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  • Unit 1. my biograrhy

  • VOCABULARY PRACTICE 1. Match the columns

  • Comprehension Check

  • 2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information

  • Grammar in Focus

  • 2. Put the verb into the correct tense-form

  • 3. Choose the appropriate verb

  • Word formation.State the part of speech

  • 6. Word formation. State the part of speech

  • 7.Word formation. State the part of speech and give the initial form

  • Speaking Workshop

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    Unit 1. My Biography

    unit 2. University Life: Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

    Test 1

    unit 3. Learning Skills and Methods to Improve Them

    unit 4. System of Higher Education in the Russian Federation

    unit 5. Higher Education in Great Britain and in the United Stated of America

    Test 2

    unit 6. Education and Career as Essential Factors in Every Person’s Lifestyle. Engineering as a Career Option

    Unit 7. People Who Contributed to the Field of Engineering

    Test 3

    Unit 8. International Languages. English as a Global Language

    Unit 9. English-speaking Countries: Overview

    Test 4

    Unit 10. The Most Serious Ecological Problems and Some Solutions to Protect the Environment

    Test 5

    Unit 11. Globalization: Key Characteristics, Advantages and Disadvantages

    Test 6

    Unit 12.International Organizations in the Modern World

    Unit 13. The Most Significant Science Projects of Today’s World

    Test 7

    Unit 14. Information Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages

    test 8

    Unit 15. The Greatest Inventions to Change the World

    Tеst 9.


    Grammar Check Test 10.

    Topic Revision

    Appendix 1. Some Tips for Making a Successful Presentation

    Appendix 2. How to Organize a Discussion

    Appendix 3. Grammar Bank


    При подготовке данного учебника автор руководствовался требованиями, которые предъявляются к формированию коммуникативных умений на иностранном языке в высших учебных заведениях РФ на первой ступени высшего образования (бакалавриата) в соответствии с общеевропейскими требованиями к развитию коммуникативной компетенции.

    Новизна учебника состоит в том, что в нём учитываются возможности комплексного методического подхода к изучению иностранного языка. Цель учебника – способствовать формированию и развитию лексической, коммуникативной и грамматической компетенций обучающихся, владеющих английским языком на базовом уровне. Формирование данных видов компетенций происходит в едином контексте изучаемой темы.

    Учебник состоит из разделов, каждый из которых содержит упражнения, способствующие расширению запаса лексических единиц по определённой тематике, формированию навыков чтения и монологической речи, а также грамматические упражнения, позволяющие систематизировать конкретный материал и освоить основные грамматические конструкции изучаемого раздела. В разделе «Аудирование», «Видео» даются ссылки на аутентичные англоязычные источники, отражающие современное языковое сознание носителей языка.В учебник включен комплекс упражнений по развитию коммуникативных навыков. Следует подчеркнуть, что при высокой коммуникативной направленности упражнений развитие речевых навыков будет носить более управляемый характер. Обучающиеся смогут выразить мысли теми языковыми средствами, которыми они владеют. Некоторые задания предусмотрены для дополнительного обсуждения студентами в аудитории или для самостоятельной работы. Задания повышенной сложности отмечены звездочкой *.

    В учебник включены тесты на закрепление грамматического материала, в том числе и финальный тест по всем грамматическим темам учебника.Также учебник содержит контрольные вопросы для проверки усвоения содержания лексических тем разделов.

    В приложении 1 содержится информация о том, как подготовить презентацию. В приложении 2 содержится материал о том, как провести дискуссию на занятиях по иностранному языку. В приложении 3 представлен грамматический справочник.

    Тематическая направленность всех разделов учебника, содержащих материал различной степени сложности, позволяет преподавателю проводить его систематизацию в соответствии с уровнем сформированности базовых компетенций обучающихся, составить общий методический план и наметить индивидуальные образовательные траектории студентов. Использование проблемных и творческих заданий предопределяет не механическое запоминание информации, а ее творческое восприятие, что способствует повышению мотивации студентов в процессе изучения и практического использования иностранного языка.

    Оптимальное сочетание характера подачи текстов с различными видами упражнений позволит использовать данный учебник и на традиционных аудиторных занятиях, и на занятиях с применением
    интенсивной методики.

    Unit 1. my biograrhy

    Brief and to the point.

    1. What questions do you ask when meeting someone for the first time?

    2. Would you ask different questions depending on the age, social status, and gender of the person to whom you are speaking?


    1. Match the columns:

    1. to be born

    1. младший брат

    2. the only child in the family

    2. родиться

    3. a younger brother

    3. провести детство

    4. to spend one’s childhood

    4. единственный ребенок

    в семье

    5. a native town

    5. первокурсник

    6. to have no possibility to be a housewife

    6. переехать

    7. had to be taken to a kindergarten

    7. закончить среднюю школу

    8. to move to

    8. не иметь возможности быть домохозяйкой

    9. to leave a secondary school

    9. пришлось посещать детский сад

    10. to enter the university

    10. представлять

    11. to introduce

    11. поступить в университет

    12. a first-year student

    12. родной город

    13. to get good and excellent marks

    13. сдавать зачеты автоматом

    14. to take credit tests in advance

    14. получать хорошие
    и отличные оценки

    15. to be good at smth.

    15. молодежь

    16. youth

    16. успевать в чем-л.

    17. to hope

    17. воплотиться в реальность

    18. to come true

    18. надеяться

    19. to graduate from

    19. высокооплачиваемая работа

    20. a well-paid job

    20. заканчивать учебное заведение (любое)

    2 . Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:

    1. graduated from; 2. come true; 3. only; 4. good at; 5. youth
    1. My best friend Alex is not the … child in the family.

    2. Ann was always … Higher Mathematics and Physics when she studied at the university.

    3. Their elder brother … the university five years ago.

    4. The … of our town will take place in the festival devoted to the great Russian writer I.S. Turgenev. 

    5. My friend hopes his dream will … … .


    Read the text and point out the facts about childhood, family, university life and hobbies of the narrator.

    Let’s introduce myself. My name is Roman Kirsanov. I am eighteen years old. I was born on the 20th of July, 2003 in the city of Tula. My parents are engineers. I am not the only child in the family. I have
    a younger brother. I spent my childhood in my native town. As my mother had no possibility to be a housewife I had to be taken to a kindergarten when I was three years old. In 2007 our family moved to Moscow. In 2021 I left a secondary school and entered the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Now I am a student of the Institute of Information Technologies. I would like to be a software engineer.

    I attend all lectures, seminars, laboratory and practical classes. My favourite subjects are Informatics, Higher Mathematics and Physics. I am good at them. I also like English and History.

    It is easy and interesting for me to study at our university. I would like to get good and excellent marks at the examinations. Also I am going
    to take some credit tests in advance.

    My hobbies are swimming and creating computer programs. I also
    like listening to music and playing volleyball.

    I have got a lot friends. Some of them study at our University and others study at the various universities in Moscow. We like to spend our time together. We meet and talk, listen to good music. On Sundays my friends and I go to the cinema, to the fitness center or to the clubs. We do everything what is interesting for youth.

    You see my biography is not long. I hope my dream will come true
    and I will graduate from the university and get an interesting and well-paid job.

    Comprehension Check
    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. How old is Roman Kirsanov?

    2. When was he born?

    3. Where does he live?

    4. When did Roman leave the school?

    5. When did he move to Moscow?

    6. What higher educational institution does he study at?

    7. What are Roman,s favourite subjects?

    8. Does he like to study at the university?

    9. What is his future profession?

    10. How does Roman spend his free time?

    2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information
    is not stated:

    1. The narrator’s name is Maxim Krasnov.

    2. He was born in Moscow.

    3. He has an elder brother.

    4. His mother is a housewife.

    5. His grandparents live in Tula.

    6. The narrator studies at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

    7. He rents an apartment in Moscow.

    8. His hobbies are swimming and creating computer programmes.

    9. His favourite subjects are Chemistry, English and PE.

    10. The narrator is going to continue the study abroad.

    Grammar in Focus
    1. Fill in the gaps:

    1. I … eighteen years old.

    2. I … born on the tenth of March.

    3. I … an elder brother.

    4. I … to be taken to a kindergarten when I … three years old.

    5. My favourite subjects … Higher Mathematics and Physics.

    6. It … easy and interesting for me to study at our University.

    7. I … many friends.

    2. Put the verb into the correct tense-form:

    1. His name (to be) Vadim Orlov.

    2. What (to be) her brother’s name?

    3. (to be) your parents engineers?

    4. (to have) you a younger brother?

    5. I (to have, not) a brother. I (to have) two sisters.

    6. My hobbies (to be) travelling and learning languages.

    7. Where (to be) your friend from?

    8. (to be) your friends at the theatre two days ago?

    9. They (to be) at 10 am in the laboratory tomorrow.

    10. My uncle (to be) a doctor at the hospital 20 years ago.

    3. Choose the appropriate verb:

    1. I … in the park at the moment.

    1. is b) are c) am

    2. … he in the library last month?

    1. Was b) Will be c) Is

    3. Why … these students absent now?

    a) were b) are c) have

    4. Who … in the room Nr. 408 in an hour?

    a) was b) has c) will be

    5. Alex … her phone number.

    a) have b) doesn’t have c) don’t have

    6. Tomorrow they … in Boston.

    a) won’t be b) will c) will have

    7. We … hungry after the journey, but we … tired.

    1. were, weren’t b) had, hadn’t c) haven’t , have

    8. Where … Mary from?

    a) were b)was c) is

    9. What … in your bag?

    a) are b) do you have c) were

    10. They … a lot of work to do.

    a) were b) are c) have
    4. Choose the appropriate pronoun:

    1. (Они) want to help (ee), but (она) doesn’t want to see (их).

    2. Do (ты) like (свою) job?

    3. (Наши) friends live in Barton Street. (Oна) is at the end on the left.

    4. (Он) lives with ( своими) parents.

    5. ( Mы) know (ее ) sister, but (она) doesn't remember (нас).

    6. (Мой) brother has a new job, but (он) doesn’t like (ее) very much.

    7. This is a powerful ship. (Его) equipment is expensive.

    8. That is (ее) textbook, not (твой).

    9. Why are (Вы) looking at (него)?

    10. (Их) fellow mate needs (наши) presntations on the higher education overseas in the English language. Can (вы) give (их) to (ему), please.

      1. Word formation.State the part of speech:

    Untrue, prehistoric, to achieve, treatment, ultramodern, ex-champion, progressive, to decode, capital, governor, depart, to measure, to discover, disappearance, antimilitary, successful, to reread, rapidly, to reconstruct, coauthor, professional, elementary, unequal, electric, to misunderstand, partly, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, undergraduate, firstly.

    6. Word formation. State the part of speech:

    To react, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; industry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; fame, famous.

    7.Word formation. State the part of speech and give the initial form:

    Powerful, inventor, illegal, network, dissapear, profitable, dislike, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electrician, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teaching, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, cooperation, schoolboy, icebreaker.

    Speaking Workshop

    1. Complete the short dialogues:

    - What is your name?

    - My name is … .
    - When were you born?

    - I was born on … .
    - Are you the only child in the family?

    - Yes/No, I am… .
    - Where did you spend your childhood?

    - I spent … .
    - Did you leave the secondary school in your native town?

    - Yes/No, I ... .
    - When did you leave the school?

    - I left … .
    - Where do you study at?

    - I study at… .

    - What are your favourite subjects?

    - They are … .
    - What are your hobbies?

    - My hobbies are … .
    - How do you spend your free time?

    • I like to… .
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