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Имя файлаENGLISH_for_Medical_Students.doc
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A. Kidneys

B. Bladders

C. Lungs

D. Limbs person?

E. Muscles A- Ears

1. This science studies the structure and shape
of the body and organs.

A. Anatomy

B. Physiology

C. Biology

D. Botany

E. Pathology

2. The condition of physical, social and
psychological well-being.

A. Genetics

B. Disease

C. Biochemistry

D. Embryology

E. Health

3. Disorder of the normal functioning of the
human organism.

A. Happiness

B. Health

C. Disease

D. Fainting

E. Sadness

4. Structural and functional unit of the living
organism is

A. tissue

B. cell

C. organ

D. system of organs

E. body

6. The organs of respiration are the .

A. pharynx, gullet and stomach

B. heart and blood vessels

C. liver and pancreas

D. spleen and its blood supply

E. larynx, bronchi and lungs

7. The larynx is formed by .


B. ligaments

C. cartilages

D. membranes

E. joints

8. According to their structure the bronchi

A. the trachea

B. the heart

C. the liver

D. the stomach

E. the larynx

9. Bronchi have many divisions, so they form

A. leaf

B. branch

D. flower

E. tree

10. What is the voice organ?

A. Mouth

B. Nose

C. Ears

D. Larynx

11. With the help of what do we auscultate a

E. Pharynx

B. Eyes

C. Phonendoscope

D. Stethoscope

E. Special tube

12. Rhinitis is the inflammation of _

A. mouth

B. nose

C. liver

D. heart

E. ears

13. To do percussion we use our

A. toes

B. fingers

C. hands

D. arms

E. elbows

14. What organ helps in respiration?

A. Heart

B. Liver

C. Stomach

D. Diaphragm

E. Head

15. What envelops the lung?

A. An envelope

B. A sheet

C. A membrane

D. A pleura

E. A scarf

16. Where are the lungs situated?

A. In the left part

B. In the right part

C. In the abdominal cavity

D. In the oral cavity

E. In the chest

17. What does the lung consist of?

A. Lobes

B. Substances

C. Sacks

D. Boxes

E. Vessels

18. Where do pulmonary veins go?

A. To the neck

B. To the heart

C. To the head

D. To the liver

E. To the lungs

19. What process takes place in the lungs?

A. Exchange of gases

B. Nourishing

C. Production of hormones

D. Cell division

E. Grooving

20. What does the term "respiration" mean?

A. To inhale

B. To exhale

C. To breathe

D. To inspire

E. All answers are right

21. What symptom is the most common in
respiratory diseases?

A. Fatigue

B. Headache

C. Heartache

D. Cough

E. Sleep

22. What membrane separates the thoracic
cavity from the abdominal cavity?

A. Septum

B. Diaphragm

C. Wall

D. Lungs

E. Stomach

23. How many lobes do the lungs have?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. 5

24. What does "ventilation of lungs" mean?

A. Exchange of gases between air and blood

B. Exchange of carbon dioxide

C. Exchange of substances

D. Exchange of gases in the lungs

E. Removal of gases by blood

25. Where does the process of breathing

A. In the mouth

B. In the eyes

C. In the ears

D. In the nose

E. In the larynx

26. What term means the inflammation of the

A. Pharyngitis

B. Rhinitis

C. Laryngitis

D. Gastritis

E. Sore throat

27. You must use Mucaltine in dry cough.
What medicinal plant is it produced from?

A. Althea

B. Valerian

C. Lily of the valley

D. Poppy

E. Rose

28. In what medicinal form is Thermopsis

A. Tincture

B. Infusion

C. Ointment

D. Dragee

E. Solution

29. What is bronchioles?

A. Sacks

B. Balloons

C. Endings of bronchi

D. Endings on bronchial tree

E. All answers are right

30. How many bronchi are there in the body?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. 5

31. What is the main structural and functional
unit of the lung?

A. Sinus

B. Cosinus

C. Acinus

D. Bronchus

E. Alveolus

32. Pleuritis is .


B. inflammation

C. examination

D. treatment

E. pain

33. What does the term "pneumothorax"

A. Presence of air in the pleura

B. Disease

C. Pain in the chest

D. Pneumonia

E. Respiratory arrest

34. The largest portion of air which you can
inhale and exhale is called

A. vital capacity

B. breathing capacity

C. inspiratory capacity

D. respiratory capacity

E. all answers are right

35. The protective respiratory reflexes are .

A. high temperature

B. running nose

C. cilia

D. cough and sneezing

E. dyspnea

36. The most important method for examining
respiratory organs.

A. Auscultation

B. Percussions

C. Roentgenography

D. Bronchoscopia

E. Anamnesis

37. This dangerous infectious respiratory
disease is a great problem today.

A. Pneumonia

B. Cancer of lungs

D. Tuberculosis

E. Emphysema

38. A children's disease which is characterized
by repeated attacks of coughing is

A. whooping cough

B. diphtheria

C. scarlet fever

D. mumps

E. chicken pox

39. A suspension of colloidal particles in gas

is .

A. liquid

B. aerosol

C. water

D. inhalator

E. gas

40. What does the term "asphyxia" mean?

A. Дихання

B. Задишка

C.Задуха, ядуха

D. Удар

E. Напад

41. What is the Greek word for "lung"?

A. Pulmo

B. Bronchus

C. Pneumon

D. Cancer

E. Liver

42. What is the normal respiratory rate?

A. 60-70

B. 16-20

C. 120 over 80

D. 100

E. 40

43. What substance can't exchange in cough?

A. Saliva

B. Blood

C. Sputum

D. Urine

E. Foreign bodies

44. What apparatus is used to measure the
vital capacity?

A. Bronchoscope

B. Thermometer

C. Barometer

D. Tonometer

E. Spirometer

45. What factor doesn't influence breathing?

A. Experience

B. Running

C. Stress

D. Depression

E. Physical development of the organism

46. What is the best position for the patient
with respiratory disease?

A. To sit

B. To stand

C. To lie

D. To walk

E. To recline

47. What system of organs doesn't take part in
the process of respiration?

A. Respiratory

B. Cardiovascular

C. Nervous

D. Lymphatic

E. Digestive

48. The system of respiration includes: .

A. the nasal cavity, larynx, trachea,
bronchi, lungs and pleura

B. only lungs

C. bronchi and lungs with pleura

D. larynx and trachea

E. nose and mouth

49. What does the term "tussis" mean?

A. Pain

B. Cough

C. Fatigue

D. Condition

E. Sneezing

50. What term means "гортань"?

A. Thorax

B. Boxes

C. Larynx

D. Trachea

E. Pharynx

II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Read and translate the information about the medicine "Ephact".


(banish the symptoms of cold & allergy) For quick & long-lasting relief in

  • allergic rhinitis,

  • sinusitis,

  • common cold,

  • nasal congestion,

  • vasomotor rhinitis.

Unique microdialysis cell technology Constant blood levels Timed-release over 12 hours Composition

Each capsule contains: phenyl propanolamine hydrochloride B.P 50 mg (in timed-release form), chlorpheniramine maleate B.P. 8 mg (in timed-release form).
Exercise 2. Name the parts of speech of the following words and translate them.

Respiration, devotion, natural, artificial, important, importance, consideration, measurement, objection, objective, preparation, prevention.

Exercise 3. Define the functions of the participle II in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Graduated pipettes are used to measure different volumes. 2. The method used in the experiment was widely applied in our laboratory. 3. The obtained findings confirmed our results. 4. The findings obtained in our laboratory confirmed those published by our students' scientific society. 5. The bark collected in spring preserved its color. 6. The changes produced in the process of heating caused rapid decomposition. 7. The substances compared are divided into several groups.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the sentences with participle complexes in the function of adverbials.

1. Using different methods chemists isolated and identified about six million substances. 2. While establishing impurities it is necessary to use special methods. 3. When boiled with dilute nitric acid the solution decomposed. 4. When given in greater amounts certain medicines can affect the biological functions of the body. 5. Comparing the present results with those of fifty years ago we see great improvement in the economical production of some vegetable and animal products.

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the active or passive form as in the model.

Model: a) The cerebral cortex ... all movements, (regulate) The cerebral cortex regulates all movements.

b) The kidneys ...a mass offat. (surround) The kidneys are surrounded by a mass of fat.

1. The lung ... carbon dioxide and some water, (excrete) 2. A great number of chemical substances ... during tissue activity, (produce) 3. The blood ... oxygen around the body, (carry) 4. All proteins ... into amino acids, (convert) 5. Immunoglobulin protein ... in response to the flue virus, (make) 6. Vaccines ... for the influenza virus, (prepare) 7. Infectious diseases ... an important health problem, (be)

Exercise 6. Translate into Ukrainian using participial constructions.

1. Оскільки всі пацієнти лягли спати, медсестра вимкнула світло. 2. Оскільки маленький хлопчик сильно застудився, мати поклала його в ліжко і викликала лікаря. 3. Випадок був терміновий, лікар негайно почав операцію. 4. Оскільки його мати була хвора, він вирішив викликати лікаря. 5. Якщо ці ліки приймати великими дозами, вони можуть викликати алергію.
III. Independent Work: Virus

Exercise 1. Read the text, translate it.


Much progress has been made to eliminate or diminish the occurrence of many infectious diseases, such as malaria, poliomyelitis, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis and tuberculosis. Much effort is devoted to infectious diseases of viral nature.

Influenza, for example, is still considered an impotant health and economic problem. Despite the reported reduction in incidence by 2-3 times through the use of preventive vaccines and sera, effective preventive measures and therapeutic agents are still needed.
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