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§ 52).

  1. My friend works as a nurse at the hospital.

  2. As the book has a vocabulary it is useful for our students.

  3. Nurses gain knowledge of treatment as they read current newspapers.

  4. The paper describes the method as follows: ...

  5. She know history as well as biology.

  6. As a result, he prescribed him this medicine.

  7. As the author says in the paper, the method is useful.

  8. She spoke about her future profession as well.

III. Independent Work: Are You Going to Live to 100?

Exercise 1. Read the test and choose answers.

1. How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?

  1. every day

  2. never

  3. two or three times a weak

2. Look at this list of food and drinks. How much ice-cream, fizzy drinks, extra sugar on
your food or in a drink, takeaway food (hamburgers, pizzas) do you eat a day?

  1. more than two

  2. one or two

  3. none

3. When you have a problem, you

  1. forget about it.

  2. talk to a parent, a teacher or a friend about it.

  3. wait and talk to a friend later.

4. You work out or go to a dance class

  1. once a week or more.

  2. two or three times a month.

  3. once a month.

5. When you have free time, you

  1. watch TV.

  2. go to the swimming pool with your friends.

  3. take serious exercises (e.g. jogging).

6. You live

  1. in a town.

  2. in the country.

7. You sleep

  1. more than ten hours a night.

  2. less than ten hours a night.

8. Your friends live on the third floor of a block of flats. You

  1. walk up the stairs when you visit them.

  2. take the lift when you visit them.

9. When you are in a hurry, you

  1. still remember to eat good meals.

  2. miss a meal but eat a packet of crisps or a chocolate.

10. Are you going to smoke when you are an adult?
a) Yes. b) No.
Now add up your points, read the results below.

l.a)3b)0c)l; 2. a)0b)lc)3; 3. a) lb) 3 c) 2;
4. a) 3 b) 2 c) 1; 5.a)0b)2c)3; 6. a) 1 b) 3;
7. a)lb)3; 8. a)3b)l; 9. a) 3 b) 0;

10. a)0b)3.


5-12 points

You are not going to live to 100 without good food or exercises. You must eat more food and vegetables. You must take more exercise, too. It's fun to be fit. 13-24 points

Not bad... Do the same things but more often. Try to eat some fruit and swim once a weak. 25-30 points

You do all the right things. You' are going to live to 100. Congratulations!


fizzy [fizi] шипучий

chips (crisps) - хрустка картопля, чіпси

extra ['ekstrs] додатковий; зайвий

hamburger ['haemb3:g3] гамбургер

swimming pool ['swimin,pu:l] басейн

jogging ['dpgin] біг підтюпцем

block of flats - багатоповерховий будинок

stairs [stesz] сходи

to be in a hurry ['Iwi] поспішати
to have a good meal - ситно (добре) поїсти

miss [mis] пропускати

adult [as'dAlt] дорослий

to add up - складати, додавати

point - очко

fun - задоволення

fit [fit] здоровий

Congratulations! [ksn.graetju'leijhz] Вітаємо!







1. Пасивний стан дієслова (§53).

2. Дієслова to influence, to affect, to follow.

3. Прислівники still, yet.

4. Іменник timeу виразах


Independent Work

What You Should Know about Vitamins

I. Speaking: Vitamins

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading. Learn the following words and their combinations. Read and translate them.

Clothes: You put your clothes on when you get up in the morning and take your

clothes off when you go to bed at night. Wear: Do you always wear a hat in summer? In winter we like to wear warm clothes. Moon: The Moon is a planet. The Moon moves round the Earth. We can see

the moon at night.

Paper: Paper is a material which we can use for writing, for covering things.

It means also a report, a scientific report or an article. Shoes: Shoes are part of clothes which we wear on our feet.

Food: Food is the material which can be eaten by people or animals. Food includes

various materials, for example, we like to drink milk, eat meat and butter.

Milk, meat and butter are animal products. They include vitamins as well. Spend: Students spend much time in libraries and reading halls. A few-few: Few means not many, a few means a small number. Many people read

Einstein's book, but few understood it. A few compounds were produced. Trouble: To be in trouble means to be in an unhappy state or condition. I have

much trouble with the children.

Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words,

potato [pa'teitao] картопля vitamin [vitamin] вітамін

beetroot ['bi:tru:t] буряк metabolism [me'tasbalizm] обмін речовин

carrot ['ka^rat] морква catalysts ['ksetalists] каталізатори

cabbage f'kaebiclj] капуста tissue f'tiju:], [tisju:] тканина (жива)

onion ['лгп'ап] цибуля influence [infloans] впливати

tomato [ta'ma:tao] помідор participate [pa: tisipeit] брати участь

vegetable ['vedjitabl] овоч identify [ai'dentifai] ідентифікувати, ототожнювати

fruit [fru:t] фрукт erythrocytes [i'riOreo.saits] еритроцити

grapes [greips] виноград scurvy [sk3:vi] цинга

lemon ['leman] лимон avitaminosis [a vitajmi'naosis] (pi. avitaminoses [i:z]) авітаміноз

pepper ['pepa] перець overdosage [aova'daosicfj] передозування

salt [sa:lt] сіль yeast [ji:st] дріжджі

sugar [ Ju:ga] цукор soya [saia] соя (боби)
juice [d3u:s] сік

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations.

to be indispensable for бути необхідним для

plastic materials - пластичні матеріали

the first to establish - перший, хто встановив

chemical composition - хімічний склад

physiological role - фізіологічна роль

soluble only in fats - розчинні лише в жирах

enough vitamins досить вітамінів

night vision - нічне бачення (видимість уночі)

citrus fruits - цитрусові

prevent rickets - запобігати розвиткові рахіту lead to infertility - призводити до безпліддя incorrect development - неправильний розвиток retarded growth - заторможений, пригнічений ріст
Exercise 4. Make up sentences.

Vitamins may be normal.

The dose play an important role in human health.

Overdosage are harmful for the organism.

Avitaminoses indispensable for the organism.

deficiency of vitamins.

Exercise 5. Ask your fellow student why vitamins are necessary for our organism and where they are present.

Exercise 6. Give English equivalents of the word combinations.

Зберегти зір, зміцнити нервову систему, підвищити опір організму до інфекцій, приймайте щоденно, запобігання та лікування рахіту, покращити кровообіг.
Exercise 7. Read and act out the dialogs.


Teacher: Tom, name five things that contain milk. Tom: Butter and cheese, ice-cream and two cows.


Neil: What kind of wine do you prefer?

Suzy: I don't drink wine. 1 drink only juice.

Neil: Do you think wine is harmpful for your health?

Suzy: Of course. And it'll be better for you to drink orange juice or mineral water.


A: What vitamin protects our eyesight?

B: It's vitamin A. It is in carrots, eggs and fish oil.

A: But I don't like fish oil. I prefer vegetables and fruit.

B: Do you know that they contain vitamin C?

A: Yes, I do. By the way, I've got to know that vitamin C increases resistance to infection. B: So, it's especially important to eat oranges, lemons, fresh fruit and vegetables in winter.

Exercise 9. Read the text and retell it.

Vitamins are special organic substances which are indispensable for the organism. They do not provide energy and are not plastic materials, but they participate in metabolism as catalysts. They are necessary for the formation of the tissue which influences the transformation of substances in the cells and tissues of the organism.

N. Lunin, a Russian doctor, was the first to establish (in 1880) the presence of these substances (later named vitamins) in food. About 20 vitamins are known today. They are marked by letters А, В, C, D, K, P, etc. The chemical composition and physiological role of most vitamins have already been determined. Some vitamins (B and C) are water soluble, while others (A, D, E, K) are soluble only in fats. The daily requirement of vitamins is measured in milligrams and even parts of a milligram.

Fresh, varied food usually contains enough vitamins for the organism.

Vitamin A is found in green plants and is necessary for proper growth of bones, nutrition of the eye cornea and for proper functioning of night vision.

Vitamin В is a really complicated group of vitamins, twelve of which have now been identified. Some of them are necessary for growth, proper functioning of the nervous system, proper formation of the erythrocytes.

Vitamin C is the vitamin which prevents scurvy and is found in fresh vegetables and citrus


Vitamin D prevents rickets, vitamin E deficiency may lead to infertility.

Prolonged deficiency of any vitamin results in a disease known as avitaminosis. Most avitaminoses are accompanied by reduced resistance of the organism to infection, incorrect development and retarded growth in children.

Vitamins are widely used for medical purposes, many of them are produced synthetically.

Exercise 10. Answer the questions.

  1. What are the functions of vitamins?

  2. How many vitamins are known today?

  3. What are the water soluble vitamins?

  4. What are the fat soluble vitamins?

  5. What is vitamin А (В, C, D, E) necessary for?

  6. What is avitaminosis?

II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Name the parts of speech of the following words.

Basic, significant, useful, elimination, eliminate, devotion, occurrence, importance, incidental, needless, constantly, infection, infectious, pleasure, version.

Exercise 2. a) Learn the meanings of the verbs.

to influence - впливати на, діяти на followed by - за яким іде із наступним

to affect - діяти на, впливати на it follows - із якого випливає

to follow - слідкувати за, супроводжувати as follows - таким чином

  • слідкувати, спостерігати за follow-up - наступне медичне

  • розуміти спостереження, облік

  • слідувати (методу і т.д.) follow-up study - тривале дослідження;

дослідження віддалених результатів

b) Translate the sentences.

  1. These results were affected by the presence of a virus.

  2. The reaction was followed by a temperature rise.

  3. The color is influenced by the heat.

  4. Such diseases are influenced by the general conditions of the climate.

  5. The results were not affected by the technique.

  6. This paper was followed by another one.

  7. It follows that vitamins are necessary for the organism.

  8. They are conducting a follow-up study.

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with the necessary adverbs. Pay attention to their place in the sentence.

thoroughly - ретельноroughly' - грубо

widely - широкоsomewhat - дещо

rapidly - швидкоgenerally - звичайно

frequently - частоperiodically - періодично

however - однак

1. Blood constituents are ... used in clinics. 2. They ... wash their hands with running water. 3. Six other elements are found in ... the same proportions. 4. It is ... recognized that the primeval life developed in the waters of the Earth. 5. With the increase in atomic weight the chemical elements, ... and at definite intervals, show similar properties. 6. Temperature rise is ... accompanied by intramolecular changes. 7. Sodium and chlorine react ... and produce the white solid called sodium chloride. 8. ... the properties of the reagents are quite different.
Exercise 4. You must differentiate.



дія ще триває

дія ще не почалася

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. The doctor still needs up-to-date methods of patients' treatment.

  2. This disease is still dangerous.

  3. The journal still provides cancer information.

  4. This question has not been discussed yet.

  5. Is the nurse still away? - Yes, she is. She hasn't come yet.

  6. That disease is yet unknown.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences with the word time.

time — час; разfrom time to time - час від часу

at a time - одночасноin (on) time - вчасно

for the first time - впершеit is time - пора

next time - наступний разBut! багато часу - long time

  1. Вперше про цю хворобу почули ще в 1801 році.

  2. Пора йти на операцію (оперувати).

  3. Час від часу медсестра заходить в палату.

  4. 200 пацієнтів лікуються в лікарні одночасно.

  5. Десь в цю пору він приходить додому.

  6. Наступного разу він хоче прийти вчасно.

Exercise 6. Put Passive instead of Active, translate the sentences. Model: We speak about the problem.

The problem is spoken about by us.

  1. The lungs exrete carbodioxide and water.

  2. The liver exretes bile (жовч).

  3. The blood carries oxygen through the body.

  4. They prepared vaccine for influenza.

  5. The doctor prescribes medicines.

  6. The scientists pay much attention to infectious diseases.

III. Independent Work: What You Should Know about Vitamins

Exercise 1. Read the texts.

What should you know about vitamins?

Their sales are increasing, but do we really need them?

We spend millions of dollars a year on vitamin pills, powders and potions. The vitamin is now second only to aspirin as today's universal panacea. But how good are vitamins? A panel of GPs answer some of your most popular questions on the subject.

How necessary are vitamins?

Vital. Without them, the body cannot function properly. It develops deficiency diseases such as pernicious anemia, rickets and scurvy.

Most of us would get all the vitamins we need from a balanced diet. But there are times when vitamin supplements are necessary. Pregnant women, young babies and elderly people. who are possibly not eating properly, often need a vitamin top-up. Crash dieters may require a daily dose of vitamins.

Will swallowing megadoses of vitamins delay ageing?

Sadly, there is no proof that vitamins can put the hands of the clock back. It is also unwise to overdose on any vitamin. В and C are easily passed into the urine if too many are taken but A, D and E are stored in the body and can be harmful if taken in excess.

Is there a sex vitamin?

Vitamin E has been called the "sex vitamin", but there is no evidence that it ennances desire or improves performance.

Do vitamin skin creams work?

Various proponents swear they do. But scientists are sceptical that a vitamin rubbed into the face can penetrate the skin and revitalise the underlying tissue cells.

What do vitamins do?

They act like spark plugs to the body's engine. They play a vital role in regulating our body chemistry (metabolism).

Which vitamins are healthy for the hair?

The B-complex vitamins are especially important for hair health. A deficiency may cause a dry, falling hair, poor hair growth and premature graying.

Can large doses of vitamin C prevent colds?

In 1971, Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Linus Pauling argued that very large doses of vitamin C would prevent colds and possibly reduce the symptoms. But most medical scientists say there is no real evidence to support this theory.

Can vitamins help prevent spina bifida in babies?

Yes, it is believed so. That's why pregnant women are now given multivitamins as part of their regular diet.

Do vitamins help in the prevention of cataracts?

Research carried out in the U.S. and Canada suggests regular doses of vitamin E may prevent certain types of cataracts in diabetics. High blood sugar levels draw excess fluid into the lens of the eye and the theory is that vitamin E helps to reduce the damage. The vitamin is second to aspirin as today's universal panacea.

Do vitamins help in the battle against cancer?

There has been a great deal of scientific interest recently in the possibility that vitamins A and E may protect against cancer.

Lack of vitamin E may be associated with breast cancer. A research team at Edinburgh University is being funded to investigate a possible link between vitamin A and prostate cancer.

Early signs from a U.S. study are that deficiencies in vitamin A and carotene increase the chances of lung cancer.

Vitamins: Their Uses

Vitamin A: Essential for growth. Protects against winter infections. Needed for healthy skin, nails and hair. Sources include liver, dairy produce and green vegetables.

Vitamin B: Helps nerves, digestion and skin. Deficiency can lead to insomnia, depression and lethargy. B6 can relieve menstrual tension. B12 prevents and cures pernicious anemia. Sources include wholewheat bread, brewer's yeast and liver.

Vitamin C: Maintains the body generally. Required for growth. Helps gums, teeth and bones. Plays an important role in healing processes. Sources include citrus fruit, green vegetables, potatoes and blackcurrants.

Vitamin D: Essential for growth and development of bones and teeth. Involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Sources include fish oil, dairy produce, as well as being activated by sunlight on the skin.

Vitamin E: Helps prevent and dissolve blood clots. Supplies oxygen to the body to give more endurance. Can help prevent blindness in very premature babies and possibly brain hemorrhaging. Sources include wheat germ, vegetable oil, corn, cereals and eggs.

Vitamin K: Is essential for proper blood clotting. Sources include spinach, leafy vegetables, tomatoes and liver.

Vitamins: Six Cooking Tips

  • Don't leave fresh fruit and vegetables soaking, just wash them.

  • Do prepare salads as near to serving time as possible.

  • Don't thaw frozen vegetables before cooking.

  • Do store fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator.

  • Don't peel potatoes before baking or boiling.

□ Do remember that aluminium, enamel or stainless steel cooking pans are best for preserving the vitamin content of food.
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