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healing [ hi:lirj] зцілення gain [gein] здобувати art - мистецтво skilfully - майстерно, вміло apply [o'plai] прикладати; застосовувати;

вживати respected -- почесний be started - починатися chief [tfi:f] головний
Exercise 2. Look at the text and make a plan of it.
Exercise 3. What are the main duties of a nurse in:

  • treatment and care of patients;

  • preventing diseases;

  • promotion of healthy life?




When I'm 111



1. Підрядні обставинні речення (§68).

2. Підсилювальна конструкція It is ... that (who) (§69).

3. Сполучники часу, місця, способу дії, мети, причини, умови


Independent Work

Your Health

I. Speaking: When I'm III

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading. Read and translate paying attention to prepositions.

To be on duty; to write out a prescription; to listen to the patient's heart and lungs; to make an appointment with a doctor for certain time; to wait for a nurse (dinner); to keep a thermometer in my armpit; to go out to a call; to complain of pain; to strip to the waist; to lie down on a couch; to sit down on a chair; to fill in a patient's card; to suffer from; to take care of smb/smth; to go in for sports; to be out in the open air; to stay in bed; a complication after a disease; to put a hot-water bag under your feet; to keep the fever down; to be ill with influenza; in no time; to go on with smth.

Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words,

ill, sick - хворий prescription - рецепт

e.g. 1 am badly ill. instruction - порада, призначення

examine [ig'zeemin] оглядати prescribe - приписувати

e.g. I'll examine you. polyclinic - поліклініка

strip - роздягатися check-up - перевірка

e.g. The doctor asked the patient to strip to the couch [kautj] кушетка

waist. hurt [пз.Т] завдавати болю

cure [kjos] лікувати complain [kom'plein] скаржитись

e.g. If you are sick, the doctor will cure you. e.g. What are you complaining of?

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations.

to fall ill - захворіти

to be ill - хворіти

blood examination - аналіз крові

patient's life history - анамнез життя хворого

to follow instructions - дотримуватись рекомендацій

to consult a doctor - звертатися до лікаря

reception office - реєстратура

sick leave - відпустка через хворобу

to admit to a hospital - покласти в лікарню

to suffer from pneumonia - хворіти на запалення легенів
Exercise 4. Match the equivalents.

доглядати за

observe the condition

робити ін'єкції

be attentive

ставити банки

give medicine

ставити клізму

take care

мити руки

not to be rude

провітрювати палату

make injections

тримати в теплі

apply cups

давати ліки

give enemas

слідкувати за станом

wash hands

бути уважним

keep warm

не грубити

air the room

Exercise 5. Memorize the plan of questioning a patient.

At the Polyclinic

  1. Introduction (вступ)

  2. Passport Data (паспортні дані)

  1. Complaints (скарги)

  2. Present History (анамнез захворювання)

  3. Past History (анамнез життя)

  4. Physical Examination (фізичні обстеження)

  5. Prescriptions and Instructions (призначення і поради)

Exercise 6. Translate the dialog into English. Is the dialog built according to the plan given above?

Ганна: Доброго ранку, лікарю! Лікар: Доброго ранку. Ваше прізвище? Ганна: Стельмах.

Лікар: Ось Ваша картка. Що з Вами?

Ганна: Мене морозить і, гадаю, в мене температура. Я погано спала цієї ночі, але вранці поїхала до коледжу. Після двох лекцій я змушена була піти - почувала себе дуже погано.

Лікар: Давайте я огляну Вас, але спочатку зміряйте температуру... Температура висока.

Відкрийте рот і скажіть "А-а". Ганна: А-а-а.

Лікар: Гортань трохи запалена. Зніміть кофтину, я хочу Вас послухати. Вдихніть.

Видихніть. Покашляйте. Скільки днів Ви кашляєте? Ганна: Другий день.

Лікар: У Вас типова (common) застуда. Треба полежати кілька днів у ліжку та попити

ліки. Ось рецепт. Ганна: Скільки разів на день?

Лікар: Три рази після їжі. Також пийте гарячий чай з молоком.

Ганна: Як ви гадаєте, скільки часу мені доведеться пролежати у ліжку?

Лікар: Днів три-чотири. Я впевнений, що до кінця тижня Ви почуватимете себе

добре. Ганна: Дякую, лікарю. Лікар: До побачення.

Exercise 7. Complete the following dialog.

Doctor: Good morning, Mr. Thompson. What's the trouble?

Mr Thompson: ...

Doctor: Any pain?

Mr Thompson: ...

Doctor: Please, strip to the waist and lie down on the examination couch. I'll examine


Mr Thompson: ...

Doctor: Certainly, for a week or ten days. There's a prescription. Take a spoonful of this medicine three times a day. Mr Thompson: ...

Doctor: Oh, don't mention it. Please, follow my instructions. Good-bye.

Exercise 8. Make up your own dialog "A Doctor and a Patient" with your friend. (Use the plan from Exercise 5.)

Exercise 9. Learn the poem by heart.

The Doctor

When I am ill. I go to bed

And on the pillow lay my head.

The doctor comes and says, "Dear me!

Whatever can the matter be?"

He feels my pulse and sees my tongue,

He tests my heart and then each lung;

He asks how old I am and then

He takes his paper and his pen,

And makes a note of things that taste

So horrid, that I'm sure it's waste

To take them. But he says: "Each noon

Take this, and you'll be better soon."


Dear me! - Господи! (висловлення здивування) Whatever can the matter be? - Що трапилось? makes a note of things - (тут) виписує ліки horrid - страшний

I'm sure it's waste - я впевнений, що це марно (даремно)
II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Translate the following one-root words and name what parts of speech they belong to.

  • pain, painful, painless

  • depend, dependant, dependence

  • effect, effective, efectiveness, effectively

  • order, disorder

  • cover, recover, recovery

  • differ, difference, different, differentiate

  • action, act, activity, reaction

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences, pay attention to the construction It is... that.

  1. It is that student who helped you to do it.

  2. It is this thing that you need so much.

  3. It is this text which tells us about the surgery.

  4. It is from the plant that aspinin got its name (spirea plant).

  1. It is the date when he was born.

  2. It's the room where operations are performed.

Exercise 3. Learn the conjunctions of adverbial clauses.

where - де, куди

whatever - що б не

while - у той час як

whichever - який би не

as soon as - як тільки

when - коли

after - після того, як

as - коли; оскільки

till - до тих пір, поки

before - перед тим, до того

in order that - для того, щоб

until - до тих пір, поки не

as long as - поки; до тих пір, поки

since - з тих пір

for - оскільки; інакше

though - хоч

because - тому що

although - хоч; однак

once - з тих пір, як

in case - у разі

that - що

unless - якщо не

as if- ніби

on condition - за умови, що

from where - звідки

wherever - куди б не; де б не

in spite of (despite) - не дивлячись на

however, no matter - як би не

whoever - хто б не

whenever - коли б не

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences with adverbial clauses.

1. The research could be carried at the hospital where many patients were treated. 2. In order to make some tests he has to know the methods well. 3. Normal function may sometimes be restored when it is disordered. 4. Because of the use of computers new information is obtained. 5. This new book is the bestseller since the beginning of the year. 6. The article is to be recommended to medical students as it deals with medicine. 7. The picture is a good example of the subject as it has a large number of figures. 8. She is waiting for him, because he must give her a dictionary.
III. Independent Work: Health

Exercise 1. Read the interviews with teenagers.


Are you the healthy-eating, clean-living, sporty type? Or are you destroying yourself with cigarettes, alcohol and junk food?

Do you carry on with life through headaches, colds or flu?

Or are you a hypochondriac who goes straight to the doctor if you're feeling a bit tired? Whatever your type, we all love hearing about other people's illnesses and accidents. Here are interviews with four London students about their health and their attitudes to it. Kate Nolan, 15:

I don't smoke, and I never will; I'm sure of that. I'm not paranoid about drink; I have a glass of wine now and then, but I'm not very keen on it. I've never been actually drunk. I get bad headaches sometimes if I'm veiy tired or stressed. Then I take paracetamol and have a rest, and that normally does the trick.

Rita Leung, 19:

I started smoking but I managed to give up after about one year. It's all a matter of will power. You can do absolutely anything if you want to. That s what I believe. I can't understand drug addicts; they are wasting their lives, and they could stop so easily if they really wanted to. It's the same thing with diet. If you know certain foods are bad for you, or make you fat, just don't eat them.

Traditional Chinese medicine can help with psychological things as well as physical problems. Some people have stopped smoking after being treated with acupuncture. Ciaran Mitchell, 18:

I smoke about twenty cigarettes a day. I know it s bad for me but I tried to give up a couple of times and it just failed miserably. I find that I don't really have the will power.

I play football, American football and volleyball. Ifind I have more energy since I've been playing. But it s not always good for your health - at the moment I've got two cracked ribs from playing American football!

I broke all the bones in my left arm. I had three operations and a year of physiotherapy. My arm will never be the same again. But I'm right-handed, so it doesn't really have an effect on studies and things like that.

AIDS scares me a lot. I've known two people who have died of it. They thought they 'd be OK. They didn't realize the risk, and they just ended up dying. It's really quite emotional time, realizing someone is going to die, just because they weren't careful.

Mayssa Daye, 17:

I get colds quite often. Mainly, I just cany on as normal with a cold. But if it gets too bad, I go to the doctor and see what he gives me - cough medicine and antibiotics, mainly.

I was bitten by a dog once. I was at my ex-boyfriend's house, and we went out to the park. I was on the swings, and the dog doesn f like swings. So it decided to take a chunk out of my leg! I didn Ї go to the hospital. I went to the doctor, and he gave me an injection. It wasn't too bad, but I won't forget it!

I don't smoke, but I do drink - occasionally. The main health problem I worry about is AIDS.


junk food [азлпк] калорійна, нездорова їжа (у

закусочних, із автоматів тощо) hypochondriac [.haipsu'krmdriaek] іпохондрик now and then - час від часу be keen on smth - захоплюватися чим-небудь do the trick [trik] досягати мети; (тут) допомогає drug addict ['sdikt] наркоман acupuncture ['ajkjui.pAnktfa] голкотерапія

couple of times ['клрі] кілька разів

fail [feil] зазнати невдачі

miserably ['mizarebli] абсолютно

cracked [kraskt] тріснутий; надтріснутий

rib [rib] ребро


swings [swirjz] гойдалка

chunk [tpvrjk] шматок

Exercise 2. What do the young people tell about their health?
Exercise 3. What bad habits and what terrible diseases do they speak about?

Exercise 4. Tell about your and your friends' bad habits and what you do to get rid of them.




A Visit to a Doctor


Grammar Suffixes

1. Узгодження часів (§70).

2. Дієслова to tell, to say, to speak, to talk (§71)
(adj.) -ive


Independent Work

Cold War

I. Speaking: A Visit to a Doctor
Exercise 1. Phonetic reading. Read the words and memorize their pronunciation.

During ['djo(9)rirj], to live [liv], because [bi'koz], pioneer [,раіз'піз], to arouse [s'rauz], since [sins], growth [grauG], heart [hu:t], publicity [pA'blisiti], although [з:Гбзо], to know [пзи], child [tfaild], eight children [eit'tfildren].

Exercise 2. Read the new words and translate the word combinations with them. Memorize these words.

Registry ['rechjistri] реєстратура: at the registry; to work at the registry, to come to the registry, a registering clerk [kla:k], to work as a registering clerk;

appointment [s'pointmsnt] призначення, домовленість про зустріч: to take an appointment with a doctor, to make an appointment with a fellow student at the canteen, to make an appointment for some time;

therapeutist [r0er3'pju:tist] терапевт: an experienced therapeutist, to work as a therapeutist, the therapeutist listens to the patient's heart and lungs, the therapeutist examines me thoroughly;

diagnosis [,dai3g'nsusis] діагноз: diagnoses, to make a diagnosis, to make a correct diagnosis, the therapeutist made a diagnosis of influenza;

to prescribe [pris'kraib] призначати: to prescribe a treatment, to prescribe some medicine;

trouble [ЧглЬІ] хвороба; турбота; клопіт: a serious trouble, to trouble, to complain of some troubles, a heart trouble, a liver trouble, a stomach trouble;

headache ['hedeik] головний біль: to have a headache, to have a bad headache, to complain of headache, to suffer from a bad headache, a splitting headache;

throat [бгзиі] горло: a sore throat, to have a sore throat, to suffer from a sore throat;

waist [weist] талія: to strip to the waist, the doctor asked the patient to strip to the waist;

pulse [pAls] пульс: to feel somebody's pulse, his pulse is normal, her pulse was abnormal;

rubdown ['rAbdaun] обтирання: to have a rubdown, to have a cold rubdown, everybody must have a cold rubdown in the morning, cold rubdowns are useful;

to catch [kastf] (caught [кз:і]) ловити, схопити: to catch a cold, to catch a bad cold, he caught a bad cold, she caught a bad cold;

cough [kof] кашель: to cough, to be coughing, I am coughing, to have a bad cough;

sneeze [sni:z] чхати: to be sneezing, he is sneezing, why are you sneezing?;

to cause [ko:z] спричиняти: to cause pain, to cause a complication, to cause a serious complication, what caused these complications?;

scalding ['sko:ldin] гарячий: a scalding foot bath, to have a scalding foot bath, to prescribe a scalding foot bath, I was prescribed a scalding foot bath;

fever ['fi:va] лихоманка: a bad fever, to keep the fever down, to have a bad fever, to be running high temperature;

to reveal [ri'vi:l] показувати; відкривати: to be revealed, medical examination reveals, the X-ray examination revealed lung throubles;

a running nose - нежить: a cold in the head, a bad cold in the head;

complaint [krjm'pleint] скарга: What are you complaining of? What do you complain of? What troubles you? What's wrong? Have you had any pain? Where?
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