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Most of the arteries are composed of three coats. The arteries dilate and com: simultaneously with the action of the heart.
Exercise 5. Describe the structure of the heart.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text, make up questions based on it.
Work of Human Heart

The human heart contracts from the first moment of life until the last one. The contractions of the heart pump the blood through the arteries to all the parts of the body. Scientists have determined that the total weight of blood pumped by the heart daily is about ten tons.

The rate of heart contractions is regulated by two groups of nerve fibers: it varies in different persons and at different age.

Physiologists have determined that in the adult the heart makes from 60 to 72 beats per minute. In children the rate of heartbeat is much higher. Research work of many scientists has helped to determine that the rate of heartbeat increases depending on different emotions.

Each beat of the heart is followed by a period of rest for the cardiac muscle. Each wave of contraction and a period of rest following it compose a cardiac cycle.

Research work has given physiologists the possibility to find out that the muscle works or contracts about one third of the person's life. The period of rest is shorter during greater physical exertion and longer when the body is at rest.

Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: physiologists have called the first phase of short contraction of both atria the atrial systole [" sistsli]. They have called the second phase of a more prolonged contraction of both ventricles the ventricular systole. The period of rest of the cardiac muscle is called the diastole [dai'cestali].

The left ventricle discharges the blood received by the left atrium from the pulmonary circulation through the aorta to the systemic circulation.

The blood received from the systemic circulation by the right atrium is discharged out of the right ventricle to the lungs through the pulmonary arteries.

Prolonged research work of many physiologists has given the possibility to estimate the role of the ventricles which serve as the main pump. The atria act as receiving chambers. The contraction of the atria which sends the final portion of the blood into the ventricle is considerably less.
Exercise 7. Read the text and speak about heart diseases and their treatment.
Heart Diseases

There are many ways of classifying heart diseases. The anatomy of the heart forms one group of heart pathology:

1. Endocarditis [,endsuka:'daitis] means "inflammation of the lining of the heart cavities"
but it most commonly refers to valvular disease.

2. Myocarditis [,mai3oka:'daitis] is the inflammation of the heart muscle.

3. Pericarditis [,peri:ka:'daitis] refers to disease of the serous membrane on the heart
surface, as well as that lining the pericardial sac.

These inflammatory diseases are often due to infection. They may also occur secondary to respiratory or other systemic diseases.

Another classification of heart diseases is based on causative factors: 1. Congenital heart disease is present at birth.

  1. Rheumatic [rui'maetik] heart disease begins with an attack of rheumatic fever :: childhood or in youth.

  2. Coronary ['ко:гзпзгі] heart disease involves the walls of the blood vessels that supp. the muscle of the heart.

  3. Heart failure [Теіііз] (недостатність) is due to deterioration of the heart tissues and :• frequently the result of long-term disorders such as high blood pressure.

To treat most heart diseases doctors prescribe digitalis [.didbji: teilis] (наперстянка). Th:; agent slows and strengthens contractions of the heart muscle.

Several forms of nitroglycerin are used to relieve angina pectoris [asn'djaim'pektsr:-(грудна жаба, стенокардія).

Beta-adrenergic blocking agents (бета-адреноблокатори) control sympathetic stimulate -of the heartbeat.

Anticoagulants ([^ntikau'asgjulants] - антикоагулянти) also are valuable drugs for hei-patients. Today there are a lot of medicines used to treat heart patients.

Exercise 8. Communication situation: At the Cardiologist's.

You work as a cardiologist at a polyclinic. You are talking to a woman who complains : heart trouble. Interview her according to the following plan:

  1. General data: 1. Her first name, surname. 2. Her age. 3. Her profession. 4. The conditio" of her work. 5. Her living conditions. 6. If her husband is well. 7. If she has any children. 8 / her parents are living and well.

  2. Her previous diseases: 1. If she has been ill formerly. 2. If she has had any wouni (contusions). 3. If she has been operated.

  3. Her complaints: 1. What she complains of. What she suffers from. 2. When she fell : 3. What the first signs of the disease were. 4. If her pains depend on the weather or her nerve _■ state. 5. After what she feels worse (better). 6. If she has pains in the heart region.

  4. Her last treatment: 1. If a doctor consulted her. 2. If she was treated in a hospitc 3. When and where she was treated. 4. What treatment she was prescribed.

Exercise 9. Learn the expressions by heart.

dear heart - любий, милий, душа моя (у звертанні)

to learn by heart - вчити напам'ять

to take heart - набиратися духу; триматися мужньо

to wear one's heart on one's sleeve - не відзначатися стриманістю

to have one's heart in one's boots - злякатися

to take words to heart - брати слова близько до серця

heart-to-heart conversation - щира, відверта розмова
II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Define the suffixes and prefixes of the words and translate them in:. Ukrainian.

Indefinite, impossible, illegal, irregular, unwritten, misspell, unsuitable, retireme

incidentally, uninteresting, indifference, noneffective, misinform, demobilize, rewrite, prev . antiatomic.

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

  1. If you catch influenza, you are attended by a ... .

  2. If your nerves are out of order, you go to a ... .

  3. If you have a toothache, you are consulted by a ... .

  4. If something gets into your eye, you go to see an ...

  5. If you have a sore throat, you go to a ... .

  6. If you have a heart attack, you call a ... .

(therapeutist, ophthalmologist, neuropathist, laryngologist, cardiologist, stomatologist)

Exercise 3. Choose the necessary participle. Translate the sentences.

1. The blood vessels (located, locating) on the anterior surface of the arm were dilated. 2. The vessels (carried, carrying) blood to the heart are called veins. 3. The lungs are the inner organs (included, including) in the thoracic cavity.

Exercise 4. Read the following sentences and define instead of what words the substitutes one — one's, that - those are used.

1. The condition of patient M. is worse than that of patient N. 2. The number of the vertebrae in the coccyx is less than the number of those in the neck. 3. The bones of the lower extremities are longer than those of the upper ones.

Exercise 5. Write out sentences with participles I and II from the text "Heart and Vascular System".

Exercise 6. Form the past participle of the verbs given in brackets. State their functions. Translate the sentences.

1. The patient (admit) to the hospital was a 45-year-old female. 2. The inner organs 'include) in the thoracic cavity are the heart and the lungs. 3. The blood (carry) to the lungs is called venous blood.

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. Прооперований пацієнт мав серцеву недостатність. 2. Обстежуючи хворого, лікар виявив ваду серця. 3. Кров, повертаючись із легень, входить у ліве передсердя. 4. Артеріальна кров, що повертається з легень, насичена киснем. 5. У читальній залі кардіолог розповідав студентам про цей випадок. 6. Зайшовши у палату, медсестра побачила дитину, яка читала книгу. 7. Перев'язуючи рану вдруге, медсестра побачила, що шкіра навколо почервоніла. 8. Хворі, прооперовані відомим хірургом, швидко одужували.
III. Independent Work: Heart Sounds

Exercise 1. Read the text and say what data important for a future doctor are given in it.

Heart Sounds

When we listen to the heart, we can hear two sounds. The third sound is also heard in some persons.

The first heart sound is the longest one. It is heard at the moment of contraction of fhe ventricles when the atrioventricular valves close.

The second sound lasts for a shorter period of time. It is heard at the moment when the pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves close.

The third heart sound is heard when the blood is passing from the atria into the ventricle?

The first and the second cardiac sounds are heard over all the portions of the heart and ofter over the large vessels. The first heart sound is greater over the surface of the ventricles and it:? the greatest over the surface of the mitral and tricuspid valves. The second heart sound is hearc. loudest over the aorta and the pulmonary artery.

Heart sounds are also heard over some portions of the chest. Normally the first heart sour.:, is heard over the apex of the heart in the fifth costal interspace. The second sound is heard be?-over the pulmonary artery and the aorta, that is in the second left and right costal interspace-The aortic sound is normally louder than the pulmonic sound.

The heart sounds are very important in the clinical diagnosis and doctors determine mar-cardiac diseases by heart sounds.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions based on the text.

1. How many heart sounds do we hear when we listen to the heart? 2. When is the first hea-sound heard? 3. When is the second heart sound heard? 4. At what moment is the third hear sound heard? 5. Where is the first heart sound heard louder? 6. Over the surface of what valve-is the first heart sound heard loudest? 7. Where is the second heart sound heard loudest? 8. I: which costal interspaces is the first heart sound heard best? 9. In which costal interspaces is t':.. second heart sound heard best? 10. Which of the two sounds - aortic or pulmonic is loude-normally? 11. What do heart sounds help doctors to determine?

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian, name participle I or II

1. The man examining the patients is my uncle. 2. The infected tooth was extracted. 3. Tr. patient operated some days ago feels much better. 4. The case discussed was very interesting 5. Measures taken in time prevented the spreading of disease. 6. Anatomy is the science :: the bodily structure of living organisms. 7. The arterial blood coming from the lungs is rich -oxygen. 8. From the lungs well-oxygenated blood returns through the pulmonary veins to th: left atrium.




Cardiovascular System: Vessels and Blood Circulation



Functions of Participles in Sentences (§102)


Independent Work

Cardiovascular Diseases
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