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  • Comprehension Check

  • 2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available

  • 3.Find the synonyms: Peculiar, to aim, applicant, to enrol, dissertation, to alternate, curriculum, completely, suitable, salary.4.Find the antonyms

  • 2. Make up all possible questions to these sentences. Give the negative form

  • 3. Write the Passive Continouos of these sentences. Use words now

  • 4. Change the active sentences to the passive ones

  • 5. Word formation. Make up words using suffixes

  • 6. State the part of speech

  • 1.* Give a five-minute talk touching upon such issues

  • 3*. Speak on the topic « Higher Education in Russia»

  • Listening

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Higher Education in Russia.


  • 2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    Complete the sentences with the words and phrases:

    1. to suppress corruption; 2. for a fee; 3. is awarded with ;4. accredited;5. reshaping;6. competitive specialists; 7. Hidden unemployment; 8. undergone; 9. enacted a law;10. can be enrolled.
    1. In 2007 the Russian Federation … that replaces the traditional five-year model of education with a two-level system.

    2. After passing the USE on several subjects and following the examination results the applicants … in the higher schools.

    3. Higher Education in Russia is provided by public and non-public (non-state) … higher education institutions.

    4. After the defense of the dissertation a postgraduate student … the Candidate of Sciences Degree.

    5. There is a possibility to study … at the Russian higher educational institutions.

    6. ... among graduates is high.

    7. Russia is still not capable enough of training … .

    8. Over the last years, the system of higher education has … considerable changes.

    9. One of the measures … at higher schools is introduction of the Unified State Exam.

    10. Instead of … their curriculum, universities insert a BSc/BA accreditation in the middle of their standard five or six-year programs.
    Part 1. The system of higher education in Russia after Bologna Process
    Read the text and point out point the information about the Bologna Process and two-level system, types of higher schools, structure of the educational process, assessment system.

    Higher education plays an important role in the life of any nation as it provides the country with highly-qualified specialists for future development and progress. Every citizen of Russia has the right to education which is guaranteed by the Constitution. Higher Education in Russia is provided by public and non-public (non-state) accredited higher education institutions.

    According to the law of the Russian Federation institutes, universities, and academies are recognized as institutions of higher education.

    Institute trains specialists in one sphere, for example, economics, psychology, or medicine. It is its peculiar feature.

    University offers a wide range of specialties. At university, you can undergo training in various areas.

    An academy is a higher education institution aimed at developing education, science, and culture by doing basic scientific research and training at all the levels of higher, post-higher and further education, primarily in one specific field of science, technology and culture.

    Training is conducted in several areas: medical, engineering, financial, economic and humanitarian.

    Having finished the 11th grade of secondary school, lyceum or gymnasium the school leavers (applicants) pass the Unified State Examination on several subjects and get a certificate of completion of secondary school. Following the examination results the applicants can be enrolled in the higher educational institutions on the desired specialties.

    Russia’s modern higher education system is based on the Bologna Process* which enacted a law (October, 2007) that had replaced the traditional five-year model of education with a two-level system. Higher education system of the first level includes Specialist’s and Bachelor’s programs. The second level includes Master’s degree programs and the third level – postgraduate study.

    Bachelor’s degree is a complete higher education course. It lasts 4 years and provides general training in fundamental subjects. At the end of the program, students take final exams and defend their diploma projects. If successful, they are awarded with a Bachelor’s degree. It grants the right to work in their professional field or to their studies on a Master’s course.

    Unlike Bachelor’s programs, Specialist’s ones last for 5 - 6 years and are more focused on practical work in the selected industry. These programs are offered to individuals who have education equivalent to Russian general secondary or vocational secondary education. Based on the examination results and the thesis defense students receive a specialist’s degree certificate specifying the qualification. Graduates may work in industry or further continue their studies on a master’s or a postgraduate course. Master’s degree course allows in-depth specialization in the student’s chosen field. The graduates with Bachelor’s or Specialist’s degrees can be enrolled in Master’s courses . For two years students are specifically trained for the research work. After the defense of the thesis students are awarded with master’s degree.

    A postgraduate course is a form of training for graduates of a Master’s or Specialist’s degree. The course includes study, hands-on experience and research. Postgraduate students select a research field and subject of research for their dissertation. After the dissertation defense a postgraduate student is awarded with the Candidate of Sciences Degree which confirms the status of a scientist. Then they can proceed to the doctoral degree which is awarded following successful defense of the doctoral thesis.

    Higher educational institutions offer the full-time, part-time (or evening) education system. Higher schools also practice distance education, in which a person lives in a different city and receives tasks for the house, periodically arriving at the session. The part-time and distance education system gives the students an opportunity to work in parallel with studies.

    The structure of educational year is separated into an autumn and spring semester. Each semester ends with a session (in winter and in summer). During it the students take credit tests, defend course papers and then pass exams on past disciplines. If the results of the exams are good and excellent, the students of full-time departments get scholarship. The most difficult examinations are those the students take in the last year of the studies. In the winter they pass state examinations which include questions on all the subjects studied. And in the summer the students defend their diploma projects. At the end of the university the graduate gets Russian state diploma with qualification.

    As for the assessment system it is the following: the highest mark is «5» - excellent; then comes «4» - well; «3» - is satisfactory. There is a form of evaluation of «passed» and «failed». When receiving a «failed» the student has two attempts to retake the subject. If during this time the student could not get a decent mark, he is sent down from university. A student can take credit tests and exams automatically (in advance) provided that he regularly attended all classes, performed assignments and followed all the requirements of the teacher.

    The first- and second-year students obtain knowledge in the fundamental subjects. Within the two-level system of education specialization also starts from the beginning of the study. From the third year of study students get more advanced knowledge and begin to concentrate on their majors.

    The profound study of theory is accompanied by practical training, first in specially equipped laboratories and workshops, then in various
    enterprises. Besides their studies students carry on research in different fields of science and technology and take part in students’ scientific conferences where they make reports on their investigations.

    Over the last years, the system of higher education has undergone considerable changes in the following areas:

    - goals - with an orientation towards the needs of the market, society, and individuals, strengthening the interaction of science and education;

    - structure - decentralization (in contrast to Soviet centralized planning);

    - autonomy of higher educational institutions - introduction of private higher education; four- and two-year programs in parallel with the traditional five-year program; elimination of a bias towards engineering specialties;

    - financing - diversification of financial sources instead of a reliance solely on state financing;

    - content - increasing the humanitarian components in the curriculum, and diversifying programs and courses.

    - higher education gives many future possibilities. It gives the chance to find an interesting and well-paid job after graduating from the university. Today higher education is important, but more important if you really have skills, patience and experience.
    Bologna Process*is a series of ministerial meetings and agreements between European countries to ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher-education qualifications.

    P.S. In May 2022 Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov said that the country was planning to replace the Bologna Process agreement with another system that would meet the «national interests».

    The Russian Federation is going to abandon the two-level system in universities and return to the Specialist’s program (5-6 years of study). The Ministry of Science and Higher Education will have prepared a new list of specialties by 2024.
    Part 2. Problems of higher education in Russia

    Read the text and point out the main problems of higher education in the Russian Federation
    There are many acute problems we face in our higher education.

    Russia has gained a reputation for having a well trained specialists and efficient educational system. The veritable «boom» of higher education and the good results of some well-known universities hide the devaluation of diplomas and deterioration of the quality of higher education. The quality of higher education is falling as Russia is still not capable enough of training competitive specialists.

    The main problem we come up against is borrowing from the Western experience, which is not always particularly suitable to the reality on the ground in Russia. The transition to the two-level model within Bologna Process has been criticized for its formal approach: instead of reshaping their curriculum, universities have inserted a BSc/BA accreditation in the middle of their standard five or six-year programs. Training graduates is carried out in the absence of any real demand for such people. Hidden unemployment among graduates is high: some cannot get a job, others do not work in their specialty.

    Student mobility among universities has been traditionally discouraged and thus kept at very low level; there are no signs that formal acceptance of Bologna process will help students seeking better education.

    Among the most obvious problems in higher education in Russia it should be mentioned the issue of corruption.

    There are some types of corruption violations at higher schools: entry exams - enrollment of students according to criteria (scores of USE or other indicators) that do not correspond to the official ones; receiving various privileges and benefits out of competition (for example, a place in a hostel, scholarships, trips, competitions or internships, etc.); extortion of financial contributions from the teaching staff (in other words, bribes) at passing exams and credit tests.

    Besides there are the underlying causes of corruption – the low salary of teachers, miserly scholarship and limited financial opportunities of universities. It is said that money is allocated by the state to support higher education, but funding is still sorely lacking. This situation led to the fact that the competence level of teaching staff has significantly decreased. Teachers don’t have fair salary and enough financial aid for the qualitative up - grading, hence they are forced to work part-time as private tutors to earn more money.

    One of the measures to suppress corruption at higher schools - at least at the stage between secondary and higher education - is introduction of the Unified State Exam. But corruption has moved to a large extent from the universities to the structures responsible for conducting these examinations.

    The presence of a higher education crisis in Russia is beyond doubt. It is often said that it is necessary to change the state policy towards higher education. Some believe that our system of higher education, which was created largely during the Soviet years, is in itself quite effective, but it is necessary to better finance it. Others argue: you need to learn from the countries of the West and the United States that are in the lead in the modern world occupying the top lines of international ratings. The authorities carried out the Bologna reform, introduced, as far as possible, freedom and mobility, rewrote the program, but no significant changes took place. The root of the problem lies in the fact that the higher education in Russia was based on the completely different principles ( built mainly in Soviet times ) than the Western one and performed other social functions. This is the main reason for its crisis today.

    The authorities regard the education sector as the main instrument of modernization and competitiveness in name only, but not in deed. It seems that our reformers of higher education did not take into account the peculiarities of our country. And the reason behind it is this – we are not going to do anything drastic, because the social costs are too high,so the authorities are forced to allocate scarps of money for serious education reforms.

    The above-mentioned issues are only the most urgent problems of the higher education in Russia. In fact, there are much more difficulties we face in our education. They are being resolved slowly but it is encouraging that there is at least some movement in this direction.

    Comprehension Check
    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. Does higher education play an important role in the life of any
    country? Why?

    2. What examinations do school leavers take to enter the higher school?

    3. How can you define the Bologna Process?

    4. When did the Russian Federation enact the law about the transition to two-level system?

    5. What forms of study do the higher educational institutions offer?

    6. What is the assessment system of higher education in Russia?

    7. Under what conditions do the students get scholarship?

    8. How many attempts does the student have to retake the subject when receiving a «failed» ?

    9. How long do Bachelor’s, specialist’s and Master’s programs last? 10. What changes has the system of higher education undergone over the last years?

    11. What problems do we face in the higher education of the Russian Federation?

    12. What problems do you consider to be the most important?

    2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available:

    1. Every citizen of Russia has the right to education which is guaranteed by the Constitution.

    2. After finishing the 9th form of secondary school young people pass the Unified National Examination and get a certificate of completion of secondary school.

    3. The Russian Federation joined the Bologna Process in 2008.

    4. There are three levels of the higher education nowadays.

    5. Some universities didn’t approve the transition to two-level higher education system.

    6. The two-level system improved the quality of the higher education in Russia.

    7. When receiving a «failed» the student has two attempts to retake the subject.

    8. The academic year is divided into three semesters.

    9. Among the most obvious problems in higher education in Russia it should be mentioned the issue of corruption.

    10. The scholarship and teacher’s salary are rather high.

    3.Find the synonyms:

    Peculiar, to aim, applicant, to enrol, dissertation, to alternate, curriculum, completely, suitable, salary.

    4.Find the antonyms:

    Employment, fair, main, slowly, acute, miserly, to decrease, mobility, private, freedom.
    Grammar in Focus
    1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the different forms of Passive. Make up negative and question forms if it is possible:

    1. The new educational programs are developed by the experts every year. New educational programs are being developed by the experts

    2. The new educational law was approved last year. The experts were discussing the new educational law from June till October. The new
    educational law was being discussed by the experts from March till May.

    3. The Unified National Exam will be taken by the students next week. The students will be taking the Unified National Exams from the end of May till the mid of June.

    4. The tests were checked by the independent examining boards two hours ago. The examining board was checking the tests the whole morning. The tests were being checked by the examining board
    from 10 till 11 a.m.

    5. What was done to reform the educational system last year? New educational standards are being developed these days.

    6. The tuition fee is risen at the universities every year but the up-to-date equipment isn’t used in the laboratories. The new laboratory equipment will be installed next year.

    7. What issues are being discussed at the meeting now? What issues were discussed last week? What issues were being discussed when we came?

    2. Make up all possible questions to these sentences.Give the
    negative form:

    1. At the end of each semester students take their exams (Общий).

    2. The students are taking Unified National Exams in the classroom Nr. 27 now ( разделительный).

      1. The new laboratory equipment will be installed in the building 2 next year (Специальный).

      2. The new educational programs were developed by the professors and tutorial staff last month (Альтернативный).

      3. A group of scientists discussed a very controversial matter last meeting (Вопрос к подлежащему).

      4. The engineers are checking the new equipment at this moment. (Общий).

      5. The students will be demonstrating their scientific projects the whole week in April (Разделительный).

      6. The experts were testing new educational programs from September till November (Специальный).

      7. Our English teacher explains us the new grammar rules every Wednesday (Вопрос к подлежащему).

      8. The tuition fee is risen at the universities every year ( Альтернативный) .

    3. Write the Passive Continouos of these sentences. Use words now, from … till, the whole month/morning etc:

    1. The problems of higher education are widely discussed in the Russian society.

    2. The new educational standards were developed by the experts
    three years ago.

    3. Each exam is conducted by the independent examining boards.

    4. A group of experts discussed a very serious matter yesterday.

    5. We often use these programs in our work.

    6. The experts discussed the advantages and disadvantages of two-level model of education last year.

    7. The teacher corrects mistakes in our tests every lesson.

    8. This experiment was carried out by our professor last semester.

    9. The dean looks through the list of the applicants every month.

    10. Our group was examined in the room Nr. 224 yesterday.
    4. Change the active sentences to the passive ones:

    1. The head engineer is conducting negotiations now.

    2. The laboratory assistant was making all the necessary measurements the whole morning..

    3. The workers are installing various apparatus and devices at present.

    4. We were conducting the first online master class for the freshmen from 10 till 11 on Wednesday.

    5. The computer is processing the data now.

    6. They were building the house from 2016 till 2018.

    7. The device is making the computations at this moment.

    8. They were registering the students from 3 to 5 yesterday.

    9. When we entered the room they were checking the contract.

    10.The specialists were studying new materials from February till July.
    5. Word formation. Make up words using suffixes – er, -or , -ist, -ism, -ian, -ment, -ful ,-less,-able,- ive, -ent, - ous, -ish, - dom, -hood, -iage, -en, -ion

    Canada, to speak, to direct, special, electric, economy, to equip, to develop, power, use, care, to read, to respect, to create, to differ, danger, fool, Britain, king, child, to marry, to strength, to demonstrate.
    6. State the part of speech:

    Understandable, fate, heartless, passage, rapidly, to recognize, dimension, silence, badly, cruel, to join, insincere, length, extremely, noise, to unify, illegal.
    speaking workshop
    1. Read the opinions about getting higher education (including opportunities for foreign students) in Russia placed on Quora. What opinions do you agree with?

    Alex Snapper, Ph.D. from Moscow State University:

    Generally speaking, a lot depends on what you’re going to major in. If it is mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology or Russian language, history, politics and political science, then Moscow or St. Petersburg universities could be a good choice. I think that studying in even most prestigious Russian universities would be cheaper than in similar ones in the United States or Britain. As far as disadvantages are concerned, one must have a good command of Russian, since the teaching is done in Russian. Sure, there are Russian language courses for foreign students, but this would mean an additional year or two to spend on education. Of course, if your plan includes knowing Russian, then it’s not a disadvantage. I would advise you to browse the Internet, both blogs and official university websites, to get a more updated and detailed picture. There must be some information on exchange student programs and scholarships for foreign students.

    Igor Markov, Professor at Michigan:

    Curriculum that changed too little in the last 20-30 years (using old books is not necessarily a problem, but not developing new courses and new topics is a problem).

    Infrastructure that has not been updated for the lack of funding.

    Amazing bureaucracy.

    Many professors whose research and skills are outdated; of course there are also professors who are doing fine or at least are trying hard to improve.

    The question refers to Russian higher education as a whole, not necessarily top universities that are far ahead of the next 10-20. Nevertheless, the issues above still apply to top universities, just to a lesser degree. By the way, the top five are - Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics (Moscow), Novosibirsk State University, MIPT (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology) and St. Petersburg State University.

    Dmitry Ornatsky, a former student:

    In many universities the largest problem I can think of is that academic staff on average is aging and sliding into irrelevance. Career opportunities in fundamental research are scarce, concentrated in the top universities, and even these rarely pay salaries appealing to young people. In applied fields, like engineering, combining academic and industrial work is an option. It is however, not available to most since Russian economy is so heavily skewed towards oil and gas industry and the supply of graduates remains unmatched by demand.

    Max Dmitriev, lives in Russia

    Availability of free education (often of questionable quality) combined with the fact it exempts young men from army service (for the duration of their studies) creates a wasteful system. It dispenses degrees that remain unused and employs professors that would otherwise be not employable, thus detracting funds from universities that would use them more efficiently. I hear this is being changed for the better, but to this day, a significant percentage of graduates don’t use their education for anything other than formally ticking the "higher education" box.

    Alex Leonov, studied Biology & Physiology at Moscow State University

    The number one University in Russia is (and always used to be) the Moscow State University, where I had a great honor and a pleasure to study for 5 years. In the international rankings, it scores way below Harvard, somewhere down the top hundred. Even if we consider that the scoring is not fair (e.g. salaries 10 years after graduation are higher for Harvard mostly because average US salaries are higher), still we must admit that the levels are not comparable.

    Maria Sorokina, a former student:

    All Russian universities follow this unsaid practice: “There is no need to study, your mere presence is enough to get a degree”. They will give you the minimum passing marks always as long as you are paying the yearly fees. Why don’t they kick such students out? Because Russian government stopped supporting education, more interested in getting money for themselves, corruption, internally University needs to survive without government subsidies (which are only about 70%) and this is most true for medical universities. Several years ago Russia decided to adopt western educational system and destroyed many well-tuned institutions. Lots of great teachers left or got fired and government is now using all kind of marketing, intermediate level English speaking staff and scholarships to attract foreign students.

    Denis Gotovtsev, lives in Melbourne:

    You can do whatever you want and get a job even with out a degree from Russia. If you are asking if the degree obtained from Russian University will be recognized in a European country or America the answer will be - NO. In EU and USA degree is used as a standard of measure giving the employers an idea of candidates competence levels. So far only about five universities from Russia have been verified to give an USA or UK equivalent degrees that do not require additional reevaluation. In most other cases you will have to pass a local verification process to prove that your obtained knowledge matches the standard competence requirements. For example if you want to work as an engineer in USA you will need to get a Washington Accord verification or be lucky and find someone who will hire you with out one.
    1.* Give a five-minute talk touching upon such issues:

    1. The Bologna model of two-level system: pros and cons.

    2. Is the higher education a way to success?

      1. Studying in big cities vs studying in province.

    4. Problems we face in our higher education.

    5. Can higher education ensure employment?
    3*. Speak on the topic «Higher Education in Russia» using these clichés:

    1. I would like to tell you about /This text is about ... .

    2.According to the text … .

    3.As I understood from the text ... .

    4. As it is described in the text ... .

    5.As seen from the text … .

    6.As for me I learnt that … .

    7.It is pointed out that … .

    8. I didn’t know that …

    9. Connecting words: moreover, you know, besides, nevertheless, however, therefore.

    10. In conclusion I would like to tell /To sum up/Finally/To conclude ... .
    1. Listen to the text A University Degree on http://www.esl-lab.com

    2. Do the tasks given to this text.

    1.Watch the video on https://www.esl-lab.com

    2.Do the tasks given.

    Write an essay Advantages and Disadvantages of Higher Education in Russia.
    UNIT 5. HIGHER EDUCATION in great britain and in the united states oF america
    Only the educated are free.


    1. Do you consider the education overseas to be more
    prestigious and efficient than that one in our country?

    2. Have you ever thought of getting higher education abroad? What
    are your reasons?


    1. Find the appropriate equivalent:

    1. impeccable

    1. выдающийся

    2. prominent

    2. отвечающий требованиям,приемлемый

    3. to attain

    3. безупречный

    4. eligible

    4. получить

    5. European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (UCAS)

    5. комиссия по приему в университеты и колледжи

    6.Universities and Colleges Admissions Service

    6. система кредитов (зачетов) в высшем образовании в Великобритании

    7. language proficiency

    7.узкоспециализированный/специальный курс

    8. niche course

    8. представлять в общих чертах, излагать

    9. the higher education credit framework in Great Britain

    9. Европейская система перевода зачетных единиц

    10. to outline

    10. языковая подготовка, владение языком

    11. notional hour of student’s effort

    11. образовательный кредит, студенческая ссуда

    12 time span

    12. выход

    13. withdrawal

    13. множество, огромное количество

    14. student loans

    14. условный час работы студента

    15. plethora

    15. продолжительность

    16. to submit

    16. предоставление прав гражданства

    17. to acknowledge

    17. представлять на рассмотрение

    18. employer

    18. научно-педагогические кадры, научные работники

    19. academics

    19. работодатель


    20. признавать

    2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:

    1. outline; 2. niche; 3. prominent; 4. impeccable; 5. span; 6. loans; 7. attained, eligible; 8. plethora, acknowledged; 9. language proficiency; 10. naturalization.

    1. A lot of … people studied at the universities of Great Britain.

    2. We know the United Kingdom to be a country with … quality of education.

    3. I would like to … very briefly the main entry requirements for Bachelor’s degree at University of London.

    4. Some UK prestigious universities don’t require an interview for more … courses.

    5. Students who have already … such qualifications as A-levels, or the International Baccalaureate are … to study at British higher education institutions.

    6. This student’s … is confirmed by Test of English as a Foreign Language.

    7. The time … for Bachelor’s degree usually takes three years at UK universities.

    8. All students coming to Great Britain from the European Union and Switzerland cannot apply for student … from 2021.

    9. The foreign students from Asia enrolled to Oxford usually have … exam, both in the written and oral form.

    10. UK universities and colleges offer a … of excellent courses, leading to qualifications that are honored and … worldwide.

    TEXT 1

    PART 1. history of higher education in the uk, types of the british universities
    Read the text and speak on the main types of higher educational institutions in Great Britain.

    Great Britain is known as a country with impeccable quality of education. It is the founder of a multi-stage educational model, which is now widely used in many countries of the world and is fairly considered to be British. Specialists who received diplomas in higher educational institutions of the country are highly rated on the world labour market.

    Higher education in the Great Britain has a long and distinctive history. The system of higher education in the UK includes universities, colleges of higher education and advanced courses in the further education. There are the following main types of universities in Great Britain: Old universities, Redbrick universities, New universities and Open University.

    The two oldest universities in England – Oxford and Cambridge (often called collectively Oxbridge) – refer to the first group called Old universities. They were founded in 12th and 13th centuries accordingly and known as «intellectual eyes» of Great Britain. Each university is a federation of colleges which are largely independent. The have its own staff of teachers, a separate building, and its own financing and individual curricula. The college organizes term exams, but university is responsible for final exams and awarding degrees to college students.

    A unique Oxbridge benefit to students is the tutorial system.It was established in the 1800s at the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. It is still practised today, and consists of undergraduate students being taught by college fellows (or sometimes doctoral students and post-docs) in groups of one to three on a weekly basis. These sessions and are the central method of teaching at Oxbridge. The student is required to undertake preparatory work for each tutorial: for example, reading, essays or working through problems, depending on their subject. Other teaching sessions such as lectures, practicals and language classes are offered, but these are in addition to the compulsory tutorials.

    the weekly one-to-one tutorial, where undergraduates spend an hour with an expert in their field.

    The Scottish universities of Edinburgh, St. Andrews, Glasgow, date from the 15th and 16th centuries and belong to the Old universities as well.

    In the nineteenth and the early part of the twentieth centuries the so-called Redbrick universities were founded. They got this name as the red brick was the favorable building material of that time. Six of the original redbrick institutions (Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield, Bristol and Birmingham) gained university status before World War I and were initially established as civic science or engineering colleges. However, with the 1960s proliferation of universities and the reclassification of polytechnics in the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 as post - 1992 universities, all British universities founded in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in major cities are now sometimes referred to as «red brick». Among them are Queen’s University Belfast, University of Hull, University of Reading in England and many others.

    The universities established after the World War II are known as New universities because of their modern approach to university courses. They are in Staffordshire, Kent, Essex, Lancaster, Sussex, York and were built as a result of Industrial Revolution. After World War II the UK began to develop industries very quickly. British plants and factories needed a lot of qualified specialists. That’s why a number of New Universities appeared in large industrial cities.

    The Open University (OU), established in 1969, is the United Kingdom’s distance learning government-supported university notable for having an open entry policy. The majority of students are based in the UK, but its long-distance and online capabilities allow students to matriculate from around the world. The university awards undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, as well as non-degree qualifications such as diplomas and certificates, or continuing education units.

    The prominent alumni of the UK universities: Isaac Newton, English mathematician and physicist, Alan Turing, an English mathematician and computer scientist (Cambridge); Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer, creator of Hubble Telescope, Indira Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India, Tim Berners-Lee, an English computer scientist ,inventor of the World Wide Web, (Oxford); Alexander Bell, a Scottish scientist and engineer, inventor of telephone, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a British writer and physician (University of Edinburgh); Brian May, an English musician, singer, the lead guitarist of the rock band Queen; Nelson Mandela, a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist (University of London) and many others.

    Some prestigious British universities are also members of the Russell Group of UK research universities.The Russell Group is a self-selected association of twenty-four public research universities in the United Kingdom. The group is headquartered in Cambridge and was established in 1994 to represent its members’ interests, principally to government and Parliament. It was incorporated in 2007. Its members are often perceived as the UK’s most prestigious universities
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