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lime - лайм (різновид лимона) scurvy - цинга deficiency - дефіцит, нестача limey [Taimi] (амер. сленг) англієць

Exercise 2. Read "A Story from History", answer the questions.

In 1497 Vasco da Gama sailed around the Cape of Good Hope. The trip took 8 months. He started out with one hundred and sixty men. One hundred of them died of scurvy.

1. What vitamin did they lack?

Christopher Columbus' log tells us that many of his sailors became ill with scurvy.

2. Why do you think the sailors did not die?

In 1735, four ships sailed from England to the East Indies. They were the Dragon, the Hector, the Susan, and the Ascension. On all ships except the Dragon sailors developed scurvy. One of the ships served fruit juice to the crew.

3. On which ship was the crew served fruit juice?

Like it or not, while at sea, every English sailor had to eat a piece of lime every day.

4. Do sailors have to eat limes today? Why?

Remember that citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamin C. Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are popular citrus fruits.

5. What do citrus fruits have that helps prevent scurvy?

Surprise! The tomato is not a vegetable. It is a fruit. The tomato is also a rich source of vitamin C.

6. What are some foods that you should eat so that you get enough vitamin C?

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences.

1. The best title for this story is

  1. Long Sea Voyages

  2. The History of the British Navy

  3. The Story of Scurvy

  4. How Vitamin C Got Its Name

2. Jacques Cartier's men were cured of scurvy because

  1. they drank fruit juices

  2. the air was better

  3. their ship reached shore

  4. they were on a diet

3. The term "limey" started

  1. in 1535

  2. before 1535 c)about 1735

4. British doctors discovered

  1. vitamin C

  2. citrus fruits

  3. scurvy

  4. that citrus fruits prevent and cure scurvy

5. Oranges and limes are examples of

  1. vegetables

  2. diets

  3. juice

  4. citrus fruits

Exercise 4. Are the following sentences true or false?

  1. Only sailors can get scurvy.

  2. All diseases are caused by bacteria or viruses.

  3. Deficiency means "too much".

  4. Eighteenth century doctors discovered that limes have vitamin C.

  5. Scurvy is "catching".

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the words below (one word may be used twice).

loose teeth, loss of appetite, vitamin C, limes, scurvy, oranges, sore gums, grapefruits, easy black and blue marks

  1. A deficiency of vitamin C causes a disease called ....

  2. Four symptoms of scurvy are ... .

  3. English sailors are called limeys because they were given ... to eat.

  4. Limes help to treat scurvy because they are rich in ... .

  5. Three examples of citrus fruits are ... .




Infectious Diseases



1. Дієслово у Future Continuous (§73).

2. Прохання і наказ у непрямій мові (§74).

3. Підрядні речення наслідку (§75)


Independent Work


I. Speaking: Infectious Diseases

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading: learn the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, translate them.

Blood, a drop of blood, blood transfusion. Cough, a slight cough, a bad cough, a dry cough.

Disease, a fatal disease, a curable disease, an incurable disease, a catching (infectious) disease.

Throat, a sore throat, to gargle the throat. Skin, dry skin, hot skin, rash on the skin. Fever, to keep a fever down, enteric fever.

Exercise 2. Learn the following words, bacterium (pi. bacteria) [Ьгек'гізгізт] бактерія bacillus (pi. bacilli) [ba'sitas] бацила cholera ['kobra] холера diphtheria [dif'Biaria] дифтерія enteric [en'terik] fever - черевний тиф whooping cough ['huipin'kaif] кашлюк rash [rasfj висип

microorganism [,maikrau'a:ganizm]

мікроорганізм bacteriological [bask.tiaria'bdjikal]

бактеріологічний plague [pleig] чума malaria [ma'learia] малярія malaise [mas'leiz] нездужання, недуга eruption [і'глрГп] висип prodromal [pra'draumal] продромальний. що

передує початку хвороби

regain [ri'gein] повернути собі, відновити

(здоров'я) stool [stu:l] випорожнення; табуретка stamp out ['staemp'aut] ліквідувати,

викорінити thirst [03:st] спрага vaccination [,vaeksi'neijh] вакцинація peeling ['phlirj] відшаровування; відлущення rabies ['reibi:z] сказ, водобоязнь serum ['siaram] сироватка (крові) sputum ['spju:tam] мокротиння saliva [sa'laiva] слина onset ['unset] початок; напад meningitis [^menin'drains] менінгіт,

запалення мозкової оболонки itch, itching [itfii]] сверблячка, свербіння

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations, infectious (catching) disease - інфекційна (заразна) хвороба gradual onset - поступовий початок sudden onset - раптовий початок

prodromal symptoms - симптоми, що передують хворобі

characteristic features - характерні риси

initial stage of the disease - початкова стадія хвороби

a clinical feature - клінічна ознака

natural immunity - природний імунітет

artificial immunity - набутий імунітет
Exercise 4. Here is a list of some infectious diseases. Some of them are considered to
be children's infections and other both children's and adults'. Learn their names.
Children's DiseasesInfectious Diseases

chicken pox - вітрянка AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) -

mumps - свинка СНІД (синдром набутого імунодефіциту)

measles - кір diphtheria - дифтерія

polio - поліомієліт diarrhea - пронос

whooping cough - кашлюк dysentery - дизентерія

scarlet fever - скарлатина flu (influenza, grippe) - грип

roseola - краснуха (немовлят) hepatitis - гепатит

German measles (rubella) - краснуха tetanus - правець

meningitis - менінгіт scabies - сверблячка, короста tuberculosis - туберкульоз enteric fever - черевний тиф

Exercise 5. Read the text.

Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases are diseases which can pass from one person to another by different ways: through the nose and mouth, simply by touch, through the blood, etc.

A person who has any infectious disease must be isolated immediately. The main task of medical workers is to prevent the spread of infection.

All infectious diseases are caused by specific microorganisms which may be revealed by bacteriological tests: for example, typhoid bacilli are found in the blood, stool; in enteric fever they are sometimes found in the urine; meningococci are found in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid in meningitis.

Today such diseases as the plague, cholera, malaria and others have been stamped out altogether in our country.

It is important to say that such infectious disease as scarlet fever may have a sudden onset; however in others, such as enteric fever, the onset may be gradual. Prodromal symptoms appear earlier than the characteristic features, and generally it is difficult to make a diagnosis in the initial stages of the disease.

A sore throat, a running nose, cough, high temperature may occur among the most characteristic local symptoms. Many diseases are accompanied by rash. Special attention should be paid to the type of the rash, its color, distribution and whether it is associated with itching or not. Abdominal infectious diseases may cause diarrhea. Only in certain individuals natural immunity to infectious diseases may exist. An artificial immunity results from prophylactic vaccination, which is carried out against a number of infectious diseases.

If nurses look after patients who have any infectious disease, they must:

  • prevent the spread of infection;

  • wear a mask and a special gown;

  • wash hands carefully after visiting infectious patients;

  • disinfect bedclothes after use;

- remember that a good bedside manner and hearty attitude is an effective medicine (ліки).

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions.

  1. What are infectious diseases?

  2. What ways of passing infection from one person to another do you know?

  3. What causes these diseases?

  4. What infectious diseases have been stamped out in our country?

  5. What are the main symptoms of many infectious diseases?

  6. What must nurses do to prevent the spread of infection?

  7. What must nurses remember while caring for a person who has any infectious disease? Exercise 7. Translate into English.

Особливу увагу слід звернути на тип висипу, перші продромальні симптоми, скарлатина може розпочатись раптово, початок може бути поступовим, на ранніх стадіях захворювання, лише в окремих людей, супроводжуються висипанням, носити маску і спеціальний халат, через кров, продезінфікувати білизну після використання.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using expressions in the right column.

It is wrong

It is important It is dangerous It is necessary

not to disinfect bedclothes after use. to prevent spread of infection, to wear a mask and a gown, to put patients in a ward.

to put patients with different diseases in the same ward, to wash hands after contacting an infectious patient. to prevent the disease by prophylactic vaccination.

Exercise 9. Find substitutes for the words and expressions in bold type.

  1. In our country doctors have put an end to the plague, cholera and malaria.

  2. What infectious diseases take place in most Asian countries today?

  3. The patient's recovery after illness was not so good as the doctor wanted.

  4. The patient complains of a general feeling of uneasiness.

  5. The appearance of rash is a definite clinical manifestation of measles.

  6. Not natural immunity can be provided against many infectious diseases.

Exercise 10. Make up your own situations on the following topics.

  1. Prevention of infectious diseases.

  2. Measures of stopping the spread of infection.

  3. About infectious diseases.

II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Put in any of the given words: many, much, little, a little, few, a few.

1. Are there ... higher schools in your native town? 2. Did your mother take ... medicine to keep the fever down? 3. How ... subjects does the first-year curriculum include? 4. In his childhood he suffered from ... children's diseases, and he isn't a very healthy man now. 5. How ... patient's cards did the registering clerk fill in yesterday? 6. How ... blood did the nurse take from your finger? 7. The human body consists of ... bones. 8. There is ... milk in your glass. May I add some?

Exercise 2. Name the parts of speech of the following words, pay attention to their suffixes.

react - reactive - reaction

act - active - action

collect - collective - collection

connect - connective - connection

infect - disinfective - infection - disinfection

Exercise 3. Put the following sentences in the Future Continuous Tense, add necessary adverbs.

1. What are they doing? 2. He is not packing his things, is he? 3. Are you waiting for your friend? 4. The doctor's staying at a hotel. 5. She isn't smoking, is she?

Exercise 4. Make up questions to the words in bold type.

  1. I'll be taking my friend out to dinner tomorrow.

  2. We'll be watching TV when he comes at 7.

  3. You'll be discussing this problem all next lesson.

  4. I'll be seeing my doctor tomorrow morning.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention how to express the future tense.

  1. Я зустрічаюсь із лікарем завтра о 10-й.

  2. Я побачуся з друзями, якщо в мене буде час.

  3. До побачення. Побачимось завтра.

  4. Я візьму лікарняний післязавтра.

  5. Коли ти прийдеш до коледжу сьогодні?

  6. Вони збираються відвідати його в лікарні.

  7. Вони підуть в лікарню, а я залишуся вдома.

  8. Ти збираєшся стати лікарем?

  9. Я не думаю, що ти підеш до нього завтра.

10. Ти чекатимеш мене весь вечір?

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences using the expressions from the right column, translate them.

1. He asked my mother

відповісти на лист негайно.

піти за покупками.

зачекати на нього до 10-ї.

не вирішувати питання без нього.

2. Ask your friend

продовжити розповідь, не кричати на друзів, розповісти про подорож, не говорити голосно.

3. Tell your friend to ask the patient

на що він скаржиться, що ще його турбує, коли він захворів, які ліки він приймає.

чи був у нього головний біль, нежить, чи боліло горло.

Exercise 7. Make up a dialog. Act as a doctor. Use the following sentences.

1. What he complains of. 2. What else troubles him. 3. What his temperature is. 4. When he fell ill. 5. How he feels. 6. What first signs he noticed. 7. What medicine he took. 8. If he was consulted by a doctor. 9. What diseases he had in his childhood. 10. If he was ill with any infectious diseases. 11. If he was treated in a hospital. 12. If he has a pain in the heart region (in the region of his stomach, liver). 13. If he has a headache, a pain in the chest.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with adverbial clauses of result and translate them.

She spoke in such a low voice that ....

The patient was so angry with the boys that... .

We haven't found her new address yet, that's why .... They spoke in English, that's why .... My son will be a teacher after .... The child will not go to sleep until ....
III. Independent Work: Bacteria

Exercise 1. Read the text.


Bacteria are single-celled organisms of minute size and simple structure. They are usually less than one thousandth of a millimeter in diameter. They differ in shape and are named accordingly. Cocci are small round cells which arrange themselves in different patterns; bacilli are rod-shaped; vibrios are curved rods or comma-shaped; spirochaeta are thin filaments which form spirals. Bacteria contain no formed nucleus and reproduce by simple division. Some are mobile, a property which is due to the movement of protoplasmic processes.

For growth bacteria require an adequate amount of water. Some grow best in air but a few are unable to grow in the presence of free oxygen. Their growth rate is dependent on temperature, each species having its own optimum. In general, cold inhibits growth rate whereas above the optimum their properties change and at still higher temperatures they are destroyed. Their food requirements vary. They are widely spread in nature and are found in the atmosphere, in soil and in water. Some can live and derive sustenance from soil and air but others require organic material and by their action cause putrefaction.

Of a large number of species very few are responsible for a disease in the human being and those that are usually have stricter requirements as regards their living conditions and nutrition. They can be grown in the laboratory on a number of different substances; for example, gelatine, malt extract, solutions of different sugars.

Of the bacteria which are responsible for a disease - known as pathogenic - a few will produce, when grown in a test tube, a highly poisonous substance or toxin which if injected will cause in the body many symptoms of that disease. Other bacteria, while not secreting a toxin, are in themselves poisonous; their toxin only becomes manifested when the killed organisms are injected or when they are killed in the body in the course of disease.
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