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What pushes people to take drugs? There are many reasons. Some people turn to drags to help relax and cope with the stress and problems of their lives. Some experience39many pressures at school, work, from parents, friends, they are not loved, frightened or frustrated40.Still others take drags simply out of curiosity41but often become addicted. Some people want to make their experiences. Many people think that drags are the best way out42. However they do not realize how devastating43and dangerous they are.


1 awareness [s'wesnss] свідомість, усвідомлення


2 legal ['li:gl] легальний, законний

3 banned [bamd] заборонений

4 influence ['inflosns] впливати

5 consciousness ['krjnjssnss] свідомість

6 affect [s'fekt] мати вплив (на)

7 arousal [s'rauzel] стан збудження * irritable ['iritsbl] дратівливий

9 edgy ['ecfji] нервовий

10 painkiller ['реіпгкі1з(г)] знеболюючий засіб,


11 in touch with — у контакті з ким-н.

12 fatigue [fs'thg] втома

13 wear off ['w£3,of] зникати, минати

14 addicted [s'diktid] залежний від (чогось,


15 tranquilliser ['trffirjkwslaizsj транквілізатор, за-


16 damping down — знижуючи

17 report [ri'po:t] розповідати, доповідати

sensitivity [,sensi'tiv9ti] чутливість, вразли­вість

19 sensory ['senssri] сенсорний

2,1 social ['ssojl] комунікабельний

2' marriage guidance counselling — кваліфікована

порада подружжю 22 recreational [,гекгі'еіГзп1] розважальний
23 severe [si'via] сильний, суворий, інтенсивний

24distortion [dis'to:Jh] перекручення, спотворення (фактів тощо)

25 disturbed [,dis't3:bd] душевнохворий; занепо­коєний

acid ['sesid] кислота

27 hallucinogen [,haelu:'sin3d33n] галюциноген

28 perception [ps'sepjn] сприйняття

29 sore [so:] болячка

30 jaundice ['djomdis] гепатит (жовтяниця)

31 blood poisoning ['bUd.poizsnirj] отруєння


'2 indicate [indikeit] вказувати

33 irritability [irita'biliti] дратівливість

34 loss [Ids] втрата

35 insomnia [in'snmnis] безсоння

36 furtive behavior ['f3:tivbi'heiyJ3(r)] нервова або

підозріла поведінка

37 smell — запах

3S stain [stein] пляма

39 experience — переживати

40 frustrated [frAStreitid] засмучений, прикро вра-


41 curiosity [,kju3ri'DS3ti] цікавість, допитливість

42 way out [,wei'aut] вихід

43 devastating ['devs.steitirj] руйнівний, спустош-


Exercise 2. Are these statements true (T) or false (F) according to the text?

  1. Drugs are banned in all countries of the world.

  2. The effect of a drug depends on which part of the nervous system it influences.

  3. Much coffee lets you come down.

  4. Morphine is used to relieve pains.

  5. Natural drugs are not dangerous.

6. If a person is irritable, aggressive and does not have any appetite, he or she is taking

Exercise 3. Look at the words and divide them into two groups: reasons for taking drugs and results of taking drugs.

Problems in school. The loss of a dear person. Sudden changes of mood. Frightening hallucinations. Everyday problems. The lack of understanding from others. Curiosity. Sleeplessness. Boredom. Nervousness. Stress.
Exercise 4. Match the words and their definitions.

to ban

a state of being awake and able to think


nervous, easily upset or annoyed


wanting to know about something

a system

an organism, a body

to infect

to say that something must stop or must not happen or be used


to give a disease to somebody

to experience

making one unable to stop taking drugs, alcohol


to feel something, to be faced with something




Endocrine System



Conditional Sentences (§111)


Independent Work


I. Speaking: Endocrine System

After careful study of this unit you should be able to:

- compare the effects of the nervous system and the endocrine system in controlling the organism;

  • describe the functions of hormones;

  • list the endocrine glands;

- list the hormones produced by each endocrine gland and describe the effects of each on the body;

  • explain the role of hypothalamus;

  • tell about hormones and treatment.




thyroid ['GairDid] gland

glandula thyroidea

щитоподібна залоза

parathyroid glands

glandulae parathyroideae

прищитовидні залози

superior [sju'pisris]



inferior [in пзгіз]



thymus ['Gaimss] gland


загрудинна залоза



підшлункова залоза

adrenal [eed'rhnsl]

glandula adrenalis

надниркова залоза

gonads ['gsunaedz]

статеві залози

ovary ['aovari]



testis ['testis]

testis/orchi-, didym-


prostate ['prosteit]


передміхурова залоза

mammary gland

glandula mammaria/mast-

молочна залоза

mucous [mjukas]

glandulae mucosae


salivary ['saslivsri]

glandulae salivariae


lacrimal ['laskrimsl]

glandulae lacrimales





hormone ['ho:maun]



Exercise 2. Learn the names of the pituitary hormones.

  • Somatotropin [^saomatau'traupin], or growth hormone (GH) - соматотропін, гормон росту;

  • thyrotropin [,9airau traopin], or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) - тиреотропін, стимулює вироблення гормонів щитовидної залози;

  • adrenocorticotropic [a3,dri:nau,ko:tikau4iT>pik] hormone (АСТН) — адренокортико-тропін, стимулює кіркову частину надниркових залоз;

  • follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) - фолітропін, стимулює розвиток яйцеклітини у яєчниках і сперматозоїдів у яєчках;

  • luteinizing ['lu:fii naizirj] hormone (LH) - лютеїнізувальний гормон, спричинює овуляцію у жінок і виділення статевих гормонів у жінок і чоловіків;

  • antidiuretic [, sent і, daij и' reti k] hormone (ADH) - антидіуретичний гормон, допомогає відділенню і виділенню води з нирок;

  • oxytocin [nksi'taosin] - окситоцин, спричинює скорочення м'язів матки і виділення молока з молочних залоз.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following information, title it.

The nervous system and the endocrine system are two main controlling and coordinating systems of the body.

The nervous system controls muscle movement and intestinal activity by means of electric and chemical stimuli. So, it controls rapid activities.

The effects of the endocrine system occur more slowly and over a long period of time. The endocrine glands produce chemical messengers, hormones, which have widespread effects.

These two systems are closely connected, because the activity of the pituitary gland is controlled by the nervous system.

Exercise 4. Look at Fig. 24-1 and name all the endocrine glands of males and females.
Exercise 5. Read the text.
Endocrine Glands

Endocrine glands, or glands of internal secretion, are glands without excretory ducts. They produce special substances called hormones, which are secreted directly into the blood. The hormones are carried throughout the organism with the blood and delivered to various organs whose activity they either stimulate or depress.

Hormones play a very important part in the organism. Many of them affect metabolism and the functioning of the cardiovascular, reproductive, and other systems. A disturbance in the activity of the endocrine glands is accompanied by changes throughout the organism. These changes may be due to an increase in the function of a gland (hyperfunction) or a decrease (hypofunction).

The chemical composition of some hormones is well known. Various hormonal preparations are made synthetically or from the corresponding glands of animals (endocrine preparations). They are widely used in medicine. It should be noted that hormones are substances with very high biological activity.

The endocrine glands include the hypophysis (or pituitary), the epiphysis cerebri (or pineal), the thyroid, the parathyroids, the thymus, the islet part of the pancreas, the adrenals and the incretory part of the sex glands. Each gland consists of glandular epithelial tissue and has an extensive network of blood vessels and large number of nerve fibers (from the vegetative nervous system).

The functions of all endocrine glands are interconnected, and the glands make up a single system. The hypophysis is the chief gland of this system: it produces special substances which stimulate the activities of the other endocrine glands.

The influence of various substances (mainly hormones) acting on the organism through the blood is called humoral regulation.

The activities of endocrine glands are regulated by the nervous system. The nervous system exercises direct control over the endocrine glands through the nervous and neurohumoral control, particularly through the hypophysis. The hormones in their turn affect the functions of different parts of the nervous system.
Exercise 6. Make up a plan of the text and retell it.

Exercise 7. Complete and translate the sentences.

- Гормони переносяться по організму кров'ю ...

- Порушення в роботі залоз внутрішньої секреції супроводжується змінами у всьому організмі ...

  • Різні гормональні препарати виготовляються синтетично ...

  • Функції всіх ендокринних залоз взаємозв'язані...

  • Робота залоз внутрішньої секреції регулюється нервовою системою .

Exercise 8. Answer the questions.

  • Where are hormones secreted?

  • What is the role of hormones?

  • How are hormones made?


pituitary (hypophysis)
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