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Exercise 8. Answer the following questions.

  1. What kind of tissue is the blood? Why?

  2. What color can the blood have?

  3. How much blood has the human body?

  4. What are the functions of the blood?

  5. Can you name all constituents of the blood?

  6. Whom do we call donors and recipients?

  7. What is transfusion?

  8. What can you tell about anemia?

  9. What is leukemia?

10) What clotting disorders do you know?
II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. State the forms of the infinitives in the following sentences. Translate them.

1.1 can't hear a word, though he seems to be speaking. 2.1 am happy not to have failed you.

  1. We were sorry to find out that the surgeon we wanted to see that day was absent.

  2. We didn't expect the son to come back soon.

  3. One of the students was suddenly taken ill and had to be operated on immediately.

  4. It is not so difficult for him to diagnose this disease.

  5. He is said to enter the medical university this year again.

Exercise 2. Make up sentences with the infinitive complexes; use the tables.


to want to clear up

to expect to make an injection

should/would like to keep the medicine in a dark



to see to hear to watch to notice

It's easy for It's difficult for It's important for
to enter the ward

to speak English well

to be operated on

to complain of a bad headache

to stay in bed to recover soon

not to find necessary medicines

Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian, pay attention to the infinitive complexes.

A. 1. Вони хочуть, щоб ми прийшли до них сьогодні. 2. Ми не хочемо, щоб вона їхала ви нас так швидко. 3. Мати хотіла, щоб дочка вступила до університету. 4. Лікар не хотів, щое пацієнт їхав на південь. 5. Ніхто не хоче, щоб студенти запізнювались на лекції. 6. Я люблю, коли в кімнаті тепло. 7. Професор любить, щоб студенти задавали йому питання. 8. Чи хоче

він, щоб ми прийшли сюди знову?

B.1. Я ніколи не чула, як він
розмовляє іспанською. 2. Я бачила
що хірург зайшов. 3. Ніхто не
щоб вона вийшла із зали. 4. Він
побачив, що столик поламаний. 5.
чули, що він мене питав? 6. Я бачив
що двері відчинились і хтось зайшсь
у лабораторію. 7. Я знаю, що він дуже
хороший лікар. 8. Ви вважає
те, ш;
він досвідчений хірург?

C.1. Кажуть, що він у Києв

2.Відомо, що вона має свою думк;-

3.Здається, він добре знає це-"
предмет. 4. Кажуть, що цей будино
побудований біля сотні років том;
5. Вважають, що вона очолить
фірму 6. Він, очевидно, не зна-:
французької. 7. Було чути, як голоси:
плаче дитина.

D.1. Вам необхідно бути т>т
через дві години. 2. Йому легко
зробити. 3. Вашій сестрі необхідн
його зустріти біля лікарні. 4. Текс:
був важкий, щоб перекласти його
словника. 5. Вже пізно, щоб діти йшл ■.
гуляти. 6. Необхідно, щоб документ-
були відіслані сьогодні.

III. Independent Work: Blood Tests

Exercise 1. Read the text, translate it.

Blood Tests

Many kinds of studies may be made on the blood:

  1. The hematocrit, the volume percentage of red blood cells in the whole body, is determined лу a high-speed centrifuge for 3-5 minutes; and the cellular elements are separated from the -.Masma. For males, the normal range is 42-54 ml per 100 ml blood. For females the range is -lightly lower - 36-42 ml per 100 ml blood.

  2. Hemoglobin tests are done to measure the oxygen level and the color of the blood is .ompared with a known color scale. Electrophoresis is done to measure normal or abnormal

pes of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is expressed in grams per 100 ml whole blood. In males the :ormal range is 14-17 g per 100 ml. in females - 12-15 g per 100 ml blood.

  1. Blood cell counts are used to count erythrocytes and leukocytes.

  2. Complete blood count (CBC) includes the examination of a stained blood slide under "lie microscope.

  3. Blood chemistry tests include tests for electrocytes, such as sodium, potassium, chloride, -carbonate, glucose, enzymes, hormones and waste products.

  4. Coagulation studies are to know the time for the clot formation, bleeding time, capillar}' -nength, platelet function.

7. Bone marrow biopsy gives valuable information to diagnose bone marrow disorders,
cukemia and anemia.

Exercise 2. Read the text. Find passages about the count of leukocytes and erythrocytes, jnd translate them. Memorize the number of WBC and RBC.

Corpuscular Elements of Blood

Blood is a fluid tissue with many various functions. Not only important physiological rrocess takes place in the blood but it determines the activity of widely separated body cells.

Blood is composed of plasma and the corpuscular elements which are called red corpuscles r erythrocytes, white corpuscles or leukocytes and blood platelets or thrombocytes.

It is generally considered that no sex differences exist in the count of white corpuscles or eukocytes. The count of leukocytes in the blood of a healthy person is 4,500 to 9,500 per cu. mm cubic millimeter). When the number of white blood cells (WBC) is counted after mental or - sical exertion, meals and mild activity, it may increase to 10,000 and more per cu. mm. It is estimated that the erythrocytes are the most numerous cellular elements, ranging from -.t)00,000 to 5,000,000 per cu. mm. The red blood cell count (RBC) may change with age; lien the red blood cell count is done after physical exertion and emotions, it may increase.

One knows that the red corpuscles have two physical features which are very important in e function of respiration. They have great elasticity and flexibility. These features give them " c possibility to pass through very small capillaries. The discoid form of the corpuscle gives it - maximal surface for a given mass.

The most important part of the red cell is its red coloring substance or hemoglobin which ". an average forms about 36 % of its mass.

The total blood volume is divided into circulating and deposit volumes.

The average human blood volume is not less than 7.5 % but not more than 10 % of the body weight. It is generally stated that the circulating volume averages smaller in females thar. in males. The circulating volume of the blood depends on the changes of the air temperature.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences choosing the necessary word combinations.

1. The most numerous cells of blood are ...

  1. white blood corpuscles.

  2. red blood corpuscles.

  3. blood platelets.

2. Blood is ...

  1. a connective tissue.

  2. a muscular tissue.

  3. a fluid tissue.

  4. a nervous tissue.

3. The right ventricle discharges the blood to the lungs ...

  1. through the aorta.

  2. through the pulmonary arteries.

  3. through the portal vein.

4. The blood is discharged out ...

  1. of the ventricles.

  2. of the atria.

Exercise 4. Read and memorize these interesting facts.

Do you know that:

  1. each erythrocyte lives 120-130 days?

  2. each leukocyte lives 4-7 days?

  3. every day 200,000,000 erythrocytes are born and the same number dies?

Exercise 5. Read the sentences and say what they are about.

1. These corpuscles have great elasticity and flexibility. These features give them possibility to pass through very small capillaries. 2. The count of these corpuscles in the bio:-; of a healthy person is from 5,000 to 7,000 per cu. mm. The number of these corpuscles increa^ when a person becomes ill.




Cardiovascular System. Heart



Participles I, II (§101)


Independent Work

Heart Sounds

I. Speaking: Cardiovascular System. Heart

After careful study of this unit you should be able to:

  • define the location of the heart;

  • name four chambers of the heart;

  • name four valves;

  • characterize the chambers of the heart;

  • describe the muscular structure;

  • name three groups of vessels;

  • classify heart diseases;

  • describe approaches to the treatment of heart diseases.

Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words by heart, remember their Latin/Greek equivalents.





cor, cordis/cardio-


ascular ['vaeskjub]



". essel

vas, vasis/angio-


лрех ['eipeks]



pericardium [peri'kaidiam]



costal ['kDStsl]



>eprum ['septsm]



itrium ['astrism]



ventricle ['ventrikl]



". alve fvaelv]



7.brous ['faibrss]



>ystemic [sis'temik]



pulmonary ['рліптзпзгі]



portal ['po:t(s)l]



ung [Ілп]



Exercise 2. Learn the words.

interspace [,ints'speis] проміжок; інтервал

mitral fmaitrsl] мітральний

tricuspid [trai'kAspid] тристулковий

semilunar[,semi'lu:na] (на)півмісяцевий; серповидний

triangular[,trai'aengju:ta] трикутний; тригранний

within- в, у межах; всередині

separate['seprat] окремий, відокремлений; відокремлювати(сь) thick- товстий; щільний; густий coat[кзої] оболонка; наліт; шар dilate[dai'leit] розширювати(сь) contract[kant'ra;kt ] скорочуватись

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following word combinations.

Chamber ['tfeimba]: the heart consist of two separate chambers: the right atrium and th. right ventricle are in the right chamber;

thick [бік]: a thick wall; the walls of the left atrium are thick; the left ventricle has thic-walls;

pulmonary: pulmonary artery, pulmonary circulation; pulmonary diseases; pulmonar function; pulmonary valve;

dilate: dilated; to be dilated, the vessels dilate; the heart dilates and contracts.
Exercise 4. Read the text and retell it.
Heart and Vascular System

The heart is an inner hollow muscular organ placed within the chest and included in x:.-pericardium. The base of the heart is against the third rib. Its apex is against the interspa.: between the fifth and sixth costal cartilages. The weight of the heart is about 300 g in the m_.; and about 220 g in the female.

The heart consists of two separate chambers divided by the septum. Each of the chambe-has two connected parts: the atrium and the ventricle. The atrioventricular valves separate atria from the ventricles.

In the left chamber the atrium and ventricle are separated by the mitral valve. In the rig: chamber the atrium and ventricle are separated by the tricuspid valve.

At the point of origin of the aorta in the left ventricle another valve is located. This va/ -. is called the semilunar valve of the aorta.

At the point of origin of the pulmonary artery in the right ventricle the fourth valve located. It is called the semilunar valve of the pulmonary artery.

The right atrium is larger than the left one, but the walls of the left atrium are thicker t'r._-those of the right one. The right ventricle is triangular in form and has thick walls. The ri;_ ventricle is in the anterior part of the heart. The left ventricle is longer and more conical t'r „-the right one. The walls of the left ventricle are three times as thick as the walls of the right or.-. The valves are located at the entrance and exit of each ventricle.

The muscular structure of the heart consists of fibrous bands divided into two groups: -. first ones are the fibrous bands of the atria and the second ones are the fibrous bands of: : ventricles.

The vascular system consists of three groups of vessels: arteries, veins and capillaries. The vessels carrying blood to and from the tissues of the body compose the general syste-They are called the systemic vessels.

The pulmonary system is formed by the vessels carrying blood to and from the lungs The portal system is formed by the veins passing to the liver.
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