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We Study Anatomy



1. Слова, що замінюють артиклі (§21).

2. Дієслово у Present Indefinite (§22).

3. Порядок слів у стверджувальному розповідному реченні (§23)


(n.) -tion, -ist (adj.) -al, -ic


Independent Work

From the History of Anatomy

I. Speaking

Exercise 1. Learn the grammar rules.

Порядок слів у англійському реченні
1. Розповідне речення
/ обставина \ . другорядні члени

{ , . І підмет присудок

\ часу/місця / речення

My mother likes to read books. Last Saturday she came to Lviv.

2. Питальне речення

На першому місці - присудок чи допоміжне дієслово, за ним підмет і другорядні члени речення.

Can you speak English?

Have you helped your mother to make this cake?

3. Заперечне речення

Двох заперечень в англійському реченні не буває.


Я школи нікого не помічаю. -1 nevernoticeanybody.

В англійському заперечному реченні спочатку йде підмет, за ним присудок із часткою not, а тоді другорядні члени речення. / canІ doitmyself. She isn't reading this book now.

Exercise 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words. Head - голова

hair [Ьєз] волосся

eyebrow ['aibrau] брова

temple ['tempi] скроня

eyelash [laej] вія

forehead ['fbrid] чоло

eyelid - повіка

ear [із] вухо

nose - ніс

the top of the head - тім'я

mouth [mau6] рот

the back of the head - потилиця

lip - губа

face [feis] обличчя

cheek - щока

chin - підборіддя

Trunk - тулуб

neck [nek] шия

abdomen [seb'dsomsn] живіт

chest [tfest] грудна клітка

waist [weist] талія

stomach fsUmsk] живіт

back [Ьгек] спина

belly fbeli] живіт

buttock ['bAtek] сідниця

Upper limb [lim] верхня кінцівка

Lower limb - нижня кінцівка

arm [a:m] рука

leg - нога

shoulder ['Jaulds] плече

hip [hip] стегно

upper arm - плече

thigh [9ai] стегно

elbow - лікоть

knee [пі:] коліно

forearm ['fb(r)a:m] передпліччя

calf [ka:f] литка

hand [hsend] кисть

shin [fin] гомілка

wrist [rist] зап'ясток

foot [fut] ступня

palm [pa:m] долоня

ankle [a?rjkl] щиколотка, кісточка

finger ['firjgs] палець (руки)

sole [saul] підошва

thumb [Влт] великий палець (руки)

heel [hi; 1] п'ята

nail [neil] ніготь

toe [tao] палець (ноги)

Exercise 2. Look at a picture of a man (woman), learn the parts of the human body.
Exercise 3. Read the text.
We Study Anatomy
Everyone from the youngest age is interested in the body and how it works. The scientific term for the study of body structure is Anatomy. In the practical Anatomy class we study the

human body. The principal parts of the human body are the head, the trunk and the limbs (extremities). We speak of the upper extremities (arms) and lower extremities (legs).

The head consists of two parts: the skull which contains the brain, and the face which consists of the forehead, the eyes, the nose, the mouth with the lips, the cheeks, the ears and the chin.

The ear includes three principal parts: the external ear, the middle ear, and the internal ear.

The mouth has two lips: an upper lip and a lower lip. In the mouth there are gums with teeth, a tongue and a palate. The head is connected with the trunk by the neck. The upper part of the trunk is the chest and the lower part is the abdomen.

The framework of bones called the skeleton supports the soft pans of the body and protects the organs from injury. The bones are covered with muscles.

The upper extremity is connected with the chest by the shoulder. Each arm consists of the upper arm, the elbow, the forearm, the wrist, and the hand. We have four fingers and a thumb on each hand.

The lower extremity (the leg) consists of the hip (the thigh), the knee, the shin, the ankle and the foot. The body is covered with the skin.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions.

1. What do medical students study in the practical Anatomy class? 2. What are the principal parts of the human body? 3. What are the upper extremities? 4. What are the legs called? 5. How many parts does the head consist of? 6. What does the skull contain? 7. What does the face consist of? 8. What are the three principal parts of the ear? 9. What is there in the mouth? 10. Where are the gums? 11. What connects the trunk with the head? 12. What is the upper part of the trunk called? 13. What does the skeleton protect the organs from? 14. What are the bones covered with? 15. What does each arm consist of? 16. What does the lower extremity consist of? 17. What is the body covered with?

Exercise 5. Find English equivalents of the following words, combinations and sentences in the text.

  1. захищати від пошкоджень

  2. верхня кінцівка

  3. верхня частина тулуба

  4. грудна клітка

  5. зовнішнє вухо

  6. середнє вухо

  7. внутрішнє вухо

  8. нижня кінцівка

  9. череп, який вмішує мозок

10) тулуб та кінцівки

Exercise 6. Put in the missing words.

1. The ear ... three ... parts: the ... ear, the .. .ear and the ... ear. 2. The tongue is in the ... . 3. The legs are ... extremities, and the arms are ... extremities. 4. The skull contains the ... . 5. The forehead is one of the parts of the .... 6. The ... connects the head with the ... .7. The framework of bones is called the .... 8.The shoulder connects the ... with the ... .9. The skin covers the ....

II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

1.1 often meet him at school.

  1. You go to the laboratory every day.

  2. I read this newspaper every week.

  3. Nurses always carry out doctor's prescriptions.

  4. They speak English during lessons.

  5. We write questions at home.

Exercise 2. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. I work at our office. 2. We usually have our English on Fridays. 3. We write sentences on the blackboard. 4. We think with the brain. 5. You breathe through your nose. 6. The lungs lie in the chest.

Exercise 3. Make up as many declarative and negative sentences as possible. Add adverbial modifiers.

to live


to work



to speak



to stand



to do

at present

Your friends

to write


The students

to open

every morning

Those nurses

to close


These doctors

to go

to give

to come

Exercise 4. Ask your friend (in English).

1. Де він живе, чим займається, де навчається. 2. Яку іноземну мову вивчає, що він робить під час занять з англійської мови. 3. Чи багато читає англійських книг; чи розмовляє англійською на занятті і вдома.

Exercise 5. Describe situations using the words below. In the morning:

to live, in the center, to go, the hospital. Before classes:

to have one's English, in the morning, to do exercises, to speak to one's friends.

In class:

to read, to retell, to write, to translate, to ask, to answer, to have a dictation. At home:

usually, to speak Ukrainian, to do home tasks, to copy out new words, often, to read books.

Exercise 6. Pay attention to the suffixes, indicate the parts of speech of the words.

Scientist, presentation, clinical, journalist, medical, prescription, problematic, direction, scientific, biologist, biological, internal, external, abdominal, dictation.
III. Independent Work: From the History of Anatomy

Exersice 1. Read the text.

Some Notes from the History of Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy as an independent science dates from the 16th century. Its founder was Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) who dissected1 numerous human corpses2 and studied the structure of the human body. His studies were summarized in the outstanding scientific work The Structure of the Human Body which was highly praised3 by Academician LP. Pavlov.

Physiology as an independent science was founded in the 17"1 century. Its foundation is connected with the name of William Harvey (1578-1657), the English physician4 who discovered blood circulation5.

In the 19th and 20th centuries great advances in various branches of medicine, physiology in particular, were wade. These advances are in large measure due to contributions6 of Russian scientists.

The first medical school in Russia was organized in the middle of the 17th century. By that time there were Russian manuals containing information on medicine, and anatomy was studied from skeletons. Regular training of medical workers, some of whom subsequently became outstanding scientists, began in the 18th century (during the reign of Peter I). Brilliant Russian scientist M. Lomonosov made a great contribution to the development of natural science and medicine in Russia. As a result of his efforts the first Russian University with a school of medicine was opened in Moscow. Lomonosov's works had a direct bearing on physiology.

In the 19th century many Russian scientists worked in the fields of anatomy and physiology. The works of PA. Zagorsky, I. V. Buyalsky and M.I. Pyrohov influenced greatly the development of Russian anatomy.

P.A. Zagorsky (1764-1846), Professor of anatomy and physiology, studied the vascular7 system. He wrote a textbook of anatomy in Russian and his pupils were the first Russian anatomists. One of them was I.V. Buyalsky (1789-1866), the author of numerous works on anatomy and surgery. Buyalsky's most important contribution was that his works demonstrated the great importance of anatomy to practical surgery.

Brilliant Russian scientist M.I. Pyrohov (1810-1881) studied surgery, anatomy and other branches of medicine. He introduced a new method of anatomy by anatomical research8. He set out the fundamentals of topographic9 anatomy by this method. One of his best-known works on anatomy is the book called Surgical Anatomy of the Vascular Trunks and Fasciae. His work emphasizes10 the importance of anatomy to practical medicine, especially surgery.


1 dissect [di'sekt] розтинати

2 corpse [ko:ps] труп

3 praise [preiz] схвалювати

4 physician [fi'zijsn] лікар

5 blood circulation - кровообіг

6 contribution [ksntri'bjuijh] внесок

7 vascular ['vaeskju:ta] судинний

8 research [ri's3:tf] дослідження

9 topographic [rops'graefik] топографічний

1(1 emphasize ['emfbsaiz] (тут) підкреслювати

Exercise 2. Find sentences about the development of Anatomy and Physiology.

Exercise 3. Collect information about the role of M. Lomonosov in the development of medicine.

Exercise 4. Find English equivalents in the text.

1. Постійна підготовка медпрацівників (деякі з них стали потім видатними вченими) почалася у XVIII столітті. 2. У розвиток анатомії в Росії великий внесок зробили роботи П.А. Загорського, І.В. Буяльського, М.І. Пирогова. 3. М.І. Пирогов вперше застосував цей метод анатомічного дослідження. 4. Виникнення фізіології пов'язане з іменем Вільяма Гарвея.






1. Слова-замінники іменника (§24).

2. Третя особа однини дієслова у Present Indefinite (§25).

3. Прислівники неозначеного часу (§26).

4. Спеціальне питання до підмета та його означення (§27)


(adv.) -1у


Independent Work

Indoor Activities or Home Interests

I. Speaking: Skeleton

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading: read, remember the words and translate the following word combinations.

A limb [lim]; limbs; the left limb; the right limb; the limbs of the human body. An extremity [iks'tremiti]; the upper extremity; the lower extremity; man has four extremities; the arm is an upper extremity; the leg is a lower extremity.

The forehead ['fbrid]; a wide forehead; a narrow forehead; the eyes are under the forehead; the forehead is one of the parts of the face.

The mouth; in the mouth; open your mouth; close your mouth; breathe through the nose but not through the mouth.

The tongue [Urj]; a coated tongue; the tongue is in the mouth; the tongue is the organ of speech; the tongue is very flexible.

The palate ['pselit]; the soft palate; the hard palate; the palate is the organ of taste; the palate is the upper part of the mouth.

A shoulder; the left shoulder; the right shoulder; the shoulder connects the upper extremity with the chest; we have two shoulders.

The thumb; the left thumb; the right thumb; the thumb is one of the fingers on the hand.

The knee; the left knee; the right knee; the knee is a part of the leg.

The calf; the calf of the left leg; the calf of the right leg.
Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words,

skeleton ['skelstn] скелет humerus ['hjuimsrss] плечова кістка

framework ['freim,w3:k] каркас radius ['reidiss] (анат.) променева кістка

bone [Ьзоп] кістка ulna [ліпз] ліктьова кістка

skull [вклі] череп joint ['d3oint] суглоб

clavicle fklaevikl] ключиця bones of the hand - кістки кисті

scapula f'skaepjuta] лопатка femur ['fkma] стегнова кістка

rib [rib] ребро patella [ps'teta] колінна чашечка

breastbone ['brestbson] грудина kneecap ['пі:,кЕер] колінна чашечка

pelvis ['pelvis] таз tibia [tibia] велика гомілкова кістка

spine [spain] спинний хребет fibula ['fibjuta] мала гомілкова кістка

vertebra [rv3:tibr9] хребець (pi. vertebrae bones of the foot - кістки ступні
['v3:tibri:] хребці)
Exercise 3. Look at the skeleton and try to memorize the location of the bones.
Exercise 4. Make up your own questions and supply answers according to the given model. Use the verbs:

To smell, to hear, to taste, to touch, to breathe.

Model: What do we call the organ we see with? - We call the organ we see with an eye.
Exercise 5. Put in the appropriate words.

Taste, smell, thinking, sight, hearing.

1. The brain is the organ of... .2. The eye is the organ of... .3. The nose is the organ of... . 4. The tongue and palate are the organs of ... . 5. The ear is the organ of... .

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions.

1. How many teeth (eyes, ears, tongues, fingers, knees, thumbs, arms, shoulders, limbs, wrists, feet, cheeks, lips, chins, gums, lungs, kidneys, extremities) does man have? 2. What is the organ of thinking (sight, hearing, smell, speech, taste)? 3. What do we do with our eyes

(ears, nose, tongue and palate, fingers)? 4. Is the thigh (calf, ankle, foot, knee, wrist, elbow, hand, shoulder, forearm) a part of the upper or lower extremity?

Exercise 7. Describe the human skeleton.

Exercise 8. Read the text and translate it.


The skeleton is the framework of the body. The skeleton supports the soft parts and protects the internal organs from injury.

There are more than two hundred bones of different sizes and shapes in the skeleton.

The skeleton may be divided into* three main groups of bones: the bones of the head, trunk and extremities. The bones are connected together by joints, cartilages and ligaments. The joints allow the bones to move. Ligaments connect one bone to another. Tendors attach bones to muscles. Muscles contract and move skeleton parts.

The head bones are called the skull. The skull consists of many cranial bones. The upper part of the trunk is formed by the ribs and breastbone in front and the vertebrae in the spine. The lower part is the pelvis.

The bones of the trunk are connected with the upper extremities by the clavicles and scapulas.

The upper extremity consists of the humerus, the radius with the ulna and the hand bones. The lower extremity has the femur, the tibia with the fibula and the foot bones. We do all kinds of work with our upper extremities. And we can walk, run and jump with our lower extremities.

Exercise 9. What words are denned below?

  1. The framework of bones.

  2. The human body apart from the head and extremities.

  3. The upper part of the trunk.

  4. The lower part of the trunk.

  5. The part of the head which contains the brain.

  6. The upper extremities.

  7. The lower extremities.

  8. The end of the arm.

  9. The part of the leg on which we walk.

10. The part of the upper extremity from the shoulder to the hand.
Exercise 10. Ask questions on the text "Skeleton" and retell the text.
11. Communicative situation.

Try to explain to your younger brother how we can move, make things, do different types of work, run, jump, walk.

Grammar Exercises II. Grammar Exercises
Exercise 1. Make up questions and answer them. Work in pairs.

(he) Does he often play volleyball?Yes, he's a very good player.

(you) Excuse me, ... English? Yes, a little.

(you) What ...? I'm a secretary.

(your sister) What..? She works in a shop.

(she)Yes, 20 cigarettes a day.

(it) How often ... in summer? Not often. It's usually dry.

(you) ... dancing? Yes, 1 love it.

(they) What time ... usually ... to bed? 10 o'clock.

(you) What... usually ... for breakfast? Toast and coffee.

(it) How much ... to stay at this hotel? $30 a night.

Exercise 2. You are asking somebody questions. Write questions with Do/Does ...?

1. I work hard.

And you? Do you work hard?

2.I play tennis.

And you? ... you ?

3. We play tennis.

And Ann? ... Ann ?

4. I know the answer.

And you? the answer?

5. 1 like hot weather.

And you? ?

6. I smoke.

And your father? ?

7. I do exercises every morning.

And you? ?

8. I speak English.

And your friends? ?

9. I want to be famous.

And you? ?
Exercise 3. Use the verbs in the list to make sentences about your friend.

Cost, do, do, go, have, like, rain, smoke, speak.

Exercise 4. Write positive or negative short answers (Yes, he does/No, I don V, etc.).

  1. Do you smoke? No, I don't.

  2. Do you live in a big city?

  3. Do you drink a lot of coffee?

  4. Does your mother speak English?

  5. Do you play a musical instrument?

  6. Does it rain a lot where you live?

Exercise 5. Form adverbs with the help of the suffix -ly, use the following words, translate them.

Model: usual - usually (звичайний - звичайно)

Late, day, cold, week, warm, bad, clear, love, pure, correct, probable, exact, high, useful, wide, helpful.

Exercise 6. The verb to look with different prepositions has different meanings. Pay attention to them translating the sentences. Learn these meanings:

to look - дивитися, глянути

to have a look - поглянути

to look for - шукати

to look into - заглядати; досліджувати

to look at - дивитись на

to look after - доглядати (за)

to look ill (tired) - виглядати хворим (втомленим)

to look like - бути схожим

Exercise 7. Translate the sentences (see
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