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Exercise 2. Write out the underlined words to your vocabulary and translate them. (Use the medical dictionary.) Exercise 3. Make up a dialog about vitamins with your fellow student. Use the text from Exercise 1. Exercise 4. Speak about every vitamin and its uses. (Look at the text "Vitamins: Their Uses".) Exercise 5. Memorize pieces of advice from the text "Vitamins: Six Cooking Tips". LESSON SIXTEEN
I. Control Test Variant 1 Exercise 1. Give the plural forms of the nouns. Knife, foot, dress, plate, game, city, boy, man, box, heart, liver, doctor, child, body, fish. Exercise 2. Translate the beginnings of the sentences into English.
Exercise 3. Put all possible questions to the sentence. My friend knows everything about this problem. Exercise 4. Change Present Indefinite into Past Indefinite. Make all necessary changes.
Exercise 5. Answer the questions.
Variant 2 Exercise 1. Put the verbs into Past Indefinite. Work, look, close, examine, make, give, take, put, open, write, read, speak, come, go, begin. Exercise 2. Translate the beginnings of the sentences into English.
Exercise 3. Put all possible questions to the sentence. She has wanted to be a nurse since her childhood. Exercise 4. Change Past Indefinite into Present Indefinite. Make all necessary changes.
Exercise 5. Answer the questions.
II. Grammar Present Continuous or Simple? A. Now or sometimes? Look at these examples and compare:
B.Thoughts, feelings and states We normally use the Present Simple with verbs of thinking and feeling: / think you 're right. Julia likes her job. He wants a new bike. We also use it to talk about states and permanent facts: / know Jane quite well. Paris lies on the river Seine. C.Temporary or permanent? Compare:
D. The Present Continuous with 'always': In this special pattern always means 'very often' or 'too often': Peter is always inviting his friends here. (He very often invites them.) I'm always making silly mistakes. (I make silly mistakes too often.) Always with the Present Simple means 'every time': Peter always invites his parents to stay at Christmas. I always make silly mistakes when I'm taking an exam. Notes: compare [knm'pes] порівнювати state [steif] стан permanent [рз:тзпзпі] постійний temporary ['tempsrsri] тимчасовий routine [ru:'ti:n] заведений порядок mean [mi:n] означати waste time [weist] марнувати час outside [,aot'said] надворі garage ['g£era:3] гараж cost [kost] коштувати slam [slaem] грюкати take time off work - не виходити на роботу politely [рз'їаіііі] чемно argue ['a:gju:] сперечатися Exercise 1. Present Continuous or Simple? (see A, B) Complete the conversation between two students. Put in the Present Continuous or Simple of the verbs below. Duncan: Are you waitingfor someone? Paul: Yes - for Neil. We walkhome together most days. We 1 in the same street. Duncan: I'm not sure, but 12 he 3 to Mr Davis about something. Paul: Yes, 14 . He told me. What about you? What 5 here? Duncan: I 6. for the secretary. I can't find her anywhere. Paul: She isn't here today. She only 7 two days a week. Duncan: Oh, of course. 18 my time then. (live, think, talk, know, do, look, work, waste) Exercise 2. Present Continuous or Simple? (seeA-C) Complete the sentences. Put in the verbs below. I'm writingto my parents. I writeto them every week
just now. 3. Usually I two newspapers, but not the same ones every day. On Sundays I four or five. 4. We . a garage next to our house. We . somewhere to put the car. 5.1 haven't got a car at the moment, so I to work by bus this week. Usually I to work.
(1. snow, come; 2. start, start; 3. read, buy; 4. build, want; 5. go, drive; 6. rise, travel; 7. go, cost) Exercise 3. Present Continuous or Simple with always (see D). Rewrite the sentences with always. Model: That boy talks too much. He s always talking. You slam the door after you every time. You always slam the door after you.
Exercise 4. Write down the time. 15.45; 2.10; 4.12; 8.43; 7.20; 1.10; 13.30; 8.30; 16.25; 12.52. Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Mind the meaning of one.
Exercise 6. The suffix -ian means national attitude, profession or status. Translate the words, pay attention to the suffix. Physician, academician. Ukrainian. Italian. Australian, pediatrician, obstetrician. Exercise 7. Read the words with different prefixes of opposition. Unnecessary, unimportant, unusual; impossible, impurity; immobile; irregular, irrecognizable, irremissible; illegal, illegible, illiberal; indefinite, invitation, inofficial. LESSON SEVENTEEN
I. Speaking: First Medical Aid (Part I) Exercise 1. Phonetic exercise. Read the phrases, pay attention to the verb to be.
Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words, help [help] допомога aid [eid] допомога care [кез] допомога, турбота victim ['viktim] жертва, потерпілий accident ['aeksidsnt] нещасний випадок emergency [i'im:d33nsi] аварійний; екстрений bleeding ['blhdirj] кровотеча poison ['poizn] отрута breathing ['brhoin] дихання injury ['indpri] пошкодження, травма available [a'veitabl] доступний involve [in'volv] охоплювати, залучати reassure [гіз'/шз] заспокоювати; запевняти, переконувати relieve [ri'lhv] заспокоювати require [rik'waia] потребувати, мати потребу urgent [-3:d39nt] невідкладний, терміновий shock [fbk] шок prevent [pri'vent] запобігати hurt [пзД] заподіяти шкоду; поранити; завдати болю; рана; біль; пошкодження swelling f'swelirj] набряк Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations. first aid - перша допомога sudden illness - раптова недуга save our souls - врятуйте наші душі, "SOS" additional problems - додаткові проблеми to be calm - бути спокійним act without panic - діяти без паніки moving the victim - транспортування потерпілого life-threatening - життєнебезпечний, що загрожує життю consult the doctor - відвідати лікаря X-ray examination - рентген Exercise 4. Read and translate the text. Memorize the conditions requiring first aid. First Aid Everybody must know how to give first aid. First aid is immediate care rendered to a victim of an accident, sudden illness, or other medical emergency. Proper first aid can save a victim's life, especially if the victim is bleeding heavily, has stopped breathing or has been poisoned. First aid also can prevent the development of additional medical problems that might result from injur)' or illness. The person who gives first aid must have the best knowledge of it. He must be calm and act without panic. Treatment should be continued until professional medical help is available. First aid also involves reassuring the victim, releiving the pain, and moving the victim, if necessary, to a hospital or a clinic. Remember: "SOS" means "Save Our Souls". The general steps to take in any situation requiring first aid include the following:
Here is a list of conditions requiring first aid: asphyxiation [ajs.fiksi'eijh] ядуха, асфіксія hemorrhage ['петзгіаз] крововилив; кровотеча bee (sting) ['bi:'stirj] бджолиний укус hyperthermia [,Ьаірє'6з:тіз] перегрівання bleeding [bli:din] кровотеча hypothermia [,паірзо'8з:тіз] переохолодження blister [blists] пухир nosebleed [ nsozblhd] носова кровотеча bruise [bru:z] забій, синець poison [poizn] отрута burn [Ьз:п] опік rabies [reibi:z] сказ, водобоязнь cuts [Lvts] порізи shock [Tok] шок dislocation [,disbo'keiJh] вивих snakebite [sneikbait] зміїний укус drowning ['draonirj] утеплення stroke [straok] удар, параліч fainting [feintirj] зомління sunburn ['sAnb3:n] сонячний опік fracture ['fhektjs] перелом unconsciousness [лп ktmjssnas] непритомність frostbite ['frostbait] обмороження Exercise 5. Find English equivalents in the text. Надавати першу допомогу, врятуйте наші душі, могло бути результатом пошкодження, бути повністю обізнаним, негайна медична допомога (екстрена), доступна, життєнебезпечний, полегшення/зменшення болю, заспокоєння потерпілого, транспортування потерпілого, додаткові проблеми, діяти без паніки, надати невідкладну допомогу, врятувати життя людини. |