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1 Основные правила употребления артиклей. 1 Употребление артиклей с именами нарицательными. Неопределенный артикль

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Название1 Основные правила употребления артиклей. 1 Употребление артиклей с именами нарицательными. Неопределенный артикль
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Глава 3. Местоимение.
3.1. Формы местоимений.
Личные местоимения имеют 5 форм: именительный (И), объектный (О) и притяжательный (П) падежи, абсолютную форму притяжательных местоимений (АП) и форму возвратных местоимений.
Упр.3.1.a. Заполните пропуски в таблице недостающими формами местоимений.








































Абсол. притяж.




















3.1.1. Местоимения в именительном падеже.

Местоимения в именительном падеже употребляются:

- в качестве подлежащего в простых предложениях и в главной и придаточной частях сложных предложений;

- при сравнении подлежащих 2-х предложений;

- в конструкциях типа: It was he at the door.

Упр.3.1.1.a. Определите предложения, в которых местоимения употреблены в правильной форме.

  1. It was I whom called you last night.

  2. It is true that I am taller than he.

  3. It must have been he whom the police arrested.

  4. If you were me would you lend him money?

  5. My teacher thinks that I am more intelligent than him.

3.1.2. Местоимения в объектном падеже.
Местоимения в объектном падеже употребляются:

- в качестве прямых и косвенных дополнений к глаголам;

- в предложных дополнениях;

- при сравнении дополнений двух предложений.
Упр.3.1.2.a. Заполните пропуски нужным объектным местоимением.

  1. Our parents worry about my brother more than about ______ .

  2. Mary asked us not to leave without ______ .

  3. The doctor _______ he visited specialized in eye diseases.

  4. If I see ________ tonight, I will tell him to call you.

  5. No one likes that waitress because it takes _______ so long to bring the food.

Упр.3.1.2.b. Определите предложения, в которых местоимения употреблены в правильной форме.

  1. The students whom live across the street make a lot of noise .

  2. No one knows what happened except you, Flassy, and I.

  3. It must have been he whom we saw at the movie.

  4. This is a good picture of him.

  5. I think that the teacher knows whom took these photographs.

3.1.3. Притяжательные местоимения.
Притяжательные местоимения выражают принадлежность и употребляются перед существительным (в качестве определения) и перед герундием.

Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений используется:

- вместо существительного в функции подлежащего или дополнения;

- после глагола to be и предлога, чтобы указать на принадлежность;

- при сравнении 2-х дополнений одного класса, имеющих разных владельцев.
Например: It is her diskette. Yours is on the shelf.

Here is your CD, but where is mine?

I found an old resume of yours in this file.

Their PC can calculate derivatives faster than ours.

Упр.3.1.3.a. Заполните пропуски нужным притяжательным местоимением.

  1. He doesn’t realize that ______ whistling annoys the class.

  2. The person ______ car I just hit is going to be very angry.

  3. Charlotte insisted the coat was ____ .

  4. The queen greeted _____ subjects outside the palace.

  5. I brought my car, but Phil refused to bring _____ .

  6. The little boy dropped his ice-cream, so his mother gave him _____ .

  7. I did _____ best on the homework.

  8. Didn’t you tell me that a friend of ____ is staying with you?

Упр.3.1.3.b. Определите предложения, в которых местоимения употреблены в правильной форме.

  1. The student whom forgot his books is going to be unhappy tonight.

  2. Her mother reminded her three times to do her homework.

  3. Your cat is much larger than me.

  4. The director has no idea whose car is blocking his.

  5. If I can do my homework you should certainly be able to do yours.

  6. George brought a friend of his to class yesterday.

3.1.4. Возвратные местоимения.
Возвратные местоимения употребляются:

- чтобы усилить существительное или местоимение, к которому они относятся;

- в качестве дополнения после предлога by;

  • в тех случаях, когда подлежащее и дополнение - одно лицо: He used to talk to himself.

Упр.3.1.4.a. Заполните пропуски нужным возвратным местоимением.

  1. He knows it _________ .

  2. I understand your interest for this work. I’m so much interested in it _______ .

  3. Jane is able to do it ________ .

  4. Bring back the textbook. I need it ________ .

  5. She has a habit of checking everything for ________ .

  6. Boys, I’m leaving. Finish the work by _________ .

  7. She’ll understand the situation _________ .

  8. We shall do everything _______ .

  9. Don’t take any medicine. Your headache will pass by ________ .

  10. Go there and you’ll see everything for _______ .

  11. He’ll get a ticket only for _______ .

  12. John is making a mistake, I suppose. Later on he’ll be angry with _______ .

m. We prefer living by _______ .

n. The governor ________ will speak at the university.

o. That woman has put _______ in a difficult position.
3.1.5. Обзорные упражнения по формам личных местоимений.
Упр.3.1.5.a. Выберите подходящее местоимение из двух, предложенных в скобках.

  1. The director will hire the person (who, whom) has the best credentials.

  2. The first ones in line were Nancy, Jim and (he, him).

  3. His shoes are much newer than (her, hers).

  4. They offered their seats to you and (I, me).

  5. It was (she, her) who asked the question.

  6. No one was surprised at (him, his) winning the contest.

  7. There should be no secrets between you and (he, him).

  8. (Who, Whom) was it that asked that question?

  9. Beverly is a good friend of (me, mine).

  10. The picnic won’t be any fun without you and (they, them)

  11. I can’t figure out (who, whom) is on the phone.

  12. John did all the homework by (him, himself).

  13. Everyone but (he, him) did well on the test.

Упр.3.1.5.b. В каждом предложении найдите одно подчеркнутое слово или фразу, которые следует заменить или исправить. Не всегда ошибка связана с неправильным употреблением местоимения.

  1. Jan Sibelius, a Finnish (A) composer (B), captured the spirit of him (C) country in his music (D).

  2. The injured (A) passengers on the airplane that (B) crashed found themself (C) miles from the nearest (D) hospital.

  3. Sequoya, whom English (A) name was (B) George Guess, invented (C) a syllabary for the Cherokee (D) language.

  4. Regarding (A) as the creator of the historical (B) novel, Sir Walter Scott captured his (C) readers’ imagination with his (D) stirring tales.

  5. At the age of (A) 26, William Shakspeare married (B) a woman who was eight years older (C) than him (D).

  6. The Queen of England she keeps (A) her (B) crown in the Tower of London where (C) both tourists and English citizens can view it (D).

  7. Faced with (A) the possibility of a water shortage during the summer month, the city has asked it (B) citizens to limit (C) their use (D) of water.

  8. As the population of Africa continues (A) to grow (B), animals will continue to lose (C) theirs (D) native habitat.

3.2. Правила согласования местоимений.
1) Два слова, соединенных двойным союзом both - and или два или более слов, соединенных союзом and, соотносятся с местоимением во множественном числе:

John, Mary and I are returning to our class.

Both John and Ann have passed their test.

Если подлежащим является местоимение each или every, то подлежащее- сказуемое и характеризующее местоимение употребляются в единственном числе:

Every man and woman is eligible to vote.

Each student and teacher has the textbook.

2) Неопределенные местоимения являются местоимениями единственного числа и согласуются с глаголом в единственном числе. Любое из местоимений 3-го лица единственного числа может быть использовано вместо такого подлежащего в зависимости от смысла предложения.

- body

- one

- thing

some -




any -




no -


no one


every -




А также each either neither.
Everyone must do his homework.

He never puts anything back in its place.

Neither of these books is very new.

Местоимение all, синоним местоимения everybody, является местоимением множественного числа.

Упр.3.2.1. Употребите everybody или all.
1. ____ are so happy today! . 2. _____ is so happy today! 3. _____ of them are bright scientists. 4. ______ is present. 5. _____ of these research workers has his field of research. 6. _____ the students have their holidays in July and August. 7. Where are the children? _____ of them are outdoors. 8. ____ of them is so serious. 9. Where are _____ the boys? 10. ______ is so busy at present.
Упр.3.2.2. Прочитайте следующий текст. Сколько разных местоимений в нем встречается? Переведите текст на русский язык.
Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody

This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
Упр.3.2.3. Заполните пропуски нужным местоимением.

  1. Anyone who wishes can bring ______ husband to the party.

  2. You can tell from the blood on the bench that someone on the football team hurt _____ .

  3. Both the cat and the dog spend _____ days outside.

  4. Everyone should sit quietly until _____ is asked to speak.

  5. Anyone who turns in a paper late will have _____ grade lowered.

Упр.3.2.4. Определите предложения, в которых местоимения употреблены в правильной форме.

  1. Everyone in the American literature class will receive their textbooks tomorrow.

  2. Somebody put his cigarette out in the sink.

  3. The queen and her daughter spend much of her free time on horseback.

  4. My brother and I will spend my weekend at the lake.

  5. It is surprising that no one turned in their paper on time.

  6. Each fruit and vegetable were organically grown.

  7. Every post-graduate want to pass the grammar test.

  8. Everything in the house is for sale.

  9. Everyone have to arrive at 8:30 in the morning.

  1. Когда два слова соединены разделительными союзами either … or, neither … nor, not onlybut also, то число сказуемого и местоимения определяется по той части подлежащего, которая ближе к сказуемому:

Either the student or the teacher will give you his book.

Neither the professor nor the assistant-professors discuss their preparation for lectures with students.

  1. Собирательные существительные, такие как group, team, family могут употребляться как в единственном, так и во множественном числе:

  2. Выражение all of + noun имеет единственное число, если существительное неисчисляемое:

All of the money is in bank.

и множественное число, если существительное исчисляемое:

All of the books have been thrown away.

  1. Местоимения several, many, both, few являются множественными и согласуются с глаголом во множественном числе.

7) При сочетании both, neither, either с существительным возможны два варианта:

both books, neither student и т.д. и both of (neither of) the (these, those, my, Tom’s …) books и т.д.

8) Местоимение no употребляется перед существительными в единственном и множественном числе. No = not a или not any:

I have no ticket = I haven’t a ticket.

I found no mistakes in your work. = I didn’t find any mistakes in your work.

I have no time to study this approach. = I haven’t any time to study this approach.

В качестве местоимения-существительного употребляется местоимение none, которое заменяет как исчисляемое существительное в единственном и множественном числе, так и неисчисляемое существительное:

  • Are there any defects in the sample?

  • No, there are none.

Упр.3.2.5. Найдите ошибки в согласовании местоимений или формы глагола.

  1. Neither the reporters nor the editor have received their paycheck.

  2. Everyone have to use their identification number to activate the computer.

  3. In the bus sit the musicians, each holding their instrument.

  4. The boy’s new jeans is so old that they look like a rag.

  5. Anyone who abuse their children should be punished for their actions.

  6. No one are as ambitious as who want to be rich.

  7. Both London and Paris is crowded in the summer because it is so famous.

  8. The list of special courses are available at the front desk because they are requested by so many students.

  9. The hundred thousand dollars were found because the thief dropped them while escaping.

Упр.3.2.6. В каждом предложении подчеркнуты два местоимения. Одно из них неправильное. Найдите ошибку и исправьте ее.

  1. Each of the companies claims their products will outlast its competitors.

  2. The recording equipment and their carrying case were never put back in their proper place.

  3. His family was shocked when James killed themselves.

  4. That chain of discount stores will lose customers if it doesn’t improve their service department.

  5. The New York Times, renowned for their news coverage, recently increased its readership.

  6. Neither the students nor their teacher was happy with his test grades.

  7. Just offstage stood the conductor and its assistants with their equipment.

  8. The secretary put the letter back in her envelope and filed it.

  9. Unlike his predecessor, the president feels it is in their country’s best interest to reduce taxes.

  10. Alaska’s North Scope has found itself full of geologists and its seismic equipment.

3.3. Вопросительные местоимения. Местоимения, которые вводят определительные придаточные предложения.
3.3.1. Местоимения, которые вводят определительные придаточные предложения.
Местоимения, которые вводят определительные придаточные предложения, относятся к предшествующим существительным. Выбор такого местоимения зависит от определяемого существительного:

who, whom - относятся к людям и домашним животным;

which - к предметам, собирательным существительным и к животным;

that, whose - применимы ко всем типам существительных.
Упр.3.3.1.a. В следующих примерах укажите те, в которых относительные местоимения употреблены правильно. В остальных исправьте ошибку.

  1. …… woman which …… f. …… uncle which ……

  2. …… musician whom …… g. …… antelope whose ……

  3. …… actress that …… h. …… disaster whom ……

  4. ……. silver who …… i. …… arrival who ……

  5. …… acrobat that …… j. …… surgeon whom ……

k. The river which divides Texas and Mexico is the Rio Grande.

  1. A friend recommended the doctor which is treating my son.

  2. The beautician who does her hair is very good.

  3. The senator which introduced the bill was defeated in the last election.

  4. Tigers who live in Africa are endangered.

  5. The artist whose works are on display is a native Texan.

  6. The tape dispenser that Phyllis borrowed was mine.

  7. The rain whom the crops needed never came.

  8. The advantages of which he spoke are numerous.

3.3.2. Вопросительные местоимения.
Назовите вопросительные местоимения, которые вы знаете. Как называются вопросы, которые начинаются с вопросительного слова? Помните, что вопрос к подлежащему всегда требует глагола в форме 3-го лица единственного числа вне зависимости от того, идет ли речь об одном или нескольких лицах и предметах. Например,

My wife and daughter are tall. Who is tall?

This article and that story are very interesting. What is interesting?
Упр.3.3.2.a. Поставьте вопросы с who или what к выделенным словам.

  1. Bob is an interpreter. e. It’s Novikov.

  2. Bob is an interpreter. f. I have an Italian newspaper.

  3. Mrs Brown is a librarian. g. Lucy is a good journalist.

  4. George is a builder. h. Mike is a bus-driver.

3.4. Употребление неопределенных местоимений и их производных.
Употребление неопределенных местоимений и их производных зависит от того, является ли утвердительным, вопросительным или отрицательным предложение, в котором они используются. Местоимение some и его производные употребляются в утвердительных предложениях, я any в отрицательных предложениях, общих вопросах и условных предложениях.

Some (а не any) употребляется в специальных вопросах, а также в общих вопросах, если они содержат просьбу, предложение, приглашение или спрашивающий рассчитывает на положительный ответ:
Would you like something to add?

Can I have some cold water?

Did someone just knock at the door?
Упр.3.4.1. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any и их производными (something, somewhere, someone, anyone, anything).

  1. A Did you buy _______ at the shops?

B No, I didn’t have ______ money.

  1. A Can I have ______ to eat, Mum? I’m starving.

B Look at the fridge. I think there’s _______ cheese.

A There isn’t ______ in the fridge. It’s completely empty.

  1. A Did you meet _______ interesting at the party?

B Yes, I met _______ you know. Carlos, from Spain.

  1. A I bought ______ meat and ______ grapes.

B Did you buy _______ cooking oil?

A I couldn’t. They didn’t have ______ .

  1. A Have you got _____ scissors?

B Yes. They are _________ in the kitchen, but I’m not sure exactly where.
Упр.3.4.2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями, образованными комбинацией some, any, no, every + one, body, thing, where.

  1. Put the picture _________ .I don’t mind where.

  2. Does _______ want a game of tennis?

  3. What’s the noise? Can you hear _______ screaming?

  4. I’m going to the shops. Do you want ______ ?

  5. You look familiar. Haven’t I seen you ________ before?

  6. She left the room without saying _______ .

  7. Is there _______ quiet we can go to talk in private?

  8. This doesn’t look a very nice restaurant. Can’t we go ______ else?

  9. I must have asked fifteen people, but ________ knows the answer.

  10. Midas was a king in Greek mythology. _______ he touched turned to gold.

Упр.3.4.3. Заполните пропуски предложенными словами. Некоторые слова можно использовать больше, чем один раз.
any, anywhere, everywhere, somewhere, nothing, everyone / body, anyone / body, someone / body, everyone / body, anything, no-one / body

“Is ______ (1) here?”, said Mrs Thomas to the students on the coach. “Is _____(2) missing?” “I think _____ (3) is missing “, replied one student. “It’s Peter.” “Does _____ (4) know where he is?” asked Mrs Thomas. ______ (5) answered. Mrs Thomas asked Mr Smith to go back into the museum to look for Peter. Ten minutes later Mr Smith returned alone. “I can’t find him _____ (6)”, he said.

“I looked _____ (7)”. “Did Peter say ______ (8) to _______ (9)?” said Mrs Thomas to the students.

“No, ______ (10) at all”, muttered several students. “_______(11) suggestions?” said Mrs Thomas.

“I think ______ (12) should go and look for him. One of us is bound to find him “, suggested another student. “He must be ______ (13)” “But where?” said Mrs Thomas. “He could be _____(14).”

So _______ (15) got off the coach, went back to the museum and spread out to search for Peter. After a few minutes _____ (16) found him, still engrossed by the museum fascinating exhibits.
3.5. Употребление местоимений this, that (these, those) another, other.
Указательные местоимения this, that имеют форму множественного числа these, those, а местоимение another употребляется всегда только с существительным в единственном числе. Местоимение other употребляется как с единственным, так и со множественным числом существительного и имеет при себе либо определенный артикль, либо не имеет артикля в соответствии с правилами употребления артиклей. Существует также существительное множественного числа the others - другие, остальные.
Упр.3.5.1. Поставьте в пропуски одно из местоимений (the) other, another, (the) others.

  1. I lost my watch, my pen and some _____ things.

  2. The village is on ______ side of the river.

  3. You are wet through. Change into ______ clothes.

  4. I must put on ______ coat before going to the party.

  5. “Have you any ______ books on the subject?” “I am sorry, but there are no ______ .”

  6. Take this chair away and bring me ______ .

  7. Give me _____ glove.

  8. “Is there _____ train to Kiev this evening?” “Yes, there is one that leaves at midnight and there are two ______ that leave early in the morning”.

  9. He took two books and left _____ on the table.

  1. I saw Michael just _____ day in Hyde Park.

  2. Heather goes to her cottage in the country every _____ weekend.

3.6. Местоимения much, many, little и few.
В качестве местоимений-прилагательных эти местоимения употребляются следующим образом:

С исчисляемыми существительными. С неисчисляемыми существительными.

Много: many: Do you study many plant much: I haven’t much work to do today.


Мало: few: He has few friends. little: I have very little time.

Much и many употребляются главным образом в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. В утвердительных предложениях much и many употребляются только, когда они определяются словами very, rather, too, so, as, how или когда они служат подлежащим или определением к подлежащему:
There are too many pages in this article.

Many people attended the meeting.

В других случаях в утвердительных предложениях употребляются выражения a lot (of), lots, plenty (of) и ряд других:

We have plenty of time.

Russia exports a great deal of timber.

A little переводится как немного, а a few - немного, несколько:

Please give me a little water.

We have a few experimental results.

The little переводится как то небольшое количество, а the few – те несколько, те немногие:

Gold is one of the few metals which are found in a virgin state.
Упр.3.6.1. Перепишите предложения, используя слова few, a few, little, a little. Сделайте другие необходимые изменения.

  1. Help yourself to a biscuit. There are one or two left in the tin.

  2. My days are so busy that I don’t have much time for relaxation.

  3. She’s exceptionally generous. Hardly anyone gives more money to charity than she does.

  4. There’s a tiny bit of butter left, but not much.

  5. He keeps trying, although he doesn’t have much chance of success.

  6. “I’m afraid you need three or four fillings,” said the dentist.

  7. He must have made a hundred clocks in his life, but only one or two of them ever worked properly.

  8. She wasn’t very hungry. She just had one or two spoonfuls of soup.

3.7. Обзорные упражнения на местоимения.
Упр.3.7.1. Все следующие предложения содержат местоимения. Если предложение неправильно, найдите и исправьте ошибку.

  1. The local soccer team has a season record that will put them in the final competition.

  2. Mary reads just as well as him.

  3. Do you actually believe it is they who sent the letter?

  4. The children were extremely boisterous, which annoyed their teacher.

  5. When a person decides to move from the city to a farm, they should be prepared to make some mistakes.

  6. You will never be able to convince him or her.

  7. Him that speaks before he thinks will get himself in trouble.

  8. The last owner of this house obviously didn’t enjoy working outdoors because they neglected the lawn.

  9. The coach appreciated them giving him a new jacket.

  10. The crowd was so large that it took us a long time to get through them.

  11. One or the other of these people must give up their turn to speak.

  12. The engineers studied the data carefully, but it didn’t seem correct.

  13. I forgot my books, which will force me to return home to get them.

  14. There is some disagreement among they who were at the meeting.

  15. The teacher made all these improvements themselves.

  16. She is very sad which makes me sad, too.

  17. You cannot please both George and me.

  18. Did you know it was him who started the fire in the wastebasket.

**Упр.3.7.2. Укажите буквой слово, подходящее по смыслу.
I. Chinese people have made the most successful study of earthquakes because China has had the world’s worst earthquakes. Two times in (1) _____ history, in 1556 and in 1976, more than half a million people lost (2) _____ lives in earthquakes. In the winter of 1974-1975 there were readable signs twice. Almost (3) _____ the people left the cities, but the earthquake did not happen. Two months later the experts again warned the people. (4) _____ were unwilling to leave (5) _____ homes. (6) ______ thought (7) ______ was (8) ________ false alarm. However the police evacuated the dangerous areas. This time a severe earthquake did happen. Thousands of lives were saved.

a) it; b) their; c) its; d) all; e) some; f) another.
To know (9) _____ is going on in the world is (10) _____ person’s right today, but it was once the luxury of (11) _____ leaders. Even so, the knowledge of events was slow in getting to the privileged class. Today, a world wide system of communication makes news available quickly to nearly (12) ____ (13) _____ can read, to (14) _____ person (15) ______ has a radio, to (16) _____ (17) _____ can watch TV.

g) who; h) every; i) everybody; j) what; k) which; l) a few; m) little.
II. (1)____ years ago mathematicians (2) ____ over the world observed the 100th anniversary of the first proof of the prime number theorem. (3) ____ famous theorem tells (4)____ what proportion of the positive integers are prime numbers. The emergence of number theory as a by-product of numerology is analogous to that of (5)____ great science, astronomy, (6)____ owes (7)____ origins to a pseudoscience, astrology. Numbers that aren’t prime are composite, except that the number 1 is (8)____ prime ____ composite. This theorem has grown into a vast and beautiful branch of mathematics that for centuries has attracted the attention of (9)____ amateur ____ professional mathematicians.

a) this; b) another; c) neither … nor; d) which; e) some; f) both … and; g) all; h) its; i) us.

3.8. Тесты на местоимения.
Упр.3.8.1. Выберите правильный ответ (в некоторых случаях правильным может быть больше, чем один вариант).

  1. I’m going to a wedding on Saturday. ______ is getting married.

A a friend of me B a friend of mine C one my friends

  1. What time shall we ______ this evening?

A meet B meet us C meet ourselves

  1. They live on a busy road. ___________ a lot of noise from the traffic.

A it must be B there must be C there must have D it must have

  1. He’s lazy. He never does ________ work.

A some B any C no

  1. “What would you like to eat?” “I don’t mind ________ - whatever you have got.”

A something B anything C nothing

  1. We couldn’t buy anything because ________ of the shops were open.

A all B no one C none D nothing

  1. When we were on holiday, we spent __________ money.

A a lot of B much C too much

  1. __________ don’t visit this part of the town.

A the most tourists B most of tourists C most tourists

  1. I asked two people the way to the station but _______ of them knew .

A none B either C both D neither

  1. It was a great party. ________ enjoyed it.

A everybody B all C all of us D everybody of us

  1. The bus service is very good. There’s a bus ________ ten minutes.

A each B every C all

  1. A black box is a device _______ internal workings are immaterial and __________ behavior can be examined only at its input and output terminals.

A that B those C which D whose

  1. “That tree looks terrible!” “The man cut off all ________ branches yesterday.

A it B itself C its D their

Упр.3.8.2. Найдите в каждом предложении одну ошибку в подчеркнутых словах и словосочетаниях.

  1. The more (A) profits US corporations earn in another (B) countries, the less (C) they need to care (D) about infrastructure and education in their country.

  2. Any (A) material that (B) carries an (C) electric current even a straight wire - exhibit (D) all the characteristics of the passive circuit elements: resistance, capacitance and inductance.

  3. We are not against him (A) being (B) present (C) at the coming (D) conference.

  4. Both (A) of (B) airliners arrived (C) on (D) time.

  5. Among pure pharmaceuticals (A), the earliest to be isolated from (B) natural (C) sources they were (D) the alkaloids.

  6. My friend makes (A) less (B) mistakes in English than (C) I do (D).

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11

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