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Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations, a surgical patient (wound, clinic) - хірургічний пацієнт (рана, клініка) an acute (chronic) appendicitis - гострий (хронічний) апендицит gangrenous area - змертвіла площа perforating wound (ulcer, appendix) - прободна рана (виразка, апендикс) to remove a dressing, a gown, a foreign body - зняти пов'язку (халат), видалити чужорідне to prevent a rupture - запобігти розриву a fresh outer bandage - свіжа зовнішня пов'язка a gauze [g3:z] drain - ватний тампон an urgent case - терміновий випадок Exercise 4. Make up sentences with the word combinations from Exercise 3. father gives her necessary instructions. Then he goes to the operating room. During my practice I saw an operation in the operating room. Before the operation my father and his assistants washed their arms and hands, dried them with a sterile towel, put on sterile gowns, masks, surgical caps and gloves. The nurse helped them to do it. On the operating table there was a man who felt a severe abdominal pain. The surgeon diagnosed appendicitis. The patient was prepared for the operation. The assistant gave the patient anesthesia. The nurse gave a scalpel to the surgeon, the operation began. It lasted about an hour and was successful. Exercise 8. Make a plan of the text. Exercise 9. Answer the questions.
Exercise 10. Read the text and translate it. In the dressing room the surgeon took out the stitches on the patient's wound after the operation. It didn't hurt the patient. The suture was only about 10 cm long and the patient didn't complain of any tenderness on examination of the operative area. The surgeon hoped to discharge this patient from the hospital in a week. Exercise 11. Make up your own situations on the following topics, using the given words and word combinations.
II. Grammar Exercises Exercise 1. Use the verb in present, past and future tenses with each of the adverbs of time given in brackets. Model: He gets up early (every day, yesterday, tomorrow). —*He gets up early every day. He got up early yesterday. He will get up early tomorrow. 1. Pete goes to the institute (on working days, last week, next week). 2. They attend lectures (on Saturday, last Wednesday, next Friday). 3. He works in the laboratory (every day, tomorrow afternoon, in a week). 4.1 go to the library (every Monday, on Monday, next Monday). 5. Students take examinations (at the end of the academic year, last month, in a week). Exercise 2. Give degrees of comparison of the following adjectives. Short, little, small, important, long, late, low. good, cold, hard, difficult, old, beautiful, bad, tall, happy, many. Exercise 3. Give antonyms of the following words. The best, the latest, the strongest, the oldest, the most difficult, the tallest, the widest, the unhappiest, the nearest, the worst. Exercise 4. Open the brackets. Mind degrees of comparison of adjectives. l.He is (tall) than his father is.
Exercise 5. Find sentences in the Future Perfect Tense, translate them.
Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English: 1. Я ще не написала текст про обов'язки медсестри в хірургічному відділенні, але я її напишу до того, як ти прийдеш з лекції.
Exercise 7. Name the parts of speech of the following words, point the ways of their formation. Translate them. Unsuitable, invitation, impossible, misspell, unwritten, illegal, agreement, retirement, irregular, payment, unthinkable, continuation, lagging, flowery, rainy, playable, seaport, parentless, driver. Exercise 8. Rewrite the sentences in the Past and Future Indefinite Tenses, change the adverbs of time.
Exercise 9. Translate into English. 1. - Чому ви так запізнились? Уже 8-ма година. - Краще пізно, ніж ніколи. Не сердись, будь ласка. Ми не могли прийти раніше.
III. Independent Work: Superlatives Exercise 1. Read some interesting facts about extraordinary '"mind and body" world records. Translate them. Superlatives The oldest. The oldest person was a Japanese man called Shigechiuyo Izumi. He was born on 28 June 1865 and died 120 years and 237 days later on 21 February 1986. The world's oldest mother - Ruth Alice Kistler (USA) - gave birth to a daughter on 18 October 1956 when she was 57 years and 129 days old. The longest. The longest bone in the human body is the thigh bone of Robert Wadlaw s femur (remember him? - he was the world's tallest man) measured 74 centimeters. The longest fingernails are on the left hand of Shridar Chillal from India. Added together, their total length is 4.52 meters. The world record for the longest hair also belongs to someone from India. Her name is Mata Jagdamba and in March 1989 her hair was 6,4 meters long. The longest beard -- 5.3 meters -- was grown by a Norwegian man called Hans N. Langseth. Langseth died in 1927 and 40 years later his beard was presented to an American museum. How long can you stand up for? The world record belongs to Swami Maujgiri Maharaj from... you guessed it - India. He stood for 17 years in the period 1955-1973. How did he sleep? By leaning against a plank. The strongest. The strongest substance in the human body is tooth enamel (that's the hard white substance on the surface of teeth). Can you guess where the strongest muscles in the body are? Well, the answer is in the jaw. They're the muscles which are used for chewing and biting. The most unusual. The most unusual diet in the world is that of Frenchman Michel Lotito (born 1950) who regularly eats metal and glass. Lotito has eaten all of the things on this list since 1966:
The shortest. One of the shortest men was an American. Calvin Phillips (1891-1912) weighed less than one kilo at birth and stopped growing when he was five years old. For the rest of his brief life he was just 67 centimeters tall. The shortest woman was eleven centimeters smaller. Pauline Musters (1876-1895) came from Holland and measured only 61 centimeters when she was nineteen. The tallest. The tallest man was an American called Robert Wadlow (1918-1940). His height? An incredible 2 meters 72 centimeters. The tallest woman came from China. She was born in 1964, her name was Zeng Jinlian and when she died in 1982 she measured 2 meters 47 centimeters. The tallest tribes both come from Africa. One of them is the Dinka, who live in Sudan. The other is the Watusi, who live in Rwanda and Burundi. The average height for a Watusi man is 1 meter 95 centimeters and for a Watusi woman it's 1 meter 77 centimeters. The heaviest. The world's heaviest human being was John Brower Minnoch (1941-1983) from the state of Washington, USA. In 1976 he weighed 442 kilos. The heaviest woman - Rosie Carnemolla of New York - was born in 1944. Her maximum weight? It was 385.5 kilos on 13 March 1988. The heaviest organs in the human body are (a) the skin (yes, doctors call the skin an "organ"), (b) the liver. The average human skin weighs approximately 2.7 kilos and the average liver weighs 1.5 kilos, that's four times more than a normal heart. The most. The most children born to one mother is 69. That's the number of babies which an eighteenth-century Russian woman had in the years between 1720-60. They included 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets (three babies) and 4 sets of quadruplets (four babies). Notes: superlative [su'p3:tativ] найвищий ступінь guess [ges] здогадуватися jaw [030:] щелепа, підборіддя bone [Ьзип] кістка femur Гп:тз] стегно fingernail ['firjgsneil] ніготь пальця руки beard [biad] борода lean [li:n] (leaned, leant) нахилятися, спирі plank [plasrjk] (обшивна) дошка trolley ['troll] візок chandelier [ Jaends'lis] люстра coffin ['krjfm] труна human being ['hjirmsn] людина average ['eevsricu] середній approximately [a'proksimstli] приблизно height [hait] висота; зріст incredible [in'kredsbl] неймовірний tribe [traib] плем'я LESSON TWENTY-NINE
I. Speaking: Operating Nurse Exercise 1. Read the words and word combinations. Surgical, surgeon, surgery, to harm, to handle, ambulance, to be dangerous for smb to do smth, gangrenous, to perforate, to operate on smb for some disease, to remove, to prevent, rupture, fatal outcome, traumatological, fracture, to set a fractured bone, plaster of Paris, immobilization, compound, to undergo an operation for smth, convalescent, dressing room, to perform an operation on smb for smth, postoperative, to bare, dressing, stitch, to hurt, suture, tenderness, suppurative, to wheel, to dress smb's wound, bandage, gauze drain, to soak, pus. edge, solution, to bandage, profuse, bleeding, urgent, to survive. Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words, traumatological - травматологічний mask - маска fracture - перелом forceps - пінцет immobilization - накладання шини; імобілізація scalpel - скальпель stitch - шов dry - сухий swab - тампон dust - пилюка; бруд to touch - доторкатися secure - надійний; міцний to soak - просочуватись successful - успішний profuse - рясний; багатий (на) clips - скоби (для з'єднання рани) survive - переживати; витримати hernia - грижа Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations, to be admitted to hospital - бути доставленим у лікарню to discharge from hospital виписати з лікарні compound fracture відкритий перелом to put a plaster cast for immobilization накласти гіпс для імобілізації to introduce a gauze drain into the wound - ввести ватний тампон у рану to be soaked with pus (blood) - насичитись (увібрати) гноєм (кров'ю) physiological solution - фізрозчин solution of antibiotics - розчин антибіотиків to cause profuse bleeding - спричинити сильну кровотечу to survive the operation (disease) - пережити операцію (хворобу) to protect the wound from dust - захистити рану від забруднення to make the dressing secure - накласти надійну пов'язку to give smb narcosis - дати комусь наркоз the rules of aseptics - правила асептики Exercise 4. Make up sentences, put the words in the right order.
Exercise 5. Find Ukrainian
h) вислуховувати легені i) робити операцію j) досліджувати шлунок к) післяопераційний стан 1) операційна рана т) хірургічна голка Exercise 6. a) Read the sentences by means of which you may describe surgeon's work. 1. Every day a surgeon makes the morning round. 2. He examines patients, makes diagnosis. 3. He prescribes operations and treatment. 4. Many patients are operated on by this surgeon. b) Describe some surgeon's work using the verbs in the correct form: Every day these surgeons: (to make) the morning round; (to examine) many patients; (to palpate) them; (to make) diagnosis; (to prescribe) them treatment and (to perform) many operations. Exercise 7. a) Read the sentences describing medical personnel's actions in the operating room. Before the operation: 1. The surgeon and assistants wash their hands, put on sterile gowns, caps, masks and come into the operating room. 2. The anesthetist gives the patient anesthesia. During the operation: 1. The surgeon performs the operation. 2. The assistants help the surgeon, pass instruments and control the patient's condition. After the operation: The doctors and nurses pay much attention to the patient. b) Answer the following guestions. 1. What do the surgeon and assistants do before the operation? 2. What does the anesthetist do before the operation? 3. Who performs the operation? 4. What do the assistants do during the operation? 5. Who pays much attention to the patient after the operation? Exercise 8. Do the exercise in pairs. You are a surgeon and you receive patients in a polyclinic. You are talking with your patient. Ask him:
1. To strip to the waist. 2. To lie down on the couch. 3. To show where he feels his pains. 4. To sit down. |