: Ok. I’m calling for a friend who is interested in attending a US university.

    Receptionist:Well, we offer you opportunities from basic communication courses to content-based classes such as computer literacy, intercultural communication, and business English.

    Caller: Great. It suits me. What are your application deadlines for the next semester?

    Receptionist:We ask you to apply no later than three months before the semester begins. This gives us time to process the application and issue the student’s 1-20.

    Caller: An 1-20? What is it?

    Receptionist: It is a form that indicates that we are giving permission for the applicants to study in our program, and then they should take this form to the US embassy in their country to apply for the student visa.

    Caller: Alright. What is the tuition for a full-time student?

    Receptionist: It’s two thousand dollars.

    Caller: Okey. And how does one apply?

    Receptionist: Well, we can send you an application per e-mail and you can send it back to us, or you can fill out our application that’s online on our website.

    Caller: And are there other materials you need in addition to the application form?

    Receptionist: Yes. You would need to send in a $35 non-refundable application fee, a sponsorship form indicating who will be responsible financially for the student while studying in our program, and a bank statement showing that you or your sponsor has sufficient funds to cover tuition expenses and living costs for the entire year of study.

    Caller: And how can I send these materials to you?

    Receptionist: Either by regular mail or DHL.

    Caller: And the application fee?

    Receptionist: We accept money orders, travelers’ checks or credit cards.

    Caller: Alright. I think that’s about it.

    Receptionist: Okay great.

    Caller: Great. Thank you for your help.

    Receptionist: No problem and please don’t hesitate to call again if you have any other questions.

    Caller: Okay. Goodbye.

    3*. Online Investigation. Not all language schools are the same, and some can provide a better educational and social experience than others. Search online and find two language schools or other programs that specialize in your area of interest. Collect information on cost and fees, types of classes offered, recreational opportunities, and reputation. Summarize which school would best suit your needs.

    4.Here are some tips foreigners give for more effective learning of English. What advice are the most useful for you? Give your own tips.

    Sarah Kon, studied the Cambridge CELTA Certificate at University of Queensland:

    As an English teacher, I have seen many people over speaking a language fluently. The key? Use it.

    Here, you say you want to express yourself in most everyday conversations and you will be surprised to know how much you can express with a few key basic words such as: good, bad, to do, to have, to be, to go, to look, to want, this, that, these, those. But, everyday conversation may go beyond that. So, I have two recommendations:

    Input. With no input, there is no output. Each person receives input differently; some people like to hear more, some people like to read more. So, watch more videos/movies (Friends or Modern Family are great TV shows) and consciously note the words that you don’t know or read more books and note the words you don’t know.

    Practice output. The best way is to find a patient English-speaking friend, buy them a coffee and speak with them. Or, you can start a diary and write about your day. You might start with only a few sentences but as you learn more words, you will start to write more.

    Clearly, both recommendations need effort. As a lazy language learner, I always prefer to make friends who speak the language I am learning and just speak to them!

    You will start slow, you will be embarrassed by the long pauses, you will make many mistakes. But, you will improve.

    It’s great that you want to improve your communication skills! I can see that you already know more than the basics from your question. So, you just need to practice more!

    Knut Holt, Internet Based Consultant and Marketer:

    If you are among those liking a theoretical approach, I would recommend learning all the grammar first straight out of a grammar book, or following online lessons. Then listen to some videos where they speak English every day, and also read some literature every day in English. Use a dictionary as an aid for words you do not understand. Also write down some sentences every day about what you have listened to or read. It will go very slowly at the beginning, but gradually you will be able to both read, and listen with a good understanding without much need for a dictionary and also your writing skills will gradually improve to a sufficient level.

    Gabriel Ross, Teacher of English:

    When you try to learn English, you had better get away from the methods that you learn in school (the painful way) and make speaking English and fluency you’re first goals, not the list of vocabulary, and do a lot of textbooks and exercises and study all the grammar rules.

    I recommend you to follow the next steps if you want to build a strong basic in English.


    You can find a lot of short conversation on the internet, just download some of them and try to repeat them a lot 10, 20, 30 times and more, and after that repeat, the conversation like you’re a part of it, don’t worry you can start from here, enjoy.


    Do the same thing like the step above.


    There are a lot of websites and YouTube channel give shorts stories (text/audio): Internet Archive, Open Library, Google Books, Learn English Through Story etc.


    Try to learn some grammar rules such as :

    Past tense: simple, continuous, perfect.

    Present tense: simple, continuous, perfect.

    The Future.

    Common Phrasal Verbs.

    I think that’s very good for a beginner to start with but do not goes deeply in grammar, actually, you will know most of the grammar just from listening.


    Before going to bed, take 30 minutes to write about what you do in all day, what happened, did you make a new friend, did you go out for lunch that day or visit your family or you watch movies.

    You see there is a lot of things you can talk about, even If you don't have anything to talk about, just talk about yourself and what you want to become, don’t worry no one can judge you because you try to learn by yourself and guess what you will do it if you have the commitment.


    Movies are a great material you can use if you want to learn English and become fluent like a native even you are a beginner.

    Just make a habit to watch a movie in your free time in a day. By the time you find yourself that you can understand some words and phrases, and that makes you more motivated to learn more than before.
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