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NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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1. Answer the following questions:

1. Does higher education play an important role in the life of any
country? Why?

2. What examinations do school leavers take to enter the higher school?

3. How can you define the Bologna Process?

4. When did the Russian Federation enact the law about the transition to two-level system?

5. What forms of study do the higher educational institutions offer?

6. What is the assessment system of higher education in Russia?

7. Under what conditions the students get scholarship?

8. How many attempts does the student have to retake the subject when receiving a «failed» ?

9. How long do bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s programs last? 10. What changes has the system of higher education undergone over the last years?

11. What problems do we face in the higher education of the Russian Federation?

12. How are these problems being resolved?


    1. Answer the following questions:

1. Does higher education play an important role in the life of any
country? Why?

2. What examinations do school leavers take to enter the higher school?

3. How can you define the Bologna Process?

4. When did the Russian Federation enact the law about the transition to two-level system?

5. What forms of study do the higher educational institutions offer?

6. What is the assessment system of higher education in Russia?

7. Under what conditions do the students get scholarship?

8. How many attempts does the student have to retake the subject when receiving a «failed» ?

9. How long do Bachelor’s, specialist’s and Master’s programs last? 10. What changes has the system of higher education undergone over the last years?

11. What problems do we face in the higher education of the Russian Federation?

12. What problems do you consider to be the most important?


    1. Answer the following questions:

1. How is the higher education characterized in the United Kingdom?

2. What kind of higher education institutions are there in the UK?

3. When were Cambridge and Oxford founded?

4. What other Old universities are mentioned in the text?

5. How can you describe the tutor system?

6. How did Redbrick universities get this name?

8. Why are the universities established after the World War II known as New ones?

9.How is the process of the education organized at the Open University?

10.What famous people did graduate from the British universities?

11.What are the levels of higher education in the UK?

12.What are the peculiarities of Bachelor’s (undergraduate) program?

13. What are the types of Master’s degree in Great Britain?

14. What qualifications are necessary to apply for a British university?

15.What are the admission requirements for Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral degrees?

16. What is the structure of higher education courses in the UK?

17. What forms of education do British universities offer?

18. When does the academic year start in the UK?

19. Who cannot apply for student loans in British universities?

20. Are there scholarships for international students?

1. Answer the following questions:

1. Does the system of higher education in the United States differ from that one in Europe? Prove your answer.

2. What types of educational venues are there in the US system of higher education?

3. The academic standards of American colleges and universities vary greatly, don’t they? Prove your answer.

4. What degrees are American students awarded after graduation from the community college?

5. Do the four-year liberal arts colleges offer Bachelor’s degree to their alumni? Prove your answer.

6. Why is the reputation of for-profit colleges doubtful?

7. What is the difference between public and private universities in the USA?

8. What programs do the universities offer to the students?

9. How is admission process organized in the US higher schools?

10. What are the types of graduate’s degrees in the USA?

11. What does the flexibility of the educational process in US universities imply?

12. What are peculiarities of academic credit systems in the US universities?

13. Why should the students earn a certain number of credits?

14. Do students receive any financial aid from government and educational venues? Prove your answer.

15. What are the most prominent institutions of higher education
in the USA?
1. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the term «engineering» mean?

2. What are the specialty areas of engineering?

3. What does aerospace engineering deal with?

4. Whom is the civil engineering suitable for?

5. What does computer engineering focus on?

6. Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of science, isn’t it? Prove your answer.

7. Whom is the engineering management suitable for?

8.Why is the environmental engineering a very useful field of engineering?

9. How one can define the term «engineer»?

10. What are the professional duties of the engineer?

11. Why should engineers have a general understanding of several areas of engineering?

12. What are the main requirements to this profession?

13. What are the main benefits of the engineering career?

14. What are the disadvantages of this profession?

15. Why have you chosen engineering as your future career?

1.Answer the questions:

1.Where is Elon Musk originally from?

2.How did he earn first money?

3.Is Elon Musk highly educated? Prove your answer.

4.Why did he drop out of Stanford University?

5.What was Elon Musk’s first big business?

6.What are his other early projects?

7.When did Elon Musk create SpaceX?

8.What is mission of Tesla.Inc.?

9.What other Musk’s projects are presented in this text?

10.Which of them do you consider to be the most significant and useful for the mankind?

11.What projects is Elon Musk developing currently?

12. Why did Elon Musk achieve such success?


1. When and where was Konstantin Thon born?

2. Where did he study?

3. Where did this architect study Italian art?

4. What post was he appointed at the academy?

5. What were Thon’s early architectural projects?

6. What was his most famous project?

7. How long did Thon work on it?

8. Was the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour built in Neoclassical style?

9. Who approved the design of this cathedral?

10. What others Thon’s projects are mentioned in the text?

11. What characteristic was given to the architecture of K. Thon by
A. Herzen?

12. When was the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour reconstructed?

Second semester


1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is language?

2. What language is called an international one?

3. What language was the first international one?

4. Did the Greek language replace the Phoenician language? Prove your answer.

5. What language was the next international one?

6. Did all the languages have equal importance in different centuries in the world? Why?

7. What language was popular in the 15th and 16th centuries? Prove your answer.

8. When did French become the dominant language of the Western world?

9. When did the transition from French to English start?

10. What is the dominance of English in the contemporary world
explained by?

11. What are the basic characteristics of English?

12. What are the three groups of people speaking English?

13. Why do people learn the English language?

14. What other foreign languages would you like to learn?

15. At present the English language plays the role of the global one, doesn’t it? Prove your answer.


1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the Commonwealth of Nations?

2. When was the current Commonwealth of Nations formally constituted?

3. What English-speaking countries do belong to this political association?

4.Who is the head of the Commonwealth of Nations?

5. How many countries does the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consist of? What are these countries?

6. Where is the UK situated?

7. Why does England rank as one of the most influential centers of cultural development in the world?

8. What are the three natural regions of Scotland?

9. Where is Wales located?

10.When did the British government split Ireland into two autonomous territories?

11.What are the symbols of the four parts of the United Kingdom?

12.When did the USA proclaim their independence from Great Britain?

13.What languages are official spoken in Canada?

14.What is Canada’s economy dominated by?

15. What is the geographical peculiarity of Australia?

16. Where is New Zealand located?

17. What are the national symbols of the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand?


1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the reason of man’s interference in nature?

2. What factors cause the ecological problems?

3. What environmental problems are described in the text?

4. How does the greenhouse effect work?

5. How can the global warming be mitigated?

6. What is one of the main reason of the air pollution?

7. What efforts have been taken at the international level to copy with climate change and air pollution?

8. What natural disasters will deforestation create?

9. What are the three R’s rules of environment?

10. What solutions mentioned in the text are offered to protect the environment?

11. Why do people pollute the nature?

12. What are your suggestions on saving the environment?


1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is globalization?

2. What are the key characteristics of globalization?

3. Do multinational corporations play the significant role in today’s world? Prove your answer.

4. Why is the spreading of knowledge so important in the global world?

5.What are the pros of globalization?

6.What are the cons of globalization?

7.Which of above mentioned advantages and disadvantages of globalization are the most important for you?

8. What does the term «cultural homogeneity» mean?

9. How can you explain the employment loss in the global world?

10. What is your position towards the globalization (pro, contra, neutral)?
Third semester

1. Answer the following questions:
1. When did the formation of the international organizations start?

2. What does the term «international organizations» mean?

3. What are two main types of the international organizations?

4. What are the main purposes of the intergovernmental organizations?

5. What is the definition of the nongovernmental organization?

6.What are two types of the nongovernmental organizations?

7.What are the objectives of the non-profit organizations?

8. What functions do international organizations serve?

9.What are the most known examples of the international organizations?

10. What other notable international organizations (including Russian ones) do you know?


1. Answer the following questions:

1. When was the European Union established under that name?

2. How many members does the EU consist of?

3. What country did leave the European Union?

4.What countries are expected to join the EU?

5.What are only the officially languages of the EU?

6. What are the key activities of the European Union?

7.What are the EU’s policy aims?

8.Why do the EU resemble a federation or a confederation?

9. What is difference between terms “federation and confederation”?

10. What are the most important EU institutions?

11.What requirements must a state meet to join the EU?

12. Do citizen of the European Union need a work permit or visa within the Schengen Area?

13. When and where was the Schengen Agreement signed?

14. Are the products made within the EU sold in any other member countries without special permissions or extra taxes?

15. How many citizens do in the European Union live?


1. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is the headquarters of Apple Inc. located?

2. When did the history of Apple start?

3. Who is considered to be a founder of the company?

4. Who invented the kits for the computers of the new company?

5. When was Apple officially incorporated?

6. Who provided the essential business expertise and funding during the incorporation of Apple?

7. When were the Apple II and III introduced?

8. Why did Steve Jobs leave the company in 1985?

9. When was the first iPhone presented?

10. Who was appointed as CEO after Jobs’ death?

11. What are the most popular products of Apple?

12. What new products of Apple have been launched recently?

1. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider located?

2.What do physicists study by using the collider?

3. Who is the founder of SpaceX?

4. What are SpaceX’s achievements?

5. What is the National Ignition Facility (NIF)?

6. What is NIF’s mission?

7. What is the International Space Station (ISS)?

8. What is the function of the ISS?

9. When was the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launched?

10. What are the scientific aims of JWST?

11. What other scientific projects do you know?

12. Which of above - mentioned projects impressed you mostly?
1. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the term «information technology» mean?

2. When did term «information technology» first appear in the English language?

3. How did information technology change our lifestyle?

4. Do you agree that our every day life is impossible without IT?Why?

5. What modern information technologies do you know?

6. What are the positive aspects of IT?

7. What are the downsides of IT?

8. What other negative and positive sides of information technology do you know?

9.Which of above mentioned benefits and drawbacks of IT do you consider to be the most significant?

10. How do you prefer to communicate?

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the term «instant messaging» mean?

2. When was the pioneer of online chatting launched?

3.What are the most popular instant messaging applications in Russia?

4. When was WhatsApp founded?

5. What are the main features of WhatsApp?

6. Who created Telegram?

7. What are the essential options of Telegram?

8. What other trendy instant messaging apps are available in our country?

9. What messengers do you use?

10. Do you consider the messaging platforms to be secure?Why?


1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is one of the earliest inventions in the world?

2.Who is considered to be a leading creator of steam engine?

3. When was the first flying airplane made?

4. Who designed the first automobile?

5. Was any single inventor of the television?

6. Who is credited for making the world’s first television broadcast?

7. When was the personal computer invented?

8. Who is an inventor of a practical telephone?

9. When did cell phones replace traditional ones as means of communication?

11. Who contributed much to the multi-use rockets?

12. What negative sides do the advanced technologies have?

How to Make a Successful Presentation
Some expressions to be used while making a presentation

How to address

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

Dear friends!

How to start giving ideas on the topic concerned

The main topic of my presentation is …

I would like to tell about …

I am going to talk about …

Let’s look at some ways of … (at some details).

I will start my presentation by asking you questions …

I’d like to explain …

In the first part of my presentation, I’ll describe …

After that I’ll talk about…

Finally I’ll show you …

How to proceed the main idea

First I’d like to talk about …

I’d like to draw your attention to …

Now, I’d like to move on to …

Next, let me describe …

I’d now like to turn to …

Firstly … Secondly …. Thirdly …

First … Next … Then … After that … Finally.

Connecting words

Consequently … Therefore … However … Because of …

Although … In addition … Since … Also …Moreover

Ending the presentation

In conclusion I would like to say …

Finally /To sum up I would like to say …

I therefore recommend …

I ’ll be happy to answer all your questions at the end of my (our) presentation.

Thank you for your (kind) attention (for listening).

Describing Visual Aids

In my first slide I’d like to show you …

If you look at the screen you can see…

The horizontal (vertical) axis is …

The left slide shows …

The third row (column) contains …

On the right is …

As you can see …

This is the …

Here is the …

This clearly shows …

Some Dos and Don’ts


Give yourself enough time to plan, edit and rewrite.

Give yourself enough time to practice, practice and practice.

Limit the amount of information you give. A report is a much better place to give a lot of information.

Make sure your script is easy to use. Index cards are better than using notebooks or sheets of paper.

Check before the presentation the transcription of all difficult words in the dictionary.

Check before the presentation that your overhead transparencies, slides or charts are in the correct order.

The first slide should announce the title of your presentation, the event and date, and your name and position. This may seem terribly obvious, but many speakers miss off some of this basic information and then weeks
later listeners (or their colleagues back at the organization) are not clear who made the presentation or when.

Each slide should normally contain around 25 – 35 words, unless it is a quote (when you might use more) or contains an illustration (when you will probably use less). Too many words and your audience will have trouble reading the material; too few words and you're likely to be flashing through the slides and spending too much time clicking the mouse.
Remember to speak clearly and not too fast.

Use PowerPoint if the facilities are available. Although some speakers seem to have taken an aversion to PowerPoint, it is so convenient and ensures that your presentation has a clear structure and something for your listeners to take away.

Pause (five to ten seconds) after showing a visual aid. Give the
audience time to read before you start speaking again.

Keep to the time. Many people become impatient with the presentations that go on too long. You may be cut off.

Use the question and answer session as an opportunity to give extra
information on your subject.


Read the report in bad English.

Memorize your presentation.

Have lots text on each slide.

Use too small font.

Speak more than 10 minutes.

Play with pointers, pens or keys.

Wave your paper or cards around when gesturing.

Look at the ceiling, the floor or out the window.
Appendix 2
Как подготовить дискуссию на занятиях по иностранному языку
Латинское слово «дискуссия» означает рассмотрение, подробное исследование какого-либо вопроса, публичное обсуждение какой-либо проблемы.

Дискуссия - это спор по правилам не для того, чтобы переспорить и навязать свое мнение, а чтобы вместе с оппонентами найти истину, решить проблему. В ходе дискуссии публично обсуждаются наиболее сложные и интересующие проблемы обучающихся определенного возраста, намечаются пути их решения. Эти проблемы могут быть самыми различными. Например, такими:

- методы эффективного изучения английского языка

- проблемы молодежи в современном мире

- преимущества и недостатки информационных технологий

-проблемы высшего образования в России

- определение «проблемных зон» при организации учебного процесса и многие другие

Из мнений участников , высказываемых в дискуссии, возникают вполне конкретные предложения по разрешению поставленной проблемы, вырабатываются условные рекомендации. В дискуссиях определяются инициативные группы или выбираются творческие команды для доработки предложений.

Условия эффективности проведения дискуссии:

1. Тема должна быть актуальной для данного возраста участников, проблемной, стимулирующей обмен мнениями.

2. Тема конкретизируется вопросами для обсуждения. Их может быть немного (от 3 до 6), но формулировка должна быть четкой, а по содержанию вызывать интерес участников.

3. Необходимо своевременно оповестить всех, кого желательно привлечь к обсуждению. До сведения участников заранее доводятся тема, вопросы и рекомендуемая литература.

4. Желательно специальное оформление помещения, где будет проходить дискуссия. В этих целях можно использовать плакаты, стенды с соответствующими материалами или различные иллюстрации (плакаты, фотографии), отражающие тему диспута.

5. Особое внимание уделить выбору ведущего, от мастерства которого во многом зависит весь ход дискуссии. Как правило, это должен быть студент, обладающий достаточным коммуникативными качествами, эрудицией, грамотной речью, а и также с достаточным уровнем языковой компетенции

6. Продуманность этапов дискуссии, утвержденный регламент, умение организаторов предугадать ход дискуссии и поведение участников.

7. Временные рамки дискуссии. Наиболее эффективное время проведения — не более 1 ч. Если даже за отведенное время не будет окончательно разрешена главная проблема дискуссии, ее все равно необходимо умело и грамотно закончить или временно приостановить. При этом у участников резко возрастает мотивация продолжения дискуссии, которую можно провести уже в другое время.
Несколько советов участникам дискуссии во время выступления:
- излагай мысли кратко, стараясь не повторять сказанного;

- в выступлении выделяй главное, четко формулируй свои доводы;

- не стесняйся высказывать необычные идеи: оригинальность мышления — признак развитого интеллекта;

- наблюдай за реакцией участников дискуссии на твои слова или точку зрения, но при этом держись с достоинством.

- старайся понять предыдущего выступающего, даже если не согласен с ним;

- прежде чем вступить в спор, продумай основные моменты того, что хочешь сказать;

- серьезно аргументируй свое мнение,

-не оскорбляй своих товарищей и предыдущих выступающих;

- внимательно выслушай возражения, постарайся определить правильные и ошибочные утверждения оппонента;

-не будь упрямым и не бойся признать свою неправоту.

- допускайте жаргонных выражений и «слов-паразитов».

Как грамотно организовать дискуссию ?

Выберите актуальную и интересную тему. Разделите группы на 2 команды, состоящих из равного количества человек. Одна группа будет приводить аргументы “за”, другая “против”. Участники дискуссии должны быть способны не только высказать свое мнение, но и объяснить его.

Можно дать тему заранее и сообщить студентам, кто будет выступать “за”, а кто “против”. В таком случае участники смогут изучить тему вместе и спланировать свои высказывания. Благодаря тому, что студенты изучат тему заранее, они пополнят словарный запас, что в свою очередь поможет сделать их аргументы более убедительными

Некоторые клише на английском язык для проведения дискуссии:

Вступаем в дискуссию, озвучиваем тему своего высказывания".

What I want to speak about is… То, о чем я хочу поговорить сейчас - это…

Let me inform you about… – Позвольте мне сообщить вам…

My speech will be about … – Речь пойдет о…

I will tell you about... – Я расскажу Вам о…

Let’s discuss pro and contra - Давайте обсудим все “за” и “против”

Самостоятельно оцениваем информацию, которой делимся с окружающими

At first – Во-первых

First of all – Прежде всего

Аs far as I remember/know… – Насколько я помню/знаю…

If I'm not mistaken… – Если я не ошибаюсь…

If I remember rightly… – Если я правильно помню…

It’s needless to say…– Нет нужды говорить…

It’s common knowledge that... – Это общеизвестно, что…

It’s well known that… – Хорошо известно, что…

Everybody knows… – Все знают, что…

It’s also very interesting that – Также очень интересно…

Frankly speaking – Честно говоря

To say the truth – По правде сказать

In fact – На самом деле

There is no doubt that… – Нет сомнений в том, что…
Озвучиваем ход мысли

Where were we? – На чем мы остановились?

Getting back to the topic – Возвращаясь к теме

What are you driving at? – К чему ты клонишь?

I just say things that come into my head. – Я просто говорю то, что приходит на ум.

Дополняем высказывание

In addition… – В дополнение…

I would like to add that – Я бы хотел добавить, что…

By the way – кстати, между прочим

Just for the record – для справки

I am not much of a public speaker but I'd like to add... – Я не очень хороший оратор, но мне хочется добавить (вступаем в дискуссию)

Заполняем паузы, выигрываем время

Let me think… – Дайте подумать…

How could it slip my mind? – Как это могло выскочить у меня из головы?

Oh, it’s a pity, I don’t remember his name – Жаль, но я не помню его имени…

I’m trying to collect my thoughts. – Пытаюсь собраться с мыслями.

Сомневаемся в понимании услышанного, переспрашиваем, уточняем

What do you mean? – Что Вы имеете в виду?

Could you say it again? – Скажите, пожалуйста, еще раз.

Could you speak not so quickly? –Не могли бы вы говорить не так быстро?

I don’t quite follow you. – Я не совсем улавливаю мысль.

I’m not sure I get what you mean.- Я не уверен, что понял, что Вы имели в виду.

Paraphrasing we can say… – Иными словами можно сказать…
Подтверждаем понимание

I see… – Я вижу (понимаю)…

I understand… – Понимаю…

I got it. – Понял.

Реагируем на полученную информацию
Really? – Правда?

Are you surе? – Вы уверены?

That’s awful! – Это ужасно!

Shame on you! – Как не стыдно!

It doesn’t matter for me. – Это не имеет значения для меня.

It could be better. – Могло бы быть лучше.

It could have been worse! – Могло быть и хуже.

Dear me! – Вот это да! (удивление)

Things happen. – Всякое бывает.

It’s terrible! – Это ужасно!

It's boring! – Это скучно!

I didn’t like it at all. – Мне это не нравится вообще.

It is great! I like it. – Здорово! Мне нравится.

I can’t say it's great. – Не могу сказать, что это здорово.

Not bad. – Неплохо.

Задаем вопрос

May I ask you… – Можно у вас спросить…

I wonder… – Интересно…

I would like to know… – Мне хотелось бы знать…

Tell me please… – Скажите мне, пожалуйста…

My question is… – У меня такой вопрос

I wish I knew… – Хотел бы я знать…

Выражаем собственное мнение

In my opinion – По моему мнению

From my point of view – С моей точки зрения

I believе… – Я считаю…

I suppose – Я полагаю/предполагаю

Аs for me… – Что касается меня

Probably – Возможно, вероятно

Something tells me – Что-то мне подсказывает…

It was just my point of view. – Это только моя точка зрения.

I found out that… – И я выяснил, что…

That’s my opinion! And I don’t eat my words. – Это мое мнение, и я не беру своих слов обратно.

Поддерживаем внимание собеседника, расставляем логические акценты

Believe it or not… – Веришь или нет…

Look here… – Послушай…

You know… – Вы знаете…

Please, pay attention to the fact that…– Пожалуйста, обратить внимание на тот факт, что…

As you may know… – Как вы, наверно, знаете…

Вежливо прерываем собеседника

Excuse me… – Простите…

Sorry to interrupt… – Простите, что прерываю…

May I interrupt? – Можно прервать Вас?

Can I add something here? – Можно я добавлю здесь….

Выражаем несогласие с аргументами собеседника и приводим встречные аргументы

I’m afraid you aren’t quite right… – Боюсь Вы не совсем правы…

I should not say so… – Я бы так не сказал…

I doubt it… – Сомневаюсь…

It’s an interesting idea but… – Интересная идея, но…

You may be right, but... – Возможно Вы правы, но…

I may be wrong, but... – Возможно я не прав, но...

Not bad. I just want to pay your attention… – Неплохо. Но я просто хочу обратить Ваше внимание….

It might be so, but… – Может быть и так, но…

Far from it… – Совсем не так…

Nothing like that. – Ничего подобного.

I can’t say I agree. – Не могу сказать, что я согласен.

I just want you to understand that… – Я только хочу, чтоб Вы поняли, что…

Most unlikelу. – Непохоже, что это так.

I wish I could agree, but I really can’t. – Был бы рад согласиться, но не могу.

Тo offence, but… – Без обид, но…

It’s clear, but… – Понятно, но…

It doesn’t prove your idea. – Это не доказывает Вашу мысль.

You had better think about… – Вы бы лучше подумали о…

Оn the contrary – Наоборот

In spite of this… – Несмотря на это…

I hope you’ll change your mind. – Надеюсь, Вы измените свое мнение.

It’s a lie. – Это ложь.

It seems me to be false. – Это представляется мне неверным

I understand your position but… – Мне понятна Ваша позиция, но…

But we must take into account… – Но нам следует принимать во внимание…

But we must take into consideration… – Но нам следует учитывать…

But it is to be noted… – Но необходимо заметить…

Deep down I disagree. – В глубине души я не согласен.

But I dare say – Но я осмелюсь сказать…

Соглашаемся с собеседником

Exactly! –Точно! Именно!

Naturally! - Естественно!

Quite so. – Именно так.

That’s right. – Правильно.

I agree with you. – Я согласен.

You read my mind. – Ты читаешь мои мысли.

I dare not protest. – Не смею возражать.

I hadn’t thought of that before. –Не думал об этом раньше.

It’s new to me. – Это новая информация для меня.

Предлагаем собеседнику

Let’s – Давай…

Why don’t we (+ глагол в начальной форме)… – почему бы нам не (+ глагол в начальной форме)…

We could… if you like it… –Мы могли бы … если ты хочешь…

If you don’t mind, let’s… – Если Вы не против, давайте…

And what about (+Ving) – А как насчет ...?

If I were you I would … – На твоем месте я бы…

What do you think about . . – Что ты думаешь насчет…?

Реагируем на предложение

It’s worth trying/discussing… – Стоит попробовать/обсудить…

That’s interesting. – Это интересно.

Great idea! – Отличная идея!

I have nothing against! – Ничего не имею простив.

Why not? – Почему бы нет?

That’s great! – Отлично!

Certainly. – Конечно.

With great pleasure. – С удовольствием.

As you want. – Как хочешь.

It’s all the same to me. – Мне без разницы.

What for? – Зачем?

Заканчиваем дискуссию, подводим итоги

Рeople say tastes differ. – Говорят, что о вкусах не спорят.

It’s matter of opinion. – Это спорный вопрос.

All in all.. – В конечном счёте, с учётом всех обстоятельств…

Wait and see. – Поживём увидим.

Let’s drop the subject. – Давай оставим эту тему.

I don’t want to discuss this problem. – Я не хочу обсуждать эту проблему.

In any case it was nice to speak to you. – В любом случае было приятно поговорить с Вами.

Use your own judgement. – Решай сам.

To sum up… – Подводя итог, суммируя все вышесказанное…

In short / in brief / in a word – Короче ….

In general… – В общем…

In conclusion I would like to say… – В заключение я хотел бы сказать…

After all… – В конце концов, в итоге….

So the main idea is that... – Итак, основная идея заключается в том, что…
Appendix 3

Grammar Bank
1   ...   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   ...   41

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