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Ход урока

1.Организационный момент.

2.Речевая зарядка

3.Работа по теме урока.

4.Работа по учебнику.

5.Введение темы модуля.
Упр. 1, с. 62

При работе над пониманием значений и форм страдательного залога соотнесите их с эквивалентными структурами в русском языке: Письма пишутся в этой конторе каждый день. Письмо было написано вчера. И т. д. Добейтесь понимания учащимися значения третьей формы глагола (соответствует страдательному причастию в русском языке: written — написанный, read— читаемый/прочитанный, invented — изобретаемый/изобретённый и т.д.). Грамматическое время в предложении определяется временной формой глагола be: The work is always finished at6 o'clock in this office. The work was finished 3 days ago. The work has just been finished. И т. д.

Упр. 2, с. 62


is chosen — Present Simple; has been translated — Present Perfect; has been shown — Present Perfect; (has been) seen — Present Perfect; were designed — Past Simple; will be remembered — Future Simple; must be seen — modals

Упр. 3, с. 62

  1. Ключи:

2 Three hundred people are employed by the company. (Present Simple Passive) 3 A new cinema complex has been built near the airport by B&K. (Present Perfect Passive) 4 The essay was written by John. (Past Simple Passive) 5 The new theatre will be opened by the Mayor this Sunday. (Future Simple Passive)

Упр. 4, с. 63


1 with 2 by 3 by 4 with 5 by

Упр. 5, с. 63


  1. The opera house will be opened next week.

  2. He wasn't invited to the party. 3 The food is being prepared. 4 The costumes were designed by Donna Karan. 5 The article hasn't been checked yet.

Упр. 6, с. 63


2 The children will be brought some DVDs by Robert./Some DVDs will be brought to the children by Robert. 3 The costume designer has been offered a job by the film producer./A job has been offered to the costume designer by the film producer. 4 Laura was sent an email by the direc- tor./An email was sent to Laura by the director.

Упр. 7, с. 63


2 When will the show be staged? 3 Were the costumes prepared before the director arrived? 4 Was the play translated? 5 Was the music written by Andrew Lloyd Webber? 6 Will this film be directed by Steven Spielberg? 7 Who was the first pair of jeans designed by? 8 What was the fire caused by? 9Who was the television invented by? 10 What is silver used for?

Упр. 8, с. 63


2 I'm afraid cameras are not allowed in the museum. 3 It hasn't been cleaned for days. 4 It hasn't been repaired yet. 5 It is being delivered tomorrow.

Упр. 9, с. 63


Who was the Mona Lisa painted by? Who was the telephone invented by? Who were the pyramidsbuilt by?

6.Итог урока.Оценки.
Домашнее задание: SB, упр. 9*, с. 63; Grammar Check 4, с. 144-145; WB, с. 36.

8 кл Урок 41(4d)Vocabulary & Speaking «Тело человека»


  • развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста и умений монологической речи (сообщение об актёрах на снимках с опорой на фоновые знания).

  • развитие умений изучающего чтения; развитие умения определять коммуникативную задачу текста.

  • развитие умений распознавания и использования в речи каузативных конструкций (усвоение признаков и значений)

  • развитие навыков использования каузативных конструкций в диалогической речи (мини-диалог-расспрос).

  • развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи каузативных конструкций; развитие умений изучающего чтения.

  • развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи каузативных конструкций.

  • развитие умений письменного ответа на проблемный вопрос с использованием тематической лексики (подготовка к продуктивному письму).

  • повторение лексики по теме «Тело человека».

  • знакомство с английскими

идиомами с компонентами, обозначающими части тела.
Ход урока

1.Организационный момент.

2.Речевая зарядка

3.Работа по теме урока.

4.Работа по учебнику.

5.Введение темы модуля.
Упр. 1, с. 64


The pictures are of Brad Pitt and Penelope Cruz. They are famous film stars. They are popular all over the world. The title of the text is 'Altered Images' which means that pictures are changed, probably to make famous people like Brad Pitt and Penelope Cruz look even better than they are.

Упр. 2, с. 64


1 B; 2 D; 3 A; 4 A; 5 C; 6 D Предполагаемый ответ:

The purpose of the text is to explain why famous people in the media always look so good and to persuade us not to let their pictures make us feel bad about ourselves.

Упр. 3, с. 64

Обратите внимание учащихся на тот факт, что некоторые конструкции по форме представляют собой активный залог (She's having her hair done), но по смыслу являются пассивными (=Somebody is doing her hair). Такие конструкции и называются каузативными.

Ключи: A2, B1

Sentence B means that someone else is doing something for someone

Сопоставьте изучаемые структуры с одним из значений, передаваемых в русском языке возвратными глаголами: Я подстригся. Она покрасилась. Обратите внимание, что не всегда можно провести такие аналогии.

Упр. 4, с. 64

Предполагаемый ответ:

  1. A: Have you ever had your teeth straightened? B: Yes I have. In my childhood I had some

problems and dentists helped me.

  1. A: Have you ever had your nails done?

B: Yes, many times. I like them look neat and modern.

  1. A: Have you ever had a hair extension added?

B: No, I haven't. I prefer my natural hair. It's

easier to do it.

  1. A: Have you ever had your teeth whitened?

B: No, I haven't. I don't think it's a good idea.

It may be even harmful.

  1. A: Have you ever had your hair dyed?

B: Yes, I have. It was in summer. But it didn't suit me and mum was angry.

  1. A: Have you ever had your eyes checked?

B: Yes. I get them checked every two years.

  1. A: Have you ever had an x-ray taken?

B: Yes, several times. ...

Упр. 5, с. 65


  1. is having her hair straightened; 2 is having her make-up done; 3 have false nails put on; 4 has had his teeth whitened; 5 am having my eyes tested; 6 have my hair cut

Упр. 6, с. 65


  1. She will have a dress made. 3 He had his car fixed yesterday. 4 She had her nails done yesterday. 5 He's having his shoes mended. 6 She's having the house painted. 7 He's having his suits cleaned. 8 They're having the film developed.

Упр. 7, с. 65


chest, heart, leg, knee, toe, ankle, wrist, shoulder, stomach, waist, hips, eyes, mouth, ears, lips, nose, etc.

  1. Ключи:

1) hair; 2) fingers; 3) leg; 4) head; 5) hand;

  1. foot

1 pulling your leg; 2 put her foot down; 3 keep my fingers crossed; 4 lost her head; 5 made my hair stand on end; 6 give me a hand

Упр. 8, с. 65


I think people change their looks to feel better about themselves. People can't help but compare themselves to the perfect media images of famous people. They have their hair coloured, their teeth whitened and their bodies improved to look more like these unreal media images. They have their appearance changed to become more like the famous people they see in the media.

6.Итог урока.Оценки.

7.Домашнее задание: SB, упр. 8*, с. 65; WB,с. 37.

8 кл Урок 42 (4е) Writing Skills «Проблемы подросткового возраста»


  • развитие умений ознакомительного чтения; повторение изученной лексики по теме «Проблемы подростков».

  • освоение особенностей структуры и стиля письма-совета; развитие умений поискового и изучающего чтения; развитие умений монологической речи (оценочное суждение).

  • освоение структур, используемых в высказываниях-советах; развитие умений поискового чтения и умений монологической речи (совет-рекомендация).

  • развитие умений распознавания и использования реплик этикетного характера (начинающих и завершающих письмо).

  • развитие умений продуктивного письма (письмо-совет).

  • развитие умений продуктивного письма (умения разворачивать и аргументировать высказывание).

  • развитие умений продуктивного письма (составление заметок по плану).

  • развитие умений продуктивного письма (написание письма другу с советом по его проблеме).

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент.

2.Речевая зарядка

3.Работа по теме урока.

4.Работа по учебнику.

5.Введение темы модуля.
Упр. 1, с. 66


Stuart — is being bullied at school; David — his parents want him to quit the football team because of his poor grades; Sarah — doesn't like the way she looks; Karen — her parents don't want her to go on holiday


Other problems: low self-esteem, not having enough money/freedom, parents worry too much, pressure of exams, parents not liking friends, etc.

Упр. 2, с. 66


The letter is for Sarah. Claire's advice: start doing some exercise, follow a healthy diet.

Possible results

If you try to keep fit and healthy your body will grow in the best way.

Possibly you'll lose some weight if you do enough exercise and eat healthy food. Healthy food will also provide your skin with necessary vitamins to look healthy and bright.

Упр. 3, с. 66


a David; b Karen; c Stuart; d Sarah; b If I were in your position, I would get a part-time job. Then you would be able to save some money. c Why don't you talk to a teacher? If you do this, you will feel better because you won't have to suffer in silence any more. d Have you thought about doing some exercise? This would help you lose the extra weight.

Упр. 4, с. 67


1C 2 O 3 C 4 O 5 C 6 O

Упр. 5, с. 67


1 a; 2 I'm sorry you've been having problems at school. Here's what you can do to improve your situation. 3 1b, 2a, 3e, 4d, 5c; 4 I hope that my advice helps and everything turns out all right. 5 a

Упр. 6, с. 67 Предполагаемыйответ:

Have you thought about talking to the school counsellor, your parents or a teacher? If you do this, bullies won't pick on you because they will know that somebody is supporting you. Another good idea is to try to overcome your shyness.

This way you would be able to make some friends and start enjoying your time at school. If bullies see that you have friends, they will leave you alone.

Упр. 7, с. 67

  1. Предполагаемый ответ:

Para 1 Dear Stuart,

Sorry you've been having problems at school. Here's what you can do to improve your situation.

Para 2 Talk to the school counsellor, parents or a teacher — bullies won't pick on you if they know sb is supporting you. Overcome your shyness — make some friends.

Para 3 Hope my advice helps/everything turns out OK. Diana

  1. Предполагаемый ответ:

Dear Stuart,

I'm sorry to hear you've been having problems at school. Here's what you can do to improve your situation. Have you thought about talking to the school counsellor, your parents or a teacher? If you do this, bullies won't pick on you because they will know that somebody is supporting you. Another good idea is to try to overcome your shyness. This way you would be able to make some friends and start enjoying your time at school. If bullies see that you have friends, they will leave you alone. I hope that my advice helps and everything turns out all right.



6.Итог урока. Оценки.

7.Домашнее задание: SB, упр. 7b*, с. 67; WB, с. 38.

8 кл Урок 43 (4f) English in Use «Фразовый глагол put. Словообразование.»


  • освоение значений и развитие умений распознавания и употребления в речи фразового глаголаput.

  • развитие умений изучающего чтения; развитие умений распознавания и использования предлогов for, in, to, with.

  • освоение способа образования прилагательных с отрицательным значением с помощью приставок il-, im-, in-, ir-

  • развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи слов, значение которых представляет трудность для российских школьников.

  • развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи форм страдательного залога.

  • освоение в речи тематической лексики.

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент.

2.Речевая зарядка

3.Работа по теме урока.

4.Работа по учебнику.

5.Введение темы модуля.
Упр. 1, с. 68

Ключи: 1 away 2 off 3 through 4 on 5 out 6 up with

Упр. 2, с. 68

Ключи: 1 to 2 for 3 to 4 with 5 to 6 in 7 in

Упр. 3, с. 68


1 impatient; 2 irresponsible; 3 impossible; 4 illogical; 5 illegal; 6 informal

Упр. 4, с. 68


1 match; 2 borrow; 3 worthless; 4 trend; 5 genuine


  1. I liked the dress very much but when I tried it on it didn't suit me at all. My new trousers fit me perfectly and make me look slim. 2. If you want, I can lend you my CD player until yours gets fixed. When we go on holiday as a family we usually rent a car so we can travel around easily.

  1. I thought our old table was worth nothing but we found out it was a priceless piece of furniture. I gained invaluable experience when I worked at the nursery last summer. 4. A local custom in Scotland is to clean your house before the New Year. I don't need to eat chocolate bars — it's just a bad habit I have. 5. I wish my boss would give more realistic deadlines — I have difficulty getting things done in time. My friend Sarah is always full of original ideas.

Упр. 5, с. 68


Last week Bluemoore's new shopping mall was opened by the Mayor. He was given a tour and he was introduced to some shop owners. Then, he was taken to lunch in the restaurant. They were told by the Mayor the visit had been enjoyed very much.

Упр. 6, с. 68

Попросите учащихся составить предложения с изученной лексикой.


He is so immature for his age and the teacher will not put up with his behaviour anymore. Long dresses are the latest trend but they don't appeal to me. I like informal dresses and casual clothes. This handbag is made of genuine leather and with its classic style it's sure to always be in fashion.

6. Итог урока. Оценки.

7.Домашнее задание: SB, упр. 5*, с. 68; WB, с. 39.

клУрок 44 Culture Corner « Traditional costumes in the British Isles »


  • освоение значений тематической лексики.

  • развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста и поискового чтения.

  • развитие умений поискового чтения.

  • развитие умений монологической речи (описание с опорой на прочитанный текст).

  • развитие умений продуктивного письма (описание национального костюма); развитие умений работать в группе.

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