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Participial Complex as an attribute:

1. Students graduating from our institute work in different parts of Ukraine. 2. The article translated at the lesson is of interest for me. 3. The experiment conducted yesterday gave important results. 4. My friend living in the students' hostel often comes to see me.

c)Participial Complex as an adverbial:

1. While entering the institute I spent much time at the library. 2. While reading scientific texts I usually use a dictionary. 3. When spoken to, he said he was not at all interested in chemistry. 4. When mixed, the substances melted slowly. 5. Being a member of the students' scientific society he took an active part in the research work.

d)a part of the predicative:

1. Medicinal plants are usually stored in a dark place protected from light. 2. During fifty years the institute has developed and brought into use some 60 medicinal preparations. 3. Where is your friend? I don't see him. - He is taking a chemistry test. 4. Such substances may be classified as oily, pungent, acrid, or astringent.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the sentences, choose the necessary participle from the brackets.

1. Complex mixtures of hydrocarbon compounds (contained, containing) only carbon and hydrogen occur in very large quantities in nature. 2. In 1820 some amino acids were isolated in crystalline form solutions (preparing, prepared) by heating proteins with mineral acids. 3. In the twentieth century the vitamins and elements (requiring, required) only in small amounts were discovered. 4. The most important medicines (discovering, discovered) in the twentieth century are vitamins made by partial synthesis, irradiation, fermentation and other methods.

  1. For the determination of vitamin Bp the (testing, tested) solution was diluted with water.

  2. The (coloring, colored) matter is used in the production of some perfumes. 7. A perfume is a material (consisting, consisted) of one or more volatile constituents.

Exercise 3. Find the Absolute Participial Construction in the sentences. Translate the sentences.

1. The doctor having made the morning round, the nurses began to fulfill his prescriptions. 2. The case being urgent, the doctor gave some directions to the nurse. 3. The patient having fallen asleep, the nurse left the ward. 4. The doctor having performed the operation, the patient was wheeled to his ward. 5. The patient being very weak, the operation was postponed. 6, Influenza is a rapidly spreading disease, people of all ages suffering from it. 7. Our professor delivered two lectures about influenza, the students listening to him attentively. 8. The students helped the nurse to fulfill doctor's prescriptions, the patients being examined with their help.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, pay attention to the participle in the function of Adverbial or Absolute Participial Construction.

1. The work at the hospital having been done, the doctor went home. 2. Having operated this patient, the doctor said the nurse to give him an injection. 3. The course of treatment having been fulfilled, the patient's condition became better. 4. Having made his round the doctor began to fill in the patients' case histories. 5. Having had an acute stage of the disease for several days, they presented an extremely difficult problem. 6. The operation being over, the doctor asked the nurse to use the heart apparatus. 7. My father suffering from pain, I called in a doctor. 8. Examining the patients, the doctor was attentive. 9. The operation having been performed, the patient's condition began to improve. 10. Having examined all the patients, the surgeon began to prepare for the operation.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into English, use the Participial Complexes.

  1. Я хотіла, щоб він змінився.

  2. Лікар оглядав пацієнта, студенти допомагали йому.

  3. Кажуть, що він оперує лише в своїй клініці.

  4. Після того, як лікар оглянув пацієнтів, медсестри почали робити ін'єкції.

  5. Він вірив, що вона повернеться сюди знову.

  6. Було помічено, що хворий одужував швидше після прийому тих ліків.

III. Independent Work: Lungs

Exercise 1. Read the text, translate it, make a plan of it.


The lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system. There are two lungs in the human body located in the lateral cavities of the chest. The lungs are separated from each other by the mediastinum. The lungs are covered with the pleura. They are conical in shape. Each lung has the base, apex, two borders and three surfaces.

The lung has the apex extending upward 3^1 centimeters (cm) above the level of the first


The base of the lung is located in the convex (випуклий) surface of the diaphragm.

The posterior borders of the lungs are on each side of the spinal column. The anterior border is thin and overlaps (перекривати) the pericardium.

The weight of the lungs varies according to many conditions. In the adult male the weight of the lungs is about 1,350 gr. The right lung is about 15 % heavier than the left one. The vital capacity of the lungs is 3.5-4 liters in the male and it is 3-3.5 liters in the female.

The right lung consisting of three lobes is heavier than the left one because the latter consists only of two lobes. The lower lobe of the left lung is larger than the upper one.

In infants the lungs are of a pale rosy color, but later they become darker.

The structure of the lung consists of an external serous coat, the visceral layer of the pleura, a subserous elastic tissue and the parenchyma or proper substance of the lungs.

Exercise 2. Name the parts of speech of the following words, translate them.

Thoracic, costal, fibrous, pulmonary, widely, pelvis, sacral, construction, facial, daily, dilatation, artificial, connective, respiratory.

Exercise 3. a) Read the doctor's indications to his patient, translate them.

1. Make your analyses of blood and urine. 2. Take an electrocardiogram. 3. Your lungs should be X-rayed. 4. Go to your doctor and check your BP. 5. You need treatment. 6. You will be treated.

b) Translate the following sentences.

1. Ваше серце і легені потрібно перевірити. 2. Зробіть електрокардіограму. 3. Зробіть аналізи крові та сечі. 4. Підійдіть до терапевта і перевірте серце і легені. 5. Вашому другу потрібне лікування. 6. Вас будуть лікувати у пульмонологічному відділенні.

Exercise 4. Readthedialog.

Doctor: I suppose you have pneumonia. I'll put you on a sick leave and prescribe you some treatment.

Patient: What must I do?

Doctor: Listen to me attentively. Take these drugs. This mixture is for your cough. These tablets are for your headache. These drops are for the heart trouble. Take these drugs three times a day.

Patient: Must I stay in bed?

Doctor: Yes, you must. Apply cups and mustard plasters every other day before going to bed. Drink hot tea with raspberry jam. Gargle you throat several times a day. You must make analyses of blood and urine. Your lungs should be X-rayed. Besides it's necessary to take an electrocardiogram.

Patient: Well, doctor. I'll fulfill all your prescriptions.




Respiratory System Disorders



Participial Constructions (Revision) (§§103-105)


Independent Work


I. Speaking: Respiratory System Disorders

After careful study of this unit you should be able to:

  • name infectious respiratory diseases;

  • name allergic and chronic pulmonary diseases;

  • explain why smoking is harmful;

  • know the equipment for respiratory tract treatment.

Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words, pay attention to their Latin/Greek equivalents.




auscultation [piskal'teijn]



bronchoscope ['birjrjks.sksup]



mucus ['mju:kss]



hypoxia [hai'pDksia]


кисневе голодування

pulmonary emphysema

emphysema pulmonum

емфізема легенів

pneumonia [njui'maonia]


запалення легенів

bronchial asthma

asthma bronchialis

бронхіальна астма

vims ['vairas]



influenza [jnflo'enza] (flu, grippe)



allergic reaction

reactio allergica

алергічна реакція

antiasthmatic agents

remedia antiasthmatica

протиастматичні засоби










spasm ['spaezsm]



failure [Teilja]


недостатність; пошкодження; розлад

rhinitis [rai'naitis]



Exercise 2. Do you remember that inflammation of some organs is denoted with the Greek suffix -iris? Form terms using this suffix, translate the formed words.

Larynx, pharynx, bronchus, trachea, pleura.

Exercise 3. You are a therapeutist and receive clinical patients. Talk with a patient who suffers from influenza. Use the phrases below.

  • I am going to examine you.

  • 1 will examine you.

  • Don't move your shoulders, please.

  • Strip to the waist, please.

  • Take your clothes off.

  • Unbutton your outerwear, please.

  • Would you breathe deeply?

  • Breathe deeper.

  • Hold your breath.

  • Breathe in, breathe out, please.

  • Turn your back on me, please.

  • Cough, please.

  • Cover your mouth, when coughing.

  • You may dress.

  • Is it more painful when you breathe?

  • Is it more painful when you cough?

  • How long have you been coughing?

  • Are you running a temperature?

  • Have you ever coughed up blood?

  • You must give up smoking.

  • You must not catch cold.

  • What causes asthma attacks?

  • What relieves asthma attacks?

  • 1 want to listen to your lungs.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text.
Respiratory System Disorders

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinuses, located close to the nasal cavities. Chronic sinus infection may cause changes or tumor formation, called polyps (поліпи).

Rhinitis means a cold in the head or running nose. It's an unpleasant symptom of the common cold. The mucosa of the respiratory tract is one of the most important portals of entry for disease-producing organisms. Droplets from one sneeze may be loaded with many billions of disease-producing organisms. Among the infections transmitted through the respiratory passages are the common cold, diphtheria, chickenpox, measles, influenza, pneumonia, and tuberculosis.

Sensitivity to plant pollens, smells, dust, certain foods, and other allergens may lead to hay fever or asthma, or both. Hay fever is characterized by a watery discharge from the eyes and nose. The symptoms of asthma are spasms of the bronchial tube walls.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) involves emphysema and bronchitis. In chronic bronchitis the linings of the airways are chronically inflamed and produce excessive secretions. Emphysema is characterized by dilation and finally destruction of the alveoli. In the popular press the word emphysema is used to mean COPD.

Lung cancer is a common disease in the person who smokes cigarettes. Smokers suffer from lung cancer ten times as often as nonsmokers.

Pneumothorax is an accumulation of air in the plural space. Blood in it is called hemothorax.

Exercise 5. Write out all names of diseases from the text, find their Greek equivalents.
Exercise 6. Make up 10 questions based on the text.

Exercise 7. Read the information about special equipment for respiratory tract treatment. Translate the text.

The bronchoscope is a flexible fiber optic tubular instrument for inspection of the bronchi and the larger bronchial tubes.

Oxygen therapy is used to sustain life when some condition interferes with adequate respiration; oxygen may be delivered to the patient by mask, catheter or nasal prongs.

A suction apparatus is used for removing mucus or other substances from the respiratory tract.

A tracheostomy tube is used when the pharynx or larynx is obstructed. A small metal or plastic tube is inserted through a cut made in the trachea, and it acts as an artificial airway for ventilation.

Artificial respiration is made when a patient has temporarily lost the capacity to perform the normal motions of respiration.

Control Tests. Respiratory System

take part in respiration.
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