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  • 4.6.6. Идиоматические выражения , состоящие не только из глагола с предлогом или наречием

  • *Упр.4.6.6.d

  • 4.7. Обзорные упражнения на предлоги. Упр.4.7.1.

  • *Упр.4.7.2

  • **The urge to get interconnected.

  • 4.8. Тесты на предлоги. Упр.4.8.1

  • 5.1. Система глагольных времен действительного и страдательного залога в английском языке. 5.1.1. Таблица времен глаголов

  • 1 Основные правила употребления артиклей. 1 Употребление артиклей с именами нарицательными. Неопределенный артикль

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    Part 597: Dealing with political pollsters.

    Please help me. What do I say if I stopped in the street by a man asking questions about elections? This was happening to me all the time during the general election.

    You say: ”Put me down as a Don’t Know”.

    Put me down as a Don’t Know, I see. What exactly does that mean?

    It means you don’t want any more questions.

    I see. What does “put me down” mean?

    It means, write me down on paper.

    But in lesson 413, you told me that “put down” means to make a lot of fun of. Your sentence was “Every comedian thinks it is funny to put down Val Doonican.”

    Yes, well, it means that as well.

    So maybe the man asking the questions will make fun of me?

    No, no.

    And in lesson 512, you said that “put down” also means to have your favourite animal killed. Your sentence was: “We are taking our cat to the vet for him to be put down.”

    Did I? Well, yes, it means that too.

    So I am afraid that the man asking the political questions will have me painlessly killed when I say “Put me down as a Don’t Know.”

    No, no, he won’t do that, I promise.

    If “put down” means to make fun of, suppose “put up” means to take seriously.

    No, no. It means to accommodate for a few days. Here is another sentence for you: “My mother has written to say she is coming to stay with us, so we will have to put her up for the weekend.”

    That is a bit like a sentence I remember from lesson 87. “I do my best to put up with your mother.”

    Ah, yes, that’s put up with.

    What does “put down with” mean?


    Could I say “Set me down as a Don’t Know”?

    No. “Set down” means to let someone off a train at a railway station.

    And “set up” means to let them on the train at the railway station?

    Mmm, not exactly. Actually, it means something the police do when all else fails. Here is another sentence for you. “I spent three years in jail because the police set me up for the Croydon job”.

    Would they do that?

    Not if you’d really done the Croydon job. “Set up,” by the way, also means to give someone lots of money. For example, my parents set me up as a teacher of English as a second language.

    But the police would not give you lots of money for the Croydon job?

    No, I think not.

    Would it be possible to say to this man in the street: “Sent me down as a Don’t Know?”

    Well, not really, “Send down” means to put someone in prison.

    Oh, I see. The police set you up first and then they send you down.

    Yes. Well, not quite. The police set you up, but the judges send you down.

    This is all done to make more jobs?

    Yes, I think so.

    Well, if “send down” means to put you in prison, does “send up” mean get someone out of prison?

    Not exactly. In fact, not at all. “Send up” means to make a lot of fun of.

    Ah, just like “put down”. So the sentence from lesson 413 could also be: “Every comedian thinks it is funny to send up Val Doonican”?

    Very good, absolutely right. Spot on.

    And I could also say to the man in the street: “Send me up as a Don’t Know.”


    And I could say to the vet: ”Here is my cat - please have her sent up”?


    English is very difficult to learn as a second language.

    Believe me, English is very difficult to teach as a second language. It gets me down sometimes.

    Get down? You mean, as in the phrase: “Get down and boogie”?

    Where did you learn to speak like that?

    In a disco in the West End, where I also learn English as a second language.

    Ah, no, that is American as a second language. Oh, just look at the time. I think that is enough for today’s lesson. I must get off.

    Get off with whom?

    I will deal with that in our next lesson.
    d) После прочтения статьи постарайтесь ответить на следующие вопросы.

    1. Каким образом “преподаватель” подшучивает над

    - проводящими опросы общественного мнения по политическим вопросам?

    - Val Doonican (конферансье с характерной привлекательной внешностью)?

    - тещей и свекровью? - полицией? - американским английским?

    1. Что привело в замешательство студента в конце “урока”?

    2. Какие идиоматические выражения “преподаватель” объяснял хорошо, а какие плохо?

    4.6.6. Идиоматические выражения, состоящие не только из глагола с предлогом или наречием.
    Идиоматические выражения могут состоять не только из глагола с предлогом или наречием, но и других частей речи.
    Упр.4.6.6.a. Догадайтесь о значении шести идиом, включающих существительные - части тела. Затем поставьте им в соответствие расположенные в правой колонке определения.

    1. Keep your fingers crossed for me! 1. I’ve nearly remembered it.

    2. I’m pulling your leg! 2. It makes no sense to me at all.

    3. It’s on the tip of my tongue. 3. I’m joking!

    4. I’ll keep an eye on her for you. 4. I’ll watch her while you’re out.

    5. I can’t make head or tail of it. 5. Wish me luck!

    6. I really put my foot in it, didn’t I? 6. I said the wrong thing.

    Упр.4.6.6.b. Составьте английские предложения, используя фразеологические единицы.

    1. Вам не хватает денег. 2. Этого (будет) достаточно. 3. Вы поступите на эту работу. 4. У вас нет с собой мелочи. 5. Давно пора провести собрание по этому вопросу. 6. Вы закончите эту работу самое позднее в марте. 7. Вам надо зайти в булочную. 8. Вам эта работа по плечу. 9. Европейский чемпионат будет проходить в Москве.

    Упр.4.6.6.c. Закончите предложения.
    1.I hope, the change of the climate will …(приносить вам пользу) 2. I’ll visit them (попозже). 3. (Прежде всего) we’ll have to check the state of things. 4. When shall I see you в следующий раз)? 5. Let’s meet (послезавтра). 6. “How old will he be next year?” “30 (в крайнем случае, самое большее) 7. Everything will happen (своим чередом). 8. You may keep it (навсегда).
    *Упр.4.6.6.d. В этом упражнении выделены идиоматических выражения. Прочитайте внимательно текст и догадайтесь о смысле этих выражений.

    1. A The question is, who left the window open?

    B For goodness sake, John. Stop splitting hairs! It doesn’t matter who left the window open. The fact is that someone did, and that’s how the parrot escaped.

    1. He stole money from his wife’s purse so that he could go out drinking. But she got her own back by locking him out, so he had to sleep in the garden that night.

    2. Don’t worry about Josephine. She shouts a lot, but really she doesn’t mean it. Her bark is worse than her bite.

    3. A My wife and I just can’t control our finances. No matter how hard we try, we’re always overdrawn at the end of the month.

    B Jack and I are in the same boat. I think it must be the cost of living that has gone up.

    1. We’re a team, and we have to work together, but I don’t think Bill is pulling his weight.

    2. My father agreed to lend me his car for this evening, but when I asked for some money for petrol, he put his foot down.

    3. All negotiations in the miner’s pay dispute had broken down, and the strike was due to start next day. Then, at the eleventh hour, the management made a new offer.

    4. Setting up your own business should be quite a simple affair, but there is so much red tape involved, with tax offices, planning permission offices and so on, that it can take years.

    *Упр.4.6.6.e. Выберите правильный вариант из четырех предложенных, чтобы получилось идиоматическое выражение.

    1. He used the business profits to ___ his own nest. His employees gain nothing.

    fill feather enrich build

    1. She is so quick to criticize other people. I think she should learn to set her own ____ in order first.

    home business house place

    1. He paid an absolute fortune for a really tiny flat. There’s not enough room to swing a _____ .

    cat handbag monkey rope

    1. Don’t be so impatient. You can’t hurry the decorating if you want to do it well. _____ wasn’t built in a day.

    New York St Paul’s Rome Colossus

    1. Friends may let you down, but your family will always stand by you. Blood is thicker than ____ .

    tea wine tears water

    1. My car has just about had it. It’s on its last ___ . We’ll have to get a new one.

    legs life way routes

    1. Politics is a cut-throat business where your friends can be more treacherous than your enemies, but, as they say, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the _____ .

    forge kitchen hearth desert

    1. I don’t know what she’s got to be so cocky and self-important about. Someone should put her in _____ .

    place boots cradle post

    1. I believed him! He looked so sincere. I feel such a fool now. He really led me up the _____ .

    river garden path wrong road high street
    4.7. Обзорные упражнения на предлоги.
    Упр.4.7.1. Заполните пропуски соответствующим предлогом.

    1. He invested all his money _______ stocks and shares.

    2. Could you throw that book ______ me, please? I’d like to have a quick look at it.

    3. They thanked him ____ being so kind.

    4. They invited us _____ their wedding, but we couldn’t go.

    5. I warned him _____ the dangers of driving without a seat belt.

    6. They provided me ______ food and bed, which was very kind.

    7. The smell of the food reminded me ______ when I was a child.

    8. He spent all his money _____ fast cars and gambling.

    *Упр.4.7.2. Заполните пропуски в текстах соответствующим предлогом.


    When my grandmother was at school, she had to learn everything (a) _______ heart, and even years later she could recite countless poems (b) _______ memory. She was discouraged (c) _____ thinking (d) ______ herself, and concentrated simply (e) ______ learning facts. The teacher were very strict (f) ______ pupils in those days. My grandfather confined (g) ______ me that he was expelled (h) ______ school (i) ______ playing truant just once.

    It is always worthwhile for government to invest (j) _______ education. Nobody should be deprived (k) _______ a good education, and everybody should benefit (l) ______ it. Nothing can compensate (m) ______ a bad start in life. Pupils (n) ______ public schools still account (o) _____ many of the students at Oxford and Cambridge University. Until quite recently these universities seemed to be prejudiced (p) ______ pupils from state schools. Many people objected very strongly (q) _____ this and at last things are changing.

    I had no intention (r) ___ staying (s) ___ at university after I had finished my first degree. I finally succumbed (t) ___ parental pressure, but only (u) __ protest, and carried out research (v) _____ the life of Baudelaire.
    **The urge to get interconnected.

    Electronic intelligence is being built (a)____ more and more (b)____ the items we use every day, (c)___ the office, (d)___ home, and (e)___ school. The utility of many of these gadgets could greatly increase if, (f)____ addition (g)___ built-(h)____ intelligence, they were able to link (i)___ other devices to either pass (j)____ information or pick (k)____ control signals or data. An obvious example is the notebook computer that’s taken (l)____ the road and then brought (m)____ (n)____ the home or office. When getting ready (o)____ a trip, they might want to load some information, such as background (p)___ sales prospects and perhaps directions (q)___ getting (r)____ their sites, (s)____ the device that they will be carrying so that they can refer (t)____ it (u)____ the way.

    Moreover, appliances (v)____ your toaster (w)____ your coffee maker will be linked (x)___ your alarm clock, so that you are awakened (y)___ the smell of coffee. (z)____ your evening commute home, you can signal your home to turn (aa)____ the lights, start the evening meal (bb)____ the microwave, and so on. All of this will be managed (cc) ____ a home “control center” or an entirely new system.
    4.8. Тесты на предлоги.

    Упр.4.8.1. Выберите нужный вариант из предложенных.

    1. I’ll be in London next week. I hope to see Tom ________ there.

    A while I will be B while I am C during my visit D during I am

    1. Fred is away at the moment. I don’t know exactly when he’s coming back but I’m sure he’ll be back _______ Monday.

    A by B until C on D before

    1. I’ll be at home _____ Friday morning. You can phone me then.

    A at B on C in

    1. I’m going away ______ the end of January.

    A at B on C in

    1. When we were in Italy, we spent a few days _______ Venice.

    A at B to C in

    1. What time did they ______ the hotel?

    A arrive to B arrive at C arrive in D get to E get in

    1. Tom’s away at the moment. He’s _____ holiday in France.

    A at B on C in D for

    1. We travelled ______ 6.45 train, which arrived at 8.30.

    A in the B on the C by the D by

    1. Have you read any books ______ Agatha Christie?

    A of B from C by

    1. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage ___ the other car.

    A of B for C to D on E at

    1. Why were you so unfriendly ____ Tessa? Have you had an argument with her?

    A of B for C to D with

    1. I’m not very good ____ repairing things.

    A at B for C in D about

    1. I don’t understand this sentence. Can you _____ ?

    A explain to me this word B explain me this word C explain this word to me

    1. If you’re worried about the problem, you should do something _____ it.

    A for B about C against D with

    1. “Who is Tom Madely?” “I’ve no idea. I’ve never heard ____ him.”

    A about B from C after D of

    1. “What time will you arrive?” “I don’t know. It depends ____ the traffic.”

    A of B for C from D on

    1. I prefer tea ____ coffee.

    A to B than C against D over

    1. They gave me a form and told me to ____ .

    A fill in B fill it in C fill in it

    1. They got ___ the train at Los Angeles.

    A out of B from C off D with

    1. The force that holds neutrons and protons together in the atomic nucleus is one manifestation of the strong interaction ____ hadrons.

    A among B between C within D throughout

    Упр.4.8.2. Заполните пропуски в текстах соответствующим предлогом из данных ниже.

    The blue-and-white trains which run every half an hour ____(1) Tokyo and Osaka are the fastest trains in the world. They are not only very fast but very comfortable. Only those who have booked seats can travel ____(2) the train. It was not possible to run more trains ____(3) the old lines so the Japanese build a special line ____(4) the new fast trains. It is very good indeed. You can eat and drink ____(5) difficulty ____(6) 220 km an hour. You can know the speed because there is a speedometer ___(7) the carriage.

    a) on b) between c) for d) without e) at f) inside g) along
    Глава 5. Глагол.
    5.1. Система глагольных времен действительного и страдательного залога в английском языке.
    5.1.1. Таблица времен глаголов.
    Основные трудности и тестовые задания, связанные с глаголом, определяются наличием 26 (!) времен действительного и страдательного залогов.

    Таблица времен глаголов.




    Используе-мые обстоятель-ства времени, предлоги и вводные слова


    1. настоящее состояние дел

    2. общеизвестный факт

    3. регулярно происходящее действие и (или) установившийся распорядок

    4. будущее действие, происходящее по расписанию или по


    1. My sister lives in Washington.

    2. The sun rises in the east.

    3. I listen to the radio in the mornings.

    He generally buys a lot of historical books.
    (D) My flight leaves at 10:00.





    every day,

    from time to time,


    at times,

    и др.


    1. действие, происходящее в момент речи

    2. действие, происходящее в течение настоящего периода времени или его промежутка

    3. запланированное действие в будущем

    4. негативные привычки

    1. Andrew is watching TV (right now).

    1. My sister is living in Washington.

    He is writing a new article.

    1. He is taking his examination on Friday.

    2. I am always forgetting about his birthday.

    At the moment,



    at present



    (A) законченное действие в прошлом

    1. законченное событие в прошлом, не имеющее связи с настоящим

    2. действие, регулярно происходившее в прошлом

    3. описание последовательных событий в прошлом

    (A)The mail came early in the morning.

    1. John worked in advertising for ten years.

    1. We jogged every morning before classes.

    1. She ran out of the house, jumped on her bike and rode off.


    a minute (day,

    week …) ago,

    last year (month,

    week …),

    the day before yesterday


    1. Действие, продолжавшееся в момент другого, более быстрого действия.

    (B) событие, происходившее в определенный момент в прошлом

    (C) длительное состояние или повторяющиеся действия в прошлом
    (D) запланированное действие в прошлом

    (A) I was reading when the telephone rang.

    1. We were discussing the problem at ten o’clock last morning.

    1. She was looking very ill.

    I was meeting lots of people at that time.

    1. Nancy was leaving for Chicago but had to make a last-minute connection.


    1. действие, случившееся в неопределенный момент в прошлом и имеющее связь с настоящим

    2. если в настоящем важен результат действия в прошлом

    3. действие, произошедшее недавно

    4. действие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся до настоящего момента (часто с for или since)

    1. действие, происходившее какое-то число раз до настоящего момента

    1. She has never attended an international conference.

    I’m sorry. I have forgotten your name.

    1. Have you ever organised press conferences?

    1. He’s just met Dr Wittner.

    1. Jacky has lived in Maine all her life.

    I’ve been here since


    He’s known her for two


    1. We have flown across the Pacific four times.

    I’ve failed my test twice.








    so far,

    this week /

    month, year …

    up to now,




    (A) действие, начавшееся в прошлом и только-что закончившееся, налицо результат действия

    1. действие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся в настоящем

    2. действие, повторяющееся длительный период в прошлом и продолжающееся в настоящем

    3. общее действие, которое происходит без уточнения конкретного времени

    1. Have you been ranking the lawn? There’s grass all over your pant legs.

    1. Laura has been studying for two hours.

    1. Simon has been smoking since he was fifteen

    I have been phoning

    you all morning.
    (D) I’ve been thinking

    about going to college next year.



    How long…?


    (A) действие в прошлом, произошедшее раньше другого действия в прошлом

    1. действие, совершившееся до определенного момента в прошлом

    1. Tom had left hours before we got there.

    1. I had finished it by 5 p.m.


    (A) длительное прошедшее действие, с указанием его длительности, совершавшееся в момент наступления другого действия в прошлом

    (B) длительное прошедшее действие, закончившееся перед моментом наступления другого действия в прошлом

    1. I had been working for an hour before you came.

    (B) He felt tired as he had been looking through the paper for several hours.



    (A) решение, принятое в момент речи

    1. предсказание вероятного события в будущем по личному мнению

    2. выражение готовности, желания что-либо сделать

    1. Perhaps I’ll call you after lunch.

    2. You will pass the test. Don’t worry. (I think so.)

    1. If I don’t feel better soon, I will go to the doctor.




    I think,

    I am sure,

    I wonder


    1. продолжительное действие в определенный момент будущем

    2. продолжительное действие, которое будет совершаться в отрезке времени, но не непрерывно

    (B) недлительное действие, когда выражается уверенность в его совершении

    1. At noon tomorrow, I’ll be giving a lesson.

    1. I’ll be preparing for my examination in May.

    1. He’ll be meeting us near the laboratory.

    At noon,

    at 5 o'clock,

    at midnight,

    at that moment


    (A) действие, которое будет закончено к определенному времени в будущем

    (A) By next July, my parents will have been married for fifty years.


    (A) подчеркивается продолжительность периода времени, который пройдет до определенного момента в будущем

    (A) By May, my father will have been working at the same job for thirty years.

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