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Cranial nerves

Areas of the body controlled by these nerves !


The glossopharyngeal [,glDS90,fa?rin'd3i:3l] n. (язико-глотковин)

Contains general sensory fibers from the back of the tongue and the throat; and motor fibers to control the swallowing (ковтання) muscles in the pharynx


The vagus f'veigos] n. (блукаючий)

Is the longest cranial nerve. It supplies most of the organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities. It contains motor ! fibres to the voice box, larynx, pharynx, and to glands j that produce digestive juices and other secretions


The accessory [a^k'sesori] n. (додатковий)

Formely called the spinal accessory nerve, it has two branches. One branch controls two muscles of the neck, the other supplies muscles of the larynx


The hypoglossal [.haips'gbssl] n. (під'язиковий)

Carries impulses controlling the muscles of the tongue

II. Grammar Exercises
Exercise 1. State the parts of speech of the following words:

Act - action - active - activity - activate - activation; flexibility - flexion - flexible; assess - assessment - reassessment;

ЇІ optic nerve

III oculomotor n.

IV trochlear n.

V trigeminal n. (branches)

a. ophthalmic

b. maxillary

c. mandibular

VI abducent n.

VII facial n.

VIII vestibulocochlear
(acoustic) n.

IX glossopharyngeal n.

X vagus n. XI accessory n. XII hypoglossal n.

Fig. 21-2. Brain nerves

left side of body

right side of body

Fig. 21-3. Cerebral hemispheres and actions regulated by them

quantity - quantitative - quantify; nature - natural - naturally - naturalist;

automat - automatic - automaticity - automatical - automatism; investigate - investigation - investigator - investigatory; exist - existence - existent.
Exercise 2. Translate into English using gerunds.

1. Він ніколи не думав про те, щоб стати хірургом. 2. Лікар приписав вживати подвійну дозу. 3. Хто відповідає за годування лежачих хворих? 4. Вони вважають можливим врятувати життя цієї дівчинки. 5. Давай поговоримо. Ти вже втомився читати.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences, pay attention that the only means "єдиний".

1. Insulin isn't the only cause of hypoglycemia. 2. Glucose is the only energy source that the brain can utilize. 3. The only sure way of diagnosing tuberculosis at present is to find tubercle bacillus. 4. The only good results in treating this disease are with drugs.
Exercise 4. Find verbal nouns and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. There are many beginnings in all branches of medicine. 2. Your endless comings and goings out disturb the patient. 3. Human beings differ from animals. 4. Clotting of blood is a very complex process. 5. The blood findings are normal in both cases. 6. In the case of peptic ulcer pain follows meals. 7. The lining of the oral epithelium is protective. 8. An infant need> several feedings during the day and night.

Exercise 5. a) Pay attention to the following verbs. They don't form nouns with -ing: memorize them:

to manufacture (виробляти) - manufacture (виробництво);

to produce (виробляти) - production (виробництво);

to ship (вантажити) - shipment (вантаження);

to deliver (постачати) - delivery (постачання);

to arrive (прибувати) - arrival (прибуття);

to sell (продавати) - sale (продаж).

b) Make up sentences with each of the words above.
III. Independent Work: Sleep

Exercise 1. Read the text, translate it.


Sleep is a periodic resting condition of the body and especially of the nervous system. There is a natural rotation of sleeping and waking every twenty-four hours, and sleer comes on commonly during the night when little work can be done. Sleep is not, however. :-.

necessary consequence of darkness, as is proved by those persons who have to work in the night and sleep by day, who easily adapt themselves to this condition.

Many theories have been advanced as to the cause of sleep. One theory depends upon the well-known fact that the brain receives much smaller blood supply during sleeping than in the waking state.

Another theory is the chemical one stating that sleep is due to want of oxygen in the nerve centers.

A third theory raises the question as to whether the mind remains active during the period of sleep.

None of these theories explains the direct cause of sleep, although each probably accounts for the main cause of different circumstances.

When sleep comes on, the eyes are closed as a rule, though in man, even when they are left open, the sense of sight is quickly lost as the sleep deepens. The pupils contract also during sleep and dilate widely as the person wakens.

Hearing is lost more slowly and a person can be wakened even from deep sleep by a loud noise. In natural sleep touch remains the least affected of senses, and even the lightest touch will awaken many people from deep sleep. With regards to the onset of sleep as it affects the mind willpower is the first faculty to go and the last to appear1 in wakening. The association of ideas and power of reasoning disappears next and people are worried in light sleep by some simple ideas which they cannot explain or understand.

Memory and imagination remain longest, and in dreams the mind is presented with a series of bright, unconnected pictures. The part of the brain which regulates the power of movement is late in falling asleep, sleeps only lightly since people may turn and make various other movements without waking.

Other parts of the body, as well as the brain, rest during sleep.


1 the first faculty to go and the last to appear - здатність, що першою зникає і останньою з'являється

Exercise 2. Make up a plan of the text.

Exercise 3. Find sentences about the theory of sleep.

Exercise 4. Find English equivalents.

  1. Про причину сну було висунуто багато теорій.

  2. Жодна з теорій не пояснює прямої причини сну.

  3. Сон, однак, не пов'язаний із настанням темряви.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions.

  1. What is sleep?

  2. What are the theories of sleep?

  3. What organs of sense are affected first?

  4. What organs are late in falling asleep?

Exercise 6. Describe the process of falling asleep.




Nervous System (Part IV) I



Impersonal Verb Forms (Revision) (§§95-110)


Independent Work


I. Speaking: Nervous System (Part IV)
After careful study of this unit you should he able to:

  • name different methods of brain studies;

  • list nervous and psychiatric diseases;

  • name medicines used to treat these diseases.

Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words, pay attention to their Latin/Greek equivalents.



Ukrainian і


. . 1

amaurosis [,a:mo:'r3osis]



amnesia [asm'nizjs]


втрата пам'яті \

anosmia [as nDsmis]


втрата нюху

arefiexia [seref leksia]


відсутність рефлексів

ataxia [se'ta^ksia]


розлад координації рухів, атаксія :






запалення оболонок головного мозку, менінгіт



запалення спинного мозку

neuralgia [njo'ra^lu^i^]



epilepsy ['epilepsi]



aphasia jVfeizi?]


афазія, порушення мовлення

paresis [ps'ri:sis]


парез, напівпараліч

plegia ['pli:d3o]

plegia, paralysis

повна відсутність довільних рухів



інсульт (удар)

radiculitis, nerve root syndrome


радикуліт (ураження корінців спинномозкових нервів)


agents (a.)


засоби (лікарські)

narcotic a.


наркотичні засоби

soporific a.


снодійні засоби

neuroleptic a.


нейролептичні засоби




tranquilizing a.


транквілізатори, заспокійливі засоби

Bruin Studies
CT (computer tomography) scan is the major tool for clinical study of the brain. By means of a computer, the information is organized and displayed as photos of bones, soft tissues, and cavities of the brain.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) gives even clearer pictures of the brain without the use of dyes or X-rays. The method is based on computerized interpretation of the movements of atomic nuclei following exposure to radio waves within a powerful magnetic field. It gives more views of the brain and hemorrhaging not shown by CT.

With PET (positron emission tomography) one can actually see the brain in action. With this method, a radioactively labelled substance, for example glucose, is followed as it moves through the brain. It may be recorded by an instrument called electoroencephalograph. The recorded tracings or brain waves produce an electoroencephalogram (EEG).

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.

1. What is CTS? 2. What does the method of MRI mean? 3. What is EEG? 4. What can we study with the help of the electroencephalograph?

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following clinical conditions of brain disorders.

Ataxia is the lack of muscular coordination.

Aphasia [as'feizja] is a total or partial loss of the power to use or understand words. This condition is caused by brain disease or injury.

Cerebrovascular [,seribr3'va;skjub] accident is the condition involving bleeding from the brain or obstruction of blood flow to the brain tissue.

Encephalomyelitis [en,sef3l3u,maia'laitis] is the inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. In most cases it is a virus disease.

Parkinson's disease appears commonly in people over 60. This disease is characterized by tremors, slowness of movement, body rigidity, and inability to maintain posture.

Epilepsy is a chronic disorder involving an abnormality of the electric activity of the brain with or without apparent changes in the nerve tissues. The cause of diseases is unknown. The attacks of epilepsy may be so mild as to be hardly noticeable or so severe as to result in loss of consciousness.

Tumors of the brain are growths of brain tissues and meninges of abnormal character.

Glioma [glai'aums] is a tumor that arises from supporting structure of nerves - neuroglia.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease in which there is scattered demyelination of the central nervous system: it is characterized by speech defects, loss of muscular coordination, etc.

Exercise 5. Prove that the brain is responsible for all activities of the organs and organism as a whole.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. Транквілізатори - це заспокійливі засоби. 2. Вони мають властивості зменшення негативних емоційних реакцій, таких як страх, тривога, неспокій. 3. Броміди засто­совуються в медицині з 1926 року як заспокійливі засоби. 4. Настійка валеріани руйнується під впливом сонячного проміння. 5. Для лікування ЦНС лікарі застосовують багато ліків, що діляться на підгрупи: засоби для наркозу, снодійні, протисудомні. наркотичні анальгетики, нейролептики, транквілізатори та заспокійливі засоби. 6. Наркоз - це штучно викликаний глибокий сон. 7. Аміназин - це нейролептичний засіб, що знижує кров'яний тиск, усуває тривогу і страх. 8. Больові рецептори-це вільні нервові закінчення, що розміщені в поверхневих та глибоких шарах шкіри, у внутрішніх органах, стінках артеріальних судин. 9. Морфін - це наркотичний анальгетик, що легко всмоктується в кров із кишечника.
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