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  • Упр. 5, с. 45 Ключи: 1a 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 b Упр. 6, с. 45

  • 6.Итоги урока. Оценки.7.Домашнее задание

  • Ход урока 1.Организационный момент. 2.Речевая зарядка 3.Работа по теме урока. 4.Работа по учебнику.

  • 6.Итоги урока. Оценки. 7.Домашнее задание

  • планы 8. Урок 1 Введение в модуль Socialising Модуль 1 Задачи

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    Упр. 4, с. 45

    Изучите выражения в таблице. Убедитесь в понимании и различении учащимися фраз для сообщения хороших/плохих известий. Учащиеся в парах составляют микродиалоги по заданным в упражнении ситуациям. Заслушайте и обсудите несколько ответов.

    Предполагаемый ответ:

    1. A: I didn't get the part-time job, I'm afraid. B: Really? What happened?

    2. A: Guess what! My mum got a promotion! B: Wow! That's brilliant!

    3. A: I've got some good news! My dad got a pay rise! B: That's fantastic!

    Упр. 5, с. 45


    1a 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 b

    Упр. 6, с. 45


    1. Information about the age you have to be and what kind of personality you need to have to get the job; what the job involves and what the pay is.

    1. 1 16; 2 well-organised; 3 hours; 4 serve; 5 payments; 6 £ 5.50/hour

    Упр. 7, с. 45


    You saw Brad Pitt at the club yesterday? You saw who at the club yesterday? Who did you see at the club yesterday? You saw who? You saw Brad Pitt where yesterday? You're leaving for Brazil? You're going where? Where are you leaving for?

    Упр. 8, с. 45


    A: What does your dad do for a living?

    B: He works as a teacher. He is one of a few male teachers in his school.

    A: Does he like his job?

    B: Yes, he really likes working with young people. He decided to become a teacher when he was 15! A: How long has he been working as a teacher? B: For 18 years. And he has always been really happy about his job.

    A: What's the pay like?

    B: Quite good, but the holidays are even better! That is what my mum likes most about his job.

    6.Итоги урока. Оценки.
    7.Домашнее задание:
     WB, с. 25., упр1с.44 - выучить лексику.

    клУрок 28 (3с) Grammar in Use. Изобретения. Научные открытия.


    • развитие навыков распознавания грамматических времён Past Perfect и Past Perfect Continuous;развитие умений ознакомительного и поискового чтения.

    • развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи грамматических времён Past Perfect иPast Perfect Continuous.

    • развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи грамматического времени Past Perfect.

    • практика использования в речи грамматического времени Past Perfect.

    • развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи грамматических времён Past Perfect иPast Simple.

    • развитие навыков распознавания и использования в речи грамматических времён Past PerfectContinuous и Past Simple.

    • развитие навыков использования в речи грамматических времён Past Perfect и Past PerfectContinuous (в придаточных предложениях причины).

    • развитие навыков использования в речи грамматических времён Past Perfect и Past PerfectContinuous.

    • развитие навыков использования в речи грамматических времён Past Perfect, Past PerfectContinuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous.

    • развитие умений монологической речи (рассказ по картинкам в прошедшем времени).

    • развитие умений продуктивного письма (электронное письмо о странном событии).

    Ход урока

    1.Организационный момент.

    2.Речевая зарядка

    3.Работа по теме урока.

    4.Работа по учебнику.

    5.Введение темы модуля.

    Упр. 1, с. 46
    До начала грамматического анализа текста организуйте короткую беседу по содержанию прочитанного: What was special about Fleming's discovery? What kind of personality was A. Fleming? Попросите учащихся также ответить на вопрос из текста: Have you ever made a mistake that turned out to be something good?


    had been experimenting (Past Perfect Continuous): past action in progress, putting emphasis on the duration, which finished before another past action.

    had left (Past Perfect): past action which finished before another past action. had discovered (Past Perfect): past action which finished in the past and whose results were visible in the past.

    Упр. 2, с. 46


    2 Her sister had mopped the floor. 3 He had already had lunch. 4 She had arranged to go out with her parents. 5 She had seen the film before. 6 She had been waiting for an hour. 7 She had already left. 8 She had been working on the computer all morning.

    Упр. 3, с. 46

    Предполагаемый ответ:

    1 had ... cooked. 2 the children had already gone to bed. 3 she had fought with her brother. 4 he had passed his English exam. 5 he had finished his homework.

    Упр. 4, с. 46


    By the age of 10 I hadn't taken up tennis.

    By the age of 10 I had learned to cook soup and even make pancakes.

    By the age of 10 I had been in music school for three years playing the violin.

    Упр. 5, с. 46

    Убедитесь в понимании учащимися разницы в значении времён Past Perfect и Past Simple. PastSimple имеет значение действия в (историческом) прошлом, часто обозначенном конкретными обстоятельствами времени. Это время используется и при описании последовательных действий в прошлом. Past Perfect часто называют предпрошедшим: оно обозначает действие, совершившееся до определённого действия в прошлом, его результаты видны в указанный момент в прошлом.


    1. Did you manage/had already left/got; 2 did Helen do/arrived/made/went; 3 was Sarah/came/ had got; 4 Did the children see/drove/had already fallen

    Упр. 6, с. 47


    1. Larry had been looking for his glasses for over an hour before he found them. 3 They had been playing football for over an hour before Tom scored. 4 Jane had been driving for over two hours before she had reached the Smith's cottage. 5 Mr Smith had been working in the company for ten years before he decided to leave.

    Упр. 7, с. 47


    2 Our teacher was angry because we had been noisy. 3 She had a terrible headache because she had been driving in traffic for over two hours.

    1. The children came back home very tired because they had been playing football all afternoon.

    2. She was late because she had missed the bus.

    3. They were wet because they had fallen into the pool.

    Упр. 8, с. 47


    1 had been working; 2 had left; 3 hadn't finished;

    1. had been waiting; 5 had gone

    Упр. 9, с. 47


    1 happened; 2 was walking; 3 spotted; 4 started;

    1. turned; 6 grabbed; 7 was trying; 8 took; 9 saw; 10 knew; 11 had found; 12 went; 13 examined; 14 announced; 15 had been waiting; 16 came; 17 dug; 18 didn't find; 19 had come

    Упр. 10, с. 47
    Учащиеся рассматривают картинки и читают опорные слова (глаголы). Прочитав начало рассказа, учащиеся продолжают его. Обратите внимание учащихся на используемые временные формы. Работу можно организовать по цепочке или в парах. Обсудите ответы. Предполагаемыйответ:

    ... when she heard someone crying. She looked inside the well and found a little boy there. He had been crying for help for a long time before Mandy arrived to save him. She pulled him out of the well. The boy was very happy that she had rescued him. His parents thanked her very much.

    Упр. 11, с. 47

    Учащиеся используют текст упр. 9 и составленный рассказ в упр. 10 в качестве образца. Подчеркните необходимость использования Past tenses (попросите учащихся обосновать выбор той или иной временной формы). Обсудите варианты получившихся текстов. Предполагаемый ответ:

    To: pamela@mail.com Re: So strange!

    Hi Pam!

    How are you? Hope you are fine. I am a little bit upset — something strange happened to me at the weekend. On Saturday night everything was normal. My cat, Sandy, was sleeping on the sofa when I said goodnight to her and went to bed. In the morning, though, I couldn't find her anywhere at all. As you know, I live on the fifth floor and I never let my cat out. She only goes on the balcony sometimes. I looked on the balcony and all through the house but she wasn't there. Where had she gone? I can only imagine that she fell down from the balcony. I looked outside our building and didn't see her either. I called her and called her. Strange! I hope I'll find her soon!

    Bye just now,


    6.Итоги урока.Оценки
    7.Домашнее задание: SB, упр. 11*, с. 47; WB, с. 26; Grammar Check 3, с. 142-143 (по выбору).

    клУрок 29 (3d) Vocabulary Speaking. Этапы жизни. События. Биография.


    • повторение и введение новой лексики по теме «Биография», мотивация на работу по теме; развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста; развитие умений поискового и изучающего чтения.

    • развитие умений изучающего чтения.

    • развитие умений изучающего чтения; освоение структуры биографического текста.

    • освоение лексики по теме «Биография: этапы жизни»; развитие навыков использования её в речи.

    • развитие навыков использования в речи новой лексики (глагольные словосочетания) и временных форм глаголов; развитие навыков работы с контекстом.

    • развитие умений в аудировании (аудирование с извлечением заданной информации).

    • развитие навыков использования новой лексики (глагольные словосочетания) в новом контексте (предложения с переносом на личный опыт).

    • развитие умений монологической речи (сообщение на основе личного опыта).

    • знакомство с идиомами, связанными по значению с темой модуля.

    • развитие навыков использования новой лексики (идиомы) в новом контексте (предложения с переносом на личный опыт).

    • развитие умений продуктивного письма (биография известного человека).

    Ход урока

    1.Организационный момент.

    2.Речевая зарядка

    3.Работа по теме урока.

    4.Работа по учебнику.

    5.Введение темы модуля.
    Упр. 1, с. 48


    The woman in the picture is Marie Curie. She was a great physicist. She discovered radium and got a Nobel Prize.

    Where did she get education? How old was she when she got the Nobel Prize? What country did she live in?


    medicine: a field of study of the treatment of illness and injuries (медицина) study: learn about a particular subject (изучать) degree: a qualification got when someone successfully completes the course of university study (степень)

    graduate from: successfully complete a degree at university or college (оканчиватьуниверситет)

    research: studying something and trying to discover facts about it (исследование) element: a substance that consists of only one type of atom such as copper or gold (химэлемент)

    radioactive: producing energy in the form of powerful and harmful rays (радиоактивный) design: plan and make a detailed drawing of something (конструировать)

    Упр. 2, с. 48

    До начала выполнения задания проработайте коллективно рубрику Study Skills, посвящённую освоению формата задания по чтению на множественный выбор при заполнении пропусков в тексте. Убедитесь в понимании - учащиеся восстанавливают алгоритм выполнения заданий такого типа. Учащиеся выполняют задание самостоятельно, а затем проверяют правильность ответов, прослушивая текст.


    1 B 2 A 3 C 4C 5 B 6 D 7 C 8 C 9 A 10 D


    The writer thinks that Marie Curie is successful because she was awarded two Nobel Prizes and because she was the first woman who received this award.

    Упр. 3, с. 48


    1867: Marie Curie was born. 1877: Marie Curie's mother died. Marie Curie became a tutor. Marie Curie's sister got married. Marie Curie moved to Paris and studied Physics and Maths. Marie Curie got her Master's degree. Marie Curie started researching magnetism. Marie Curie met Pierre Curie and got married. Marie Curie studied uranium and radioactivity with her husband. Marie and Pierre Curie discovered radium. 1903: Marie and Pierre Curie won a Nobel Prize in Physics. 1906: Her husband died. 1911: Marie Curie got a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. 1934: Marie Curie died.

    Упр. 4, с. 48


    Л младенец; B ребёнок, начинающий ходить; C ребёнок; D подросток; E взрослый; F пожилой человек

    1. Предполагаемый ответ:

    I am a teenager. My parents are adults and my brother is a toddler. My grandparents are senior citizens.

    Упр. 5, с. 49

    1. Ключи:

    1 studied/got/working/are getting; 2 had/move; 3 leave/start; 4 gets/buy; 5 change/moving

    1. Предполагаемый ответ:

    My parents got married in 1995. My dad studied law and my mum studied medicine. My dad works as a lawyer and my mum works as a doctor. We have just moved into a nice new house and I will be starting at a new school this September.

    Упр. 6, с. 49

    Ключи: 1 D 2 F 3 C 4 A 5 B

    1. Учащиеся работают в парах, поочерёдно представляя свои сообщения по заданию, используя лексический материал упр. 5 и 6a. Предполагаемый ответ:

    I changed schools two years ago. It was very difficult for me at the beginning as I felt very lonely. But now I have made lots of new friends and I'm very happy here.

    Упр. 7, с. 49

    1. Ключи:

    A 3; B 1; C 5; D 2; E 4

    1 step by step; 2 again and again; 3 round and round; 4 All in all; 5 on and on

    1. Предполагаемый ответ:

    I go over my work again and again to see if I have made any mistakes. I don't go to the fairground very often because I don't like it when my head goes round and round after being on the rides. All in all, I have had a good year at school. I didn't understand algebra at first but then my teacher explained it to me step by step. Now I find it easy.

    Упр. 8, с. 49
    Учащиеся читают предложенный план, собирают материал и организуют его в соответствии с планом.


    Wassily Kandinsky was born in Moscow on December 4, 1866. He spent his early childhood in Odessa and learned the piano and cello at an early age. He would become one of the most influential artists and theorists of the 20th century. In 1886, however, he studied Law and Economics, at Moscow University. It wasn't until 1896 that he went to Munich to study art. In 1911, along with other German painters, he formed an art group called 'Der Blauer Reiter.' He produced many

    abstract paintings during this time, full of brilliant colours and complex patterns. At the beginning of World War I, Kandinsky returned to Russia and became a teacher. It was then that he married 16-year-old Nina de Andrejevski.

    After the war, Kandinsky returned to Germany and became professor at the 'Bauhaus of Weimar'. Kandinsky received German citizenship in 1928 but he moved to France and settled there with his wife. He died there in 1944 at the age of 78. Many people admire Kandinsky's beautiful paintings to this day and recognise him as one of the first explorers of abstract art.

    6.Итоги урока. Оценки.

    7.Домашнее задание: SB, упр. 8*, с. 49; WB, с. 27.
    клУрок 30 (3e) Writing Skills. Поисковое чтение.


    • развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста по заголовку и иллюстрациям; развитие умений аудирования с выборочным пониманием заданной информации.

    • развитие умений изучающего чтения (способ написания и структура рассказа); подготовка к продуктивному письму.

    • развитие умений поискового чтения; развитие умений монологической речи

    • (повествование — воспроизведение сюжетной линии рассказа).

    • развитие навыков преобразования простых предложений в простые предложения с однородными членами и сложные предложения при помощи союзов.

    • знакомство с лексическими особенностями стиля повествования (рассказа); развитие умений поискового чтения.

    • развитие умений поискового чтения; развитие умений продуктивного письма (составление предложений в стиле описания).

    • развитие умений продуктивного письма (написание рассказа по плану).

    • развитие умений редактировать собственные тексты.

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