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I. Speaking: How to Take a Pulse

Exercise 1. Phonetic exercise: hollow - порожній, порожнистий vagus - блукаючий нерв to maintain [mein'tein] утримувати heart sound - серцевий шум (звук) heartbeat - биття серця; пульсація cavity ['kaeviti] порожнина to expel [iks'pel] виштовхувати atrium ['eitrism] передсердя contents [kontents] вміст

learn the words and their pronunciation, ventricle ['ventrikl] шлуночок contraction [ksn'traekfn] стискання; звуження; скорочення valve [vaslv] клапан

nervous connection [ks'nekjh] нервове сполучення

entrance ['entrens] вхід

exit ['egzit] вихід

bag - мішок; сумка; валіза

layer - пласт, шар

Exercise 2. Read the text and translate it.
Heart (Part 2)

There are four cavities in our heart. The two upper cavities are atriums and the two lower ones are ventricles. The ventricles are opened and closed with four valves.

The heart is within a strong fibrous bag known as the pericardium. The heart consists of three layers: the epicardium, the myocardium and the endocardium. The epicardium and endocardium consist of connective tissue. The muscular tissue of the heart is known as the myocardium.

Heart action regulation is provided by important nervous connections, especially with the vagus and sympathetic nerves.

The heart valves make the noise known as heart sounds. At each heartbeat the two atriums contract and push their contents into the ventricles.

In adults the heart makes from 70 to 75 beats per minute while in children it beats much faster.

There is a period of rest for the muscle between the beats. This rest period is shorter during greater activity and longer when the body is quiet.

On average the heart is in a state of contraction for about one third of our life.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

1. How many cavities are there in our heart? 2. What bag is our heart within? 3. How many layers does the heart consist of? 4. What important connections are there in the heart? 5. How many beats does the heart make in adults and in children?
Exercise 4. Learn the following words and word combinations.

pulse [рлЬ] пульс

to take a pulse - прощупувати пульс radial ['reidjal] радіальний; променевий fast [fa;st] швидкий deep [di:p] глибокий shallow ['Jaebo] поверхневий

rate [reit] частота

rhythm ['ridm] ритм

result [ri'zAlt] результат

beating ['bktirj] пульсація; серцебиття

to note [naut] помічати

to count [kaont] рахувати, лічити

to calm [ka:m] заспокоювати

Exercise 5. Read the text.
How to Take a Pulse

As you know you can control the work of your heart taking your pulse. And it is not difficult. Put three fingers of your left hand over the radial artery on your right hand and count the beatings.

Every nurse must be careful when she takes the patient's pulse. Many patients are nervous when they see a doctor or a nurse and the patient's pulse is faster as a result.

The nurse must wait a few minutes, calm the patient and only then begin to count the pulse. She must pay attention to any changes in the pulse and note if it is deep or shallow, the rate, the rhythm and the strength of beating. Changes in the pulse are very important and the nurse must immediately tell the doctor about them.

Exercise 6. Demonstrate on your neighbour how to take a pulse, comment your actions.

Exercise 7. Translate the word combinations into English.

Вимірювати пульс, серцебиття, зміни пульсу пацієнта, не важко, три пальці лівої руки, променева артерія, зачекати кілька хвилин, заспокоїти пацієта, порахувати пульс, бачити зміни, сила биття, нервуватися, негайно повідомити лікаря.
Exercise 8. Read the joke.
Laughter Is the Best Medicine

Doctor's wife: Now, my dear, you must forget your profession if you go to see our friends with me.

Her husband: What have I done?

Doctor's wife: Why do you feel the pulse of everyone who gives you a hand?

Exercise 9. Read the information.
How the Second Hand in Your Watch Was Invented

John Floyer, an English doctor, discovered the varying pulse rate. In order to take his patients' pulse, he constructed his own special pulse watch which ran for 60 seconds. So the second hand in your watch originated from Floyer's pulse watch.


second hand - секундна стрілка discovered - відкрив invented - винайшов varying - змінний watch - годинник originated - походить
II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Learn the interrogative words.

Who, whom (by whom, about whom, with whom), whose, what (by what, about what, with what), when, why, where, which, how, how many (how much).
Exercise 2. Read the dates.

1066,1382,1905.1812,1917,1986, 2000, 2004.
Exercise 3. Read the numerals.

138; 159-й;100; 101-й; 2/5; 0,365; 1350; 1648; 2387520-й.

Exercise 4. Ask 10 special questions based on the text "Heart (Part 2)" using the interrogative words from Exercise 1.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the parts of speech of the underlined words:

  1. Group the results. Examine your group.

  2. The results interest them. The book was of great interest.

  3. Here is a list of students. List the symptoms in your vocabulary.

  4. Study English, it's important for you. My study at school was not so good.

  5. His present was on the table. They present me roses on my birthday.

  6. How does the organ function? The function of the kidneys is to act as niters.

  7. Do you advise me to go there? But your advice isn't useful.

  8. Use the medicine if you want. It's use doesn't help me.

III. Independent Work: My Heart Will Go on

Exercise 1. This song is well-known all over the world. We heard it for the first time in the famous film "Titanic" (it is performed by Celine Dion). Read the song and translate it.

My Heart Will Go on

(Lyrics by Will Jennings, music by James Horner)

Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you,

That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance and spaces between us.

You have come to show you go on.

Near, far, wherever you are

I believe that the heart does go on.

Once more you open the door

And you're here in my heart

And my heart will go on and on.

Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime

And never let go till we're gone.

Love was when I loved you, one true time I hold to.

In my life we'll always go on.

You're here, there's nothing I fear

And I know that my heart will go on.

We'll stay forever this way,

You are safe in my heart

And my heart will go on and on.
Exercise 2. Learn it by heart. You can sing this song yourself and with your friends.







1. Місце прямого і непрямого додатків у реченні (§41).

2. Дієслово у Past Indefinite (§42).

3. Неправильні дієслова (§43).

4. Дієслово to be у Past Indefinite (§44).

5. Дати, місяці, дні тижня (§45)


(n.) -ture/-ure


Independent Work

Functions of Blood

I. Speaking: Blood

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading.

Test yourself: do you remember these words and word combinations from school? Shop: A place where different things are sold is called a shop.

Department: medical department, pharmaceutical department. The institute has three departments. There are two departments at the chemist's.

Wash: a room for washing. Every day when I get up I wash my face and hands. After every experiment they wash glassware and vessels.

Plant: My father works at the plant as an engineer. We gather medical plants during our practice. Where is the plant you work at?

Keep: You may keep the book for two weeks. Keep your room ventilated. We keep drugs in a cold place. The shelf where we keep our medicines is on the left.

Letter: Our alphabet has 34 letters, the English one has 26. Children usually read big letters easier. What letters are most often used? Do you often write letters to your parents (sister, brother, grandparents)? Yesterday I received a letter from my friend.

Separately: I live separately from my parents. Every drug is kept separately.

Separate: England is separated from France by the English Channel and the sea.

Physicians: This institute trains physicians and pharmacists. We often come to consult physicians when we are not well.

Follow: You must follow the reaction attentively.

Remember: I can't remember his name. Do you remember how to do it? Contamination: contamination of water and air. Contaminate: contaminated river, a contaminated drug.

Exercise 2. Learn the following words and word combinations,

fluid ['floid] рідина carbon dioxide ['ka:bn,dai'r>ksaid] вуглекислий газ

scarlet ['skarlit] яскраво-червоний nitrogen ['пайгзгіззп] азот

dark red - темно-червоний proteins fprsotimz] білки

course [ko:s] курсувати, переміщуватись lipids [Tipidz] жири

plasma ['plaezma] плазма carbohydrates [,ka:b3u'haidreits] вуглеводи

red blood cells - еритроцити inorganic salts [,іпз: 'gEenik'sDlts] неорганічні солі

white blood cells - лейкоцити blood test - аналіз крові

platelets ['pleitlits] - тромбоцити abnormal - ненормальний

dissolved [di'zolvd] розчинений amount [з'тзопі] кількість

gas [gees] газ composition [,кптрз'гі/(з)п] склад

oxygen ['Dksid33n] кисень relatively constant - відносно постійний

Exercise 3. Choose the word that correctly completes each of the following sentences. Use the words below.
Heart and Blood

1. Your heart is a wonderful ... that works during every minute of your life. 2. You can help it work long and well: you can strengthen it, protect it from ... by exercises and regular ... . 3. Take your ... and you can control the work of your ... 4. About five liters of blood fill our arteries, veins and ... .5. ... carry blood from the heart. 6. ... carry blood to the heart. 1. ... has red blood cells, white blood cells and .... 8. Today doctors can take blood ... , listen to the heart, take blood tests and take the ... of the patient's heart.

a) arteries, b) heart, c) capillaries, d) blood, e) veins, f) regiment, g) disease, h) plasma, i) organ,]) in such a way, k) pressure, I) cardiogram, m) pulse

Exercise 4. Put words in the right order to make sentences.

  1. is, minute, 70, our, per, about, pulse, beats.

  2. the, exercises, after, heart, faster, heavy, works.

  3. be, the. after, or, will, a, two, again, minute, pulse, normal.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

Серце - головний орган кровоносної системи. Вени несуть кров до серця. Артерії несуть кров від серця до кожної частини людського тіла. Серце скорочується і перекачує кров. Вимірявши пульс, ти зможеш перевірити роботу свого серця.
Exercise 6. Read the text and retell it.

About five liters of blood fill our arteries, veins and capillaries. The blood is the fluid that courses through the blood vessels of the body, so the blood supplies the body cells with necessary substances for living. The blood is of the red color. In the arteries it's scarlet, in the veins it's dark red.

The blood consists of the plasma (a yellowish liquid composed of water), dissolved gases, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen; proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances and inorganic salts; red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The amount and composition of the blood in a healthy person are relatively constant. Various diseases cause changes in the blood. These changes we can see making blood tests. In laboratories today different blood tests are conducted.

If a person has any changes in his blood, he must immediately consult a doctor.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions.

  1. What substance is the blood?

  2. What is the composition of the blood?

  3. What is the main function of the blood?

  4. What colour does the blood have in the veins? In the arteries?

  5. What do changes in the composition of our blood show?

  6. How do we see changes of the blood?

Exercise 8. Make a plan of the text "Blood"".

Exercise 9. Read and translate the text. Give a title to the text.

An antigen is a substance that can provoke an immune (protective) response of the body. An antigen promotes production of antibodies that will interact only with that antigen. On the surface of all cells there are numerous antigens, which cause production of different antibodies. The major blood groups (types А, В, AB, and O) are differentiated on the basis of the presence on the red blood cells of those surface antigens: type A blood has antigen A, type В has antigen B, type AB has both antigen A and antigen B, and type О has neither antigen A nor antigen B, A person's blood type must be identified before a blood transfusion can be given because his or her blood may reject transfused blood of the wrong type. Type A blood plasma, for example, does not contain any anti-A antibodies. It does, however, contain anti-B antibodies. If type В blood is transfused, the anti-B antibodies in the plasma will destroy the type В red cells, which have type В antigens.
II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Write the past form of these verbs.

l.get 6. leave 11. buy 16. put

  1. eat 7. see 12. know 17. tell

  2. pay 8. go 13. stand 18. lose

  3. make 9. hear 14. take 19. think

  4. give 10. find 15. do 20. speak

Exercise 2. Form as many questions as possible.






on Saturdays? music?

How often

do does

your parents



your hair?





at weekends?

How much






this word

cost mean

to fly to Rome?


Exercise 3. Complete these sentences. Use one of these verbs in Past Simple (smoke, watch, play, rain, clean, die, enjoy, finish, happen, live, open, start, stay, want).

1. Yesterday evening I watched television. 2.1... my teeth three times yesterday. 3. Bernard ...20 cigarettes yesterday evening. 4. The concert last night ... at 7.30 and ... at 10 o'clock. 5. The accident ... last Sunday afternoon. 6. When I was a child, I ... to be a doctor. 7. Mozart ... from 1756 to 1791. 8. We ... our holiday last year. 9. We ... at a very good hotel. 10. Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it... . 11. It was hot in the room, so I ... the window. 12. The weather was good yesterday, so we ... tennis. 13. Shakespeare ... in 1616.

Exercise 4. Change the location of the direct object where it is possible.

  1. Please, send this book to Boris.

  2. Please, take that letter and give it to Peter.

  3. Don't read us this text.

  4. Please take the textbook and write some questions to his friend.

  5. Please give these telegrams to your boss.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into English, pay attention to the place of objects.

1. Коли ви дали мені цю книгу? 2. Ти написав лист сестрі чи брату? 3. Не читай мені це оповідання, я знаю його. 4. Вчитель пояснює нам нові правила. 5. Я хочу подивитися цей фільм. Не розповідай мені про нього.
Exercise 6. Say in English.

21.06.1985; у травні 1905; вісімнадцятого січня 1510 року; 1773 p.; 1918; 2001;
сьогодні - 200... року; це було в середу, 11 квітня 1960 року.

Exercise 7. Read the words aloud, pay attention to the suffix -ure and its pronunciation.

Picture, lecture, nature, feature, fracture, tincture, culture, procedure, literature, adventure, structure, furniture, mixture.

Exercise 8. Tell your friend what you did yesterday or what happened the day before yesterday.
III. Independent Work: Functions of Blood

Exercise 1. Read the text.

Functions of Blood

The blood has many functions.

The blood performs an important function in metabolism: it delivers nutrients to the tissues of all the organs and carries the waste products away.

The blood performs a most important function in respiration: it delivers oxygen to the tissues of the organs and carries carbon dioxide away. Oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide is eliminated from it in the lungs.

The blood effects humoral regulation of the activities of hormones around the organism. Some of these substances stimulate while others inhibit the work of the organs.

The blood also has a protective function: it contains cells which possess properties of phagocytosis and special products called antibodies, which play a protective role.

The blood takes part in regulation of heat and in maintaining a constant body temperature. With the bloodstream heat is transported from warmer parts of the body to cooler parts. The blood gives off the excess of heat into the external environment, and organism doesn't become overheated.


perform [p3'fo:m] здійснювати metabolism [ma'tasbsltzm] обмін речовин deliver [di'lhva] постачати tissue ['tisju:] тканина respiration [respi reifn] дихання eliminate [s'limineit] виділяти

effect - впливати

hormone ['ho:m9on] гормон

stimulate ['stimjoleit] стимулювати

inhibit [in'hibit] пригнічувати, гальмувати

properties ['prnpstiz] властивості

phagocytosis [^fegssai'tsosiz] фагоцитоз

antibody [,a3nti'bt>di] антитіло

maintain [mein'tein] утримувати; зберігати

constant body temperature - постійна температура тіла

excess [ik'ses] надлишок, надмір

external environment [in'vai(3)r9nment] зовнішнє середовище overheat - перегрів
Exercise 2. Make a plan of the text.
Exercise 3. Tell your friend about the five main functions of the blood.




Blood Pressure


Grammar Suffixes

1. Дієприкметник минулого часу (Participle II) (§46).

2. Дієслово to have і зворот to have got (§47).

3. Вираження відмінків у реченні (§48).

4. Неозначені займенники some, any(§49).
(n.) -ion (-tion, -sion)

(adj.) -ml, -less, -able


Independent Work

Instant Blood Test

I. Speaking: Blood Pressure

Exercise 1. Phonetic exercise. Say the dates in English.

27.01.1987; 4.02.1936; 11.03.1908; 1.04.1981; 29.05.1949; 13.06.2000; 14.07.1958; 12.08.1999; 4.09.1966; 28.10.2003; 5.11.1836; 3.12.1936.

Exercise 2. Learn the following words.

pressure ['prejs] тиск; напруга blood pressure (BP) ['bi: pi:] кров'яний тиск systolic f'sistslik] систолічний diastolic [dai'asstslik] діастолічний hypertension [,haip3:'tenfn] підвищений тиск headache ['hedeik] головний біль heartache ['ha:teik] серцевий біль fatigue [fs'thg] втома
dizziness ['dizinss] запаморочення frighten ['frait(a)n] лякати calm [ka:m] заспокоювати anemia [a'nkmjs] малокрів'я hypotension [,haip3o'tenjh] знижений тиск cause [ka:z] причина heredity — спадковість

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations, to check one's BP - виміряти чийсь кров'яний тиск arterial wall - стінка артерії hypotensive drugs - ліки, що знижують тиск

to be caused by different conditions - бути викликаним різними обставинами

to be dangerous - бути небезпечним

flushing of the face - почервоніння обличчя

ringing in the ears - дзвін (шум) у вухах

thumping in the chest - важкість у грудях

frequent nosebleeds - часті носові кровотечі

to be more susceptible - бути більш схильним

at greater risk - із особливим ризиком

current evidence - сучасні дослідження

overweight - надмірна вага

prolonged stress - тривале напруження

smoking and drinking - паління і алкоголь

"silent disease" - "тиха хвороба"

obvious symptoms - очевидні симптоми
Exercise 4. Read the text and translate it.
Blood Pressure
The blood pressure (BP) is the pressure of the blood on the arterial wall.

The blood pressure can be normal, low or high. The normal BP is between 110-140 (the systolic pressure) over 70-90 (the diastolic pressure).

As a rule we check BP with the help of the tonometer and stethoscope. Today everybody can take his blood pressure easily, because there are different electronic tonometers.

When you check the patient's BP, you must think about his age. If a person of 20 has the blood pressure of 150. it is dangerous. And if a person of 50 has the same BP, it isn't dangerous.

High Blood Pressure

Contrary to popular belief, there is no typically hypertensive person. However, some people are more susceptible to developing high blood pressure than others. Heredity appears to play a role, the persons whose parents are hypertensive are at greater risk of becoming hypertensive themselves.

In the past, hypertension was attributed to aging, but current evidence indicates that age is not the primary factor.

Overweight, prolonged stress, smoking and drinking may increase blood pressure.

Hypertension has been called "silent disease" because it often has no obvious symptoms. A person may have high blood pressure for years without noticing any symptoms.

High blood pressure often frightens patients. The nurse must calm them. Such patients can complain of headaches, heartaches, frequent nosebleeds, flushing of the face, ringing in the ears, thumping in the chest, fatigue and dizziness. Hypertensive patients must not work hard.

Low Blood Pressure

Hypotension or low blood pressure is as dangerous as hypertension. It is caused by different conditions. Anemia may be a cause of hypotension. Great fatigue, weakness can also cause hypotension. In all cases it is very serious and the nurse must be very attentive to those patients.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using the words below.

  1. Blood pressure can be ...

  2. We can check BP with the help of...

  3. Hypertension is the ...

  4. Hypotension is the ...

  5. The patients with high blood pressure mustn't ...

  6. These patients complain of...

  7. If your BP is 120 over 70, it's ...

1) work hard; 2) normal; 3) normal, low and high; 4) headaches and heartaches; 5) low BP; 6) high BP; 7) tonometer
Exercise 6. Make up your own sentences with the following words.

Fatigue, calm, anemia, arterial wall, at greater risk, check BP.

Exercise 7. Make a plan of the text. Exercise 8. Give a short summary of the text. Exercise 9. Tell the group about the "silent disease".

II. Grammar Exercises
Exercise 1. Form Participle II of irregular verbs.

Get, leave, buy, put, eat, see, know, tell, pay, go, stand, lose, make, hear, take, think, give, find, do, speak.

Exercise 2. Form Participle II of the following verbs. Pay attention to the pronun­ciation of -ed.

Work, build, carry out, have, be, use, compound, place, wash, enter, consist, include, keep, see, find, make, do, sound, dispense, gather, mean, decrease, introduce, discover.

Exercise 3. Group the words according to parts of speech. Mind their suffixes.

Medicinal, practical, widely, collected, increased, natural, usually, preservation, harvesting, highly, colored, ripening, elliptical, described, possessing, slightly, pharmacological.

Exercise 4. Translate the phrases into Ukrainian. Memorize the meaning of the adjective suffixes.

Суфікси прикметників: -less вказує на відсутність ознаки: aim (ціль, мета) - aimless (безцільний): help (допомога) - helpless (безпорадний); -able вказує на пасивне значення: to read (читати) - readable (що легко читається); to move (рухатися) - movable (пересувний); -ive вживається у прикметниках, утворених від дієслів: to invent (винаходити) - inventive (винахідливий); to act (діяти) - active (активний).

  1. An endless street; a homeless boy; a waterless zone; a cornerless table; a treeless street; a friendless man; nameless heroes; saltless food; workless people;

  2. eatable food; a readable article; dividable numbers; controllable processes; hearable sounds; an explainable question; movable things; answerable questions.

Exercise 5. Ask your friend questions beginning with Where/What/How. Model: I wash my hair twice a week, (how often/you9)

How often do you wash your hair? 1 live in London, (where) I watch TV every day. (how often) I have lunch at home, (where) 1 get up at 7.30. (what time) I go to the cinema a lot. (how often) 1 go to work by bus. (how)

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences with Participle II.

  1. The text demonstrated in the lab is new.

  2. Each article contains information discussed in the mass media.

  3. The topic presented for studying concerns surgery.

  4. The story begun so sad had a happy end.

  5. The liquid poured into that vessel was the water from our river.

Exercise 8. Translate the sentences into English. Use the pronouns some, any, no.

1. Лікар приділив увагу деяким питанням. 2. Зараз лабораторія має кілька сучасних мікроскопів. 3. Ніхто ще не може вилікувати цю хворобу. 4. Будь-який медпрацівник може зробити цей аналіз. 5. У вас ще є запитання? - Я не маю запитань. 6. Деякі з цих зошитів мої, а решта - мого брата. 7. У мене є деякі з цих записів у записнику. 8. Дехто зі студентів готує завдання у бібліотеці.
III. Independent Work: Instant Blood Test

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text

instant - негайний, терміновий

sample ['ssmpl] зразок; проба

index ['indeks] індекс; показник

count [kaunt] рахувати

spot [sprrt] місце; пізнавати

untrained [An'treind] непідготовлений

blood count - аналіз крові

clotting component - компонент згортання

get results - отримувати результати

devise a diagnostic system - розробити

діагностичну систему

on the spot - на місці; негайно

using the notes, ultraviolet light source [so:s] джерело ультрафіолетових променів centrifuge ['sentrifju:d3] центрифуга reader - пристрій зчитування version ['v3:Jn] версія; варіант beam [bi:m] промінь; направляти промені detect [di'tekt] виявляти measure ['теза] порахувати; виміряти reagent [rk'eidjent] реактив, реагент eyepiece ['аірі:s] окуляр coagulate [ksu'£egju:leit] згортатися

Instant Blood Test
To a doctor, a patient's blood sample is a special index. Medical analysis of a blood count can help to spot various infections, diseases and even some types of cancer. Usually doctors have to wait hours and sometimes days to test a blood sample. But now even untrained medical workers can perform on-the-spot blood tests and get results in minutes thanks to newly developed electronic instruments. Doctors devised a diagnostic system that consists of a centrifuge and an incubator for blood samples, and a reader that can diagnose the condition of the blood. The reader is a version of a microscope connected to an ultraviolet light source. When beamed to the blood sample through filters, the light is able to detect red cells, white cells and platelets, the blood clotting component. Then computerized sensors can automatically measure these components.

All that a medical technician must do is look through the microscope eyepiece. According to the developers, blood test analysis with this system may take about 15 minutes.

Instant diagnoses are the object of recent research.

Japanese scientists designed an instrument which can detect the presence of cancer within a few minutes. A special reagent must be used. It coagulates the blood and the results of the analyses are displayed on the screen.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. Does a patient's blood sample help a doctor to diagnose the disease? 2. What can help the doctor to detect various infections, diseases and even some types of cancer? 3. Who can perform on-the-spot blood tests? Why is it important? 4. Are the on-the-spot tests difficult to perform? Why? 5. Do you think that such diagnostic instruments may be the instruments of the future?




Healthy Way of Life


Grammar Suffixes

1. Зворотні займенники (§50).

2. Модальне дієслово сап і вирази, що його замінюють (§51).

3. Способи перекладу слова as(§52)
(n.) -edge

(v.) -ize


Independent Work

Test "Are You Going to Live to 100?"

I. Speaking: Healthy Way of Life

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading. Read the following verbs. When do we read [t], [d], or [id]? What form of the verb is formed with -edl

Weighed [weid], equipped [ik'wipt], carried ['kaerid], stored [sto:d], recorded [ri'ko:did], obtained [ab'teind], ventilated [Venti,leitid], entered ['entad], divided [di'vaidid], included [ink'lu:did], graduated ['gra;dju,eitid], measured ['me39d], required [ri'kwaiad], prevented [pri'ventid], trained ['treind], increased [in'kri:zd], improved [im'pruvd], discovered [dis'Lwad], prepared [pri'pead], dispensed [dis'penst].
Exercise 2. Read and learn new words.

fitness ['fitnas] хороша фізична форма jog [djog] бігати підтюпцем work out ['w3:kaut] тренуватися;

тренування drug [drAg] медикамент, ліки; наркотик accept [ak'sept] визнавати enormous [і'nomas] величезний attractive [a'trasktiv] привабливий wrist [rist] зап'ясток multiply [тлШрІаі] (мат.) множити pulse rate [reit] частота пульсу fair [fea] (тут) непоганий, посередній

lung capacity [ka'paesati] ємність легень squash [skwuf] гра в м'яч (подібна до тенісу) suit [sju:t] відповідати вимогам sensible [sensabl] практичний (про одяг) triple [tripl] потроюватися sweat [swet] пітніти release [ri'li:s] виділяти

exhaustion [ig'zo:stfn] виснаження, знесилення injury ['іпазагі] травма, ушкодження stamina ['staemina] витривалість suppleness ['sAplnas] гнучкість

Exercise 3. Read the text.

Fitness and Health

For millions of people around the world, regular exercise is now part of their daily lives. Some jog, cycle or swim, while others prefer to work out in gyms, do aerobics or play team sports. They're part of the worldwide fitness revolution which has taken place over the last twenty years. The question is, why has the revolution happened? Well, there are several major factors.

  1. Fit people live longer, healthier lives than unfit people - especially unfit people who also smoke, drink or take drugs. People now accept that taking regular exercise is a great way to become and stay healthy.

  2. In today's world there's enormous pressure on both men and women to look as young and attractive as possible. It's also another reason for the fitness boom. Fit people not only feel good, they look good, too.

c) More sport appears on our TV screens today than ever before.
Work out videos have made it easier to exercise at home.

Dozens of new magazines devoted to sport and fitness have been published in recent years.

How can I measure my own fitness level?

The simplest way is to take your pulse. Here's how.

  1. Put two fingers of the left hand across your right wrist.

  2. Relax.

  3. Count the number of beats you can feel in the next fifteen seconds.

  4. Multiply the number of beats by four to get your pulse rate per minute.

  5. Check your answer on the chart below.

Pulse Rate When RelaxedLevel of Fitness

(beats per minute)

80 or more Poor

70-79 60-69 50-59

Under 50

Fair Good Very good Excellent

People talk about "aerobic exercise "

What is aerobic exercise? It's any activity during which your pulse goes up to a minimum of 140 beats per minute for at least twenty minutes. Jogging, swimming, cycling and football are all aerobic. It's not enough to jog, swim or cycle only once or twice a month.

To improve your heart and lung capacity you need to do an aerobic activity three times per week.

What's the best way to prepare for exercise if you're not used to it?

If you're a beginner, it's very important to make sure thaf

(a) the activity you've chosen suits your level of fitness (e.g. don't play squash for an hour if you're totally unfit);

  1. you're wearing sensible clothes and shoes;

  2. you warm up slowly and gradually before you start the activity itself. What actually happens inside the body during exercise?

A lot! Your heartbeat goes up from an average of 60-70 beats per minute to an average of 160-170. The amount of blood being pumped by your heart triples. You breathe deeper and three times more often than usual. Extra blood is sent to your muscles. You lose water due to sweating. You feel good because your body releases chemicals called endorphins.

But too much exercise can be just as bad for you as too little. Exhaustion and muscle injuries are just two of the possible problems.

What are the advantages of being fit?

There are lots. Fitness reduces the risk of heart attacks; increases strength, stamina and suppleness; means that you sleep better and don't get tired so easily; helps you to lose weight; increases the size and tone of your muscles; makes you feel healthier, happier and more positive.

Exercise 4. Give English equivalents of the words.

Бігати підтюпцем, їздити на велосипеді, плавати, спортзал, здоров'я, добрий стан здоров'я, тренуватися, визнавати, привабливий, телеекран, журнали, вживати, жир, небезпечний.
Exercise 5. Complete the sentences.

1. Fit people live ...

a. they look good too.

2. The food we eat ...

b. is called our diet.

3. Fit people not only feel good ...

c. longer, healthier lives.

4. Overeating is ...

d. on our TV screens.

5. More sport appears ...

e. dangerous to health.

Exercise 6. Match the words/word combinations.

  1. dangerous to health а) підвищений тиск

  2. to work out b) залишатися здоровим

  3. fitness c) небезпечний для здоров'я

  4. to stay healthy d) добрий стан здоров'я

  5. high pressure e) приділяти увагу

  6. to pay attention f) тренуватися

  7. adequate quantities g) відповідна кількість

Exercise 7. Aswer the questions.

  1. What is now part of people's daily lives?

  2. What kind of sports do people go in for?

  3. What has taken place over the last twenty years?

  4. What are major factors?

  5. What else influences our health'?

  6. What should people do to keep their health up to the mark?

  1. What do we call a diet?

  2. What are the constituents of food?

  3. Is overeating dangerous to health?

10. In what form is the food eaten in exess of the body's energy requirements stored?

Exercise 8. If you want to live to 100, you may use the "Eternal Youth Laws". Read them, follow them and you'll be all right ail your life!

Eternal Youth Laws
Obey the following rules for wellness to keep your immune system functioning properly and working for you to prevent diseases and put life into your years and years into your life.

Dietary Wellness is the foundation for having a healthier, happier, more youthful life, and actually reversing disease. Do you really care enough about yourself to gain optimum health? Eternal Youth is your choice!

  1. Healthy diet must be a life long endeavor.

  2. Digestion starts in the mouth, chew your food well.

  3. Avoid ice cold beverage and do not drink beverages with meals.

  4. Do not eat heavy foods upon arising or before retiring.

  5. Eat only when very hungry, then undereat.

  6. Rest on the seventh day.

  7. Do not consume saturated fats.

  8. Consume only natural whole foods, as God intended.

  9. Avoid highly processed foods which overwork the organs.

  10. Avoid precooked and processed foods that destroy enzymes and nutrients.

  11. Consume 50 % raw "living" foods and extra fiber.

  12. Steam, boil or bake your foods and undercook vegetables.

  13. Omit white flour, white rice, white salt and pepper.

  14. Cleanse your system periodically by fasting with pure, fresh juices.

  15. Consume foods free of toxic insecticides and chemicals.

  16. Avoid foods with preservatives and additives.

  17. Avoid alcohol - cigarettes - caffeine - drags - stress.

  18. Take quality multivitamin and mineral supplements daily.

  19. Drink 6-8 glasses of pure mineral or steam distilled water.

  20. Enjoy fresh air and sunshine daily.

  21. Exercise daily - include walking and stretching.

  22. Keep active mentally and physically.

  23. Maintain a positive state of mind.

  24. Pray and be thankful for everything.

  25. Be grateful for who you are and where you are.

  26. Do not expect the impossible, set realistic goals and achieve them.

  27. Love your neighbor as yourself.

  28. Have faith in God.

Exercise 9. Make a dialog with your friend: he says that unhealthy life is good, and you prove that healthy life is better.

Exercise 10. Explain the meaning of the American proverb: "Live every day of your life as though you expect to live forever".
II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns. Translate them.

1. You washed ... 2.1 asked ...

  1. She corrects his mistakes ...

  2. She makes the dresses...

  3. The system does it ...

  4. We spoke with them ...

  5. They came back ...

  6. You will describe the method ...

Exercise 2. Replace the modal verbs in brackets with their appropriate forms.

  1. I (can) buy all the necessary things at the market yesterday.

  2. Many flowers (may) be collected in the time of pollination.

3. As it was diffcult for us to identify the herb we (must) descibe its odour, colour and

  1. In some years we (can) dispense medicines.

  2. I was only a first-year student and (can) not work as a specialist at the hospital.

  3. Before we entered the laboratory we (must) put on white gowns.

Exercise 3. Give short and full answers to the following questions.

  1. Should they come earlier today?

  2. Could he enter the medical college last year?

  3. Will they have to be present at the Chemistry lecture?

  4. May he begin the experiment without waiting for you?

  5. Should there be a ventilator in your room?

  6. Could they supply reagents in large amounts?

  7. May he use inorganic salts for the reaction?

Exercise 4. Make up questions using modal verbs. Answer them. Model: to do something (yesterday)

Could you do it yesterday? - No, I couldn't do it yesterday, but I can do it today.

To graduate from the institute (last year): to improve one's knowledge in English (in the first year); to take a test in Latin (yesterday): to prepare the necessary food (yesterday); to modify the technique (then); to record the obtained findings (an hour ago); to wash the laboratory vessels (yesterday).

Exercise 5. Name the parts of speech of the following words, pay attention to their suffixes.

Potential, memorize, knowledge, cubic, local, dramatize, recognize, village, beautiful, addition.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Mind the translation of the word as (see
1   ...   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   ...   67

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