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  • 2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not stated

  • 3. Choose the right variant

  • Grammar in Focus

  • 2. Translate the sentences with the Predicative Clauses

  • Speaking Workshop

  • 2*. Round Table: «The European Union: Pro and Contra». Issues to be touched upon

  • 3. Prospective members of the European Union. 3. Give the short information about other intergovernmental organizations using the following plan

  • UNIT 12. 4

  • 2. Complete the sentence with the words and phrases below

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    Answer the following questions:

    1. When was the European Union established under that name?

    2. How many members does the EU consist of?

    3. What country did leave the European Union?

    4.What countries are expected to join the EU?

    5.What are only the officially languages of the EU?

    6. What are the key activities of the European Union?

    7.What are the EU’s policy aims?

    8.Why do the EU resemble a federation or a confederation?

    9. What is the difference between terms «federation and confederation»?

    10. What are the most important institutions of the EU?

    11.What requirements must a state meet to join the EU?

    12. Why Residents and visitors of the European Union can cross borders without getting visas or showing their passports?

    13. When and where was the Schengen Agreement signed?

    14. What is the currency of the EU area?

    15. How many citizens do live in The European Union?

    2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information
    is not stated:

    1. The EU consists of 26 nations.

    2. It was founded in 1993 by the Copenhagen criteria.

    3. The European Union is the biggest trading bloc in the world, has more people than the USA and exports and imports more goods than any other country in the world.

    4. Among the EU’s members are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece and others.

    5. Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland and Ukraine are «candidate countries».

    6. Switzerland is expected to join the EU in the nearest future.

    7. Great Britain left the European Union in 2020.

    8. English, French and German are official and working languages of the EU.

    9. The key activities of the EU are the establishment and administration of a common single market.

    10. The EU has not abolished the passport controls within the Schengen Area.

    11. The euro is the common currency for the EU area.

    12. The European Court of Justice runs the EU.

    13. In order to join the European Union, a candidate state must pay contribution.

    14. Due to its global influence, the European Union has been described by some scholars as an emerging superpower.

    15. The European Union has an area more than 5 million km2 and approximately 600 million EU citizens.
    3. Choose the right variant:

    1. The EU is developing into a …, trying to bring together the democratic countries of Europe.

    a) non-governmental organization

    b) political union

    c) multilateral organization

    2. The following countries are not EU’s members: ….

    a) Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta

    b) Iceland, Great Britain, Greenland

    c) Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus

    3. The key activity of the EU is the establishment and administration of a … .

    a) single market

    b) global bank

    c) world trade

    4. The EU … the passport controls within the Schengen Area.

    a) has abolished

    b) has established

    c) has suspended

    5. Depending on the area, the EU may resemble a ... or a … .

    a) federation, confederation

    b) unitary state, dominion

    c) colony, democratic republic

    6. In order to … the European Union, a candidate state must pay contribution.

    a) leave

    b) join

    c) separate

    7. Three bodies run the EU: … .

    a) General Court, Court of Justice, International Court of Justice

    b) EU Council, EU Parliament, EU Commission

    c) Security Council, General Assembly, Secretariat

    8. The withdrawal of the UK from the EU is known as … .

    a) European Recovery Program

    b) Belfast Agreement

    c) Brexit

    9. If it were a country, EU would be the … largest in the world by area.

    a) second

    b) sixth

    c) seventh

    10. The European Union has been described by some scholars as an … superpower.

    a) emerging

    b) militant

    c) falling
    Grammar in Focus

    1. Translate the sentences with the Subject Clauses:

    1. That she understands his fault is clear.

    2. Whether he places his report on the scientific web site or not depends on the results of voting.

    3. Who spoke about the climate change at the ecological forum has flown out of my head.

    4. What she told me yesterday proved to be false.

    5. Whether he comes or not is very important for all members of the scientific board.

    6. What I need is the full access to the database.

    7. When the round table will be held is not mentioned in the conference program.

    8. Which of the tests is good for the entrance exam has to be decided

    9. Where she is hiding now is not known.

    10. How it has been done does not matter.
    2. Translate the sentences with the Predicative Clauses:

    1. The question is whether this webinar will be put off or not.

    2. The problem is if he obtains the necessary equipment for the experiment next Monday.

    3. This is what we were discussing at the forum.

    4. All I know is what I have read in the press.

    5. The matter was where he could find the recent data for his report.

    6. The question is how he always manages to complete such complicated research by deadline.

    7. That is why I haven’t taken part in these debates.

    8. The decision was that our team did not apply for the participation at this conference at all.

    9. That is what I wanted to know about this event.

    10. The problem remains whether this method is applicable in all

    Speaking Workshop
    1. Read the opinions about the European Union placed on Quora. What opinions do you agree with? What do you personally think about the European Union?

    Steve: As a Swiss citizen I’m in a contradictory position about the EU. To add generally, the EU has brought prosperity or increased prosperity to many parts of Europe. The single market and customs union are good things whereby Europe can prosper more than if all members were isolated. The whole of the EU can set standards and protect itself from undermining of those standards from outside.

    In much of the world, capital is free to flow but people are not. The EU providing freedom of movement as one of its four freedoms is a major step forwards.

    The EU’s main problem is the lack of democracy. The European Parliament is elected, but it can’t initiate legislation alone and does not have the sole final say. The EU’s executive is not elected by anyone or answerable to anyone except to member state governments themselves but that removes power from those elected to appointees. The EU also often doesn’t respond to majority views in individual members or generally and the appointed leaders carry on their agenda regardless.

    On the whole, the EU is a good thing. For some of the more developed members it’s legitimate to question membership in light of democracy and self-determination. For others including the UK, the EU is an overall gain.

    The EU could also be a force for defending against China and the current policies of the United States, though that would involve reform in other areas too.

    Samanta: For me, European Union represents the following things:

    Freedom of movement.

    Political and economic freedoms.

    Integration into a more global and a modern world.

    Freedom of opportunities.

    Shared political and economic systems.

    Shared common values (this is the most important point).

    Therefore it can be said that I’m a vocal supporter of European Union. I see EU as a natural process of integration of European states in an evermore globalizing world. I think that only a united Europe can compete with countries like China without losing the significance of each of its individual country. This does not mean that I would be opposed to the ideas of nation-state inside the countries that comprise the European Union and I do not wish EU developing into a federation. I’m also a nationalist. But still, I think union is the only way for Europe and I think this union is about as good as it can be as it is based on values that majority of the member states are sharing. European Union is also the ideological and mental home for Europeans.

    Patrick: Essentially, a failing project both economically and socially.

    Economically, the vaunted launch of the Euro has proved a disaster for those economies who exchange rate is well below the Euro’s value. Germany, on the other hand, benefits from an under valued Euro which is why it is sucking the life blood out of less competitive EU member states. Which, incidentally is against EU rules regarding the size of export surplus member states are allowed to run. The figure is set at 6% of GDP - Germany is running 8% - has it been fined? No. Has it been sanctions? No. Since the turn of the millennium, Italy’s GDP growth has been a woeful 9%. Contrast that to the UK’s which, in the same period, has been 44%.

    Enric: It is a good idea but need improvements.We need to curtail the power of lobbies and control the financial superpower, like the British banking sector. We need a more social and less financial European Union, a Union for the Europeans not for the European Companies.In this line I consider Brexit an excellent outcome as the UK, one of the financial powerhouses of the planet, will loose the ability to lobby and bully smaller countries into obedience and force the rest of the Union to engage in a race to the bottom in social policies and advantages for the European working class.

    Akos: My view is that it’s necessary - it might not be perfect, and probably needs a lot of improvement, but it’s still better than the alternative: small nation states in Europe feuding with each other, all with different standards and a lot of bureaucracy, while the rest of the world has economies with hundreds of millions of people and is making a whooshing sound as it goes past us. Small nation states aren’t viable anymore on their own. Without a large internal market, they can’t compete globally.

    Herbert:The most ambitious political experiment in the history of mankind.An attempt to unify and ally countries, without resorting to wars of conquest. Apparently, however, some people think that wars of conquest would be more natural than unifying in a peaceful way using politics and trade.
    2*. Round Table: «The European Union: Pro and Contra».

    Issues to be touched upon:

    1. What are the benefits of the European Union, and why are some people opposed to it?

    2. Reasons of Britain’s leaving the European Union.

    3. Prospective members of the European Union.
    3. Give the short information about other intergovernmental organizations using the following plan:

    1. Name of the organization.

    2. Year of the foundation.

    3. Headquarters (country, city).

    4. Leader(s).

    5. Logo, motto.

    6. Main aims.

    7. Structure.

    8. Membership.

    9. Working Languages.

    10. The most remarkable actions of this organization.

    11. Awards.

    UNIT 12. 4 multinational corporations: APPLE INC.
    Think different (the slogan of Apple).

    1.What information do you know about Apple Inc.?

    2. What gadgets of Apple do you use?
    1. Find the appropriate equivalent:

    1. nature refuge

    1. долгосрочный спад

    2. to incorporate

    2. отстранить кого-либо от управленческих обязанностей

    3. desktop platform

    3. графический интерфейс пользователя

    4.spreadsheet program

    4. показать

    5.graphical user interface

    5. стационарный компьютер

    6. board of directors

    6. программа для работы с электронными таблицами

    7. long-term decline

    7. природный заповедник

    8. to remove smb from managerial duties

    8. оформить учреждение в качестве юридического лица; зарегистрировать

    9. to amount

    9. совет директоров

    10. tenure

    10. уйти с поста генерального директора

    11.to reveal

    11. насчитывать

    12. clunky devices

    12. громоздкие,тяжелые устройства

    13.pre-programmed touch gestures

    13. приобретение

    14. consumer electronics market

    14. исполнительный директор

    15.to resign as CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

    15. стать преемником

    16. to succeed

    16. пребывание в должности

    17. chief operating officer

    17. рынок бытовой электроники

    18. acquisition

    18.предварительно запрограммированные сенсорные жесты

    19. suite


    20. multifaceted

    20. набор, комплект

    2. Complete the sentence with the words and phrases below:

    1. refuge; 2. consumer electronics; 3. long-term; 4. clunky;
    5. managerial; 6. multifaceted; 7. revealed; 8. resigned, succeeded; 9. tenure; 10. Propelled.
    1. Steve Jobs wanted Apple Park to look less like a business park and more like a nature ….

    2. During 1990s revenues from Apple began a … decline.

    3. Three months ago the board of directors removed Mr O’Brien from the … duties.

    4. Before the iPhone came out, smartphones were … devices - half keyboard and half screen.

    5. In 2007 Steve Jobs … the first iPhone to the world.

    6. Jobs … as CEO in August 2011 and was … by chief operating officer Tim Cook.

    7. In the early years of Cook’s …, Apple did not introduce any all-new products.

    8. … by the popularity of the iPhone, in 2018 Apple became the first company to reach a value of one trillion dollars.

    9. Apple Inc. has established a unique reputation comparable to that of a cult in the … industry.

    10. Under Cook, Apple has gone from a premium device maker to a massive, … company.
    TEXT 4

    Part 1. History of Apple Inc. (1976-1997)

    Read the text and speak on the milestones in the development of Apple Inc.

    The American trillion-dollar corporation, Apple Inc., that specializes in consumer electronics, computer software and online services is one of the most powerful multinational organization in the world. The company’s best-known hardware products include Macintosh computers, the iPod and the iPhone. Apple software comprises the Mac OS X operating system, the iTunes media browser, the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software, the iWork suite of productivity software, and Final Cut Studio, a suite of professional audio and film-industry software products. The company operates several hundred retail stores in a number of countries as well as the online store and iTunes Store.

    Apple Park is the corporate headquarters of Apple Inc., located in Cupertino, California in the middle of Silicon Valley. The massive circular building with a circumference of one 1.6 km was opened in 2017 and houses more than 12,000 employees. Steve Jobs wanted Apple Park to look less like a business park and more like a nature refuge, and personally appeared before the Cupertino City Council in June 2011 to make the proposal, in his final public appearance before his death.

    The history of Apple started in 1976 when friends Steve Jobs, Stephen Wozniak and Ronald Wayne decided to found his own company to produce computers. Steve Jobs had the idea of selling the computers. The kits were hand-built by Wozniak. The Apple I was the first product, and to finance its creation, Jobs sold his only means of transportation, Volkswagen Microbus, and Wozniak sold his HP-65 calculator. The company was demonstrated in July in 1976 at the Homebrew Computer Club in Palo Alto, California. The Apple I was sold as a motherboard, which is less than what is today considered a complete personal computer.

    Officially, the company was founded on the first of April 1976, and incorporated as Apple Computer in 1977 without Wayne, who sold his share of the company back to Jobs and Wozniak. Multi-millionaire Mike
    Markkula provided essential business expertise and funding of $ 250,000
    during the incorporation of Apple.

    During the first five years of operations, revenues doubled every four months. The Apple II, also invented by Wozniak, was released in 1977. It was chosen to be the desktop platform for the spreadsheet program VisiCalc. By the end of the 1970s, Apple had a staff of computer designers and a production line. The company introduced the Apple III in May 1980 in an attempt to compete with IBM and Microsoft in the business and corporate computing market.

    In 1984 Steve Jobs introduced a line of personal computers, the Macintosh (Mac). It was the first commercially successful personal computer. Macintosh was small, relatively inexpensive (for its day) and friendly. It brought the graphical user interface to a mass audience and gave all the tools the consumers could ever need for producing graphics-rich work that would have costs many times as much on any other platform.

    In 1985 US President Ronald Reagan awarded Jobs and Wozniak medals for the development of technical progress. In the same year Steve Jobs left the companybecause of the conflict withthe board of directors who removed him from the managerial duties. The same year Jobs founded NeXT Inc. which had no significant success. Wozniak permanently ended his full-time employment with Apple in 1987, 12 years after having created the company.

    During 1990s revenues from Apple began a long-term decline and by 1997 its losses had amounted to $ 1.86 billion. The situation changed with the return of Steve Jobs in 1997.

    In 1997 the company introduced the Apple Online Store, tied to a new build-to-order manufacturing strategy.

    Part 2. Success with mobile devices from 2001 – till present days and Post- Jobs era
    Read the text and fish out the crucial events in the post Jobs era.
    In 2001 Apple introduced iTunes, a computer program for playing music and for converting music to the compact MP3 digital format commonly used in computers and other digital devices. Later the same year, Apple began selling the iPod, a portable MP3 player, which quickly became the market leader. The small, elegantly designed player, has been one of the most successful and revolutionary products of the 2000s.

    In 2003 Apple began selling downloadable copies of major record company songs in MP3 format over the Internet.

    The original MacBook, available in black or white colors, was released in 2006, and used the Intel Core Duo processor.

    In 2007 Steve Jobs revealed the first iPhone to the world. Before the iPhone came out, smartphones were clunky devices - half keyboard and half screen. Full websites didn’t run on mobile phones, so companies were forced to build weak, mobile versions of their sites. The iPhone changed all of that. Touch screens had been invented and seen in mobile devices before, but Apple was the first to achieve mass market adoption of such a user interface that included particular pre-programmed touch gestures.

    The first iPad was released in 2010. In 2007 – 2011 Apple achieved widespread success with its products, which introduced innovations in mobile phones, portable music players and personal computers respectively.

    Because of ill health, Jobs resigned as CEO in August 2011 and was succeeded by chief operating officer Tim Cook. Two months later Steve Jobs died. The world lost a creative genius who had changed and inspired the world of Information Technologies and contributed much to the success of the company Apple.

    In the early years of Cook’s tenure, Apple did not introduce any all-new products but rather brought out new versions of previous products, such as the iPhone 4S, which contained a personal assistant program, Siri, that could respond to spoken commands and questions (2011); the iPad Mini, a smaller version of the iPad (2012); and the iPad Pro, a large version of the iPad intended for business use (2015). In 2014 Apple made its largest acquisition by buying the headphone manufacturer and music-streaming company Beats for $3 billion.

    In 2015 the first smartwatch is released. A redesign with a sensor that could make electrocardiograms (ECGs) was presented as Series 4 in 2018. AirPods, a set of wireless earphones, were introduced in 2016 and became a top seller in that market.

    Propelled by the popularity of the iPhone, in 2018 Apple became the first company to reach a value of one trillion dollars. Two years later Apple became the first company to double that figure. Apple’s latest iPhones are presented regularly.

    In 2020 Apple introduced its own microprocessor, the M1, for Mac computers, which had previously used Intel chips. The M1 was one of the fastest microprocessors available and was designed to be fast while also using less power than previous chips.

    Under Cook, Apple has gone from a premium device maker to a massive, multifaceted company with businesses ranging from payment services to an Oscar-nominated TV and film production studio.

    Apple is considered to be one of the most powerful and influential high-tech companies in the world. Thanks to innovative technology and aesthetic design, Apple Inc. has established a unique reputation comparable to that of a cult in the consumer electronics industry. The company always releases extraordinary gadgets that exceed consumer expectations.

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