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NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is one of the earliest inventions in the world?

2.Who is considered to be a leading creator of steam engine?

3. When was the first flying airplane made?

4. Who designed the first automobile?

5. Was any single inventor of the television?

6. Who is credited for making the world’s first television broadcast?

7. When was the personal computer invented?

8. Who is the inventor of a practical telephone?

9. When did cell phones replace traditional ones as means of communication?

10. What inventions are useless without electricity?

11. What other remarkable inventions in science and technology before the 21st century do you know?

12. What is the key piece of smart technology?

13. Who contributed much to the multi-use rockets?

14. What other significant inventions of the 21st century are not listed in this text?

15. What are the drawbacks of the advanced technologies?
2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not stated:

1. The airplane ranks as one of the earliest inventions of the 19th century.

2. Henry Ford is the man who invented the motor car.

3. Brothers Wright made a solo flight across the Atlantic ocean.

4. Philo Farnsworth is credited for making the world’s first television broadcast.

5. The first TV set was demonstrated in France.

6. Michael Faraday made the first telephone for practical purposes.

7. There is a group of inventors accredited with the invention of the cell phone.

8.The mobile phone was invented in 1997.

9. Many famous people were involved in invention of the computers.

10. Robot is the most complicated invention of the mankind.

11. Artificial Intelligence was created in the 20th century.

12. Blockchain technology is tightly coupled with VR and AR.

13. Large Hadron Collider generates the dark matter.

14. The technology water as fuels is widely used in Denmark and Sweden.

15. Wearable exoskeletons help disabled people with mobility issues.
3.Guess: what an invention is it?

1. It is system that transmits encoded information by signal across a distance.

2. It is an automatically operated machine that replaces human effort, though it may not resemble human beings in appearance or perform functions in a humanlike manner.

3. It is a type of money that is completely virtual. It’s like an online version of cash.

4.It is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly.

5. It denotes any set of devices, systems, or appliances connected into an independently and remotely controlled network.

6.It is a machine or device that performs processes, calculations and operations based on instructions provided by a software or hardware program.

7. It is machine using steam power to perform mechanical work through the agency of heat.

8. It is a fixed-wing aircraft that is propelled forward by thrust from a jet engine, propeller, or rocket engine.

9. It is any of several processes for fabricating three-dimensional objects by layering two-dimensional cross sections sequentially, one on top of another.

10. It is the electronic delivery of moving images and sound from a source to a receiver.
Grammar in Focus
1. Change the affirmative sentences into reported speech:

1. The Ministry of Enlightenment press service claimed: “Russian universities will not be transferred to remote training in the nearest future.”

2. Course coordinator reminded students: “The event is taking place in online format now”.

3. The English teacher said to students: “I sent you per e-mail requirements to the interdisciplinary projects preparation two hours ago”.

4. The famous astronomer said: “Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket is moving to the Moon to crash into it”.

5. My supervisor states: “The originality of your article is 52%”.

6. The young software engineer informed : “I have invented a new computer program.”

7. The well-known epidemiologist claimed: “The situation with the coronavirus is stable.”

8. Pavel Durov said: “I support the ideas of Steve Jobs ”.

9. An employee of the bank warned me: “ Your bank card has just been blocked ”.

10. The students said to the teacher: “We will prepare our projects in a week”.
2. Change the imperative sentences into reported speech:

1. Students asked the teacher: “Let’s conduct our lesson on Zoom-platform ”.

2. My father said to me: “Don’t waste time playing on-line games ”.

3.Professor Petrov said to the students, “Start doing your project as soon as possible”.

4. The governor urged subscribers on his Instagram: “Please, avoid crowded places due to the risk of covid infection”.

5. The popular musician asked his fans on Facebook: “Don’t trust fake pages with my account.”

6. My fellow student offered me: “Let’s develop on-line course for the IT beginners”.

7. “Don’t multi-task while studying”, my elder sister advised.

8. Environmental volunteers permanently beg city residents: “Throw garbage only into separated containers!”

9. “Make affordable medicine for developing countries!”, antiglobalist leaders demand.

10. “Do not answer unfamiliar phone numbers and do not call back”, police recommend.
3. Report the questions:

1. “Hasn’t the bridge been repaired yet?”

2. “Who invented the telephone?”

3. “Can robots replace people in the future?”

4. “Have you checked your coursework for plagiarism yet?”

5. “Is it your second speech at the scientific forum in the USA?”

6. “Why have you come to Scotland?”

7. “Is the facial recognition system able to recognize the person in the mask?”

8. “When was your account on the social network hacked?”

9. “What program are you creating now?”

10. “Have you shown your project to the coordinator of this course?”

4. Translate into Russian using sentences in the Subjunctive Mood:

1. I could do nothing. What steps would you have taken in my place?

2. I wish I would complete my term paper tomorrow.

3. Could you complete the preparation to the event by deadline if none helped you up?

4. I wish I spoke Chinese.

5. I wished I had left your team last week.

6. I suggested that someone would get access to your account.

7. If you were not so careless, we would not fail our joint project.

8. If only the crisis stopped!

9. Would you move to one of the European countries if you could arrange it?

10. Might you enter a room if you heard that your colleagues were talking about you?

5. Fill in the gaps:

1. He wishes he … for this company.

a) worked b) works c) would work d) had worked

2. If only we … water.

a) would waste b) wasted c) hadn’t wasted d) waste

3. We wish this printer … too much noise.

a) wouldn’t make b) make c) made d) would make

4. If only people … more paper.

a) would not recycle b) had recycled c) would recycle d) recycled

5. All people wish the Covid-19 pandemic … .

a) had stopped b) would not stop c) had not s..topped d) would stop.

6. I wish you ...use my smartphone without permission.

a) wouldn’t b) shouldn’t c) don’t d) won’t

7. The students wish the exams … over.

a) will be b) were c) would not be d) had been

8. The scientist wishes his assistants … his idea.

a) understand b) didn’t understand c) could understand d) will understand.

9. How much the fans wish Zenit …. the match yesterday.

a) had won b) will won c) would won d) won

10. If only all wars … !

a) stopped b) stop c) will stop d) had stopped

6. Complete the sentences. Mind the Subjunctive Mood:
1. If only we … .

2. We wish … .

3. The students wished … .

4. If I could … .

5. My mother wishes … .
1.* Round Table: Does Technological Progress of the 21st Century Make Humanity Better?

Topics be touched upon:

1. Artificial Intelligence: Defining Challenge and Potential Future Risks.

2. Era of Robotics: Сonfrontation or Сooperation?

3. Nanotechnology: the next really big small thing?
2.*Project Work: Give presentations on the topics:

1. The inventions of the 17th-19th centuries.

2. The inventions 20th century.

3. The innovations and discoveries of the 21st century.

4. The achievements in science and technology you are interested in.

3*. Speak on the topic «Greatest Inventions to Change the World» using these clichés:

1. I would like to tell you about /This text is about ...

2.According to the text … .

3.As I understood from the text ... .

4. As it is described in the text ... .

5.As seen from the text … .

6.As for me I learnt that … .

7.It is pointed out that… .

8. I didn’t know that … .

9.Connecting words: moreover, you know, besides, nevertheless, however, therefore.

10. In conclusion I would like to tell /To sum up/Finally/To conclude ... .


1. Listen to the text Cancer Treatment on http://www.esl-lab.com

2. Do the tasks given.

1.Watch the video New Technologies that Will Change the World on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNjP

2.Discuss the ideas given.
Write an essay Does Technological Progress Make Societies Less Human?
Variant 1
1. Change the imperative sentences into reported speech:
1. “Don’t use smartphones on the exam!”, the teacher warned the students.

2. “Let’s hold a round table on the problems of youth in the modern world!”, students offered the teacher.

3. Staff of the dean-office informed our group: “Urgently give back your student’s record books!”

4. The cashier in the store demanded, “Put on a mask at once! ”

5. The press service of the governor claimed: “Restrain yourself from visiting shopping centers, restaurants and other public places! ”
2. Change the affirmative sentences into reported speech:
1.Our program manager informed us: “My assistants are posting all information on Telegram now.”

2.“I didn’t attend your lessons because of illness last weak”, the student said to the teacher.

3.Sociologists reported: “Youth born after 1997 prefers to work remotely ”.

4. “The schedule has just changed!”, my fellow students resented.

5. The chief said to employees: “From tomorrow the company will start working remotely” !
3. Ask the general and special questions in the reported speech:

1. “Who wasn’t informed about the possibility to apply for international internship yet?”

2. “What inventions of the 21st century impressed you most of all?”

3. “When will the retaking of the exam be scheduled? ”

4. “Can you take part in the competition of the student scientific projects in April? ”

5. “Is it your first visit to Great Britain?”

6. “How long have you worked on your diploma project? ”

7. “Does Telegram have group video call feature?”

8. “Who invented the first automobile?”

9. “Why do you believe propaganda and don’t change the information?”

10. “Where will you find the missing data?”
4. Fill in the gaps:

1. Our collegue spoke as if … an expert .

a) would be b) were c) is d) had been

2. I wish I ... this information earlier.

a) would know b) had known c) knew d) know

3. She wished she … for this online course last month.

a) take part b) took c) had not taken d) didn’t take

4. If only I... to Great Britain.

a) travel b) traveled c) didn’t travel d) hadn’t traveled

5. If I were you I … a portfolio for participation in the competition.

a) would prepare b) prepare c) had prepared d prepared
5. Complete the sentences with the Subjunctive Mood:

1. I wish … .

2. If I were you … .

3. My friend wishes … .

4. If only we … .

5. Our fellow mates wished … .

Variant 2
1. Change the imperative sentences into reported speech:

1. “Be careful while answering unknown telephone numbers”, my father reminded.

2. The chairman of the jury announced before the beginning of the forum: “Do not exceed the time limit!”

3. “Let’s start the quest earlier”, Max suggested to the friends.

4. “Please, switch off your mobile devices”, the stewardess warned the passengers.

5. The teacher said to us: “Connect to Zoom video conferencing in 10 minutes.”

2. Change the affirmative sentences into reported speech:

1. “The conference will be postponed”, the administrator warned the participants.

2. “We usually download apps from the safe websites”, the students said to the teacher on Informatics.

3. “Cyber scammers are very cunning”, the police usually inform.

4. “ We haven’t posted the new reports on this platform yet ”, we told to the project supervisor.

5. “I heard Elon Musk’s speech on the students forum a year ago”, I said my friend.
3. Ask the general and special questions in the reported speech:
1. “How can I get access to the materials of the master class on Data Science?”

2. “Whose project impressed your friend most of all? ”

3. “Were the coronavirus restrictions cancelled in all regions last year?

4. “Can you detect a system failure at once? ”

5. “Will you apply for the webinar on ecological problems of your town?”

6. “Why did you refuse to collaborate with our company? ”

7. “What company developed multi-use rockets?”

8. “What negative sides of the artificial intelligence do you know ?”

9. “Have your friends developed the advanced course for the IT-specialists ?”
4. Fill in the gaps:

1. He wishes he … the scientific scholarship.

a) would got b) get c) gets d) had got

2. How much I wish the people …. blind trust in the fake news!

a) wouldn’t put b) had put c) put d) will put

3. If my brother came here he … me.

a) would help b) helped c) helps d) will hekp

4. If I only ... to the Silicon Valley!

a) had visited b) visited c) would visit d) visit

5. My sister wished she ...the performance yesterday.

a) did visit b) visited c) visits d) had visited
5. Complete the sentences with the Subjunctive Mood:

1. If I bought this gadget … .

2. If only people … .

3. Our business partners wished … .

4. If I were you … .

5. If we had had the reliable information yesterday … .
Test 10. Grammar Check

First semester

1. State the part of speech:

1. to falsify 2. diverse 3. negotiation 4. approximately 5. complicated 6. proposal 7. to apply 8. selfish 9. advertisement 10. to enroll

2. Choose the English equivalent for the pronoun in brackets:

1. (Мы) like (наш) town and want to show (его) places of interest.

2. (Он) found (свой) key and put (его) into (свою) bag.

3. (Они) are always poking (свой) nose into (наш) business.

4. Helen gave (мне) (свой) smartphone and I gave (ей) (свой) laptop.

5. Can (вы) give (нам) some pieces of advice of being fit?
3. Make up different types questions to the following sentences:

1. Our friend usually gets along with his relatives (Кто?).

2. Sometimes his friends exchange opinions about books and movies (разделительный).

3. Mary is an accountant at the construction company (общий).

4. Her younger brother enrolled in the Moscow State University in 2021 (Когда?).

5. Their grandfather worked as an engineer in-chief at the big plant 30 years ago (Где?).

6. The English language is spoken by people throughout the world (общий).

7. Some people prefer calm way of spending their free time (Why?).

8. At present there are 15 faculties at our University (How many?).

9. Sofia and Denis will apply for the scientific scholarship in January (альтернативный).

10. The delegation from Сhina has been just met by the spokesperson of the corporation (Кем?).

4. Complete the gaps with the appropriate degree of comparison:

a) less expensive

b) more hardworking

c) useful

d) the farthest

e) further

f) the last

g) the most cost-effective

h) oldest

i) more

j) the most notable

1. All my friends say that this educational website is so … .

2. It was … online language course I have ever taken.

3. Mr Harris was … to take part at this international program.

4. These foreign students can’t continue their … study at Oxford because of lack of financial aid.

5. Liverpool is one of the … student cities in the UK.

6. The two … universities in England were founded in 12th and 13th centuries.

7. The more he collects data the … he becomes in his investigation.

8. It was … journey he has ever been able to do in his life.

9. Isaac Newton, English mathematician and physicist is one of … of Cambridge University.

10. This student doesn’t study very well but he is … .

5. Choose the appropriate translation of «it»from the list below:

A. именно

B. личное местоимение

C. формальное подлежащее

D. формальное дополнение

E. указательное местоимение

1. This student from Croatia speaks five foreign languages.

2. It is necessary to have minimum language proficiency confirmed by TOEFL in order to study at the British universities.

3. The student from India finds it reasonable to change his major.

4. This is a new textbook. Take it, please.

5. It is the University of Bristol that I want to apply for an internship.

6. Choose the appropriate translation of «one» from the list below:

A. числительное

B. заменитель существительного

C. неопределенно-личное местоимение

1. One should earn a certain number of credits to obtain a degree at the end of four years of college in Great Britain.

2. Cardiff University is also a member of the prestigious Russell Group, one of 24 elite research universities in the UK.

3. Data Scientist is one of the most demanded professions.

4. Last year I took part at various Russian conferences, but my brother took part in several international ones.

5. One can have a good knowledge of many subjects to become
a good specialist.
7. Choose the appropriate translation of «that (those)»from the list below:

A. что

B. который

C. именно

D. тот/этот/те/эти

E. заменитель существительного

F. то, что

1. There is little doubt that the University of Pennsylvania deserves its Ivy League status and reputation.

2. That most undergraduate home students are eligible for loans is known for us.

3. It is Lancaster’s green campus that provides modern facilities and study spaces for all students.

4. The education in the US two-year community colleges differs in some ways from that in four-year undergraduate institutions.

5. Do you know the name of that student who is speaking with his scientific advisor now?

6. Every degree has a mandatory number of credit hours that need to be completed.

7. That plenty of US universities suspended all new international exchange and domestic visitors is a forced restriction due to pandemic.

8. Everybody knows that Professor Teplov is the head of the biggest
language center in our city.

9. One of the main advantage of Warwick University is that it has the own recruitment agency to help students find regular or temporary work

10. That new campus of Swansea University is close to the city center and to the beach.

8. Choose the right variantpaying attention to the Active
and Passive Voice:

1. The tests for the foreign students … every day.

a) are updated b) have been updated c) were updated d) will be updating

2. All necessary documentation … to us already.

a) had been shown b) are shown c) will be shown d) have been shown

3. The explanation of this fact … by Russian scientists in the 19th century.

a) had been given b) was given c) will be given d) has been given

4. He … a new job before he finished the project.

a) is being offered b) is offered c) had been offered d) was offered

5. The annotation … by the interpreter tomorrow.

a) will be translated b) will be translating c) will translate d) will have been translated

6. New data … by our team before the forum starts.

a) have been received b) will be received c) was being received d) will have been received

7. The new campus … from 2017 till 2020.

a) was building b) was being built c) was built d) has been built

8. What issues … by the experts at the meeting now?

a) were being discussed b) are being discussed c) are discussing
d) discuss

9. The global acceleration in remote and hybrid working … challenges to IT security professionals around the world.

a) did bring b) was brought c) has brought d) had been brought

10. The computer … the data now.

a) is being processed b) is processing c) processes) has been

9. Choose the necessary modal verb or its equivalent:

1. (Следует) I start looking for another job?

2. (Можно) I speak to your superiors?

3. Our group (разрешили) do take credit tests in advance.

4. My colleague (пришлось) to apply for the remote job last year.

5. The student ( не в состоянии) collect these data in the short time.

6. You (нужно) to get interviewed at this corporation.

7. Who (может) prepare the report on this topic?

8. I (должен) complete my project by deadline.

9. Nobody (смог) make comments in response to a question from this journalist.

10. Our group (должна) be at the university at 10 a.m.
a) is able to

b) should

c) needn’t

d) had to

e) may

f) were allowed to

g) can

h) must

i) could

k) is to

10. Complete the sentence with correct option paying attention to the Simple, Continuous and Perfect Tenses in Active and Passive Voice:

1. Engineering degrees highly (to respect) and engineers (to need) all over the world (Present Simple Passive).

2. Graduates who (to earn) just their Bachelor’s or Master’s can expect a nice future (Present Perfect Active).

3. The Chief Executing Officer (to conduct) negotiations from 11 till 12 yesterday (Past Continuous Active).

4. In 1836 – 1842 Konstantin Thon (to supervise) the construction of the Temple for the Semenovsky regiment in St. Petersburg. (Past Simple Active).

5. During the last years of the nineteenth century, Benz (to be) the largest automobile company in the world (Past Simple Active).

6. The Chief Technology Officer (to sign) the documents by the end of the next week (Past Perfect Passive).

7. An engineer (to be) a person with a high level of education and training, who (to be) ready to perform any organizational or even creative work to solve the task (Present Simple Active).

8. Many new innovations (to do) by this engineer lately (Present Perfect Passive).

9. Why (not record) the specialists the new data next week? (Future Simple Active)

10. A new contract (to check) by the experts now (Present Continuous Passive).

11. When (to complete) Konstantin Thon the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour? (Past Simple Passive).

12. The engineer (to prepare) all technical documentation from 5 till 7 pm. Tomorrow (Future Continuous Active).

13. The normative materials on this equipment (to develop) by our engineering team in three days (Future Simple Passive).

14. They (to test) developed devices before the commission (to arrive). (Past Perfect Passive, Past Simple Active).

15. You ever (to hear) about the projects of this innovator? (Present Perfect Active).
Test 10. Grammar Check
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