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Exercise 2. Make up a short plan using sentences from the text.

Exercise 3. Find sentences about the shapes of bacteria.

Exercise 4. Tell about the necessary conditions for the growth of bacteria.




Children Diseases



1. Непряма мова (§76).

2. Непрямі питання (§77)


Independent Work

Deficiency Diseases

I. Speaking: Children Diseases

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading: read the words and word combinations, translate them.

Enteric, enteric fever, to treat for enteric fever.

Occur, cough occurs, rash occurs, local symptoms may occur, these diseases occur seldom.

Diphtheria, to treat for diphtheria, to make a diagnosis of diphtheria.

Whooping cough, in case of whooping cough, to fall ill with whooping cough (pertussis).

Meningitis, cerebrospinal meningitis, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, meningococcal meningitis, to treat for meningitis.

Malaise, a constant malaise, general malaise, to complain of malaise, to suffer from malaise.

Eruption, characteristic eruption, eruption appears (disappears), the type of eruption.

Exercise 2. Read and learn the following names of children infectious diseases and children diseases.

smallpox ['snwilpDks], variola - віспа chickenpox ['tfiksnpnks], varicella - вітряна віспа measles ['mi:zlz] кір

German measles ['apiman], rubella - краснуха, червона висипка, червінка

mumps ['тліш], epidemic parotitis свинка

polio ['рзиіізи] (poliomyelitis) - поліомієліт

scarlet fever ['ska: 1st] скарлатина

whooping cough ['hu:pirj'kDf], pertussis - кашлюк
Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words given below.

a skin rash, mouth, nose, infectious diseases, be isolated, flushed

  1. The disease passes through ... and ....

  2. The face is ... .

  3. The child with whooping cough must ....

  4. The first symptom in many ... is ... .

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

Ознаки сильної застуди, висипи на шкірі, інфекційне захворювання, перші симптоми, бути уважним, запобігти розповсюдженню хвороби, бути ізольованим, гігієна рота.

Exercise 5. Read the answers of the mother whose child fell ill. Make up the nurse's questions to her. Act as an interpreter. Say what disease the woman's son had.

N: ... ?

M: My son has a very high temperature. N: ... ?

M: Yes, he has a running nose and a dry cough, too. N: ... ?

M: The rash appeared yesterday. N: ... ?

M: Yes, the light bothers him very much. N: ... ?

Exercise 6. Read the text and retell it.

Most children with infectious diseases have the same symptoms. The beginning of them is rather common: sore throat, fever, running nose, headache, cough and flushed face. To children infectious diseases belong: chicken pox, measles, mumps, whooping cough, scarlet fever and poliomyelitis. In children such diseases are taking an easier course than in adults.

Very often children fall ill with measles today. Measles is a very infectious disease. The disease passes from one child to another. The first symptoms are: sneezing, coughing. The disease begins with signs of heavy cold, running nose and dry cough. The temperature is high and the child dislikes the light. The rash appears on the third or fourth day behind the ears and around the mouth and then covers the whole body.

The nurse must be very careful to prevent the spread of infection. She must take care of the hygiene of the child's mouth: his mouth and lips must be clean and moist.

The most common infectious disease is influenza (flu, grippe).

An unvaccinated child is exposed to any infectious disease, so children must be vaccinated according to the recommended immunization schedule (see Types of Immunization).
Types of Immunization

Type of Immunization

Beginning of Vaccination


TB (tuberculosis)

3rd, 5lh day after birth






7 years old

14 years old


3 m., 4 m., 5 m. (three times)

18 m.



14 y.

DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus)

3 m., 4 m., 5 m. (three times)

18 m.


11 y.

14 y.

18 y.


15 m.


15 m.


15 m.

Hepatitis В

Is'day after birth. 3 m., 5 m.

Exercise 8. Title the text. Make up a plan.

Exercise 9. What recommendations are you going to give a patient with influenza?

Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Першими симптомами скарлатини є біль у горлі, температура, головний біль і загальна кволість (нездужання). Через день чи два з'являються висипи на шкірі.

  2. Привиті діти зазвичай не хворіють цими хворобами.

  3. При кашлюку дитина страждає від нападів кашлю, іноді буває блювота. Кашлюк -одна із хвороб, для якої немає спеціальних ліків. Спокій - головні ліки від цього захворювання.

  4. Період інфекційної хвороби, під час якого немає характерних клінічних проявів, називається періодом інкубації. Перші симптоми з'являються на другій стадії -продромальній стадії хвороби. При захворюваннях з висипами на шкірі поява висипу -це третя стадія.

  5. При скарлатині період злущення, який є найбільш інфекційним, починається на 21-23 день.

II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Put in the modal verbs can, may, must or their equivalents in the required form.

1. If you have a bad headache, you ... take some medicine. 2. The doctor ... perform your blood analysis to be sure of your diagnosis. 3. For what time ... I make the appointment with Dr. Smirnov? 4. A patient ... have a scalding foot bath if he has a bad cold. 5. ... the doctor... take your blood pressure when he examined you. 6. ... the doctor ... X-ray your chest during the last medical examination? 7. As my sister had caught a bad cold she ... stay in bed. 8. You ... follow the doctor's treatment if you want to be well again soon. 9. ... you cope with the task which was given to you by the teacher some days ago? 10. ... you tell me what subjects the first-year curriculum includes? 11. What ... I take to keep the fever down? 12. ... the students take notes of every lecture? 13. ... I feel your pulse? 14. What ... cause serious complications after influenza?
Exercise 2. You are examining your patient. Ask him to fulfill the following.

1. To strip to the waist. 2. To breathe deeply. 3. To lie down on the couch. 4. To show where he feels the pain. 5. To stand up. 6. To open his mouth. 7. To say "Aah". 8. To close his mouth. 9. To get dressed.

Exercise 3. You are giving your patient some instructions and pieces of advice. Put the verbs into the appropriate form.

1. To take the prescribed medicine (this mixture - for the cough; these tablets - for his headache, these drops - for heart trouble). 2. To apply cups (mustard plasters) every other day. 3. To gargle his throat. 4. To drink hot tea with raspberry jam. 5. To get his blood and urine tested. 6. To do his electrocardiogram. 7. To go to an ophthalmologist and check his eyesight. 8. To stay in bed during 2-3 days. 9. To visit the doctor after some days.

Exercise 4. You are a doctor. You examined the patient yesterday. How did you do it? Use sentences from Exercise 3.

Exercise 5. Read the dialogs. Change direct speech into indirect.


"Are you feeling well?" asks the doctor. "Let me see your tongue, please". "It's no use, Doctor," says the patient. "No tongue can tell how rotten I feel".


"I am taking a rest treatment." "Oh, what do you do?"

"I sit every day for three hours in the waiting room of a busy doctor."


Teacher: Have you found out the subject of Dr. Brown's talk yet? Student: Not yet. I'll be seeing him about it tomorrow morning. Teacher: Have you asked him what time you could go to his place? Student: Yes, he told me to come at eleven. He will be waiting for me.


Mother: Why are you shouting in here? Your brother has just gone to sleep. Please don't talk so loudly.

Son: Awfully sorry, Mam. How does he feel?

Mother: I don't think he's well yet. He hasn't got a temperature, but he doesn't want to eat anything.

Son: We won't be talking with my friend so loudly, Mam. We'll be playing chess in here.
III. Independent Work: Deficiency Diseases

Exercise 1. Read and translate the texts.

Night Blindness

Have you ever gone to a movie house during the daytime? Were you able to find your way around easily? Probably not. Chances are you had to wait a short time. Your eyes had to "adjust" to the dim light.

This short wait is normal. But some people have to wait a very long time. Their eyes do not adjust to dim light easily. These people suffer from night blindness. Night blindness is a deficiency disease. It is caused by a lack of vitamin A. Vitamin A is important in other ways too. It prevents and cures certain infections of the eyes, nose and throat.

The best source of vitamin A is milk. Carrots and liver are also good sources of vita­min A.


Vitamin D helps to build strong bones and teeth. A diet deficient in vitamin D causes a disease called rickets. Mostly, growing children get rickets.

Rickets makes bones and teeth "soft". It causes bowing of the legs or knock-knees. It also makes teeth brittle. They break and decay easily.

Most foods do not supply large amounts of vitamin D. We get most of this important vitamin from enriched milk and by using sunlight. Sunlight provides the energy for our bodies to make vitamin D.


night blindness rickets ['rikets]

  • куряча сліпота

  • рахіт

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words below.

children; vitamin D; night blindness; infections of the nose, throat, eyes; vitamin A; brittle teeth; rickets; sunlight; enriched milk; milk; soft bones

  1. If your eyes cannot adjust easily to dim light, you may have a disease called ....

  2. Night blindness comes from a deficiency of ... .

  3. Vitamin A is used to treat night blindness. Vitamin A is also important in preventing and treating some ....

  4. The best source of vitamin A is ... .

  5. The human body makes vitamin D from ....

  6. Not enough vitamin D can cause a disease called ....

  7. Two symptoms of rickets are ... and ....

  8. Mostly ... suffer from rickets.

  9. The food that supplies the most vitamin D is ... .

10. Enriched milk has extra ... added to it.

Exercise 3. Find correct answers.

a) vitamin A deficiency disease

1) rickets

b) good sources of vitamin A

2) night blindness

c) the "perfect" food

3) scurvy

d) vitamin D deficiency disease

4) milk

e) vitamin C deficiency disease

5) liver, carrots and milk

Exercise 4. Are the sentences true or false?

  1. Most of our vitamins come from food.

  2. The body changes sunlight to vitamin A.

  3. Growing children need more vitamin D than adults.

  4. Rickets can be helped by staying in the sun.

  5. Night blindness is caused by bacteria.

  6. Vitamin A may help cure night blindness.

  7. Citrus fruits can cure rickets.

  8. Night blindness, rickets, and scurvy are deficiency diseases.

  9. Night blindness, rickets, and scurvy are the only deficiency diseases.

10. We can be sure of getting enough nutrients if we eat a lot.




Surgical Department



1. Дієслово у Future Perfect (§78).

2. Ступені порівняння прикметників (§79).

3. Безособові речення(§80)


Independent Work

It Is Interesting to Know (Superlatives)

I. Speaking: Surgical Department

Exercise 1. Read the words and word combinations.

Manifestation, enteric fever, to stamp out, to occur, running nose, cough, whooping cough, mumps, diphtheria, scarlet fever, rash, a rash on the skin, distribution, to associate, to itch, itching, fluid, meningitis, polio, poliomyelitis, measles, cholera, plague, malaria, vaccination, immunity, malaise, to range, eruption, chickenpox, immunity to TB (tuberculosis).
Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words.

surgical ['s3:d3ikl] хірургічний

surgeon ['s3:d3n] хірург

surgery ['8з:<іззгі] хірургія

appendicitis [Xpendi'saitis] апендицит

gangrenous ['gaerjgrinos] гангренозний

perforate [p3:fbreit] пробивати; просвердлювати

peritonitis [,peritD'naitis] перитоніт

remove [ri'mu:v] знімати; видаляти

rupture ['глріґз] розрив

fatal [Teitl] фатальний, неминучий

convalescent [,knnva'lesnt] той, що одужує

cholecystitis [.knlisis 'taitisj холецистит amputate ['cempjoteit] ампутувати bandage ['beendich;] бинт; пов'язка;

перев'язувати operate [opereit] оперувати outcome ['аотклт] кінець; результат plaster cast [,pla:st3'ka:st] гіпс postoperative [,p3ust't>perativ]

післяопераційний stitch [stitfj стібок; (хірургічний) шов urgent ['3:d3ent] терміновий reaction [ri'aekfn] реакція
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