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Exercise 8. Answer the questions; begin your answer with the words:

I think (that) ... I suppose (that) ... I know (that) ...

1. What drugs should be kept in the refrigerator? 2. Where can you buy things for medical care? 3. How should galenical preparations be kept? 4. Where are single dose and total dosage indicated? 5. Are poisonous drugs kept according to special rules?

Exercise 9. Read the short dialog and act it out.

At the Chemist's

  • Will you make up this prescription, please?

  • Just a minute... Here you are. One tablespoon before meals three times a day.

  • Thank you.

  • As for these tablets, you can get them without prescription in the other department. Exercise 10. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Drugs used for treatment of eye diseases have a pink color. 2. Directions for administration of a drug may be very important for patients. 3. Drugs will be ready in two hours. 4. A chemist-analyst has to control the effectiveness of drugs. 5. Overdosage may cause untoward reactions. 6. Generic names should be used as the language for prescriptions. 7. Each drug has its own dose specification.

Exercise 11. Prepare a report about the chemist's shop according to the plan.

  1. Departments of an average chemist's.

  2. Working rooms of the chemist's.

  3. Personnel of the chemist's.

  4. General description of drugs, groups of drugs, their labels and dosage forms and doses.

II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Name the parts of speech of the following words.

Treatment; toxic, toxicology, toxicosis, toxicogenic, intoxication, intoxicate, toxicity; associated, association; particularly; available, availability; progressive; mainly; commonly; obtainable; selective; regional; reaction; subtropical; antimalarial; peripheral; chronic.
Exercise 2. Learn the word rate and its meanings.

rate (n) 1) швидкість, темп, ритм, інтенсивність

  1. ступінь, коефіцієнт, індекс, рівень

  2. потужність, інтенсивність

  3. частота

  4. доза, норма, кількість, виробництво

  5. ціна, оцінка

rate (v) 1) цінити, оцінювати, вимірювати

2) вважати, розраховувати, розглядати birthrate- рівень народжуваності deathrate - рівень смертності doserate - інтенсивність/сила дози heartrate

частота серцевих скорочень metabolicrate- швидкість/рівень метаболізму

тorbidity rate - розповсюдження хвороби

Translate the sentences with rate:

  1. It is difficult to separate rates for alcohol and drug use.

  2. The rates of this disease vary by area.

3. Heart rate was monitored continuously and blood pressure was recorded every 5

  1. We also observed a high rate of remission.

  2. His metabolic rate is rather normal.

Exercise 3. Translate the pairs of antonyms into Ukrainian.

A modem drag - an outdated drug, a single dose - a total dose, receive - deliver, reception -delivery, depressant - stimulant, healthy - sick (ill), healthy people - patients.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences in the Future Perfect Tense.

1. I'll have finished my work by the time you come. 2. The work will have been done by 5 o'clock. 3. Will you have taken all your exams by the end of June? 4. She will have made all

injections by the doctor's order. 5. I'll have rung him up before I begin my lecture. 6. I'll have had a talk with you before I have done this work.
Exercise 5. Find sentences in the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. When I entered the ward, the doctor was examining my uncle. 2. We will have been asked for the anatomy test when you come. 3. The students will have been discussing future internship for a long time when the director returns. 4. He likes to speak English. 5. We will visit him at hospital tomorrow.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English, use the Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. Лікар вже огляне всіх своїх пацієнтів до 12 години. 2. Лікар оглядатиме своїх пацієнтів кілька годин, перш ніж піде в операційну. 3. Ми й 10 хвилин не чекатимемо викладача, який прийде читати лекцію. 4. Він завершить операцію до огляду хворих. 5. Ми перекладатимемо цю інструкцію ліків довго: вона дуже велика.

Exercise 7. Add short answers to the sentences as in the model. Model: 1) "I like skating. " - "So do J."

2) "I can't do this injection. " - "Neither can he. "

  1. We saw this tree in the distance. (Вони також.)

  2. I got an important task today. (Він також.)

  3. He wasn't late for the lesson. (Вони також.)

  4. I'm sure you'll pass the exams. (Моя подруга також.)

  5. I have never seen him before. (Мій батько також.)

  6. I enjoyed the lecture very much. (Мої друзі також.)

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with "я (ми, ви, він, вони) також"in English, use the Model of Exercise 7.

  1. I am dying of hunger ....

  2. We are very thankful to you ....

  3. My brother can't drive ....

  4. My father always gives me good advice ....

  5. I am not satisfied with your mark ....

  6. We didn't speak English well... .

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in the correct form (indefinite active or passive) and translate the sentences.

1. After some years of studies graduates of the medical college (to work) at different hospitals departments. 2. He (to find) that many students were deficient in scientific knowledge. 3. Great attention in his lectures (to give) to organic chemistry. 4. The Fahrenheit thermometric scale and some new methods of study (to introduce) by Dutch chemist Boerhaave. 5. Pharmacy (to define) as the science of drags. 6. The civilization of the past (to contribute) to our present knowledge by the collection of drags and drug preparations.

III. Independent Work: Aspirin

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
Ordinary Aspirin Is Truly a Wonder Drug

Aspirin is the most popular drug in the world today. Many people take aspirin when they have a headache. It is effective in relieving other pains too.

Americans swallow 15,000 tons of aspirin, one of the safest and the most effective drugs invented by man, every year. Its bad effects are relatively mild, and, besides, it is cheap.

For millions of people, suffering from arthritis, it is the only thing that works. Aspirin, in short, is truly the 20th century wonder drug. It is also the second largest suicide drug and it is the leading cause of poisoning among children. Its side effects, although relatively mild, are largely recognized among users.

Although aspirin was first sold by a German company in 1899, it has been around much longer than that. Hippocrates, in ancient Greece, understood the medical value of the leaves and tree bark which today are known to contain salicylates, the chemical in aspirin. During the 19th century, there was a great deal of experimentation in Europe with this chemical, and it led to the introduction of aspirin. By 1915, aspirin tablets were available in the United States.

A small quantity of aspirin (two five-grain tablets) relieves pain and inflammation. It also reduces fever by interfering with some of the body's reactions. Specifically, aspirin seems to slow down the formation of the acids involved in the pain and the complex chemical reactions that cause fever. The chemistry of these acids is not fully understood, but the slowing effect of aspirin is well known.

Aspirin is very irritating to the stomach lining and many aspirin takers complain about upset stomaches. There is a right way and a wrong way to take aspirin. The best way is to chew the tablets before swallowing them with water, but few people can stand the bitter taste. Some people suggest crushing the tablets in milk or orange juice and drinking that.

Exercise 2. Read each statement. Write "T" after true statements and "F" after false statements.

  1. Aspirin is one of the safest drugs invented by man.

  2. This text states that aspirin is a pain reliever that works for arthritis and headaches.

  3. Aspirin is the leading cause of poisoning among children.

  4. The side effects of aspirin are quite serious.

  5. The chemical in aspirin has been used for less than 100 years.

  6. Ancient Greeks understood the value of salicylates.

  7. Aspirin interferes with some of the body's reactions.

  8. Aspirin speeds up the formation of acids that cause pain.

  9. Scientists do not completely understand how aspirin works.

10. You should swallow aspirin tablets whole.

Exercise 3. Choose the best possible answers and complete the sentences with them.

1. This text discusses:

a) only the good things about aspirin.

  1. only the bad things about the aspirin.

  2. both good and bad things about aspirin.

2. The side effects of aspirin are:

  1. serious.

  2. mild.

  3. none.

3. The information in the article shows that:

  1. aspirin can be dangerous.

  2. aspirin is always safe.

  3. aspirin is both safe and dangerous.

4. Aspirin tablets were available in the United States in:

b)1915. c)1899.

5. Salicylates are the:

  1. leaves and tree bark.

  2. chemical in aspirin.

  3. aspirin tablets.

6. Aspirin can cause:

  1. an upset stomach.

  2. pain and inflammation.

  3. formation of the acids involved in a fever.

7. Aspirin seems to (A) the reactions that (B) fever. (Choose one word from each group and
put both letters on the line: A B.)

  1. speed up a) cause

  2. slow down b) stop

  3. stop c) understand

8. The best way to take aspirin is to:

  1. swallow tablets.

  2. crush tablets.

  3. chew tablets.

9. The author of this text seems to be:

  1. more in favor of aspirin.

  2. more against the use of aspirin.

  3. not interested in aspirin.

10. A good title for this text would be:

  1. Aspirin: The Most Popular Medicine in the World

  2. Why I Take Aspirin

  3. The Side Effects of Aspirin

  4. The History of Aspirin




Obstetrics and Gynecology



Місце прислівників у реченні (§94)


Independent Work


I. Speaking: Obstetrics and Gynecology

Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words.

Unreliable, threaten, wheel, vague, warning, premature, guess, sweatbox, whispering, gynecology, pause, nightmare.

Exercise 2. Learn the following fetus ['fi:tas] плід

gynecology [,gaini'kT)lod3i] гінекологія

ovum (pi. ova) - яйцеклітина

pelvis ['pelvis] таз

period ['pisriad] менструація

to miss a period (syn. to be overdue) -

мати затримку менструації pregnancy - вагітність pregnant - вагітна

signs of pregnancy - ознаки вагітності ectopic, or extrauterine pregnancy -

позаматкова вагітність reproduction - відтворення;

розмноження vagina [vo'djains] піхва birth [Ьз:0] народження childbirth - пологи to give birth to a child - народити


(child)birth pains - перейми a woman in childbirth - породілля deliver [di'livo] народжувати delivery (syn. labor ['leibs]) - пологи obstetrician [,Dbsti'triJn] акушер obstetrics [sb'stetriks] (syn. midwifery)

- акушерство midwife - акушерка

words and word combinations, onset ['onset] початок (хвороби, пологів) premature [prams'tjuo] передчасний;

недоношена дитина term [гз:т] термін, строк, певний період a full-term baby - доношена дитина newborn - новонароджений stillborn - мертвонароджений afterbirth - послід, плацента cesarian section [si'zeorion'sekjh] кесарів розтин birth activity - пологова діяльність conception - запліднення

fertility [f3:'tibti] здатність до відтворення потомства infertility - безпліддя gestation [dsa'steijh] період вагітності gestosis [dp'steozis] {syn. toxemia) токсикоз вагітних; гес гоз

maternity [тзЧз:пігі] материнство maternity home - пологовий будинок maternity leave - декретна відпустка miscarriage [mis'k£erid5] викидень to curette - вишкрібати кюреткою uterus [ juitsrss] (syn. womb [wu:m]) матка umbilical [лт'ЬіІікзІ] пупковий umbilical cord - пуповина to induce abortion - викликати викидень to perform abortion - робити аборт

Exercise 3. Pay attention that obstetricians can work at:

  • a female (antenatal) department (жіноча консультація);

  • a maternity home/hospital;

  • a feldsher-midwife station (ФАП);

  • prophylactic centers of large facilities (factories, plants, etc.).

Exercise 4. Read the necessary obstetrical terminology and translate it with a dictionary.

  1. The fetal position is the correlation of separate parts of the fetus (the head, the trunk and the limbs).

  2. The fetal position is also the relation of the fetal axis to the vertical axis of the uterus.

  3. And it is also the position of the fetal back towards the sides of the uterus.

  4. The fetal axis is the conventional line that goes from the back of the head to the coccyx.

  5. The fetal presentation is the position of the fetus towards the plane of the pelvic entry.

  6. The presenting part of the fetus is that part of it, which lies nearer to the small pelvic entry.

  7. At a female department a midwife must be able to measure the sizes of the abdomen and the pelvis; to determine the term of pregnancy.

  8. At a maternity home a midwife prepares the woman in childbirth to birth activity, manages the delivery, and provides all hygiene of the woman after labor.


fetal position - положення плода в матці fetal presentation - передлежання плода presenting part of the fetus - передлегла частина плода fetal axis f'aeksis] вісь плода

Exercise 5. Make up sentences using the word combinations:

  • the work of a midwife

  • to give birth to a child

  • a woman in labor

  • at the maternity home

  • to measure the sizes of the pelvis and abdomen

  • to determine the term of pregnancy

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text using a dictionary.

a) During my midwifery practice in the 4* year I was called to a woman in labor. It was going to be my first case of delivery and I was very nervous. The door was opened by a thin girl of about five who took me upstairs to the room where the expectant mother was lying. I hoped to find a midwife there, the cool, experienced midwife that usually controlled all the students, but there was nobody. I was alone with my patient. I felt like an actor who forgot the words and found that the prompter (суфлер) had gone out for a drink.

"Nov/, Mother," I said cheerfully. "How many children do you have?" - "Five, Doctor," she answered.

Well, that was something. At least one of us knew a bit about childbirth. I wondered what to do.

b) "I think it's coming, Doctor!" she cried out between birth pains. I grasped her hand.
"You'll be all right in a minute," I said as confidently (впевнено) as possible. "Leave it to

I turned into the corner and looked as if 1 was waiting for the time to interfere. Out of my pocket 1 drew a small but valuable book in a red cover "The Student's Friend in Obstetrical Difficulties" by Sir Percy Cudlip. He was an old obstetrician and had no illusions about what students would find difficult. It started with "The Normal Delivery". The text was written in short numbered paragraphs, like a cookery book, і looked at the first page. "Sterility," it said. "The student must try to achieve sterile surroundings for the delivery and scrub up himself as for a surgical operation. If there are no sterile towels, newspapers may be used as they are often bacteria free."
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