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  • 2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available

  • 3. Choose the right variant

  • Grammar in Focus

  • 2. Translate the sentences with the Object Clause

  • Speaking Workshop

  • 2.*Project Work: use the Internet to search for information about the most notable international scientific projects. Prepare a presentation to your group.

  • Listening

  • What Science Projects Would You Offer to Develop in the Future

  • 2. Translate the sentences № 1, 4, 6, 8, 9 from the task 1.

  • 4. Choose the appropriate word given in italics

  • 5. State the unnecessary word in the sentence

  • Variant 2

  • 2. Translate the sentences № 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10 from task 1. 3. State the type of clauses

  • UNIT14. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Living without technology is like living without air. PRE-QUESTIONS

  • VOCABULARY PRACTICE 1. Find the Russian equivalents

  • 2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. Where is the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider located?

    2.What do physicists study by using the collider?

    3. Who is the founder of SpaceX?

    4. What are SpaceX’s achievements?

    5. What is the National Ignition Facility (NIF)?

    6. What is NIF’s mission?

    7. What is the International Space Station?

    8. What is the function of the ISS?

    9. When was the James Webb Space Telescope launched?

    10. What are the scientific aims of Webb’s telescope?

    11. What other scientific projects do you know?

    12. Which of above - mentioned projects impressed you mostly?
    2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information
    is not available:

    1. The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is based in New-York.

    2. The RHIC’s goal is to allow physicists to test the predictions of different theories of particle physics, including measuring the properties of the Higgs boson.

    3. SpaceX is an American space company that manufactures launch vehicles, several rocket engines, cargo spacecraft and communications satellites.

    4. The founder of SpaceX, Elon Musk has received criticism from experts who state satellites and cargo spacecraft are polluting the air in space.

    5. The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is a large laser-based inertial confinement fusion (ICF) research device, located in California.

    6. NIF’s mission is to collide ions traveling at relativistic speeds.

    7. The International Space Station (ISS) collaborates with Russian, Chinese and British space agencies.

    8. The station serves as a microgravity and space laboratory in which various scientific research is conducted.

    9. Webb’s mission is to build on the discoveries of the Hubble Space Telescope.

    10. A lot of scientists from Russia are developing the James Webb Space Telescope now.

    3. Choose the right variant:

    1. By using Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider to collide ions traveling at relativistic speeds, physicists study the … of matter.

    a) dark form;

    b) primordial form;

    c) final form.

    2. SpaceX manufactures … .

    a) Webb space telescopes;

    b) Falcon launch vehicles;

    c) Dragon rocket engines.

    3.One of the National Ignition Facility’s mission is to … nuclear weapon maintenance.

    a) avoid;

    b) abandon;

    c) support.

    4. The International Space Station is suited for … the spacecraft systems and equipment.

    a) testing;

    b) designing;

    c) installing.

    5.The James Webb Space Telescope is intended to … the Hubble Space Telescope as NASA’s flagship mission in astrophysics.

    a) complete;

    b) give up;

    c) succeed.

    6.One of the LHC’s goal is to answer unresolved questions in … .

    a) particle physics;

    b) quantum physics;

    c) nuclear physics.

    7. The Hubble Space Telescope has a clear view of the universe free from the … effects of the atmosphere.

    a) infrared and sensitive;

    b) clear and ultraviolet ;

    c) blurring and absorbing.

    8.Hubble is the only telescope designed to be maintained in space … .

    a) by astronauts;

    b) by satellites;

    c) by cargo spacecrafts.

    9.The Neptune Ocean Observatory project is … observatory.

    a) underwater sea;

    b) underwater ocean;

    c) open space.

    10.Spallation Neutron Source is an accelerator-based neutron source … in the USA.

    a) observatory;

    b) facility;

    c) space shuttle.

    11. The Very Large Array … twenty-eight 25-meter radio telescopes.

    a) comprises;

    b) collides;

    c) connects.
    Grammar in Focus

    1. Translate the sentences into the Russian language. State the type of the Clauses:

    1. Why is this space telescope failed is still unclear.

    2. The trouble is that we are short in time to make all necessary calculations for launching the collider.

    3. Whether the experts will postpone deadline for completion of this project is another question.

    4. Does he remember where he keeps the database folder?

    5. How the damaged cargo spacecraft will be repaired is the dominant subject of discussion.

    6. Alex uses new applications which he usually downloads on the Internet.

    7. Nobody knows when the scientists are going to start the experiment in the space laboratory.

    8. The young specialist can’t understand what is the purpose of this scientific program.

    9. The number of members who can join this project is limited.

    10. What’s worrying us now is the successful completion of the experiment.
    2. Translate the sentences with the Object Clause:

    1. The young engineer is not quite sure what he should do with this new device.

    2. The researchers of this team don’t know who allowed to carry on such dangerous experiments in this underwater laboratory.

    3. The head engineer has not any idea when the new equipment will be delivered.

    4. The famous scientists said that his project had taken 30 years to build and was regarded as one of the grand scientific endeavours of the 21st century.

    5. I think we will complete our project in time.

    6. The astronomers suppose thatthis space telescope will look deeper into the in Universe.

    7. I am not sure whether he will take part in this conference.

    8. We are not sure that the Large Hadron Collider is in operating now?

    9. It is not a secret who is the founder, CEO and Chief Engineer at SpaceX.

    10. It is the well-known fact that SpaceX’s goal is reducing space transportation costs to enable the colonization of Mars.

    3. Сomplete the sentences with the Attribute Clause:

    1. Isaac Newton is a scientist who... .

    2. The local scientific complex has all facilities that … .

    3. Mr Brown’s scientific blog which … .

    4. Do you know the expert who … .

    5. It is the world’s first ocean observatory which … .

    6. Covid-19 is one of the most dangerous diseases that … .

    7. Tell me the reason why … .

    8. This is the new scientific laboratory where … .

    9. These researchers whose … .

    10. Colliders are the machines that … .

    11. It is a small space observatory which … .

    12. Elon Musk is an engineer whose … .
    Speaking Workshop

    1*. Discuss these questions with your fellow students:

    1.The use of some international science projects in our daily life.

    2.Your own opinion about the possibilities of the international science projects.

    3. What features of character should a scientist have in order to take part in the development of the international science projects?

    4. Pros and cons of the scientific projects.

    2.*Project Work: use the Internet to search for information about the most notable international scientific projects. Prepare a presentation to your group.

    3*. Speak on the topic «International Scientific Projects» using these clichés:

    1. I would like to tell you about/This text is about ...

    2.According to the text … .

    3.As I understood from the text ... .

    4. As it is described in the text ... .

    5.As seen from the text … .

    6.As for me I learnt that … .

    7.It is pointed out that … .

    8. I didn’t know that … .

    9.Connecting words: moreover, you know, besides, nevertheless, however, therefore.

    10. In conclusion I would like to tell /To sum up/Finally/To conclude ...

    1. Listen to the text Space Radio Theatre on http://www.

    2. Do the tasks given.

    1.Watch the video on https://youtu.be/YU2oMipkOZA

    2.Give the presentation about the latest achievements of SpaceX.

    Write an essay What Science Projects Would You Offer to Develop in the Future?
    TEST 7
    Variant 1
    1. State the composite sentences:

    1. The young physicist stressed in his paper that some similar hypotheses were put forward in the last decade.

    2. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968.

    3. During the first three years after establishment the revenues of the corporation doubled every four months.

    4. Whether the Hubble will be launched again is a debatable question.

    5. One of the Webb’s goals is to build on the discoveries of the Hubble Space Telescope.

    6. It is doubtful whether the Large Hadron Collider will answer some of the fundamental open questions in physics.

    7. The International Space Station is a multinational collaborative project involving five participating space agencies.

    8. Why has this significant experiment been canceled is unknown.

    9. The Neptune Ocean Observatory project is the world’s first regional-scale underwater ocean observatory that plugs directly into the Internet.

    10. The experiment finished, we have a break.
    2. Translate the sentences № 1, 4, 6, 8, 9 from the task 1.
    3.State the type of clauses:

    a) Subject Clause b) Predicative Clauses

    c) Object Clauses d) Attribute Clauses
    1. Our problem was that we didn’t prepare for the exam properly.

    2. Whatever the experts decide, our team is always by your side.

    3. The question is whether the spacecraft systems and equipment is suited for possible future long-duration missions to the Moon and Mars.

    4. The human memory is a filing system that has a far greater capacity than that of the largest computer.

    5. Whichever project you choose, you must thoroughly think over all details.

    6. He doesn’t know what are you arguing so hotly about.

    7. Employees that are going on business trips in a month need to apply for a visa.

    8. A collider is a type of a particle accelerator which brings two opposing particle beams together.

    9. The main point is where my friend could find the necessary data for his report.

    10. He convinced our group that it was a very risky venture to start research without the suitable laboratory.
    4. Choose the appropriate word given in italics:

    1. That is why/what I have asked you to continue this scientific research.

    2. He knew that / who had obtained all important data.

    3.Whether / which the technicians will complete the installation of this device today is not known yet .

    4. The man whose /what last research has been placed on the web site lately is a famous physicist.

    5. Each year this facility where / that hundreds of scientists from different countries conduct basic and applied research is located Geneva.

    6. The station serves as a space laboratory in which/whose astronauts from NASA examine human physiology, studying the effects of weightlessness on bone density.

    7. Whatever/whoever time you launch the Space Telescope, make video and post on the Internet.

    8. We know that / what the Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics is one of the largest research centers in Russia.

    9. James Webb who/whom was the administrator of NASA, and played an integral role in the Apollo program.

    10. The problem was what/ that kind of practical work must follow the study of theoretical problems.
    5. State the unnecessary word in the sentence:

    1. The idea that/when the earth rates around the sun was put forward by the ancients.

    2. The temperature at which/that measurements are made should
    be constant.

    3. That/This Elon Musk is a founder of SpaceX is known to everybody.

    4. What/That they were speaking about was quite clear to him.

    5. The question is whether/what they want to join our research.

    6. I don’t understand how/which could you delete all important data from your computer.

    7. This international scientific center is a huge complex of 20 laboratories that / what is based in Boston.

    8. The advantage of this underwater observatory is that /whether it is connected directly to the Internet.

    9. The scientists around the world believe that/what the Large Hadron Collider will confirm the predictions of different theories of particle physics.

    10. We wanted to know whose /whom article was posted yesterday.

    Variant 2
    1. State the composite sentences:

    1. The space craft is reported to have launched recently.

    2. What’s worrying us now is the results of our experiment.

    3. The Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics is one of the largest research centers in Russia which it is situated St. Petersburg.

    4. Our plan was to invite to our conference experts from different countries.

    5. The article which the post graduate has posted on the scientific web site is about his developing of this priority project for the international space program .

    6. The Macintosh was the first personal computer to be sold without
    a programming language at all.

    7. The Hubble was not the first space telescope, but it is one of the largest and most versatile.

    8. The International Scientific Forum organizes the conferences and discussion platform for members of various countries, held in March and October every two years.

    9. The name «Sony» was chosen for the brand as a mix of two words.

    10. That Telegram is one of the prevailing instant messengers in our country is obvious.
    2. Translate the sentences № 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10 from task 1.

    3. State the type of clauses:

    a) Subject Clause b) Predicative Clauses

    c) Object Clauses d) Attribute Clauses
    1. The trouble is that we have got very little time.

    2. Where he lost the important documentation is a mystery.

    3. Why he did not take part in the scientific debates is still not known.

    4. The question remains whether these data are reliable.

    5. Hubble Telescope detects ultraviolet light, which is visible only from space.

    6. He recommended that all the documents should be checked by the experts from the scientific laboratory.

    7. Nobody hears what are they discussing in the next room.

    8. What was done could not be undone.

    9. The problem is whether they will finish the testing of the new facilities by deadline.

    10. The method which we objected to did not give good results.

    4. Choose the appropriate word given in italics:

    1. I sent the last data to the scientist which/ whom I had met at the conference in New-York.

    2. This is the research which /whose we were talking the other day about.

    3. The students attend the lectures of Professor Pavlov which/whose articles on particle physics are often published in the scientific foreign journals.

    4. The main point was where /whom we could find the missing funds for the experiment.

    5. He hired an assistant that / who had worked in the scientific laboratory and had dealt with such kind of materials.

    6. Which/What our team needs is requirements and criteria of evaluation criteria for our interdisciplinary project.

    7. We don’t know when/ which this event will start.

    8. The fact is that /what the young employee hardly know the essence of our recent developments.

    9. Steve Jobs, who / that was the chairman, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Inc.,contributed much to the world of IT.

    10. Last month the laboratory got few telescopes what/ that they had ordered a year ago.

    5. State the unnecessary word in the sentence:

    1. Where /what she will find all the necessary information for her research is not our case.

    2. The problem remains whether /that they will complete the expertise of the failed equipment next month.

    3. Apple achieved the widespread success with its iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad products whose/ which they introduced as innovations in mobile phones, portable music players and personal computers respectively.

    4. The famous scientist whose /whom the students heard so much about, came to the university.

    5. Here is the data where/ that I need for my report.

    6. What /Whether they will discuss the results of the project today is not clear yet.

    7. This is why/when we are going to be present at the meeting.

    8. Everybody knows that/what the International Space Station is a multinational collaborative project involving five participating space agencies.

    9. How/Which the work has been done is another question.

    10. These famous researchers which /whose developments we are using in our experimental work will join our team in a week.

    Living without technology
    is like living without air.

    1. Did information technology change your life significantly?

    2. What information technology do you use in your every-day life?
    1. Find the Russian equivalents:

    1. drastically

    1. в противоположность, по сравнению с

    2. as opposed to

    2. кардинально, радикально

    3. refund

    3. проникать

    4. accomplishment of objectives

    4. внедрение технических средств и программного обеспечения

    5. implementation of hardware and software

    5. периферийные устройства

    6. peripherals

    6. достижение целей

    7. crowdsourcing

    7. краудсо́рсинг (от crowd - толпа и sourcing — использование или привлечение ресурсов)

    8. to penetrate

    8. возврат

    9. pre-qualified individuals

    9. переосмыслить представление

    10. genuine website

    10. ежедневная работа

    11. to redefine the perception

    11. лица, прошедшие предварительный отбор

    12. daily chores

    12. подлинный веб-сайт

    13. medication error

    13. наблюдение, контроль

    14. query

    14. ожирение

    15. surveillance

    15. ошибка при приеме лекарств

    16. proper acknowledgment

    16. запрос

    17. identity theft

    17. злонамеренные люди

    18. obesity

    18. привлечение к ответственности, судебное преследование

    19. to expose the privacy

    19. раскрыть конфиденциальность

    20. malicious people

    20. кража личных данных

    21. devastating consequences

    21. модное словечко

    22. prosecution

    22. надлежащее подтверждение

    23. to span

    23. программы для показа рекламы


    24. разрушительные последствия


    25. охватывать

    2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:

    1. drastically; 2. Crowdsourcing; 3. spans; implementation; 4. devastating consequences; 5. redefine; 6. buzzword; 7. genuine websites; 8. exposing; 9. accomplishment of objectives; 10. prosecution.

    1. The modern world has … changed with the aid of IT.

    2. Technology refers to the application of any techniques and processes or to the … such as scientific investigation.

    3. Computer science … theoretical disciplines from theory of computation and information to practical disciplines including the design and … of hardware and software.

    4. … allows businesses to have access to affordable and qualified labour at any time.

    5. With the development of information technology we have managed to … our perception of communication.

    6. Cybercrime can result in … by federal cybersecurity and law enforcement agencies.

    7. Remote working seems to be the … lately.

    8. In the world of IT people are being spied on and they constantly risk … their privacy.

    9. Surveillance can potentially have … for our society, if not controlled properly.

    10. People need to be more aware and serious about choosing to work on… .
    TEXT 1
    part1. Information technology: definition, exampls, influence on PEOPLE’S LIVES
    Read the text, give the definition of the term « information technology» and some examples which IT includes.
    We are living in the information age and are dependent on information technology (IT) which is constantly evolving. Many fields of the global world have been impacted by IT including economy, education, employment, health, entertainment, communication etc. Things that were once done manually have now become easier and faster due to the advent of a computing technology. The modern world has drastically changed with the aid of IT which had penetrated almost every aspect of our daily lives and society from leisure to business.

    Information technology (or abbreviated form – IT) refers to the development, maintenance and use of computer networks, software, hardware, and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and distribute all forms of electronic data. Data means information, facts, statistics, etc., gathered together for reference, storage, or analysis. Typically, IT is used in the context of business operations, as opposed to technology used for personal or entertainment purposes. The commercial use of IT encompasses both computer technology and telecommunications. The term information technology first appeared in the English language in 1958 in a Harvard Business Review article.

    Although the terms «technology, information technology and computer science» cover similar areas, there is difference between them.

    Technology refers to the application of any techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or to the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.

    IT involves installing, organizing, and maintaining computer systems. It also involves designing and operating databases and networks.

    Computer science is the study of computation, automation, and information. It spans theoretical disciplines from theory of computation, and information to practical disciplines including the design and implementation of hardware and software.

    Some examples of Information Technology include:

    Traditional computer applications that comprise data storage and programs to input, process and output the data.

    Internet, e-mail, instant messaging and social networking applications.

    Mobile communication, radio and television broadcasting, video conferencing.

    Software and support for office automation systems such as word processing and spreadsheets, as well as the computer to run them.

    Data networks and all associated communications equipment such as servers, routers, hubs & wiring.

    Peripherals directly connected to computer information systems used to collect or transmit audio, video or graphic information, such as flash drives and scanners.

    Voice response systems that interact with a computer database or application.

    E-commerce, e-learning, online banking

    One of the more innovative examples of information technology is cloud storage. With this technology, individuals, businesses and other organizations can store their information on remote web servers and access it from anywhere in the world.

    Crowdsourcing is another innovative example of information technology. This process involves making a number of tasks available to a large group of pre-qualified individuals who can complete them through a website. Crowdsourcing allows businesses to have access to affordable and qualified labour at any time. Tasks that can be completed with crowdsourcing technology include translation, writing, editing, transcription, information gathering and market research.

    These examples don’t cover all spheres of today’s IT world. The list would seem endless as the more technological advance develops, the more information technology will emerge. The out-of-date technologies are usually replaced by newer and more efficient ones.

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