практик. Ббк 81. 2 Англ923 т 23
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Exercise 1, p. 212 Possible Variants 1. Caution made Jim hesitate to say who he really was. 2. He did not hesitate to propose to her the moment she divorced that hateful husband of hers. 3- I shan’t touch upon the subject unless somebody else mentions it (brings it up). 4. No use discussing the matter with me unless you are prepared to listen to reason. 5. We thought we knew Italian having studied it from books, but we had some difficulty (in) communicating when we found ourselves in Italy. 6. It’s not always easy to teach children to read. Some children have special difficulty (in) linking the letters into syllables and the syllables into words. 7. The door was so narrow that we had some difficulty (in) squeezing through it as all of us were rather fat. 8. With many other things to occupy my mind, I had not given Wilson a single thought. 9. The two old gentlemen were obviously displeased with the interruption. They gave us a frown and pursed their lips. 10. I’m not astonished at his refusal to help us at all. That is precisely what Iexpected him to do. 11. Now it’s quite evident that we shan’t be able to finish the work on time. That’s precisely/just what Fve always feared. I knew from the very start that we wouldn't meet the deadline. 12. I know that he’s sorry about what happened but I am none the happier for his apology/for learning it. 13. The boy is naughty, but I like him none the worse fo r his bad behavior. 14. I think it only fair to tell you that that’s all I can give you. 15. He’s a connoisseur [kɒnə'sə:] (знаток) of art and he surely knows a good painting when he sees it. 16. This young actress has got real talent. I assure you I know a good actress when I see her. 17. You cannot imagine a more delightful person to deal with. 18. If you’re in need of advice, you cannot find a better person to turn to. Exercise 2, p. 212 Possible Variants 1. He hesitated to go further because he was afraid. 2. Don’t hesitate to refuse if you think the plan is unwise. 3. Unless the weather is bad we ought to have a good trip there. 4. Unless ive hurry we shan’t get home before dark. 5. He had (some) difficulty (in) getting the information. 6.Jean-Pierre had (some) difficulty (in) understanding what she said because of her bad French. 7 .John gave a shrug/sigh, seemed to hesitate and then walked on. 8. “Give him a ring, it’s urgent.” 9. That’s (precisely) what it’s going to be if we can’t find some better explanation. 10. She is definitely not (That’s precisely) what you expected a teacher to be. 11. I ’m none the happier for knowing the truth. 12. I like you none the worse for being frank and straightforward. 13. That’s all I dare to hope for. 14. He was a connoisseur of classical music and knew a good symphony/ opera when he heard it. 15. I ’ve never met a more pleasant woman to have a chat with. 16. He is the worst partner imaginable to work with. Exercise 3, p. 213 1. He hesitated to give advice afraid of responsibility, I think. 2. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need me. 3. Unless I’m mistaken this is but a temporary job. 4. Don’t do anything unless you hear from me. 5. We’re going on a hike next Saturday unless the weather turns out nasty. 6. I always have (some) difficulty (in) remembering dates, they just slip my memory. 7. I had some difficulty (in) understanding the article. 8. He gave an apologetic laugh and said, “So that’s it. How on earth did you guess the truth?” 9. Tom gave a shrug. “What next, 1 wonder?” 10. The landlady gave the three young men a critical look and closed the door in their faces. 11. At seeing me Jovella gave a sigh of relief. 12. That’s precisely/just what I was afraid of. 13. If I had my time over again, that’s precisely/just how I should act. 13. I liked the boy none the worse for being a bit naughty. 15. He is none the happier for his wealth/for being rich. 16. “I’m aware that that’s the only thing I can set my hopes on/I can hope for.” 17. Is that all I can (have got to) look forward to?” asked Cora. 18. Soames knew a good picture when he saw it. 19. He is a well-read person and knows a good French poem when he sees it. 20. I can hardly imagine a better district to live in than the South-West of Moscow. 21. He doesn’t believe there is a better place to have a rest in than Scotland. Exercise 4, p. 213 1. I hesitated to bother you. 2. Not if you have difficulty (in) finding the time. 3. No one unless you have confided it to someone. 4 . I had some difficulty (in) getting here. My car broke down. 5. I did have difficulty (in) obtaining it. In all the big bookstores they told me it was out of print, but I managed to find it in an obscure small bookshop on the outskirts of the city. 6. Oh, yes, she gave such a yell/scream that it could have roused the dead. 7. Yes, I was told that someone had given him a push. 8. I’m in two minds. That’s just what I’m thinking over now. 9. That’s precisely what you mustn’t do. She will just make you a scene. 10. I don’t know a more delightful place to spend my holiday in. 11. That’s precisely what I can’t do. I have asthma and dusting the flat may provoke an attack. 12. Oh, yes, I’m a connoisseur of art and know a good picture when I see it. 13. Yes, I know good poetry when I see it. 14. Yes, that’s precisely/just what you ought to do. Exercise 5, p. 214 1. She took hold of the door knob/door handle but still hesitated to enter the room. 2. If you need my help, don’t hesitate to ring me up any time. 3. Unless I am mistaken, the meeting has been put off/postponed till Monday. 4. I would prefer to stay in a hotel unless it is overcrowded. 5. We had (some) difficulty (in) finding this street because it hadn’t been put on the map yet, and no one knew where it was. 6. It took me so long to translate the article because I had difficulty (in) translating/ understanding the technical terms/had difficulty with technical terms. 7. Henry gave a deep sigh and said, “I should never have thought that this work would turn out/prove (to be) so difficult (was such an undertaking). 8. Anne gave the headlines a cursory glance and put the newspaper aside. 9. I’ve told her everything. - That’s precisely what you shouldn’t have done. 10. You shouldn’t have lifted this box alone. - I can assure you I feel/I am none the worse for lifting/doing it. You needn’t worry. 11. You can keep phoning her all day/the whole day and get none the wiser: she won’t pick up the phone/receiver/she doesn’t answer. 12. Jim knew perfectly well that it was all he could hope for/he had to hope for. But still he didn’t lose heart/didn’t despair/didn’t give way to despair. 13. That’s all I must tell you. I hope you’ll take/treat it seriously. 14. Kirill knows good antiques (a good antique) when he sees them (when he sees it). You had better ask him whether this vase is really worth so much money. 15. I have never met a more interesting person to talk to. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY 1. confide vi/t - 1) доверяться (in smb.)-, I can confide in him. - Я могу доверить ему свои секреты. 2) поверять, сообщать по секрету (smth. to smb.); Не confided his troubles/plans/fears to me. - Он рассказал мне по секрету о своих неприятностях/планах/ страхах. Не confided to me his secret. - Он доверил свою тайну. confidence - 1) доверие; I have no confidence in such people (in his opinion). - Я не доверяю таким людям (его мнению). I have no confidence in his ability. - Я не верю в его способ- ности. Не enjoys everybody’s confidence. - Он пользуется доверием у всех./Ему все доверяют. What she says does not inspire confidence. - Ее слова не внушают доверия. I shan’t betray your confidence. - Я не обману вашего доверия. She took me into her confidence. - Она доверила мне свою тайну./Она доверилась мне. 2) уверенность, уверенность в себе; Не has too much confidence in himself (self-confidence). - Он слишком самоуверен. His lack of confidence is most annoying. - Его неуверенность в себе очень раздражает. His comforting words gave me confidence. - Его слова утешения добавили мне уверенности. 3) конфиденциальное сообщение, секрет (often in pi.); I listened to the girl’s confidences with mixed feelings of pity and disapproval. - Я слушал излияния этой девицы одновременно с жалостью и неодобрением, confident - 1) уверенный; We were not confident of success. - Мы были не уверены в успехе. 2) уверенный в себе; a confident manner -уверенное поведение; поведение уверенного в себе человека; confident smile - уверенная улыбка /улыбка уверенного в себе человека; confident voice/tone - голос уверенного в себе человека/ уверенный тон; confidential - конфиденциальный, секретный; доверительный; confidential information - конфиденциальная информация; confidential matter - конфиденциальное дело; confidential correspondence - секретная переписка; confidential voice - доверительный тон. 2. start vi/t - 1) отправляться; to start early (late, at 6 p.m., etc.) - отправиться в путь спозаранку (поздно, в шесть вечера и т.п.); to start on a trip (a journey, an excursion) - отправиться в поездку (в путешествие, на экскурсию); 2) начать; to start work (business, conversation) - начать работу (бизнес, беседу); to start working, running, crying - начать работу, бег, начать плакать; 3) начаться; How did the war (the fire, the quarrel) start? - Как началась (-лся) война (пожар, ссора)? 4) завести (что-л.) (о моторе и т.п.); учреждать, основывать; to start a newspaper - начать издавать газету, основать газету; 5) вздрогнуть; Не started at the noise. - От шума (звука) он вздрогнул, starting-point - 1) отправной пункт, отправная точка; 2) исходный пункт, рубеж; The incident turned out to be a starting-point that set everything afloat. - Этот случай оказался отправной точкой, с которой все началось (с которой начался весь процесс). start п — 1) начало; the start of a race - начало гонки; at the journey’s start - в начале пуги; That gave her a start in life. - Это помогло ей встать на ноги. from the start - с самого начала; Everything went wrong from the start. - Все пошло плохо с самого начала. from start to finish - с начала до конца; This is the whole story from start to finish. - Вот вся история с начала до конца. 2) вздрагивание, рывок (чаще всего - от испуга); Не sprang up (awoke) with a start. - Он внезапно/резко вскочил (проснулся). You gave me a start, I must say - Должен сказать, что вы меня перепугали. by fits and starts - урывками, нерегулярно; Research work cannot be done by fits and starts. - Исследования не могут осуществляться урывками/нерегулярно. 3. to confuse vt - 1) перепутать, спутать; to confuse names (words or persons) - перепутать имена и фамилии (слова или людей); to confuse facts (dates) - (пере)путать факты (даты); They look so much alike that I always confuse them. - Они так похожи, что я их все время путаю. Old people always confuse dates and figures. - Старики веч- но путают даты и цифры. 2) смутить; Everybody’s attention confused her and she was at a loss for words. - Всеобщее внимание смутило ее, и она не знала, что сказать. syn. embarrass to be (feel, seem) confused (embarrassed) - быть (чувствовать себя, выглядеть) смущенным/в замешательстве; Не seemed a trifle confused (embarrassed). - Он выглядел немного смущенным. confusion п - 1) смущение, замешательство; 2) беспорядок, неразбериха; to lie/be/be thrown about in confusion - лежать/быть, оказаться/ быть разбросанным в беспорядке; His things lay in confusion on the sofa. - Его вещи беспорядочно лежали на диване. His thoughts were in confusion. - Его мысли пугались./ В его мыслях царила путаница. Не remained calm in the confusion of battle. - В неразберихе битвы/боя он оставался спокойным/он сохранял спокойствие. syn. mess 3) замешательство, смущение; His confusion was obvious. - Его замешательство было очевидно всем. 4) путаница, смешение; the confusion of sounds, letters - смешение звуков, букв; confusing - сбивающий с толку, выбивающий из колеи; An examiner must not ask confusing questions (so as not to put the student out). - Экзаменатор не должен задавать вопросы, сбивающие студента с толку (чтобы не выбить его из колеи). Don’t ask embarrassing questions (so as not to make one uncomfortable). - He задавай неудобных вопросов (чтобы не заставлять человека чувствовать себя не в своей тарелке. confused - 1) сбитый с толку, в замешательстве; The girl looked confused. - Девушка выглядела смущенной, сбитой с толку. 2) спутанный, сбивчивый, неясный; His tale (answer) was confused. - Его рассказ (ответ) был сбивчивым. He was unable to put his confused ideas into shape. - Он не смог внятно изложить свои мысли. 4. drop vt/i - 1) ронять, бросать; to drop a glass (a handkerchief, etc.) - уронить стакан (носовой платок и т.п.); to drop bombs - сбрасывать бомбы; to drop a letter in a pillar-box (a coin in a slot) - бросить письмо в почтовый ящик (монету в щель); 2) бросить, перестать; to drop one’s work (studies, a habit) - бросить свою работу (занятия, привычку); to drop smoking - бросить курить; Let’s drop the argument (the subject). - Давайте перестанем спорить (оставим эту тему). 3) оставить; перестать; to drop a subject - оставить какую-л. тему; to drop a person at some place - оставить (высадить) человека в каком-л. месте; to drop a line - черкнуть строчку; to drop smb. a hint (on smth.) - намекнуть кому-л. (о чем-л.); to drop one’s voice - понизить голос; to drop one’s eyes - опустить глаза; to drop one’s friends - бросить своих друзей; to drop anchor - бросить якорь; 4) падать; снижаться; опускаться; to drop with fatigue - падать с ног от усталости; to drop into a chair - повалиться (опуститься) на стул; to drop on (to) one’s knees - упасть на колени; to drop dead - упасть замертво; leaves (apples, blossoms) drop - листья (яблоки, цветы) опадают; It was so quiet, you might have heard a pin drop. - Стояла абсолютная тишина (Было гак тихо, что стало бы слышно, если бы упала булавка). 5) падать, стихать, уменьшаться, понижаться; the temperature dropped - температура упала; the wind dropped - ветер стих (ослабел); one’s voice dropped - его (ее) голос стал тише/понизился; prices may drop - цены могут снизиться; to drop in (on smb.) - зайти (к кому-л.); Several friends dropped in to tea. - На чай зашли несколько друзей. to drop off - 1) покидать, оставлять; one’s friends/customers (the doctor’s practice) may drop off - твои друзья, клиенты/покупатели могут тебя покинуть (пациенты могут уйти к другому врачу); 2) заснуть; Не dropped off during the performance. - Во время спектакля он заснул. |