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  • Fig. 10-1.

  • Exercise 6. Make up sentences using the given words.

  • Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using the text "Heart".

  • Exercise 9. Agree with the following.

  • Exercise 10. Look at Fig. 10-1 and describe the structure and function of the heart to your fellow student. II. Grammar Exercises

  • Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into English.

  • Exercise 3. What part of speech is the origin of these words Translate them.

  • Exercise 5. Pay attention to the suffixes of adjectives, learn the words. Prominent, current, important, present, talent, patient, instant, different.Exercise

  • Translate the following sentences (it


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    Exercise 2. Learn the words, pay attention to pronunciation.

    soul [ssul] душа. E.g. SOS means "save our souls".

    heart [ha:t] серце. E.g. You took my heart and soul.

    hollow ['hobo] порожнистий. E.g. The stomach is a hollow organ.

    beat [bi:t] удар. E.g. You made some beats in the game.

    heartbeat - биття серця; пульсація

    time [taim] час; раз. E.g. Do it two times a week.

    disease [di'zi:z] хвороба. E.g. Heart diseases are dangerous.

    regular ['regju:b] правильний; постійний

    contraction [ksnt'rEekJh] скорочення. E.g. Heart contractions were frequent.

    regimen ['rechrmen] режим; дієта E.g. You must keep your regimen.

    chamber [tfeimba] камера

    atrium - передсердя

    ventricle ['ventrikl] шлуночок

    artery ['a:tsri] артерія

    vein [vein] вена

    capillary [ks'pibri] капіляр

    blood [bUd] кров

    vessel ['vesl] судина. E.g. Blood vessels are veins, arteries and capillaries.

    septum ['septsm] перегородка

    valve [vaelv] клапан

    mitral ['maitrel] митральний

    tricuspid [trai'kAspid] тристулковий

    circulation [,s3:kju:'leijh] циркуляція. E.g. There are two blood circulations - greater and lesser.

    Exercise 3. Look at the picture of the heart and learn its structure. Exercise 4. Read the text about the heart and retell it.

    Heart (Part 1)

    The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, that pumps the blood throughout the body. It lies behind the breastbone between the organs of the chest. It works during the whole life. It makes beats. A heartbeat is a rhythmic contraction of the heart muscle. When a person is at rest, his heart makes usually 60-90 beats per minute.

    You can control the work of your heart taking your pulse. You can strengthen your heart, protect it from diseases by regular regimen and exercises.

    The human heart (Fig. 10-1) has four chambers through which the blood passes. The heart has left and right atriums (the upper part) and left and right ventricles (the lower part). The septum divides the left and right parts. Between the left atrium and ventricle there is the mitral valve. Between the right atrium and the ventricle there is the tricuspid valve. Besides there is a pulmonary valve and an aortic valve at the largest blood vessels which go out of the heart. These one-way valves direct the movement of the blood through the four chambers of the heart. The blood flows to the entire body by means of arteries, veins and capillaries. There are two blood circulations in the human body - greater and lesser (or pulmonary).

    Remember that arteries carry the blood from the heart and veins carry the blood to the heart.

    brachiocephalic artery

    right pulmonary, veins

    right atrium
    left common carotid artery - left subclavian artery

    aortic arch

    pulmonary artery

    left pulmonary

    л - —artery (branches)

    -^Г to left lung

    monic (pulmonary) valve

    left pulmonary , veins
    left atrium aortic valve
    mitral (bicuspid) valve


    left ventricle


    interventicular septum

    epicardium apex

    blood high in oxygen

    Fig. 10-1. Heart
    Exercise 5. Answer the questions.

    1. What kind of organ is the heart?

    2. Where is it situated?

    3. What is its structure?

    4. What is the function of the heart?

    5. Can you control the work of your heart? How?

    6. What kind of blood vessels do you know?

    7. How many valves are there in the heart? Name them.

    8. What carries the blood to the heart?

    Exercise 6. Make up sentences using the given words.


    The heart

    makes beats, pumps the blood, is in the chest, is between the lungs, is an internal organ.

    Exercise 7. Are the sentences true or false?

    1. The heart is in the right half of the chest.

    2. The heart makes beats and pumps the blood throughout the body.

    3. The heart has four chambers.

    4. There are three ventricles and an atrium in our heart.

    5. The veins carry the blood to the heart.

    6. The septum divides the upper and lower parts of the heart.

    7. The mitral valve is in the left heart.

    8. The tricuspid valve is in the left heart.

    9. There are two blood circulations.

    10. The aorta is the largest artery of the body.

    Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using the text "Heart".

    1. Your heart is an organ which works ...

    2. The heart is situated ...

    3. It consists of ...

    4. The septum is ...

    5. Heartbeat is ...

    6. You can control the work of you heart by ...

    7. Normally the heart makes ...

    8. There are two blood circulations ...

    Exercise 9. Agree with the following.

    Begin with / agree that - я згоден, що; it's true that - це правда, що; of course -звичайно.

    Model: The heart lies in the chest. - It's true that the heart lies in the chest.

    1. You can strenghen your heart by regular regimen and exercises.

    2. Heartbeat is a rhythmic contraction of the heart muscle.

    3. The arteries carry the blood from the heart.

    4. There are four chambers and four valves in our heart.

    5. These one-way valves direct the blood to the entire body.

    Exercise 10. Look at Fig. 10-1 and describe the structure and function of the heart to your fellow student.

    II. Grammar Exercises

    Exercise 1. Open the brackets using personal pronouns in the objective case.

    1. These are very good exercises. Do (they) at home, please. 2. This doctor works with (I). I know (he) well. 3. Write these words in your vocabulary and learn (they). 4. Read this letter and translate (it) into English. 5.1 know this girl. She studies with (we).

    Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into English.

    1. Моя сестра багато працює.

    2. Вони читають багато наукових статтей.

    3. Ваш син багато працює? - Ні, він зараз працює дуже мало.

    4. Він отримує багато листів щодня.

    5. Ми дуже багато читаємо, але пишемо мало текстів.

    6. Багато студентів живуть у гуртожитку.

    7. Не читайте надто багато ввечері.

    8. Ми посилаємо листи багатьом друзям за кордон.

    Exercise 3. What part of speech is the origin of these words? Translate them.

    Translation, receiver, discussion, walker, giver, solution, teacher, doctor, decoction.
    Exercise 4. Learn the translation of sentences with it.

    It is cold. - Холодно.
    It is cool. - Прохолодно.
    It's warm. - Тепло.
    It's hot. - Жарко.

    It is early. - Рано. It is late. - Пізно. It is time. - Пора. It is high time. - Давно пора.

    It's morning. - Ранок. It's evening. - Вечір. It's night. - Ніч. It's afternoon. - Полудень.

    Exercise 5. Pay attention to the suffixes of adjectives, learn the words.

    Prominent, current, important, present, talent, patient, instant, different.
    Exercise 6. Give four main forms of the following verbs.

    To reply, to play, to work, to read, to stop, to close, to stand, to rise.

    Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences (it is not translated).

    1. It is difficult to study English.

    2. It isn't easy to understand you.

    3. It is important to take medicines.

    4. It is necessary to work hard.

    5. It is not so important to repeat it.

    6. It's necessary to read the order.




    How to Take a Pulse


    Grammar Word Formation

    1. Питальна і заперечна форми дієслова у Present Indefinite

    2. Схеми загального і спеціального питань (§37).

    3. Присвійний відмінок іменників (§38).

    4. Числівники (§39)


    Independent Work

    My Heart Will Go on
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