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NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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Read the text and speak on the most crucial pros and cons of IT .
As with any invention, there are advantages and disadvantages of information technology.

Let us see some positive aspects of information technology in human lives.

Easy Access to Information

In the old days, people would have to go to a library to access some knowledge. Books were the primary source of knowledge and because of the power information have, books were not widely available and easily accessible.

With the development of IT, access to relevant information anytime has become commonplace. This has been possible thanks to modern technologies such as Internet. Much information is published and attached on online sites; many websites have original content that can be used for research or entertainment. Small devices, such as smart cell phones and tablets, allow users to easily access informationand this simplifies the way in which we obtain information.

Saving Time

A lot of things are being done quicker thanks to IT. Communication, printing, daily chores, production, access to information – these are just some of the things that benefited from the speed that came with technology. In the early days, people had to travel for days or weeks to a place we can now reach in several hours. Distant places only received mail once a week, while today – using emails – you can communicate with anyone very quickly. Technology truly did speed up a lot of things and it helped the development of the modern age.

Better Communication

Information technology has completely changed communication. With the development of tools like mobile phones, video conferencing, electronic mail, instant messaging and social networking applications we have managed to redefine our perception of communication. IT has enhanced and simplified the movement of information data among humans and businesses.

Possibilities of Online Education

Thanks to information technology, people have possibility to increase their education levels by means of distant (online) learning. It is a revolutionary way of providing education. Currently, distance learning is especially in demand because of the coronavirus pandemic. The spread of COVID-19 has changed education dramatically with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Despite the fact that distance learning is often criticized, it has become an integral part of our life. It plays a major role both for learners and teachers as they keep themselves up to date and improve their educational skills.

Remote Working

Thanks to the development of digital technology people of some professions can work outside of a traditional office environment. Remote work seems to be the buzzword lately. Though the pandemic may have been the catalyst for remote work for many millions of employees around the world, it’s far from the only reason to work from home. Indeed, the benefits of online working impact so many things on a global scale that it’s sure to become the best path forward. Remote job is considered to offer a lot of advantages: flexibility, less commute stress, increased productivity, location independence etc. Even new online jobs are being created at present time.

Benefits in the Healthcare Sector

The emerging role of IT has created a huge impact on healthcare. It enhances the quality of care, increases the patient security and data protection, reduces operating and administrative cost. Therefore, accessibility to information has become simple using IT and also people find themselves more relaxed while availing healthcare service. There are various challenges faced by the Healthcare sectors such as storing the medical record of the patient, maintaining Hospital Information System, maintenance of medical equipment, medication error and lot more.

Online Banking and Payment through Credit Cards and Smart Cards

Through digital technology it is now possible to execute almost all payment transactions with the help of your online banking account. It is no longer necessary to attend a local bank for wire transfer, you can do it conveniently while sitting on your couch at home.

Buying and selling of goods and services have become simple through smartcards. Today, it is effortless to withdraw money or make a purchase using a credit card or smartphone with a simple tap; this saves customers from wasting time lining up in banks or from carrying a lot of cash.

Improvements in Entertainment

The information technology also gives us quite many additional entertainment opportunities. For instance, you can now watch any movie, TV show and listen to any music you want. Moreover, you can play several games online and interact with people all over the world in real time.

Automated Processes

The ability to find ways to complete more work in a shorter amount of time is essential to the success of a company. Information technology improves a company’s efficiency by implementing automated processes to make employees more capable of handling a larger workload. Reports, queries and monitoring financials can be completed by the computer programs, leaving employees free to complete other tasks.

Remote Access

Information systems has made it possible for businesses to be open 24×7 all over the globe. This means that a business can be open anytime anywhere, making purchases from different countries easier and more convenient. It also means that you can have your goods delivered right to your doorstep with having to move a single muscle.

Thanks to information technology, all the benefits mentioned above are available to you, including this textbook, so we can conclude that IT has done so much for us that it has become essential.

With more technological advancement and information accessibility, the chances of the exploitation of technology and information expand. This is a list of some of the most important disadvantages of IT:


Modern technology has advanced so much that there are countless ways to oversee people, their actions, their movements, and even control their lives. People can be tracked by using cameras and also through the GPS of their phones. Thus, our individual level of freedom and independence may become lower as technology progresses further. It can potentially have devastating consequences for our society, if not controlled properly.


It is growing at the same rapid rate as new people getting connected to the digital world. Categories of cybercrime are based on who’s affected by the digital crime: against individuals, against companies/organizations, against society, against government. The last category is also known as cyber terrorism, and includes such activities as breaking into government systems and networks, defacing and shutting down military websites, and spreading propaganda. It is one of the worst world’s types of cyber crime and can result in prosecution by federal cybersecurity and law enforcement agencies. The cybercrime has different forms such as identity theft, botnets, cyberstalking, phishing attacks, online scams, exploit kits, illegal content, potentially unwanted programs (adware, spyware, dialers and malware) and others.


Certainly, IT has made our lives better and faster, but some people have even become addicted to it, for instance, to their smartphones. This can be observed when you simply look at how people behave in public spaces.Most of them are looking at their smartphone all the time.Even if a group of people hangs out together, they often just look at their phones instead of talking to each other. Without mobile phones people feel that a significant part of their routine life is lost. There are another forms of dependency on information technology such as Internet and online gaming addiction.

By relying on technology, we must not forget that we are humans who need social contact and should not become addicted to IT because technology is rarely the solution for real-life issues.

Faulty Products and Duplication

We expect to get what we see, but when we are doing our online business, not all shopping websites provide the exchange of the product we purchase. On delivery, we notice that the product is not up to our expectations.

Refund and exchange are not available in some cases, and we feel like being cheated. So we need to be more aware and serious about choosing to work on genuine websites.


With the increased addiction to social networks and internet games, people are spending more time on computers and reject their normal offline life, resulting in increased isolation and social imbalance.

Information technology can cause a number of problems with a person’s health. Many scientists, doctors, and researchers are concerned about possible links between technology and heart problems, eye strain, obesity, muscle problems, and deafness.

Social Isolation

Social isolation is increasing as people are spending more time surfing the Internet, constant endless chatting on instant messengers and social networks and playing video games. This results in ignoring their real lives.

So technology has replaced the old way of interacting. For example, if a user can easily interact with 100 friends online, he may not feel the need to go out and make friends in real life. Unfortunately, this may lead to several issues, including mental health problems since humans are social creatures that need a certain level of human interaction to stay mentally healthy.

Reduction of Labour

As technology advances in industries and jobs, human workers have less value. Machines automate processes and can do the work of ten people with a single computer; companies may not need to employ so many people to do a job. As machines and computers become increasingly advanced and more efficient, this will continue to be a major disadvantage of technology and will be a global impact issue.

Educational Side-Effects

Although information technology has done a lot to improve our learning, it can also have some negative effects on the educational process. Learners often don’t make much effort to do or learn something by yourself because they can easily take necessary information from Internet.

This concerns not only theoretical subjects, even practical ones have the same problems, as there are equation solving applications, video guides on how to make or draw something, etc., and all of that can demotivate the students in the educational process.


The above mentioned drawback of IT can result in plagiarism. It means the unethical practice of using ideas (either planned or accidental) of another author/researcher or your own previous works without proper acknowledgment. Let’s speak more detailed about it as this problem touch on both students and teaching stuff.

These are the five most common types of academic plagiarism:

Global plagiarism means passing off an entire text by someone else as your own work.

Verbatim plagiarism means directly copying someone else’s words.

Paraphrasing plagiarism means rephrasing someone else’s ideas to present them as your own.

Patchwork plagiarism means stitching together parts of different sources to create your text.

Self-plagiarism means recycling your own past work.

Except for global plagiarism, these types of plagiarism are often accidental, resulting from failure to understand how to properly quote, paraphrase, and cite your sources. You can use various plagiarism detection tools to see how much of your paper is plagiarized. Considered as a serious academic and intellectual offense, plagiarism can lead to highly negative consequences such as paper retractions and loss of author’s credibility and reputation. Nowadays anti-plagiarism testing is mandatory to publish any intellectual product, as well as to defense the course, diploma projects and dissertations.

Except for academic plagiarism there are cases of this unethical practice in the sphere of entertainment (music, movie, show programs etc).


In the world of IT, full of servers, networks, and databases, a world where people leave a digital trace each time they type something online – privacy is seriously endangered. People are being spied on and they constantly risk exposing their privacy. Somethings might go unnoticed, but there are very malicious people out there that might threaten you and cause you a lot of trouble because they know how to exploit your private data.

E-commerce websites collect personal data using cookies to know more about us and suggest products based on that information.

No doubt, the list of advantages and disadvantages can be continued and supplemented.

To sum up, information technology is not just important, it is vital for us in today’s world. The good thing is that IT has a lot of benefits, and we can use those to our advantage and enjoy the full potential of it.

However, information technology can also be very dangerous and can influence our lives in a negative way. It is important to know how to use information technology reasonably and not allow people to use it in the wrong ways.
Comprehension Check

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the term «information technology» mean?

2. When did term «information technology» first appear in the English language?

3. How did information technology change our lifestyle?

4. Do you agree that our every day life is impossible without IT?Prove it.

5. What modern information technologies do you know?

6. What are the positive aspects of IT?

7. What are the downsides of IT?

8. What other negative and positive sides of information technology do you know?

9.Which of above mentioned benefits and drawbacks of IT do you consider to be the most significant?

10. How do you prefer to communicate?
2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available:

1. The application of information technology in our daily lives has not changed drastically in the past years.

2. The term information technology first appeared in the English language in 1958.

3. Gadget addiction is one of the drawbacks of information technology.

4. The pandemic is the main reason for remote work around the world.

5. Nowadays any information can be exchanged by people in few seconds.

6. The television plays less important role nowadays.

7. Information technology has some negative effects on the educational process.

8. The readily available information on the Internet can people avoid the plagiarism.

9. One of the key forms of communication in 21st century is the instant messagingand social networking.

10.Without mobile phones people feel that a significant part of their routine life is lost.

11. One of the bad sides of IT is expansion of cyber crimes.

12. Artificial Intelligence is a debatable issue in the IT world.

13. With more technological advancement and information accessibility, the chances of the exploitation of technology and information expand.

14. Information technology makes us sometimes feel insecure towards our privacy.

15. IT affects us mostly positive.
3. Find synonyms to the following words:

Advantage, disadvantage, access, to simplify, technology, perception, distant, currently, to criticize, buzzword, challenge, to withdraw, additional, cybercrime, dependency.
4. Find antonyms to the following words:

To benefit, instant, major, addicted, isolation, automated, to motivate, properly, trouble, accidental, to improve, to employ, mental, surveillance.

Grammar in Focus
1. Translate the sentences with the Adverbial Clause and state its types:

1. When the first Video Camera Recorder was made in 1956, it was the size of a piano.

2. Change your password immediately in order your account won’t be hacked.

3. Although some of these new technologies have plenty of benefits, they can be dangerous and unpredictable.

4. The more information technology develops, the more humanity depends on them.

5. Every day you hang out so much in social networks as if you have no other interests.

6. You can connect your smartphone to the Internet where you find the hotspot.

7. Distance learning plays a major role both for students and teaching stuff as they keep themselves up to date and improve their educational skills.

8. Every new technology also has some unwanted side-effects so that one should be more careful by using it.

9. Whenever I work at the computer for a long time, I feel pain in the neck and suffer from insomnia.

10. If the Internet connection had been in order yesterday I would have joined this online course.

11. In spite the fact that distance learning is often criticized, it has become an integral part of our life.

12. If I worked remotely I would have the possibility to spend more time with my family.

13. The students often don’t make much effort to do something by yourself because they can easily take necessary information from Internet.

14. Get both a phone and Internet access in a single package in order to save money.

15. I am not so computer literate as my friend is.

2. Complete the adverbial sentence and state its type:

1.Whenever we try to launch this application … .

2. The more time you surf on the Internet the more … .

3. They arrived early to the conference so that … .

4. You could have passed all exams successfully if … .

5. He cannot install anti-virus software until … .

6. Although the artificial intelligence has a lot of advantages ... .

7. It sounds as if … .

8. Wherever our team took part in different events … .

9. As the cybercrime has grown recently … .

10. If I don’t download this application … .

11. Our group has developed this online course in order … .

12. She spoke at the forum so surely as though she … .

13. We placed our reports on this site where everybody … .

14. I will have completed this project by the time they … .

15. You work so fast that .

3. Choose the suitable connecting word from the given in brackets:

1. (As, Though) information technology has changed our lives, it can also have some negative effects and be very dangerous.

2. (If, unless) we had reinstalled the operating system at once, we would have completed our project by deadline.

3. We see each other every day (when, as) we both deal with development of the web-site.

4. The mobile application was developed in time (though, so that) everybody can use it.

5. We have not had any news from him (since, where) he graduated from the university.

6. We are going to apply for this competition next month (which, in order to) our team can win grant for study at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

7. I could hardly remember (where, as ) I had saved this file.

8. The scientist was ready with the experiment before the deadline (as, that) his young colleague had helped him a lot.

9. They can travel (wherever, while) they want.

10. (If, because) you choose the gadget of this trademark you won’t not regret.
Speaking Workshop
1. Read and dramatize the conversation Identity Theft
Max: Hi, Pete. What are you doing?

Pete: Hi, you’ll like this. It’s a new web site that helps you improve your writing skills for free.

Max: Really? That would be really helpful.

Pete: I’m signing up right now.

Max: Wow. Let me see that.

Pete: Yeah. It’s easy. You just enter your name, your birthday, your address, your credit card number.

Max: Wait! You said it was free.

Pete: It is free.

Max: Then, why do they need your credit card information?

Pete: Well, you know, it’s just, you know, . . . just to check your identity or something like that. But, but it’s all free.

Max: That doesn’t sound free to me.

Pete: Well, you don’t understand.

Max: It sounds pretty fishy to me. How do you know that this is a trusted Web site. Look. That doesn’t look like a secure URL.

Pete: Well, you don’t understand. Look. It says right here on their page. Right here: “Our goal is help you learn. Trusting us. We knows how to help you in 15 days or below.” What’s wrong?

Max: That’s terrible English. Who wrote this? What country are they in? You need to help them with their English. I mean, this is a sure sign that they are trying to probably steal your personal information and your identity.

Pete: No, no, no, and look. Here is a picture of some of their staff. And they look honest.

Max: You’re so gullible.

Pete: Hey, hey!What are you doing?

Max: I’m shutting down your computer. I can’t watch my best friend fall for a scam like this.

2.Discuss in the group:

1.What are the warning signs of an Internet scam?

2.What things can you do to protect yourself from such danger?

3.What should you do if you become a victim of identity theft?

4.What Web site services exist to protect consumers from identity theft?

5. Which of these things would you do or not do on the Internet? (buy a car, rent a car, make a reservation for a hotel,find someone to date and marry, order food,pay government taxes, purchase gadget, clothing etc.)

3. Prepare a presentation about the advantages and disadvantages of information technologies. You may choose examples from the text as well as present your own ideas.

1.Find the Russian equivalents:

1. acquaintance

1. собеседник

2. to alienate

2. связывать с

3. self-destructing timers

3. обновление политики конфиденциальности

4. interlocutor

4. знакомство

5. client-side code

5. серверный код

6. privacy policy update

6. таймеры самоуничтожения

7. attribute to

7. отдалять, делать чужим

8. freeware application

8. многогранный

9. multifaceted

9. подстрекаемый полемикой,спорами

10. to emerge

10. появляться

11. to encrypt

11. сквозное шифрование

12. spurred on by the controversy

12. бесплатное приложение

13. outbreak

13. с большим отрывом, далеко позади

14. end-to-end encryption

14. шифровать

15. to scramble

15. зашифровывать, кодировать

16. to intercept

16. универсальный, общепринятый

17. server-side code

17. клиентский код

18. to lag

18. перехватывать

19. far behind

19. вспышка (например,заболевания)

20. ubiquitous

20. отставать,зависать

2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:

1. alienate;2. by the controversy;3. client-side code;4. attributed; 5. lags;6. encrypted;7. interlocutor;8. ubiquitous; 9. self-destructing; 10. acquaintances.

1. Significant traffic growth on social media platforms was … to the COVID-19 outbreak.

2. All your conversations on WhatsApp are end-to-end … .

3. Telegram app has … timers.

4. Some people think messengers only … people from each other and create a strong dependence.

5. The main principle of first messengers was instant delivery of messages from the … to the interlocutor.

6. ICQ saw a renewed increase in popularity in Hong Kong, spurred on … over WhatsApp’s privacy policy update.

7. WhatsApp … with features like cloud storage and limited file sharing.

8. The messengers allow people to find new interests and … .

9. The … of Telegram is a free software.

10. WhatsApp has … end-to-end encryption.


Read the text and speak on the most popular instant messaging apps prevailed in Russia.
Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat allowing real-time text transmission over the Internet or another computer network.

Instant messaging is a common thing in the current IT world. For people who use smartphones it is one of the simplest ways to connect with our friends or coworkers. Currently, there are so many messaging apps and services are available.

The prototypes of IM were online chats used since the 1990s, their main principle of operation was instant delivery of messages from the interlocutor to the interlocutor. The pioneer of online chatting - ICQ instant messaging program - (abbreviated of the English phrase "I seek you") was launched in November 1996 by an Israeli company Mirabilis. ICQ revolutionized communication over the Internet. The user downloaded a free client program connecting to a server that stored registration data and a list of contacts. ICQ allowed users to chat one-on-one or in groups, exchange files, and search for other users. At its peak in 2001, ICQ had over 100 million accounts registered.

Since 2013, ICQ has 11 million monthly users. In 2020, the Mail.Ru Group, which owns ICQ, decided to launch its new ICQ New software, based on its messenger. The updated messenger was presented on April 6, 2020.

In 2021 ICQ saw a renewed increase in popularity in Hong Kong, spurred on by the controversy over WhatsApp’s privacy policy update. The number of downloads for the application increased 35-fold in the region.

In 2020 significant traffic growth on social media platforms was attributed to the Covid-19 outbreak. Instant messaging apps became the most popular means of communication, as per over 90 percent of respondents who worked remotely.

Concerning Russia, the recent surveys rated WhatsApp as the most popular application for calls and messaging. WhatsApp’s main competitor – Telegram – ranked second. Viber is on the third place.

Messengers Skype, VKontakte and Facebook seem to be losing its popularity nowadays.

Being major rivals in instant messaging apps industry WhatsApp and Telegram have strengths and weaknesses, but both have one main advantage: all conversations are encrypted. It means that the messages you send are being scrambled so that they cannot be read even if someone intercepts them. Let us compare these two messaging tools in general.

WhatsApp is an internationally available American freeware, cross-platform centralized instant messaging application for messaging and voice over IP service, owned by Meta It tawas founded by Brian Acton and Jan Koum in 2009. WhatsApp enables users to make voice and video calls, send voice messages and text messages, share documents, images, user locations, and other media. Users can access the application from mobile devices and desktop computers. The interface is very fast, simple, and easy to use.

The app allows you to communicate with anyone in your contact list, who uses WhatsApp. The users need to provide a standard cellular mobile number for registering and using the service.The application can be easily used by people of all ages without any external help.

Telegram is a software for instant messaging, voice over IP, and video telephony service. Telegram was launched in 2013 by brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov. Nikolai Durov created the MTProto protocol that is the basis for the messenger, while Pavel Durov provided financial support and infrastructure through his Digital Fortress fund. The client-side code of Telegram is a free software. But the server-side code is a closed-source. The app has self-destructing timers for chats. It has the ability to edit and delete messages. The app allows users to share large files. Limitless number of files can be stored permanently in the cloud, when using telegram.

To sum up, WhatsApp has more user base, group video calls, and ubiquitous end-to-end encryption. But it lags with features like cloud storage and limited file sharing. On other hand, telegram has various bots, platform compatibility, file sharing and privacy. But it is far behind in group video call support and has the small user base.

Even though WhatsApp has more users worldwide than Telegram, the options offered by Telegram like secret chat, self-destructing messages, encrypted backup ensure and more secured chats. Apart from security features, Telegram is also ahead of WhatsApp in terms of other features like Dark Mode and larger group capacity.

Currently, there are more and more disputes about the benefits and harms of messengers. Some people believe that these tools allow people to find new interests and acquaintances. But others think messengers only alienate people from each other and create a strong dependence. Nevertheless, all instant messaging apps are only becoming more prevailing, and the number of users is constantly growing.

No doubt, the development of instant messaging shows that in the future these apps will become more multifaceted, and their creators will find more widespread use for them.

But we all should realize, as with any technology some messengers are gradually losing their popularity, others remain quite stable, as well as completely new ones will emerge tomorrow.

Comprehension Check

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the term «instant messaging» mean?

2. When was the pioneer of online chatting launched?

3. In 2020 significant traffic growth on social media platforms was attributed to the COVID-19 outbreak, wasn’t it?

4.What are the most popular instant messaging applications in Russia?

5. What are the major rivals in instant messaging apps industry?

6. When was WhatsApp founded?

7.What are the main features of WhatsApp?

8.Who created Telegram?

9.What are the essential options of Telegram?

10. What other trendy instant messaging apps are available in our country?

11.What messengers do you use?

12. Do you consider the messaging platforms to be secure? Prove it.
2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information
is not available:

1. The pioneer of online chatting was ICQ instant messaging program.

2. The updated messenger ICQ is popular in Europe.

3. Pandemic contributed to the significant traffic growth on social media platforms.

4. WhatsApp and Telegram are considered to be the main competitors in Russia.

5. Telegram is mostly used by youth while WhatsApp is loved by middle-aged people and pensioners.

6. All your conversations on WhatsApp and Telegram are end-to-end encrypted.

7. Users of WhatsApp can edit messages.

8. Telegram allows us to share large files.

9. WhatsApp is ahead of Telegram in terms of security features.

10. All instant messaging apps have pros and cons.
3. Choose the right variant:
1. ICQ was … in November 1996 by Mirabilis.

a) registered

b) established

c) launched

2. Messengers WhatsApp and Telegram are considered to be the main … .

a) partners

b) competitors

c) shareholders
3. WhatsApp users can access the application from … .

a) laptops

b) mobile devices and desktop computers

c) tablets
4.The Telegram has … timers for chats.

a) self-destructing

b) self-constructed

c) self-appeared

5. WhatsApp has … file sharing.

a) unlimited

b) self-destructing

c) limited

6. The Telegram allows to store limitless number of files in the … .

a) cloud

b) secret chat

c) user base

7.Some people think messengers only … people.

a) alienate

b) connect

c) unite
Grammar in Focus
1. Fill in the gaps using words what, which, whose, that, who

1. I use the applications … the students of IT specialties developed for their diploma projects.

2. Tim Berners-Lee, the same man … launched the net’s first website in August 1991, decided … he would test out the ability to upload photos.

3. … has been posted on this web site is unknown.

4. … most apps are becoming free to download is very convenient.

5. This famous engineer … technologies are widely accepted in medicine has recently got the Noble Prize.

6. There are many anti-virus programs … can protect your computer from the malicious applications.

7. Site developers ask the customer … content will be placed on the site.

8. Nicola Tesla, … was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, has contributed much to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system.

9. Do you know … this musician’s concert was canceled to avoid the spread of Covid-19?

10. Modern technology has advanced so much … there are countless ways to oversee people.

2. Match the two parts of the sentences. Mind three types of Conditionals.

1. He would have been on time for the job interview … .

2. The company will be declared bankrupt ... .

3. If I hadn’t called for technical support yesterday,…

4. You wouldn’t have been stolen all the money from your credit card... .

5. If I had a lot of money … .

6. The plant will manufacture competitive products if … .

7. If you had been told several years ago that mobile phones would become so helpful and smart,…

8. If the scientists were interested in this matter, … .

9. If changes are made to the test program, the manufacturer … .

10. What would have happened to Apple … .

a) I wouldn’t have been able to solve my computer trouble on my own.

b) if he had left the house earlier.

c) the Quality Management System is introduced at the enterprise.

d) you would not have believed that.

e) if the court decision comes into force.

f) if you hadn’t told the password to the scammers.

g) I would install the system «Smart Home».

h) will confirm the declared equipment life.

i) if Jobs had not died?

j) he would join our team.
Speaking Workshop
1*. Prepare the presentations about trendy instant messaging apps and social networks.

2*. Round Table: Today’s IT world. Topics to be discussed:

1. Promising trends in the IT world.

2. Addiction to gadget: how one can avoid it?

3. Distance learning: pros and cons.

4. Online gaming: pro and contra.

5. Mobile apps for learning English.
3*. Speak on the topic «Information Technologies» using these clichés:
1. I would like to tell you about /This text is about ... .

2.According to the text … .

3.As I understood from the text ... .

4. As it is described in the text ... .

5.As seen from the text … .

6.As for me I learnt that … .

7.It is pointed out that … .

8. I didn’t know that … .

9.Connecting words: moreover, you know, besides, nevertheless, however, therefore.

10. In conclusion I would like to tell /To sum up/Finally/To conclude ... .
1. Listen to the text Cyberbullying on http://www.esl-lab.com

2. Do the tasks given.

1.Watch the video on https://www.esl-lab.com

2.Do the tasks given.

Write an essay on the topic How Information Technologies Influence my Life Both Positive and Negative.
Variant 1
1. State the type of the Clause. Mind all types of Clauses.

1. Elon Musk promised to pay in full the customer’s project if it would not be fulfilled by deadline.

2. Everybody know that the launch of the Falcon 9 is one of the most significant events in the development of space.

3. The virtual reality helmet makes you feel as if you are a spaceship pilot.

4. Cases of judicial errors in football have significantly decreased since the VAR video recording system had been introduced.

5. The risks of blackouts in South Australia were minimized becauseTesla had created huge-capacity batteries.

6. Although we rely and depend on technologies, they also have some unwanted bad sides.

7. The tragic mistakes of pilots and traffic controllers forced to change the flight safety system, so that the TCAS system was introduced.

8. For a long time Youtube and Google Maps remained the top most downloaded app which belongs to Google.

9. Whether the development of this robot is successful has to be discussed.

2. Translate № 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 from task 1.

3. Fill in the gaps using words of Clauses:

1. There are many people … are against new technologies.

2. The demand for the Russian vaccine has increased … the ability of the manufacturer to release the vaccine in the required amount.

3. … the test program had been modified … the manufacturer would have confirmed the declared equipment life.

4. … the treaty had been signed, the delegation left Moscow.

5. Do you know … many times an average person looks at their phone in a day?

4. Open the brackets using Conditionals 1, 2, 3. Translate sentences.

1. If there (not be) so much fake news on the Internet, people would trust the media more.

2. If the number of covid cases had not increased last week, new restrictions (not introduce).

3. Finland’s accession to NATO will be possible if all members of the alliance (agree) to accept it.

4. If the equipment had been gone through a thoroughly test before installing, workers (not find) so serious technical faults while its launching .

5. Production of the new vehicles (stop) if the commission (hadn’t confirmed compliance with specifications last week.

5. Complete the sentence. Mind all types of Clauses.

1. Whichever disadvantages the Artificial Intelligence has … .

2. If I were CEO of Tesla… .

3. Social networks turned out to be unable to fully replace live communication because … .

4. After the Augmented Reality had been created …

5. The more time you spend playing online game the more … .


1. State the type of the Clause. Mind all types of Clauses.

1. That the expansion of cyber crimes is one of the bad sides of IT is obvious.

2. The more technological progress develops, the more sophisticated and inventive the attempts of scammers to turn it to their advantage.

3. It doesn’t matter how many times you delete your browser history and clear your cookies because your computer still leaves a trace on the web.

4. Power engineers will put into operation a new power unit provided the need for electricity increases.

5. Although the budget for the construction of the stadium was significantly increased the contractors had only just enough funds to complete the construction by the beginning of the World Cup.

6. The inventor could not come to the award ceremony so that his son received the prize.

7. EU countries are decreasing the use of coal in the electricity production, as they seek to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

8. Users spend a lot of on gaming apps while merely 1% of the usage is inclined towards lifestyle apps, for instance, health and fitness apps.

9.Another interesting fact about an average smartphone user is that they unlock the phones over 80 times a day which is contributing to around 3,000 strokes per day.

10. The quality of Chinese goods is not as poor as many consumers think.

2. Translate № 2, 3, 5 , 6 ,8 , 9 from task 1.

3. Fill in the gaps using words of Clauses.

1. You shouldn’t stop practising English grammar, the more you practise, … faster you learn it.

2. A study shows … around 35 % of all sales in the UK is derived from mobile applications.

3. … the project Hyperloop vacuum train by Elon Musk is revolutionary one it has the different disadvantages.

4. Tourists started to visit EU countries more often … some of the visa restrictions have been canceled.

5. … the cyber scammers called me I wouldn’t succumb their tricks.
4. Open the brackets using Conditionals 1, 2, 3:
1. If Max hadn’t remembered the password from his credit card, he (not have) enough cash to buy a new iPhone.

2. Sanctions (remove) if countries come to agreement in the negotiations.

3. If I (be) you I would check the information posted on this site more carefully.

4. Disabled people could not have attended football matches if a new stadium with an «accessible environment» system (not build).

5. Would you keep calm if you (remain) without the Internet for a week?
5. Complete the sentence. Mind all types of Clauses.
1. She goes on talking as if … .

2. Since Internet had been discovered … .

3. The editors of the newspaper did not remove the publication, in spite of the fact that … .

4. Some of my collegues are going to look for a remote job in order to … .

5. If my account were hacked … .

UNIT 15. the Greatest inventions to Change the World

One cannot predict
the future, but one can invent it.

Dennis Gabor
1.What the most notable inventions do you know?

2. What are the names of their inventors?
1. Find the appropriate equivalent:

1. to credit

1. называть, объявлять (кого-л., кем-л.)

2. to eradicate

2. вводить в действие, выпускать

3. to hail

3. ставить в заслугу, приписывать, относить на счёт

4. to deploy

4. уничтожить, искоренять

5. to combat

5. бензиновый двигатель

6. feasible

6. осуществимый, выполнимый

7. gasoline-powered engine

7. бороться

8. pottery

8. гончарное дело

9. computer kit

9. электрическая лампочка

10. light bulb

10. компьютерный набор

11. to herald

11. объявлять, ознаменовать собой

12. to harness

12. метод наслоения

13. layering method

13. блокчейн, распределённая база данных, реализованная в криптовалюте биткойн


14. конвергенция, взаимодействие

15. blockchain

15. использовать

16. to counterfeit

16. жизнеспособный источник энергии

17. viable source of power

17. погружать

18. to devise

18. стволовые клетки

19. to immerse

19. подделать

20. stem cells

20. разрабатывать

2. Complete the sentence with the words and phrases below:

1. layering method;2.pottery;3. heralded;4.credited;5.blockchain;
6. gasoline-powered; 7. hailed; 8. eradicate; 9. immerses; 10. to deploy.
1. The first automobile designed by Carl Benz in 1879 ran on a … engine.

2. The wheel was discovered by Mesopotamians to be used in the creation of … .

3. Many engineers were … as the “inventors” of television within their own countries.

4. From car-sharing to cloud sharing, … technology offers greater transparency increased efficiency and speed, as well as enhanced security.

5. William Coolidge is … as the inventor of incandescent bulb.

6. This discovery has the potential to… many dangerous diseases.

7. SpaceX became the first company … the rockets the Falcon 9.

8. The earliest application of the … used by today’s 3D printers took place in the manufacture of topographical maps.

9. Virtual reality completely … the user inside of a fictional world with no reference to the actual world.

10. Gene modifying … a new era in biotechnology.
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