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Exercise 3. Перекладіть речення англійською, пам'ятайте про іменники, що вживаються лише у множині.

1. Лікар попросив медсестру принести його окуляри. 2. Де мій пацієнт? 3. Ця ткани­на- чорна. 4. Вона запитала, де її джинси. 5. Цей виноград стиглий? 6. Його хоробрість відома всій армії. 7. Гроші - це товари, а товари - це виробництво. 8. Де ти купила ці колготки? 9. Та крейда біла чи сіра? 10. Це ті ж самі новини? 11. Медсестра взяла ножиці з полиці й подала лікареві.
IV. Independent Work: Where Do Nurses Work?

Exercise 1. Перекладіть текст.

Where Do Nurses Work?
In hospital - in many areas, such as: obstetrics (caring for child-bearing women and infants); medical surgical units (taking care of ill adults and children); emergency departments; etc.

In the community - jobs are increasing in community nursing, where nurses focus on health promotion, education, and illness prevention. These nurses get to visit the patient's world, where they see the "whole" person by looking at their living situation and lifestyle.

On-line - technology is now more portable and nurses can do more sophisticated assessments in the community by using video technology and computers and can provide complex nursing care to people in their homes.

In the North, overseas or in independent practice - nurses can work in the North, in the armed forces, and with international health organizations. Nurses who are self-directed and enjoy the challenge of independent practice excel in the areas.

Exercise 2. Подумайте і опишіть українською мовою всі можливі аспекти діяльності медсестри (акушерки, фельдшера) в сучасному суспільстві.




- голосної и у відкритому і закритому складах;

- голосних е, і, и, у у третьому типі складу;

- буквосполучень oo, earперед приголосною; ou, ow;

-букв qі w;

- буквосполучення ng, пс, пк



Nurse's Working Day



1. Альтернативні питання та їх інтонація (§13).

2. Особові займенники (§14).

3. Прийменники місця і напрямку (§15)


Самостійна робота

Флоренс Найтінгейл

І. Читання звуків

1. Відкритий склад


Закритий склад —-► [л]

use, tube, pupil up, but, nut

  1. er, ir, ur, yr = [з:]: first, burn, her.

  2. oo = [u:] перед будь-якою приголосною, крім r: soon, room, food; oo = [о] перед k: look, book, took.

  3. ear = [з:] перед приголосною: learn, earth, early

5. л [au]: loud, house, now
ou, ow >

' [зо]: grow, blow, soul

  1. q завжди вживається з буквою u = qu [kw]: quite, queen, quick.

  2. w = [w] перед голосною: we, will, wet;

wh = [w] перед голосною: when, where, why; wh = [h] перед о: who, whole, whom.

  1. nk, nc = [rjk]: drink, uncle.

  2. ng = [rjg]: single.

Exercise 1. Прочитайте слова з буквосполученням oo:

oo + k = [о]


book - книга hook - гачок shook - розтрусив look - погляд; дивитись took - взяв

cook - кухар; готувати їжу good [god] - хороший, foot [fot] - нога
Exercise 2. Прочитайте слова з буквою

[ju:] + u

use - використовувати mute - німий unit - одиниця cube - куб cue - натяк; репліка tube - пробірка duty - обов'язок human - людський student - студент

pupil - учень tulip - тюльпан immune - імунний institute - інститут

too - також soon - скоро oo [u:] food - їжа

moon - місяць cool - прохолодний

blood [bUd] - кров flood [fkd] - паводок
uу відкритому складі:

► після г, 1, j [u:]

rule - правило June - червень July - липень lucid - прозорий blue - голубий crude - необроблений lunar - місячний junior - молодший Jupiter - Юпітер plumy - покритий пір'ям

ruse - хитрощі rude - різкий, брутальний glue - клей; клеїти

Exercise 3. Прочитайте слова з буквою и в закритому складі - [л]:

but - але nut - горіх

cut - різати jump - стрибати; стрибок

us - нас, нам just - справедливий; щойно

dust - пил sun - сонце

must - повинен summer - літо

gun - рушниця drugs - ліки; наркотики

luck - успіх bus - автобус

Exercise 4. Запам'ятайте, якщо за буквою о йдуть букви и, v, w, т, th, вона вимовляється [а]:

соте - приходити son - син

love - кохання; любити other - інший

money - гроші mother - мама

Month - місяць Monday - понеділок

London - Лондон about - про

Exercise 5. Прочитайте слова, порівняйте вимову звуків [u:, и, ju:, а, а:], згру­пуйте їх у стовпчики за вимовою.

Duty, must, mast, food, pull, loop, drug, cast, much, mute, unit, pool, mark, duck, use, but, boot, took.
Exercise 6. Прочитайте слова з буквою w:

we - ми wife - дружина

wave - хвиля well - добре

week - тиждень wall - стіна

walk - прогулянка west - захід
wh + голосна, крім о = [w]:

when - коли whim - забаганка

why - чому wheel - колесо

which - котрий wheat - пшениця

while - у той час як whence - звідки

white - білий whether - чи

whisk - змахувати wheezy - хрипкий

wh + о = [h]:

who [hu:] - хто, whose [hu:z] - чий, whom [hu:m] - кому, кого, whole [haul] - весь, whoop [hu:p] - крик, сильний кашель
Exercise 7. Прочитайте контрастні пари слів зі звуками [w, v]:

vine - виноградна лоза wine - вино

vent - вхідний отвір went - пішов

very well - дуже добре every week - щотижня

Exercise 8. Прочитайте слова з буквами /, е, и,у у третьому типі складу, слідкуйте

за правильною вимовою [з

bird - пташка verb - дієслово first - перший third - третій turn - повертати her - її nerve - нерв firm - твердий term - семестр; термін surgeon - хірург

thirty - тридцять thirst - спрага nurse - медсестра hurt - поранити serve - служити curb - приборкувати burn - опік girl - дівчинка person - особа firm - фірма

Exercise 9. Прочитайте і запам'ятайте слова з буквосполученням еа + г = [з:]:

earn - заробляти heard - чув

early - рано Earth - земля

But! heart [ha:t] - серце
Exercise 10. Прочитайте слова, слідкуйте за правильною вимовою звука [_]:

а) Щ=[rj]:

long - довгий

hang - вішати

strong - сильний

lung - легеня

b)ing= [rj]:

ring - дзвонити; обручка

sing - співати

wing - крило

thing - річ

heating - нагрівання

beginning - початок

evening - вечір

morning - ранок

c) ngвсередині слова = [ng]:

finger - палець

angle - кут

single - єдиний; один

English - англійський

jungle - джунглі

hunger - голод

d) иА, nc = [rjk]:

drink - пити

sink - тонути

think - думати

thank - дякувати

link - з'єднувати; ланка

uncle - дядько

tank - танк; цистерна

zinc - цинк

Exercise 11. Прочитайте слова, запам'ятайте, як вони читаються:

ou, ow - [аи] ощ ow = [зо]

out - з soul - душа

loud - голосний know - знати

house - будинок row - ряд

round - круглий tomorrow - завтра

mouse - миша follow - йти за; супроводжувати

south - південь window - вікно

how - як grow - рости

now - тепер blow - дути

town - містечко yellow - жовтий
Exercise 12. Прочитайте загальні питання з означенням іменника,

'Is this a fblue pencil? J,Yes, itj, is.

It's a j blue pencil.
4s this a |red pen? jNo, it is J,not.

It's a jblue pen.

Альтернативне питання - це питання вибору, яке має особливу інтонацію: перша половина (до частки or) вимовляється висхідним тоном, а друга - низхідним;

перед or при вимові робиться пауза.

Exercise 13. Прочитайте альтернативні питання та відповіді на них. Зберігайте інтонацію:

Is this a f table | or a jdesk? It's a |table.

Is this a tbook | or a J,box? It's a J,box.

Is that a jchild | or a jman? It is a J,child.

Are these fcups I or ^glasses? These are ^glasses.

Is this a f brown | or ja red pen? It is a jred pen.

Are those f big і or J,small bags? They are jbig bags.

Is the bird on the ftree | or on thejbush? It's on the^tree.
Exercise 14. Використовуючи моделі-питання із Вправи 13, придумайте свої приклади, запишіть їх, витренуйте інтонацію.
Exercise 15. Запишіть транскрипцію наступних слів.

Mute, too, rule, must, book, hook, why, weak, white, who, doom, soon, immune, nerve, early, third, string, thing, moon, market, spring, cool, turn, quick, think, beginning, out, how, loud, mail, follow, thousand, might, strain, fat, gall, flint, damp, spray, gelid, god, gain, us, fog, come, other, ask, must, sink, link, quite, long, chalk, grind, walk.

II. Speaking: Nurse's Working Day
Exercise 1. Прочитайте і запам'ятайте наступні слова.

department [di'pa;tment] відділення

e.g. There are many departments in our regional hospital.

surgical ['зз:сІ5Ікз1] хірургічний

e.g. He is a nurse at the surgical department.

therapeutic [03r3'pju:tik] терапевтичний

ward [wD:d] палата; палатний

e.g. She is a ward nurse.

prescription [prisk'ripjh] припис; рецепт

e.g. Here is the doctor's prescription.

temperature ['tempritfs] температура

bed patient [bed'peijnt] лежачий хворий

e.g. I'll give a newspaper to the bed patient.

condition [ksn'dijn] стан; умова

e.g. He asked about their condition.

examine [ig'zasmin] оглядати

e.g. The doctor examines his patients.

mistake [mis'teik] помилка

e.g. She made many mistakes in the test.

Exercise 2. Вивчіть напам'ять насту] to work at a hospital - працювати в лікарні

a ward nurse - палатна медсестра to take temperature - вимірювати температуру

a temperature chart - температурний лист

to write down - записувати

і вирази.

to do quickly and quietly - робити швидко і спокійно

to air the ward - провітрити палату to change sheets - змінити простирадла to come true - здійснитися to learn by practice - вивчити на практиці

Exercise 3. Складіть речення.

1) The nurse

The medical assistant The doctor

must be
kind, attentive, patient, careful.


The nurse

gives takes puts makes carries out

temperature, cups.

doctors' prescriptions.



Exercise 4. Замість крапок вставте необхідні слова, подані нижче.

1.1 work at.... 2.1 am .... 3. In the morning nurses give patients ... .4. The doctor ... his patients every morning. 5. The doctor prescribes them some ... and .... 6. An attentive nurse tries to see any ....

(changes, medicines, examines, a nurse, a hospital, injections, drugs)

Exercise 5. Напишіть графічний диктант, користуючись позначками "-" ("так") і "І" ("ні").

1) The nurse prescribes medicines to patients. 2) The nurse cares for her patients. 3) The nurse doesn't read the order of the doctor before she gives medicines. 4) The nurse must report her mistake to her friends. 5) The nurse isn't rude when she speaks with patients. 6) She can gossip (пліткувати) about her patients.

Exercise 6. Поставте альтернативні питання до наступних речень.

1. My father is a doctor.

2.1 am a student of the medical college.

  1. The nurse is a kind and patient person.

  2. The bed patient is in the ward.

  3. You are doctors.

  4. My friends are students of the medical college.

Exercise 7. Прочитайте і розіграйте діалоги в парах.

1 Nurse: Good morning!

Patient: Good morning, Mrs. White! Nurse: How are you today? Patient: Thanks, no changes.

Nurse: Let's take your temperature... Well, it is normal.

Patient: Will you tell the doctor about my condition?

Nurse: Yes, of course. Don't worry. Everything will be all right.

2 Doctor: Good morning, Mrs. Brown. Nurse: Good morning, doctor.

Doctor: I'd like to know how my patients are doing.

Nurse: Well, there are no bed patients in my ward. In the morning I carried out all your orders. Doctor: What can you say about Mr. Smith? Is his temperature still high? Nurse: No, it's normal today. He is better. Doctor: So, let's go and see.

3 Old doctor: You have cured (вилікували) your patient. What is there to worry about now?

Young doctor: I don't know which of the medicines cured him. Exercise 8. Прочитайте і перекажіть текст.

In a Hospital

Let me introduce my friend Nina. She is already a nurse at a hospital. She works at the therapeutic department. Nina is one of the best ward nurses. Everything she does in the ward she does quickly and quietly.

Work at the hospital begins early in the morning. At 6 o'clock the nurses begin to take the patients' temperature. They write it down in temperature charts. Then the nurses give the patients medicines and carry out other prescriptions of the doctors.

Besides they open the windows and air their wards. If there is a bed patient in the ward, the nurse takes special care of him. She brings a basin and washes the patient's face and hands, brushes his sheets or changes them. Then the nurses give injections to the patients.

When doctors come and begin to examine their patients, every ward nurse tells the doctor about the condition of her patients. Nina is very attentive. She tries to observe any changes in the patient's condition. Nina is especially patient with old people. She never hurts (ображати) her patients with rude (грубий) words.

I want to be like Nina. I like my future profession and I know that much of the nurse's work can be learnt by practice. That's why I often help Nina at the hospital.

Exercise 9. Розмовні ситуації.

  1. Опишіть роботу медсестри вранці.

  2. Розкажіть, якими якостями повинна володіти медсестра.

  3. Переконайте товариша, що ваша майбутня професія найнеобхідніша сьогодні.

III. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Замініть виділені слова займенниками.

  1. We carry out experiments in laboratories.

  2. We shall study anatomy.

  3. Some of my fellow students are busy with research work.

  4. There are 25 students in my group.

  5. My sister wants to be a doctor.

  6. I don't see my sister often.

Exercise 2. Дайте відповіді на альтернативні питання.

  1. Are you a student of the nursing or medical assistant departament?

  2. Is your friend a first-year or second-year student?

  3. Is your brother a doctor or a teacher?

  4. Are you sixteen or seventeen years old?

Exercise 3. Виберіть правильну форму особового займенника.

  1. She often sees (he, him) in the hospital.

  2. He teaches (we, us) English at school.

  3. He explains the rules to (I, me) very often.

  4. I always help (they, them) with translations.

  5. My mother wants to talk to (he, him).

IV. Independent Work: Florence Nightingale

Exercise 1. Ознайомтесь із життям та діяльністю Флоренс Найтінгейл, прочитавши текст. Поставте 10 питань до тексту.

Florence Nightingale was one of the greatest women in the history of England. She was born on May 12, 1820, in the Italian city of Florence after which she was named. Florence was a highly educated woman. She spoke Italian, French and German with ease.

During her childhood and youth she was chiefly interested in taking care of poor people in hospitals; her dream was to become a nurse. In her days, nursing was done only by women of the lowest moral class. In fact, when women were charged in the police courts they were often given the choice of going to prison or to hospital service.

Her parents were horrified and did all they could to prevent it, but Florence was not to be turned aside. Whenever she was abroad she visited hospitals, read books on nursing, reports of medical societies, histories of hospitals. She spent some weeks as a sister in a hospital in Paris and three months in a nursing school in Germany. When Florence was 34, she became superintendent of an "Establishment for Gentlewomen during Illness". She had been there a year when the Crimean War broke out. One of the hospitals where injured soldiers received treatment during the war was in a place called Scutari. That's where 39 British nurses led by Florence Nightingale arrived from London in 1854.

In less than twelve months, Florence Nightingale and her 38 nurses turned Scutari into a clean, well-organised hospital.

Florence Nightingale often worked for twenty-four hours on end dressing wounds, helping surgeons in their operations, easing the pain of the sick, comforting the dying. Every night, carrying a little oil lamp to light her way, she walked by the beds, four miles of them. To the soldiers she was "The Lady with the Lamp", and they worshipped her.

Florence Nightingale changed the whole system of the hospital organization of the army. She wrote books on nursing. She started the Nightingale Training School for nurses at St. Thomas's Hospital. She changed the whole idea of hospital planning and is the founder of modem nursing.

In 1907 she was given the Order of Merit, the highest civil honor the Government can give and the first ever given to a woman. Three years later Florence Nightingale died.

Florence ['flnrsns] Флоренс prevent [pri'vent] запобігати, перешкоджати

Nightingale ['naitingcil] Найтінгейл turn aside -усувати(ся)

Scutari [sko'tari] Скутарі injured ['incrjod] поранений

Order of Merit ['n:der3v'merit] орден treatment f'tri:tmont] лікування

"За заслуги" on end - підряд, без перерви

chiefly ['tfkfh] головним чином dressing wounds ['wu:ndz] перев'язуючи рани

taking care of - доглядаючи surgeon ['ssictpn] хірург; військовий лікар

charge [tfaicrj] звинувачувати worship ['w3:/ip] боготворити

horrify ['hnrifai] викликати жах, лякати

Exercise 2. Назвіть видатних жінок нашої країни, країн світу. Чим вони про­славились?

Exercise 3. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

  1. Why did Nightingales name their daughter Florence?

  2. Was Florence Nightingale a highly educated woman?

  3. What was Florence's dream?

  4. Why were her parents horrified by her dream?

  5. In what ways had she prepared herself for nursing?

  6. What did Florence and her nurses do at the hospital in Scutari?

  7. Why was Florence called "The Lady with the Lamp"?

  8. What kind of woman was Florence Nightingale?

Exercise 4. Доповніть речення.

  1. Florence Nightingale was ...

  2. She was born ...

  3. Her dream was ...

  4. Florence was not ...

  5. During the Crimean War ...

  6. To the soldiers she was ...

  7. She wrote ...

  8. Florence Nightingale is ...

  1. she worked at the hospital in Scutari.

  2. one of the greatest women.

  3. the founder of modern of nursing.

  4. "The Lady with the Lamp".

  5. on May 12, 1820.

  6. to be turned aside.

  7. books on nursing.

h) to become a nurse.




- голосних у четвертому типі складу;

- буквосполучень air, eir, ear, eer;

-букви wу буквосполученнях wa, war, wor, aw,

-буквосполучень kn, ph;

- голосних буквосполучень ey, аи, ou, our



English for Modern Medical Specialists



1. Спеціальні питання (§16).

2. Питальні слова (§17).

3. Присвійні займенники (§18).

4. Прийменниковий додаток (§19).

5. Родовий відмінок іменника (§20)


Самостійна робота

Англійська мова як засіб міжнародного спілкування

І. Читання
1. а + ге = [єз]: care, fare, spare;

е + re = [іо]: here, severe, mere;

\ + ГЄ \ [аіз]: tyre, fire, entire; 1 + re

u + re = [)u:a]: cure, pure, secure.

  1. air, eir = [єз]: chair, their, fair; eer, ear = [із]: near, beer, ear.

  2. Читання w у буквосполученнях: w + a = [wt>]: wash, water, wad; w + ar = [wo:] war, warble, ward; w + or = [w3:]: word, work, worse;

wr на початку слова = [r]: write, wrong, wrist.

  1. kn на початку слова = [n]: knife, know, knew; ph на початку слова = [f]: photo, phone, phrase.

  2. ey в кінці слова = [і]: money, valley, honey; aw = [o:]: draw, saw, raw;

au = [о:] (у словах латинського і французького походження):

fault, autumn, applaud; ou — [л] (у словах французького походження): touch, double, country; ou + r = [о:] your, four, course.
Exercise 1. Прочитайте слова з буквою а в різних буквосполученнях, пам'ятайте правила читання:

are [ез] care - турбота rare - нечастий share - частина, частка dare - відважитись prepare - готувати compare - порівнювати declare - заявити dispare - відчай

air [ез]

air - повітря chair - стілець stair - сходинка hair-волосся

fair - світлий, справедливий But!

there - там where - де, куди

Exercise 2. Прочитайте слова з буквою е у різних буквосполученнях, пам'ятайте правила читання:

here - тут mere - простий sphere - сфера, куля severe - суворий, сильний interfere - заважати period ['pisrisd] - період cheer - вітати beer - пиво

dear - дорогий bear - носити hear - слухати, чути clear - ясний tear - сльоза near - близький ear - вухо fear - страх

Exercise 3. Прочитайте слова з буквою и у різних буквосполученнях:

pure - чистий secure - забезпечувати

cure - вилікувати endure - терпіти, зносити

during ['djuisrirj] - під час procure - забезпечувати

January ['cfcaenjuisri] - січень
Exercise 4. Прочитайте слова з буквами і, у. Порівняйте звучання у різних типах складів:

ire, уге [аіз] і, у [аі] (відкритий склад)

fire - вогонь die - помирати

quiet - тихий, спокійний lie - лежати

tire - стомлюватися wire - дріт entire - весь, повний tyre - шина, покришка inspire - надихати retire - іти у відставку desire - бажання dire - страшний mire - трясовина

Exercise 5. Прочитайте слова, правопис:

a) [ж]

ash - попіл ant - мурашка have - мати match - сірник gas - газ tag - ярлик

b) [а:]

arm - рука hard - важкий army - армія mark - оцінка

c) [з:]
fork - виделка
storm - шторм, гроза
horse - кінь

stork - лелека sore - хворий torn - розірваний scorn - зневага

tie - краватка; зв'язувати

fine - гарний

quite - досить

igh - [аі]

high - високий

higher - вищий

might - міць, могутність

light - світло

right - правий

Порівняйте вимову буквосполучень та їх [тз]

wash - мити want - хотіти was - був watch - годинник watt - ват wander - бродити


warm - теплий war - війна ward - палата warn - застерігати [з:]

work - робота; працювати worm-черв'як worse - гірший; гірше word - слово

worth - значення; цінність

world - світ

wort - лікарська трава

Exercise 6. Прочитайте слова з "німими" w, к:

write - писати

wrest - виривати (силою)

wrap - загортати (у щось)

wrong - неправильний

wrinkle - зморшка

wring - викручувати

wrist - зап'ясток

wreck - катастрофа, аварія

writer - письменник

know - знати

knight - лицар

knit - в'язати, зв'язувати

knot - вузол

knife - ніж

knee - коліно

knob - випуклість

knock - стукати

knuckle - суглоб пальця

Exercise 7. Запам'ятайте правопис слів:

ph = [f]

photo - знімок pharmacy - фармація

phase - фаза phrase - вираз

physics - фізика philosopher - філософ

Exercise 8. Прочитайте слова, звертаючи увагу на читання еу [і] у ненаголоше-ному складі:

hockey - хокей valley - долина

honey - мед turkey - індик

kidney - нирка money - гроші

Exercise 9. Прочитайте слова і запам'ятайте їх:

aw = [з:]: draw - тягнути raw - сирий

law - закон awe - жах

saw - побачив straw - солома

аи = [з:] (у словах французького і латинського походження):

applaud - аплодувати fault - помилка

author - автор exhaust [ig'zo:st] - виснажувати

autumn ['o:tem] - осінь

But! aunt [a:nt] - тітка ou = [л] (у словах французького походження):

touch - торкатись couple - пара (двоє)

trouble - неприємність; непокоїти double - подвійний

country - країна; сільська місцевість
our = [з:]: pour - лити your - твій, ваш, ваші

course - хід; курс; течія source - джерело

four - чотири
Exercise 10. Напишіть транскрипцію наступних слів.

Probe, fair, their, near, severe, war, worth, dress, crime, flare, scar, duck, flurry, force, mere, shift, game, graft, work, knap, store, fall, warm, during, tire, pure, write, wind, dim, dry, know, high, check, fellow, trolley, wrote, knur, mare, sheer, curb, morning, cheque, blame, fell, phone, about, mind, bora.

II. Speaking: English for Modern Medical Specialists
Exercise 1. Read and memorize the following words.

language [ lasrjgwitt^] мова

e.g. My native language is Ukrainian.

study [' stAdi] вивчати

e.g. We study English at school.

vocabulary [vs'ksebjulari] лексика

e.g. No dictionary could list the total vocabulary of a language.

read [ri:d] читати

e.g. Can you read this text?

write [rait] писати

e.g. Can you write these words?

peculiarity [pi kjuli aeriti] особливість

e.g. Every language has its own peculiarities.

accent ['aekssnt] акцент, вимова

e.g. He speaks French with a foreign accent.

scientific f saian'tifik] науковий

e.g. They use scientific approach in their research.

knowledge [riDlictj] знання

e.g. My knowledge of German is poor.

interpret [in't3:prit] перекладати (усно)

e.g. Can you interpret Mr. Brown's words?

translate [trasns'leit] перекладати (письмово)

e.g. J have already translated this text.

meaning fmimirj] значення

e.g. What is the meaning of this word?

Exercise 2. Learn the following phrases, to have a good command of ... to try to do one's best to be of great importance as quick as possible to learn by heart mother tongue I beg your pardon... I do not understand you. Say it again, please. Please, speak slowly. What does this word mean?
добре володіти

намагатися робити все можливе

мати важливе значення

якомога швидше

вчити напам'ять

рідна мова


Я вас не розумію.

Скажіть це ще раз, будь ласка.

Говоріть, будь-ласка, повільно.

Що означає це слово?

Exercise 3. Make up sentences.

a foreing language to me. spoken in many countries English is a truly international language, my favorite subject.

the mother tongue of nearly three hundred million people.

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words from brackets.

  1. Please ... the last word. (say. understand, repeat)

  2. I can read English but I cannot ... it. (say, tell, speak)

  3. I know grammar well, but my ... is poor, (language, pronunciation, meaning)

Exercise 5. Make up questions and let your fellow students answer them.

study a foreign language? Do you speak English?

have English lessons every day? Are your lessons interesting?

you sometimes tired after lessons? Why do you study foreign languages?

can't you speak Endlish well?

do you learn grammar?

Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences.

1. Is there anybody who speaks ...? 2. What is the ... for ... ? 3. The ... for ... is ... . 4. If you want to speak well, you ... . 5. The word combination "mother tongue" means ... . 6. English is spoken in ... .

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

  1. Англійська мова - мій улюблений предмет.

  2. Багато людей розмовляють англійською мовою.

  3. Англійською мовою розмовляють у Великобританії, США, Канаді.

  4. Чи ви розмовляєте англійською мовою?

  5. Англійська мова міжнародна.

  6. Багато англійських слів мають кілька значень.

Exercise 8. Give synonyms to the words in bold type.

  1. What English-speaking countries do you know?

  2. What is his mother tongue?

  3. To know a foreign language is very important nowadays.

  4. He knows French very well.

  5. Can you translate this sentence?

Exercise 9. Read and act out the following dialogs.


A: I am studying English now.

B: Are you really? They say it's very difficult.

A: I don't think English is easy.

B: Why do you think so?

A: Because I have to work hard learning a lot by heart.


A: So you've passed your exams.

B: It wasn't very difficult.

A: It's because you worked hard, I think.

B: Well, 1 was all right in History, but I didn't do so well in Literature. A: And what about your English? B: Not so good, only so-so.


А: I don't think you work hard enough on your English.

B: Well, 1 do, 1 work very hard, but please try to understand it's very difficult for me. A: Oh, is it? How long does it take you to do your homework? B: A long time, two or three hours, and sometimes even four.


A: Mrs. Jones, I'd like to introduce you our Ukrainian friend Mr. Kononenko. B: How do you do? C: How do you do?

B: You've come to study English, haven't you? Do you find it difficult?

C: Well, I do. It's quite different from what we read in textbooks. I understand the radio and TV all right, but I don't always understand people in the street.

B: Yes, that's difficult at first. And how do you find life in England?

C: Very interesting. I like it on the whole, although there are some things I find rather strange.

B: Don't worry. You'll soon get used to it.

Exercise 10. Complete the following dialog.

A: Hello. My name is Nick. B: ...

A: Are you an engineer? B: ...

A: What's your job? B: ...

A: Do you speak English? B: ...
Exercise 11. Read and retell the text.
/ Study English
English is an international means of communication. It is studied as a foreign language at secondary and higher schools of our country.

As for me, I like English very much. I studied English at school and I'm studying it now. I learn it every day because I want to have a good command of the language.

I want to become a good nurse, and English will be of great importance in my future work. First of all it gives me a possibility to communicate freely with foreign patients, to discuss the problems of nursing with my foreign friends. The knowledge of English will help me to translate different instructions of modern drugs. I am sure that the nurse must have enough knowledge in her work, she must enrich it reading special medical literature, using electronic materials, finding necessary information on Internet sites.

English will help me to grow professionally, I'll be able to learn new methods of nursing and treatment of patients.

There is a proverb: "A new language, a new world".

III. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Ask questions to the underlined words.

  1. My father is a doctor.

  2. I read the order of the doctor.

  3. She is a nurse at a hospital.

  4. Her working day begins in the morning.

Exercise 2. Ask questions to the sentences.

  1. Who ... hospital? Where does ... ?

  2. When ... ? What ... do in the morning?

  3. What language ... ? How does ... ?

Olha Petrenko works at our hospital Olha makes injections in the morning. My friend spakes English well.

Exercise 3. Put in posessive pronouns.

  1. We bought a house. The house is ... .

  2. She has two dogs. The dogs are ... .

  3. They have a cat. ... name is Tom.

  4. He earned money. The money is ... .

  5. I have a brother. ... name is Pete.

  6. There are three books on the table. ... titles are the same.

  7. I have a piano. The piano is ... .

  8. Look at this pen. is it... or ... pen?

  9. They have very good relations with ... relatives.

  10. We always take ... children to the zoo.

IV. Independent Work: English as Means of International


Exercise 1. Read the text and translate it.
English as Means of International Communication
English is the national language in such countries as Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It is the mother tongue of nearly three hundred million people. Many people speak English in Japan, China, India and African countries. But many more use it as an international means of communication, because English has become a truly international language.

Science, trade, sport and international relations of various kinds have given the English language the status of one of the world's most important languages. Many scientific and technical journals are written in English although they are not necessarily published in England or other English-speaking countries. At numerous international meetings and conferences, English is the main language. The Olympic Games and other multinational sports events cannot do without it.

The role English plays today is the result of historical processes. The English language, in the course of its historical development, has met with so many influences from abroad that its lexical and grammatical structure has come to reflect in many ways its international use.

English is a language, which is indeed able to cope with the most diverse tasks of international communication.

Exercise 2. Make up sentences.

  1. other, need, to, people, learn, it, understand, you, to.

  2. computer, medical, to, read, a, nurse, literature, must, use, the, in, work.

  3. helps, to, English, grow, professionally.

  4. learns, new, of, patients, the, treatment, a, methods, of, nurse.

Exercise 3. Are the sentences true or false?

1. More people in the world speak Chinese than English. 2. English is an international language throughout the world. 3. English may be called the language of business and commerce. 4. Anew language, a new world. 5. Anurse mustn't learn computer in her work. 6. The profession of a nurse is necessary and interesting. 7. English doesn't help to grow professionally. 8. The profession combines the wish to help people and high moral features.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   67

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