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§ 24).

1. One must look after one's health. 2. The patient looks tired. One has to look into the problem. 3. Does he look like his brother? 4. Why does she look ill? 5. Look at the table on page 17. 5. The former looks like the mother and the latter like the father. 6. The dog looked at the bone. It likes bones very much.

Exercise 8. Ask questions for the underlined words.

  1. The nurse knows anatomy.

  2. We speak about our patients.

  3. A good nurse takes care of patients carefully.

  4. The doctor examines bed patients.

  5. Bed patients need special care.

III. Independent Work: Indoor Activities or Home Interests

Exersice 1. Read the word combinations and translate them.

Doing things: reading; listening to records, tapes or to the radio; watching television; entertaining friends; playing games (e.g. chess or cards); painting; mending things.

Making things: models, needlework (e.g. sewing), knitting, crocheting, weaving, making carpets, making lace), singing or playing musical instruments (e.g. piano, guitar, violin), cooking and baking, home decorating and repairing.

Collecting things: stamps, postcards, maps, coins, beermats, bottles, tins, old china, autographs, books, butterflies, shells, crystals and other things.

Learning things: learning foreign languages, learning to play a musical instrument, studying music, art, literature or other subjects.

Exercise 2. Name the activities which we can do with our eyes, ears, brain, hands,





Internal Organs



1. Правило ряду (ланцюг іменників) (§28).

2. Зворот thereis/are(§29).

3. Місце прислівників способу дії і ступеня в реченні (§30).
3. Єднальні сполучники (§31)


(n.) -ment, -апсе, -епсе (adj.) -ive, -ous (v.) -fyv'-ify, -ate


Independent Work

Body Systems

I. Speaking: Internal Organs

Exercise 1. Read the following words.

Human body, trunk, limb, extremity, upper, lower, to consist of, to contain the brain, skull, forehead, mouth, lip, cheek, chin, external, internal, gum, tooth (teeth), tongue, palate, to connect, neck, chest, abdomen, lung, heart, gullet, to breathe, beat, abdominal, cavity, stomach, liver, spleen, intestine, kidney, gallbladder, bladder, bone, skeleton, to support, soft, to protect, injury, muscle, shoulder, forearm, elbow, wrist, thumb, hip, thigh, knee, calf, ankle, skin.

Exercise 2. Read the words and remember them.

pharynx ['faerinks] глотка

sternum - грудина

blood [bl\d] кров

esophagus - стравохід

lung [Ілп] легеня

heart [ha:t] серце

diaphragm fdaiafraem], midriff - діафрагма stomach ['sUmak] шлунок liver ['livs] печінка

gall bladder ['go:l,blaedo] жовчний міхур

poison [poiznj отрута

bacterium [bsek'tisriam] мікроб, бактерія

digestion [di'd3estf9n] травлення

pancreas [peenkrias] підшлункова залоза

spleen [splkn] селезінка

kidney ['kidni] нирка

intestine [in'testin] кишка, кишечник

bladder ['blaeds] (сечовий) міхур

to differ [difa] відрізнятись

to destroy [dis'troi] руйнувати

to occupy ['nkjopai] займати; розташовуватись

to pump [рлтр] качати; викачувати

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations.

abdominal cavity - черевна порожнина

internal organ - внутрішній орган

large intestine - товста кишка

small intestine тонка кишка

principal organ - основний орган

sex gland - статева залоза

specific role - особлива роль

whole body - все тіло (організм)

to work over - переробляти

internal medicine - лікування внутрішніх хвороб

Exercise 4. Name the internal organs.

Exercise 5. Read the text and retell it.

Internal Organs

All internal organs are situated in the chest and abdomen. The chest is separated from the abdomen by the diaphragm. The principal organs of the chest are the gullet, the heart and the lungs. The gullet connects the pharynx and the stomach.

There are two lungs - one in each half of the chest. They differ in size. The right lung is larger than the left one. There is the heart between the lungs behind the breastbone. The heart pumps the blood to the whole body.

The lower part of the trunk is the abdominal cavity. The principal organs here are the stomach, the liver, two kidneys, the gallbladder, the pancreas, the spleen, the small and large intestines, the bladder and internal sex glands.

There is the liver with the gallbladder in the right upper abdominal part. The liver is the largest and heaviest organ in the body. It works over all the products of digestion. The liver destroys poisons and bacteria which get into the blood. There is the stomach, the pancreas and the spleen in the left upper part of the abdominal cavity. Behind them there are the right and left kidneys at the back.

The small and large intestines occupy all the lower abdomen. Here is also the bladder and sex glands.

Each internal organ of the body plays a specific role in the organism.

The branch of medicine which studies internal organ diseases is called internal medicine.

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions.

  1. Where is the chest?

  2. What is the lower part of the trunk?

  3. What is there between the chest and abdomen?

  4. What are the principal organs of the chest?

  5. What are the principal organs of the abdominal cavity?

  6. What can you say about the lungs?

  7. What is the function of the heart?

  8. What is the function of the liver?

9) Does each organ have its specific role?

10) What is the name of the branch of medicine which deals with internal organ diseases?

Exercise 7. Make up your own questions and supply answers according to the given model. Use the expressions given below.

Model: What do we call the organ we breathe with? - The organ we breathe with we call the lungs.

To pump the blood, to destroy poisons, to make beats, to connect, to divide.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences.

The external organs are ... .

The internal organs are ... .

The organs of the chest are ... .

The organs of the abdominal cavity are ... .

The organs of the head are ... .

Exercise 9. Learn the conjunctions and translate the sentences.

  1. The book includes both texts and different exercises.

  2. Medical students study both theoretical material and laboratory work.

  3. This text is either in English or in German.

  4. Neither my brother nor my father is at home now.

  5. Not only the liver but also the gallbladder is in the right side of the abdominal cavity.

Exercise 10. Determine the parts of speech of the following words. Mind suffixes.

Treatment, numerous, translate, intensive, demonstrate, clinical, biologist, prescription, digestion, situation, abdominal, scientist.

Exercise 11. Read and act out the dialogs.


Ann: Are you a physician?

Mike: No, I am not.

Teacher: Yes, you are a physician.

Mike: No, I am not.

Teacher: Yes, you are.

Mike: No, I am not a physician.

Teacher: Kate, is Mike a physician?

Kate: Yes, he is.

Mike: No, I am not. I am a doctor.

Kate: Yes, you are. A doctor is a physician.


Teacher: Is this your Anatomy book? Student: No, it isn't. Teacher: And where is yours? Student: I don't know, perhaps at home.

Teacher: Then take my book and open page 37. Is this a picture of internal organs?

Student: Let me see... Yes, it is. I see the heart and the lungs in the chest. Teacher: Anything else?

Student: I know that the gullet is also here, but I don't see it.

Teacher: Of course. You can't see the gullet in this picture. Open page 39!

Exercise 12. Communicative situation.

You met your old friend. She is a student of the School of Music and Arts. You are a student of the medical school. Prove your friend that you know everything about both external and internal organs of the human body.

II. Independent Work: Body Systems

Exercise 1. Learn new words, movement ['mu:vment] рух; переміщення blood vessels ['bUd'veslz] кровоносні судини tissue [tisju:] тканина cell [sel] клітина

nutrient [njuitriant] поживна речовина oxygen ['t>ksid3en] кисень

waste products ['weist'prodAkts] продукти розпаду to convert into - перетворювати в to extract - видаляти, витягувати to dissolve - розчиняти

carbon dioxide ['kaibsndai'oksaid] вуглекислий газ

to expel - виштовхувати, виводити назовні

appendage [Ee'pendid3] придаток

excretory [iksk'retari] вивідний, екскреторний

sense [sens] відчуття, чуття

stimuli ['stimju:lai] стимули

message ['mesid3] повідомлення

memory ['memari] пам'ять

reasoning ['ri:z(a)nirj] міркування

substance ['sAbstans] речовина

hormone ['ha:maon] гормон

growth [graoO] ріст

utilization [ ju:tilai'zeijh] використання reproduction [riprs'dAkJn] відтворення thyroid ['Oairoid] щитовидна залоза pituitary [pi'tju:it(a)ri] гіпофіз gland [gtend] залоза
Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.

Body Systems

The body systems have been variously stated to be nine, ten or eleven in number, depending on how much detail one wishes to include. Here is one list of the systems.

  1. The skeleton system. The basic framework of the body is a system of over 200 bones and the joints between them, collectively known as skeletal.

  2. The muscular system. Body movements result from the action of the skeletal muscles, which are attached to the bones. Other types of muscles are present in the walls of body organs such as the intestine and the heart.

  3. The circulatory system. The heart and blood vessels make up the system when the blood is pumped by the heart to all the body tissues, bringing with it nutrients, oxygen, and other substances and carrying away waste materials. Lymphatic vessels play an important supporting role in circulation.

  4. The digestive system. This system comprises all organs that have to do with taking in food and converting it into substances that the body cells can use. Examples of these organs are the mouth, gullet, stomach, intestine, liver, and pancreas.

  5. The respiratory system includes the lungs and the passages leading to them. The purpose of this system is to take in air and extract oxygen from it. Oxygen is then dissolved in the blood and conveyed to all the tissues. A waste product of the cells, carbon dioxide, is taken by the blood to the lungs, where it is expelled to the outside air.

  6. The integumentary system. The word integument means skin. The skin is considered by some authorities to be a separate body system. It includes the skin and its appendages: hair, nails, sweat and oil glands.

  7. The urinary system. This is also called the excretory system. Its main components are the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Its chief purpose is to rid the body of certain waste products and excess water. (Note that other waste products are removed by the digestive and respiratory systems and by the skin.)

  8. The nervous system. The brain, spinal cord, and nerves make up this very complex system, which controls and coordinates most parts of the body. The organs of special sense (such as the eyes, ears, taste buds, and organs of smell), together with the receptors for touch and other senses, receive stimuli from the outside world. These stimuli are converted into impulses that are transmitted to the brain. The brain directs the body's responses to these messages and also to messages coming from within the body. Such higher functions as memory and reasoning also occur in the brain.

  9. The endocrine system. Scattered organs known as endocrine glands produce special substances called hormones, which regulate such body functions as growth, food utilization within cells, and reproduction. Examples of endocrine glands are the thyroid and pituitary glands.

10) The reproductive system. This system includes the external sex organs and all related
inner structures that are connected with the production of offspring.

Exercise 3. Remember the pronunciation of the names of the body systems,

skeletal ['skelit(3)l] скелетний integumentary [m,t3gju'ment(3)ri] покривний

muscular ['mAskju:b] м'язовий urinary Пи(з)гіп(з)гі] сечовий

circulatory ['s3:kju:btri] циркуляційний; що nervous ['n3:vss] нервовий

має відношення до кровообігу endocrine ['endsokrain] ендокринний

digestive [di'd3estiv] травний reproductive [ TKprs'dAktiv] репродукційний,

respiratory ['respsr3,to:ri] дихальний відтворний, що стосується розмноження

Exercise 4. Name the main functions of every system of the human body.

Exercise 5. Correct mistakes in the sentences.

  1. The main system of respiration is the integumentary system.

  2. The excretory system produces hormones.

  3. The blood is pumped to all the body tissues by the muscles.

  4. The stomach, liver and pancreas belong to the endocrine system.

  5. The heart coordinates the functions of the body.

  6. The lungs take in the air and isolate carbon dioxide from it.

  7. The muscles are present in all parts of the body.

  8. The skin is a separate body system.

  9. The brain is an organ of the skeletal system.

  10. The рифове of the respiratory system is to rid the body of certain waste products.






Grammar Suffixes

1. Об'єктний відмінок особових займенників (§32).

2. Основні форми дієслова (§33).

3. Функції займенника it (§34).

4. Вживання слів much-little, many-few (§35)
(n.) -er/-or

(adj.) -ant, -ent

I. Speaking: Heart

Exercise 1. Learn the words and word combinations.

Autumn: It is the third season of the year, between summer and winter. September, October and November are autumn months.

Spring: Spring is the season of the year between winter and summer.

Flower: a part of a plant; beautiful flowers; pleasant odor of flowers. The flower rose is the national emblem of England. The trees were in flower.

Leaf (pi. leaves): green parts of a plant. Leaves are the part of a plant which can be used in medicine. Spring is the season of the year when first leaves appear on trees.

Yellow: a color. Some flowers may be yellow. Lemon is of yellow color.

Green: a color. Leaves of most plants and trees are green in spring and in summer. It is a colour between yellow and blue in the colour spectrum.

Brown: The color of coffee is called brown.

Depend (on): Children depend on their parents not only for food. Italy depends on foreign countries for oil.

Sweet: a taste. We call the taste of sugar sweet. Some fruits are sweet. Buy (bought): We can buy drugs at the chemist's shop. Yesterday I bought an interesting book.

Dog: Dog is a friend of man. Experiments are often conducted on dogs.
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