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Exercise 14. Read the text and translate it. Dental Calculus Dental calculus must be removed, otherwise the teeth quickly get spoiled. Tartar deepens the periodontal pocket where food particles accumulate and the mucus of microbe-saturated dental deposit is trapped. One milligram of dental deposit from uncleaned teeth contains about 8 million different microorganisms. They include pathological ones that can cause gingivitis -inflammation of the gingival tissue. The gums begin to bleed and bad breath appears. Tartar cannot be removed with needles, pins or other pointed objects, because the enamel is thus ruined, the gum is injured and the wound gets infected. After the dental calculus is removed by a dentist, hygiene should be scrupulously observed, because tooth care and tartar formation are directly related: neglected teeth are often affected. The mouth must be rinsed after each meal. Eating green vegetables and fruit is beneficial "exercising" for teeth. Thorough chewing of the food helps to clean the oral cavity, improve gingival blood supply and strengthen the gums. II. Grammar Exercises Exercise 1. Group the words according to the parts of speech, mind suffixes; translate them. English, prepared, orally, prescription, manufactured, prescribed, indicated, polish, indication, intravenously, usually, injection, impure, chemist, unprotected, administered, tradition, information, pharmacist, selected, independent, nonnarcotic, translation, dangerous, variously, feverish. Exercise 2. Group the words according to their roots and translate them into Ukrainian. Produce, effect, medicinal, manufacture, prescribe, dose, independent, production, effective, medicine, productive, manufactured, dependent, prescription, productivity, medical, effectively, prescribed, dosed, depend. Exercise 3. Find the predicative and name its tense and voice. 1. The centigrade scale is universally used in scientific work. 2. The weighing room of the chemical laboratory is equipped with a set of balances. 3. Reagents for experiments will be supplied in various boxes and bottles. 4. Synthetic and natural substances are easily dissolved in alcohol. 5. His lectures on physical chemistry were listened to with great interest. 6. Mendeleev's Periodic Table was much spoken about in the second half of the nineteenth century. 7. Students are paid scolarship once a month. 8. The lecture was followed by an interesting discussion. Exercise 4. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.
Exercise 5. Change the underlined words with corresponding substitutions where it's possible.
3.1 don't like these pictures. They are too dark. I saw better pictures in a shop. 4.1 think this operation will be easier than the last operation.
Exercise 6. Translate into English. 1. Зараз іще дуже рано обговорювати це питання. 2. Зима. Досить холодно. 3. Узимку важко вставати рано, тому що вранці ще темно. 4. Моя сестра знає німецьку й англійську, тому їй легко вивчати французьку. 5. Вам важко йти? Давайте візьмемо таксі. 6. Дощ уже йде? — Ні, але скоро піде. 7. Сьогодні вранці ще йшов сніг, а зараз іде дощ. 8.1 не дивно, що мій брат так швидко одужав, — він дотримувався інструкцій лікаря. III. Independent Work: What Happens to a Hamburger What Happens to a Hamburger (Part II) Your stomach is a tube like your gullet. But there is a difference. Your stomach can stretch like a balloon. When you eat, your stomach stretches to hold the food. After you swallow your meal, your stomach closes at each end. The food cannot get out. The muscles begin to squeeze. The food is mashed and stirred together. Your stomach has fluids in it like the saliva in your mouth. They are called digestive fluids. They pour in from tiny glands in the sides of the stomach. The digestive fluids help to break the food up into smaller and smaller pieces. Food stays in your stomach for several hours. Some kinds of food stay only about two hours. Other kinds stay longer. The food stays until all the lumps have been broken up. It is like a thick soup now. It is made of millions and millions of tiny pieces. But digestion has just begun. The tiny pieces must be made even smaller. This happens in the intestines. There are two intestines in your body - the small intestine and the large intestine. They are really one single long tube. This tube is coiled up inside you like a pile of heavy rope. It is about twenty-one feet long. Most of the tube is narrow and is called the small intestine. The last four or five feet of the tube are much bigger around. This part is called the large intestine. The soupy food is squeezed into the small intestine from the stomach. Digestive fluids from the liver and pancreas are mixed with the food in the small intestine. These fluids break the food up into very tiny pieces called molecules. Molecules are so small you cannot see them without a special microscope. The food molecules pass into tiny blood and lymph vessels in the walls of the small intestine. They move into your blood. Then your blood carries them to every part of your body. The part of the food that is not digested in the small intestine is squeezed into the large intestine. From here, water molecules pass into the bloodstream. Your body cannot use all of the food you eat. The food it cannot use is stored in the large intestine. You get rid of the unused food when you go to the toilet. In the morning you may eat scrambled eggs or cereal. You may drink orange juice or hot chocolate. In a few hours your body has digested the food. Then your blood begins to carry the tiny food molecules to your muscles to make them stronger, to your bones to make them harder, to every part of your body to give you energy and help you grow. Notes: to squeeze [skwi:z] стискатися esophagus [k'srjfsgss] стравохід (syn. gullet) to stretch [strettfl розтягуватись to mash [maej] розминати to coil up [kail] згортатися pile [pail] купа rope [raup] мотузка to store [sto:] зберігати unused [An'ju:zd] невикористаний scrambled eggs ['skraembld] яєчня-бовтанка cereal ['sisrisl] (амер.) каша Exercise 1. Write down all new words in your vocabulary. Exercise 2. Make up questions based on the text. Exercise 3. Describe the process of digestion. LESSON THIRTY-THREE
I. Speaking: Medicines and Their Forms Exercise 1. Phonetic reading: read the words of Latin or Greek origin; pay attention to their pronunciation; translate them. History ['histari], historical [his'torikl], pharmacognosy [/aims'kngnazi], initiative [i'nijiativ], museum [mjui'ziam], pharmacy [Tcumasi], pharmaceutical [,fa:ms'sju:tikl], chemistry f'kemistri], chemical ['kemikl], chemist ['kemist], physics ['fiziks], physical ['fizikl], medicine ['medsin], medical ['medikl], microbiology [,таікгзиЬаі'г)І9С^і], lecture [Tektfa], pharmacology [,ґа:тз'кт)1згізі], toxicology [.roksi'krjladji], laboratory [l9'bt>ret(a)ri], subject ['sAbdsikt], anatomy [a'nastami], temperature ['tempritfs], professor [prs'fess], institute [-institju:t], biology [bai'rjlac^i], substance ['sAbstans], organic [a:'gaenik], biological [,ЬаізТт)дзік1], academician [o^kseds'mifn], organize ['a:ganaiz], organization [,a:ganai'zeijh], technological [rtekna'!Dd3ikl], technology [tek nrjlachji]. Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words. powder [pauda] порошок tablet ['tasblit] таблетка dose [dsus] доза dosage ['dsusidj] дозування pill [pil] пілюля, пігулка ointment ['ointment] мазь suppository [sa'prjzitri] свічка globule ['glsubjul] пілюля; крупинка ampule ['asmpju:!] ампула solution [ss'luijh] розчин tincture ['tinktfs] настійка infusion [in'fju:3n] настій mixture ['mikstfs] суміш decoction [di'kDkJh] відвар drops [drops] краплі medicine ['medsin] ліки, медикамент drug [dr.\g] ліки, лікарський препарат; наркотик medication [.medi'keijn] лікарський засіб remedy ['remidi] засіб; ліки poison ['piizn] отрута signature ['signitfa] підпис; сігнатура at the chemist's ['kemists] в аптеці Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations by heart, a single dose - разова доза, на один прийом a total dose - загальна доза dosed drugs - дозовані ліки drug administration - призначення/застосування ліків drug action - дія ліків overdosage of medicines - передозування ліків healing ointment - лікувальна мазь cough mixture - мікстура від кашлю nasal drops - краплі в ніс cod liver oil - риб'ячий жир sleeping draught [dra:ft] снодійний засіб adhesive plaster [sd'hiisiv'plaists] лейкопластир doctor's prescription - рецепт (призначення) лікаря teaspoonful (tablespoonful) - чайна (столова) ложка Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the words given below. 1. He often uses ... 2. She gave her son ... 3. I take these ... and ... three times a day. 4. She applies ... on his back. 5. The nurse makes ... 6. She has a weak heart and she's got ... at the chemist's. (mustard plaster, injections, vitamins, cod liver oil, heart drops, tablets and powders) Exercise 5. Say it in English. Приймай ці порошки з молоком; ви повинні мати лейкопластир, бинт і розчин йоду вдома; я приймаю ці таблетки тричі на день; випий цю мікстуру ввечері; поклади мазь на рану, вона загоїть її; настої, відвари і настоянки; розчин глюкози в ампулах; передозування ліків - це отрута. Exercise 6. Match the words; remember their Latin form.
Exercise 7. Read the text and retell it. At the Chemist's When you are ill, you consult a doctor. He prescribes you treatment and writes out a prescription. To have all the prescriptions made up1 you have to go to the chemist's. There are two departments in the chemist's: the department of medicines right away2 and the department where drugs have to be ordered or the prescription department. At the chemist's shop you can buy medicines of all kinds: tablets, powders, pills, solutions, tinctures, suppositories, ointments, cough mixtures, sleeping draught, nasal drops, cod liver oil, syringes, ampules with different solutions, vitamins, different medicines for external and internal use. You can also get hot-water bottles, medicine droppers, bandages, bottles of iodine, ice bags, sponges, tooth pastes and toothbrushers, soap, mustard plasters and adhesive plasters and many other things which are quite necessary for medical care and nursing. Notes: 1 to have all prescriptions made up - отримати ліки, які призначив лікар 2 right away - відразу, негайно Exercise 8. Make up lists of three forms of medicines: solid, soft and liquid; use a dictionary; remember Latin names. Exercise 9. Make up sentences using the following word combinations.
Exercise 10. Read and act out the dialog. Father: Doctor, when I came home, I found my little son asleep. At first that seemed normal, but when I entered the bathroom there was a bottle of my wife's sedative on the floor. I'm afraid the child took some of it. Doctor: Do you know what kind of sedative1 it was? Father: No, doctor. I only know it was one of sedatives. Here it is. Doctor: Well, it is better to do stomach washing2. Nurse, have everything ready for stomach washing. Notes: 1 sedative - заспокійливий засіб : washing - промивання Exercise 11. Communicative situations.
4. You are not feeling quite well. You go to the chemist's and ask the chemist to give you some tablets. II. Grammar Exercises Exercise 1. Name the parts of speech of the following words, translate them without the dictionary. accelerate - accelerator - acceleration combine - combination medicine - medical - medication grade - gradual - gradually prescribe - prescription effect - effective - effectiveness Exercise 2. Give degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and adverbs. Handsome, nice, wonderful, sad, green, white, difficult, good, slow, bad, grey, small, little, black, useful, delicate, careful, thin, large, well, quickly. |