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  • 2.Find the sentences with Complex Object and Complex Subject. Translate them into Russian

  • 3.State the function of the verb «to be»

  • 4.State the function of the verb «to have»

  • 5.State the function of the Participle

  • 6. Find sentences with the absolute participial construction and translate them into Russian

  • 8. State the function of the Gerund in the sentence

  • 9. Find sentences with the gerundial construction and translate them into Russian

  • 10.State the part of speech of the word in italics

  • 2.Choose the appropriate word given in italics

  • 3. Fill in the gaps using words of Clauses

  • 4. Open the brackets using Conditionals 1, 2, 3. Translate sentences.

  • 5. Complete the sentence

  • 6. Open the brackets using Conditionals 1, 2, 3

  • 7. Ask the general and special questions in the reported speech

  • 8.Complete the sentences. Pay attention to the sequences of tenses

  • 9.Translate into Russian using sentences in Subjunctive Mood




  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    Second semester

    1.State the function of the Infinitive:

    1. There are a lot of restrictions to be introduced to stop pandemic.

    2. To complete the term paper by deadline we had to work harder.

    3. The chairman asked the participants of the international conference to keep to the subject.

    4. The main problem is to change the original plan.

    5. To start learning Chinese we should fill in applications forms online.

    6. To put it mildly, I don’t like to live in this country.

    7. He returned to his native city to leave it never again.

    8. The students of our group hope to win the English course at summer language school in Australia.

    9. Our team was the best to have prepared the presentation about the traditions and customs of the UK.

    10. To speak foreign languages fluently is my aim to be pursued.

    a) подлежащее;

    b) часть сказуемого (составное именное/составное глагольное);

    c) дополнение;

    d) определение;

    e) обстоятельство цели.

    f) вводная конструкция.

    2.Find the sentences with Complex Object and Complex Subject. Translate them into Russian:

    1. I would like them to join my online course on the platform of our university.

    2. He is the only one among us to give up learning Chinese.

    3. They are known to have graduated from Stanford University a year ago.

    4. I didn’t see my colleague at the office yesterday.

    5. They are sure to get the scientific scholarship soon.

    6.He is unlikely to participate at the Round table on videoconferencing.

    7. We never expected you to do so much work for us.

    8. They are known to have left the USA ten years ago.

    9. The administrator of the language center found the entry tests to be outdated for the new applicants.

    10. We knew this young scientist to have been awarded with the doctoral degree in Yale University.

    3.State the function of the verb «to be»:

    1. Why is water pollution so dangerous?

    2. There are a lot of public societies, whose aim is to attract public’s attention to the most important environmental problems.

    3. We will be taking part at the eco-symposium the whole week.

    4. The scientist is to carry out his research next week.

    5. How many protected buildings and conservation areas were there in Great Britain two years ago.

    6. We are to start our environmental project in January.

    7. Will you be at the conference tomorrow?

    8. The new international programs are developed by the experts every year.

    9. There are many reasons to be troubled by the water pollution.

    10. What issues were being discussed at the meeting when we came?
    a) смысловой глагол;

    b) вспомогательный глагол;

    c) глагол-связка;

    d) эквивалент модального глагола must;

    e) элемент конструкции «there+be».

    4.State the function of the verb «to have»:

    1. The experts from environmental protection agencies have already discussed problems facing ecologically poor regions.

    2. The laboratory has the most up-to-date equipment.

    3. The environmentalists from various countries had to develop an international program to study the data on land, forest, atmospheric and oceanic resources.

    4. Public attention to the problems of pollution has become a part of our lives.

    5. It is thought that this idea has no practical purpose.

    a) смысловой глагол «иметь»;

    b) вспомогательный глагол;

    c) эквивалент модального глагола must.

    5.State the function of the Participle:

    1. Recycling paper, cans and bottles you can save the nature.

    2. Having completed all our preparations, we started a new series of experiments.

    3. Many environmental conferences being held by these organizations touch the climate change issues.

    4. Global warming can be reduced by lowering and removing them from the atmosphere.

    5. Badly polluted air does not let the warmth out into space.

    a) обстоятельство;

    b) часть сказуемого;

    c) определение.

    6. Find sentences with the absolute participial construction and translate them into Russian:

    1. The climate on our planet is known to have changed greatly.

    2. All the preparations having been completed, the environmental engineer started to develop a new equipment for the water and sewer services.

    3. If done properly our research will give good results.

    4. There are a lot of polluted countries, the worst situation being in Bangladesh and Pakistan.

    5. The students were presenting their projects on the environmental protection, with the jury listening to them very attentively.

    7. Choose the appropriate form of the Gerund:

    1. Many large companies have been accused of … child labour in their factories.

    a) being used b) using c) having used

    2. They were surprised at Mike’s … about this event so quickly.

    a) having forgotten b) having been forgotten c) being forgotten

    3. We don’t understand his way of …

    a) being done b) having been done c) doing

    4. My colleagues denied their … at this webinar.

    a) being participated b) having participated c) participated

    5. We feel like … for this international human rights program.

    a) being applied b) applying c) having been applied

    8. State the function of the Gerund in the sentence:

    1. After having published his article about problems of unemployment in the global world Mr Wilson was invited to take part in the international forum.

    2. You should prevent him from taking such a dangerous step.

    3. Solving difficult problems is a pleasure for a good scientist.

    4. Do you have any reason for accusing him of plagiarism?

    5. Our aim was to postpone making such complex decisions right now.

    6. We talked about participating in the meeting.

    7. Our work resulted in studying new phenomena.

    8. Before coming to any conclusion you should thoroughly analyze
    all the facts.

    9. The idea of using the new substance belongs to my scientific

    10. The main point of the discussion is applying the new methods.

    a) подлежащее;

    b) часть сказуемого;

    c) дополнение (прямое/предложное);

    d) определение;

    e) обстоятельство.

    9. Find sentences with the gerundial construction and translate them into Russian:

    1. The chief suggests my joining the experiment as soon as possible.

    2. He persisted in trying to solve that difficult problem.

    3. Everybody looked forward to their being invited to this symposium.

    4. He felt like doing some reports at the different conferences next year.

    5.Ann’s participating in this international exchange program is an obviuous fact.

    10.State the part of speech of the word in italics

    а) participle b) gerund с) noun:

    1. Globalization is breaking barriers to allow free movement of capital.

    2. The spreading of a new coronavirus infection caused a parallel epidemic of fear and anxiety in the world.

    3. Focusing on the opportunities of globalization you should take into consideration its positive and negative aspects.

    4. Can you live a day without using the smartphone?

    5. The participating at the forum of anti-globalists impressed me greatly.

    6. It is useless speaking to some people; they would not believe the obvious facts.

    7. Having been offered many other methods, they finally returned to the initial one.

    8. The delegate doesn’t remember having been asked such provocative questions at the last conference.

    9. The project was carefully checked before starting.

    10. Are you surprised at getting this unusual task?
    Test 10. Grammar Check

    Third semester

    1. State the type of the Clause:

    1. That the expansion of cyber crimes is one of the bad sides of IT is obvious.

    2. The more technological progress develops, the more sophisticated and inventive the attempts of scammers to turn it to their advantage.

    3. It doesn’t matter how many times you delete your browser history and clear your cookies because your computer still leaves a trace on the web.

    4. Power engineers will put into operation a new power unit provided the need for electricity increases.

    5. Although the budget for the construction of the stadium was significantly increased the contractors had only just enough funds to complete the construction by the beginning of the World Cup.

    6. The inventor could not come to the award ceremony so that his son received the prize.

    7. EU countries are decreasing the use of coal in the electricity production, as they seek to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

    8. Users spend a lot of on gaming apps while merely 1% of the usage is inclined towards lifestyle apps, for instance, health and fitness apps.

    9.Another interesting fact about an average smartphone user is that they unlock the phones over 80 times a day which is contributing to around 3,000 strokes per day.

    10. The quality of Chinese goods is not as poor as many consumers think.

    11. The main point is where my friend could find the necessary data for his report.

    12. He convinced our group that it was a very risky venture to start research without the suitable laboratory.

    2.Choose the appropriate word given in italics:

    1. That is why/what I have asked you to continue this scientific research.

    2. He knew that / who had obtained all important data.

    3.Whether / which the technicians will complete the installation of this device today is not known yet.

    4. The man whose /what last research has been placed on the web site lately is a famous physicist.

    5. Each year this facility where/that hundreds of scientists from different countries conduct basic and applied research is located Geneva.

    6. The station serves as a space laboratory in which/whose astronauts from NASA examine human physiology, studying the effects of weightlessness on bone density.

    7. Whatever/whoever time you launch the Space Telescope, make video and post on the Internet.

    8. We know that/what the Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics is one of the largest research centers in Russia.

    9. James Webb who/whom was the administrator of NASA, and played an integral role in the Apollo program.

    10. The problem was what/ that kind of practical work must follow the study of theoretical problems.

    3. Fill in the gaps using words of Clauses:

    1. There are many people … are against new technologies.

    2. The demand for the Russian vaccine has increased … the ability of the manufacturer to release the vaccine in the required amount.

    3. The test program has been modified … the manufacturer confirms the declared equipment life.

    4. … the treaty had been signed, the delegation left Moscow.

    5. Do you know … many times an average person looks at their phone in a day?

    4. Open the brackets using Conditionals 1, 2, 3. Translate sentences.

    1. If there (not be) so much fake news on the Internet, people would trust the media more.

    2. If the number of covid cases had not increased last week, new restrictions (not introduce).

    3. Finland’s accession to NATO will be possible if all members of the alliance (agree) to accept it.

    4. If the equipment had been gone through a thoroughly test before installing, workers (not find) so serious technical faults while its launching .

    5. Production of the new vehicles (stop) if the commission (doesn’t confirm) compliance with specifications.

    5. Complete the sentence:

    1. Whichever disadvantages the artificial intelligence has … .

    2. If I were CEO of Tesla… .

    3. Social networks turned out to be unable to fully replace live communication because … .

    4. After the augmented reality had been created … .

    5. The more time you spend playing online game the more … .

    6. Open the brackets using Conditionals 1, 2, 3:

    1. If Max hadn’t remembered the password from his credit card, he (not have) enough cash to buy a new iPhone.

    2. Sanctions (remove) if countries come to agreement in the negotiations.

    3. If I (be) you I would check the information posted on this site more carefully.

    4. Disabled people could not have attended football matches if a new stadium with an «accessible environment» system (not built).

    5. Would you keep calm if you (remain) without the Internet for a week?

    6.If there (not be) so much fake news on the Internet, people would trust the media more.

    7. If the number of covid cases had not increased last week, new restrictions (not introduce).

    8.Sweden’s accession to NATO will be possible if all members of the alliance (agree) to accept it.

    9.If the equipment had been gone through a thoroughly test before installing, workers (not find) so serious technical faults while its launching .

    10.If (to be ) you I wouldn’t trust this information.
    7. Ask the general and special questions in the reported speech:
    1. “Where can I register for a master class on Data Science?”

    2. “Whose project impressed your friend most of all? ”

    3. “Are the coronavirus restrictions being canceled in all regions now?

    4. “Does Mr Harkins usually post his scientific works on the website? ”

    5. “Will you apply for the webinar on ecological problems of your town?”

    6. “Why did you refuse to collaborate with our company? ”

    7. “What company developed multi-use rockets?”

    8. “What negative sides of the artificial intelligence do you know ?”

    9. “Are your friends developing the advanced course for the IT-specialists?”

    10. “Who posted these materials on the platform of our university?”
    8.Complete the sentences. Pay attention to the sequences of tenses:

    1. The teacher asked students if … .

    2. We wonder who …

    3. My friend posted on his Instagram that… .

    4. The deputy dean reported when… .

    5. The speaker remarked why … .

    9.Translate into Russian using sentences in Subjunctive Mood:

    1. Might we retake the credit test before fixed time?

    2. Could you detect a system failure at once?

    3. If I only bought this gadget!

    4. I wished I had heard Elon Musk’s speech on the students forum a year ago.

    5. Would you like to help me in creating online quiz?

    10. Fill in the gaps:

    1. He wishes he … the scientific scholarship.

    a) would got b) get c) gets d) had got

    2. How much I wish the people …. blind trust in the fake news!

    a) wouldn’t put b) had put c) put d) will put

    3. If my brother came here he … me.

    a) would help b) helped c) helps d) will hekp

    4. If I only ... to the Silicon Valley!

    a) had visited b) visited c) would visit d) visit

    5. My sister wished she ...the performance yesterday.

    a) did visit b) visited c) visits d) had visited


    First semester


    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. How old is Roman Kirsanov?

    2. When was he born?

    3. Where does he live?

    4. When did Roman leave the school?

    5. When did he move to Moscow?

    6.Where does Roman study?

    7. What faculty does he study at?

    8. Does Roman attend all classes?

    9. Does he like to study at the university?

    10. What are his favourite subjects?

    11. What is his future profession?

    12. How does Roman spend his free time?

    1. Answer the following questions:

    1.Where does the narrator study?

    2. Is his university a unique and dynamically developing organization?

    3. What are the levels of the higher education at the university?

    4. The academic year begins at the beginning of September, doesn’t it?

    5. Where do the lessons begin?

    6. What subjects do the first and second year students study?

    7. What is «major»?

    8. How long do the students study at the university?

    9. Who is recommended for further study at the post-graduate courses?

    10. What kind of opportunities do students have to develop and use their skills and knowledge?

    11. What are the difficulties faced by university students?

    12.What issues do you consider to be severe personally for you?
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