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I. Speaking: Female Reproductive System After careful study of this unit you should be able to:
Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and their equivalents.
Exercise 2. Learn the following clinical terms. Leukorrhea [,1и:кз'гі:з] is a white or yellowish vaginal discharge, sign of irritation or infection. Amenorrhea [ае,тзпз'гі:з] is the absense of menstrual flow. Dismenorrhea [dis.mans'ria] is painful or difficult menstruation. Cancer of breasts, cancer of endometrium, cancer of ovaries, cancer of cervix are common malignant tumors of the female reproductive organs. The infectious diseases of the female sex organs are salpingitis (inflammation of the uterine tubes); pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) may be caused by gonorrhea or bacteria; toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a serious bacterial infection usually due to certain staphylococci. Infertility [,inf3:'tibti] is the decreased ability to reproduce. Infertility in women, as it is in men, may be relative or absolute. Exercise 3. Look at Fig. 26-1 and find the main female reproductive organs: external, internal, accessory. Exercise 4. Read the text, translate it. One of the most interesting and mysterious attributes of life is the ability to reproduce. In people reproduction is sexual. It means that males and females have specialized cells known a^ germ [d33:m] cells, or gametes [gae'mi:ts]. In males they are called spermatozoa and in female they are called ova. Germ cells are characterized by having half as many chromosomes as are found in any other cell in the body. During their formation they go through a special process of cell division, called meiosis [mai'ausis], that in humans reduces the chromosome number from 46 to 23. The female reproductive system consists of organs which produce ova and provide a place for the growth of the embryo. Ova are produced by the ovary from the puberty period to menopause (end of the fertile period in women). Release of an ovum from the graafian follicle of the ovary into the fallopian tube is called ovulation. Besides the ovaries the major organs of the female reproducrive system include the fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina and vulva. Vulva is the external genitalia, it includes the vaginal lips, clitoris and vaginal and urethral orifices. The space between the vaginal orifice and the anus is called perineum. Breasts also belong to the reproductive system, as they are milk-producing glands which consist of lactiferous ducts and sinuses, carrying milk to the nipple. In the female, as in the male, reproductive function is controlled by hormones from pituitary gland as regulated by the hypothalamus. Female activity is cyclic, that is, shows regular periods of increases and decreases in hormone levels. The length of the menstrual cycle varies between 22 and 45 days. The duration of menstrual flow is 2 to 6 days. Estrogen [ 'estradjan], progesterone [ргз 'dpstsrsun] are two female sex hormones. Estrogen promotes development of the uterine lining and maintains secondary sex characterics. Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum and placenta; maintains the lining of the uterus for pregnancy. When semen is deposited in the vagina, many spermatozoa immediately wriggle about in all directions. When a spermatozoon encounters an ovum, it can penetrate the cell membrane of the ovum. The result of this union is fertilization. The placenta is the sponge-like vascular organ. It develops during pregnancy in the uterine wall, and the fetus grows in it up to the parturition [,pa:tjo'rijn] or delivery. Menopause is the cessation of menstruation. It is often called change of life. It occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, and is caused by a normal decline in ovarian function. Exercise 5. a) Title the text. b) Divide the text into independent passages, title each making a plan of the text. Exercise 6. Match the synonyms and synonymous expressions from a) and b).
Exercise 7. Answer the following questions.
Exercise 8. Look at Fig. 26-2 and speak of pregnancy physiology. II. Grammar Exercises Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the names of diseases given below. 1. In Middle Ages many people suffered from ... . 2. In my childhood I had ... , ... , ... . 3. These patients are ill with ... . 4. The doctor diagnosed the case as ... . 5. He often has ... . 6. The doctor says that he is ill with ... 7. His father died of... . 8. I suppose that she suffers from .... (bronchitis, cancer, chickenpox, scarlet fever, mumps, dysentery, rheumatism, tuberculosis, pneumonia, quinsy) Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. 1. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the simpler and more conservative successful treatment is. 2. The sicker the patient with a fractured hip is, the sooner surgery should be carried out. 3. The better the condition of the patient and the younger he is, the greater the delay that may be accepted before surgery. 4. The higher the pressure in relation to cardiac output, the more severe the stenosis. 5. The older a person becomes, the more likely he is to develop cancer. 6. The more tender the place on the body where the disease attacks, the severer aggravation is. 7. The greater conductivity a substance has, the less is its resistance. Exercise 3. Translate the sentences. Find complexes with infinitives, gerunds or participles and name them. 1. They are brilliant scientists fighting against heart diseases. 2. The human brain has a wonderful capacity for compensating disrupted functions. 3. Being on a sick-leave, the patient was following a strict bed rest regime. 4. Before starting to examine the patients the doctor puts on his while overall. 5. These students have acquainted themselves with the main rules of carrying out an examination. 6. Having investigated the patient's past history, the physicians came to a conclusion that the patient was sensitive to antibiotics. 7. The new equipment having been received, we began our experiments. 8. His being sent to London was very important for his work. 9. To get a clear picture of the illness a contrasting substance is introduced into the patient's carotid artery. 10. We know him to be operated on in our clinic. 11. He is supposed to have been discharged from the hospital. 12. They seem to have been treated, using this new method. 13. These devices are considered to be very effective. Exercise 4. Translate into English. 1. Лікар зробив операцію і вона була успішною. 2. Пацієнт випив ліки, але температура була така ж сама. 3. Ні лікар, ні медсестра не повинні робити помилок у своїй роботі. 4. Ми бачили її вчора в операційній, коли вона допомагала хірургу. 5. Якщо все буде гаразд, його випишуть з лікарні через кілька днів. 6. Медсестра дала хірургу скальпель, і він розпочав складну операцію. III. Independent Work: Mother and Child Health Exercise 1. Read the text and retell it. Mother and Child Health Specialized medical care is given to the baby beginning with its first day of life at inpatient and polyclinic establishments for children. A special obstetrical-gynecological1and pediatric service has been established in Ukraine. Specialized medical establishments provide appropriate care2for future mothers and newborns through diagnostic and preventive-cure measures' to help women overcome different disorders4and prevent them from affecting the progeny5. Women who suffer, for instance, from heart defects are placed, at the time of pregnancy6 and during delivery7, under the observation of obstetricians, therapeutists, immunologists, hematologists. Thanks to timely medical care and availability8of specific instrumentation and equipment at our hospitals, the women who suffer from such ailments9go through pregnancy and delivery successfully. All mother and child health advisory centers conduct disease prevention and cure work. Our medical science devotes much attention to the health of mother and child. At present there are some research institutes for pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology and mother and child care in Ukraine. Their research and methods of treatment help to control infantile infectious diseases. This comes from the tremendous efforts of our scientists. Our medical science pays utmost attention to the health of mother and child. Notes: 1 obstetrical-gynecological - акушерсько-гінекологічний 2 appropriate care - належне піклування 1 preventive-cure measures - лікувально-профілактичні заходи 4 disorder [dis'o:da] розлад, хвороба 5 progeny [prDa^ini] потомство " pregnancy ['pregnansi] вагітність 7 delivery [di'livary] пологи 8 availability - наявність 9 ailment ['eilmsnt] хвороба Exercise 2. Make up a plan of the text. Exercise 3. Ask 10 questions based on the text. UNIT TWENTY-EIGHT
I. Speaking: Duties of a Midwife Exercise 1. Learn the topical word combinations. |