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to hold out one’s hand - протянуть руку; Annie held out her hand with a little package in it. - Энни протянула руку с маленьким свертком. to hold smth. back (from) - утаивать что-л. от кого-л.; You should hold back this news from them for a while. - Вы должны какое-то время не сообщать им эту новость. 2) выдерживать (тяжесть, напряжение и т.п.); A paper bag will hold sand, but it won’t hold water. - В бумажном мешке можно держать песок, но нельзя держать во- ду. Sea water holds many salts in solution. - В морской воде растворено много солей. to hold off - удерживать на расстоянии Hold your dog off. - Придержите своего пса. 3) проводить; to hold a meeting (examination, lecture, trial etc.) - провести собрание (экзамен, лекцию, судебный процесс и т.п.); The meeting will be held on Monday. - Собрание состоится в понедельник. They are going to hold a trial there. - Они собираются провести там суд. 4) продолжаться, держаться, стоять (о погоде и т.п.); How long will the weather hold? - Как долго простоит (продержится) такая погода? to hold together - оставлять целым, скреплять; оставаться единым, держаться вместе; Hold together and you won’t be defeated. - Оставайтесь едины (Держитесь вместе), и вас не смогут победить, hold п- удерживание; to catch (get, take, have) hold of a thing or a person - 1) брать, хватать; хвататься за что-л. или кого-л.; 2) добывать; завладевать чем-л. или кем-л.; to keep hold of a thing or a person - держаться за что-л. или кого-л.; to lose hold of a thing or a person - выпустить что-л. или кого-л. из рук; Не caught hold of the rope and climbed on board. - Он ухватился за веревку и вскарабкался на борт. WORD COMBINATIONS AND PHRASES after their last (first, second) year at college (the university) - проучившись на последнем (первом, втором) курсе колледжа (университета); according to smth. (their map, my watch, their orders or instructions, her words, etc.) - в соответствии (согласно) чему-либо (согласно их карте, по моим часам, по (с о гласно) их приказам или инструкциям, по ее словам и т.п.); smooth hair (forehead, surface, board, paper, skin, road, sea) - гладкие волосы (лоб, поверхность, доска, бумага, кожа, море); to break into flower - расцвести, зацвести; to be in leaf (in flower) - с распустившейся листвой (в цветении); with one’s eyes on smb. or smth. (with one’s hair flung back) - глядя на кого-л. или что-л. (откинув волосы назад); to show smb. the way - показать кому-л. дорогу; to break in (into a conversation) - перебить, влезть в разговор; to hurt or pain smb. - болеть (у кого-л.); My leg is hurting me (hurts). - У меня болит нога. to take smb. in from head to heel - оглядеть кого-л. с головы до ног; to get smth. ready - подготовить что-л.; there’s no room for - нет места для...; one at a time - по одному. Exercise 4, p. 258 1. After their last year (together) at the university they made up their minds to go to work in the North. 2. According to his words he is not to blame. 3. The pebbles on the beach were smooth and shiny. 4. The smooth sea looked empty and hostile. 5. We drove down the smooth gravel drive and out o f the white gates. 6. The woman stood leaning against the wall with her eyes on him. 7. He stood stock-still (совершенно неподвижно, как столб) with his eyes on the painting. 8. Thank you for showing us the way. 9. I wish you wouldn’t break into our conversation/break in. 10. Sorry for breaking into your conversation/for breaking in. 11. The back hurt/pained me so I couldn’t sleep. 12. She walked on without complaining though her foot hurt/pained her terribly. 13. She took him in from head to heel. 14. It will take me half an hour to get everything ready. 15. Have a rest while I get the spare room ready. 16. The trees will soon be in leaf. 17. What can be more delightful to the eye than a cherry tree ready to break into flower? 18. I did not go with them as there was no room in the car. Exercise 5, p. 259 1. After their first year together at (the) university they became great friends. 2. According to the directions/instructions we must get the camp ready for the tourists’ arrival by the first of June. 3. According to my watch it’s high time to put the children to bed. 4. Our trip went (off) smoothly/without a hitch. 5. The road was smooth and we quickly got to the station. 6. The boy was standing with his eyes on the car. If only he were/was taken for a ride (in it)! 7. She looked very pretty/ She looked lovely with her hair flung back. 8. I’m afraid we are going in the wrong direction, let’s ask somebody to show us the way to the shop. 9. Excuse me for breaking in, but I’ve got to talk to you right now. Yesterday evening/Last night I had such a toothache/my tooth pained/hurt me so much that I couldn’t go to sleep. 11. “Where does it hurt?” asked the doctor. 12. The landlady took them in from head to heel and only after that invited them into the house. 13. I’ll get everything ready in five minutes! 14. The hedge was breaking into flower filling the air with a sweetish smell. 15. The slender aspens/asps are in flower. They bloom/They stay in flower until they are in leaf. 16. There’s no room for another armchair in the room. It’s too crowded (with furniture) as it is. 17. The teacher asked the children to speak one at a time because when all of them spoke together it was difficult to understand what they wanted. Exercise 8, p. 260 добраться до (какого-л. места) - to make (some place); питать склонность к - to have a bent for; сорвать цветок - to pluck a flower; говорить ерунду - to talk through one’s hat; на фоне неба - against the sky; башмаки потрескались - the shoes were split; с откинутыми назад волосами - with the hair flung back; поднять руку в знак приветствия - to put up one’s hand in a salute; остановиться на ночь - to stay the night; без смущения - without shyness; продолжать расспросы - to take up the catechism; старый яблоневый сад - an old orchard of apple-trees; комната для гостей - a spare room; стоять отдельно - to stand by itself; песчаное дно - a sandy bottom; свисать над водой - to overhang the water; глаза, сверкающие как роса - dewy eyes. Exercise 9, p. 260 1. Frank Ashurst and his friend Robert Garton were travelling on foot. 2. Giving the knee a rest and talking of the universe. 3. Like some wild prehistorical animal. 4. Garton’s dark curly thick hair which looked as though its depths had never been touched by a comb. 5. Robert was talking nonsense. 6. And Ashurst who saw beauty without giving a thought to (speculat- ing how) it could benefit him/how he could benefit/profit from it... 7. His head was bare/He wasn’t wearing a hat, so how could he take offwhat wasn’t there? 8. Garton went on asking questions. 9. The girl’s aunt’s neck was also long and graceful and mobile and probably reminded one vaguely of a snake. 10. He felt unreasonably happy. Exercise 2, p. 261 A. 1. Дорожка превратилась в каменистую тропу, которая привела их к главной дороге. 2. «Что вы знаете о вашем друге Пайле?» - «Весьма немного. Просто наши пути пересекаются, вот и все». 3. Сказать, что он замел свои следы, было бы неправдой. Он вообще не оставил следов, так что нечего было заметать. 4. Вдалеке мы увидели очертания башни. 5. Старый дуб красиво вырисовывался на фоне голубого неба. 6. Простыми словами он коротко изложил просьбу, с которой к нему обратилась Энн. 7. Подошвы его ног были заскорузлыми и мозолистыми от ходьбы. 8. Ей пришлось тяжело: двух ее сыновей унесла война. 9. Насколько хорошо этот грузовик приспособлен к ухабистым проселочным дорогам/к бездорожью? 10. Стол сколочен из необструганных досок. 11. Вот черновой набросок моей речи. 12. Это единственный вопрос/ пункт, по которому мы с Гарри расходимся (во мнениях). 13. Он привлек мое внимание и тут же пустился в объяснения. 14. Уверяю вас, что никогда прежде его не видел. 15. Он еще немного прошел/проехал по дороге, попутно прикидывая на глазок высоту стены. 16. Лучше останься здесь и не спускай с него глаз. Я позвоню в полицию. 17. «Мы пили кофе». – «Тогда неудивительно, что вам не хочется спать». 18. На свете много чудес, но самое чудесное/удивительное - это человек. 19. Он знал, что Роберт послал за ним не затем, чтобы беседовать о погоде, и теперь гадал, когда же тот заговорит о сути дела. B. 1. Вы легко узнаете его: он слегка прихрамывает. 2. Думаю, он хромой от рождения. 3. Джун всегда носилась (fussed over) со своими несчастненькими. 4. Я взял себя в руки, выдал какие-то неубедительные объяснения, и мы вместе спустились по лестнице на первый этаж. 5. Наверное, вы слышали о Люси-хромоножке - хромой девушке с костылем. 6. Отметьте фамилии отсутствующих студентов. 7. Не может быть, чтобы вы сделали эту ужасную вещь: отложили поездку туда ради нас. 8. Эта новость положила конец нашим надеждам. 9. Вы можете предоставить ночлег еще нескольким гостям/разместить у себя на ночь еще несколько гостей? 10. Общество писателей было ему явно непривычно, и мы все тщетно пытались сделать так, чтобы он перестал чувствовать себя неловко. 11. Я позвонил друзьям и отложил ту небольшую вечеринку, которую собирался устроить вечером. 12. «Я не думал об этом в последнее время. С тех пор как встретил вас», - хотел добавить он, но вдруг ощутил непонятную робость и промолчал. 13. Она по натуре очень застенчива. 14. Он боится показывать свои эмоции. 15. Теперь я избавился от той робости и застенчивости, которую прежде испытывал в общении с незнакомыми людьми. 16. Он высок, худощав и у него хорошая выправка/осанка (spare and holds himself well). 17. На какое-то мгновение он почувствовал ужасное искушение: ему хотелось промолчать, ведь о его визите к ним никто ничего не знал. 18. Она продолжала говорить, отчаянно стараясь удержать его внимание. 19. Теперь, когда молодость ее была позади, что готовило ей будущее? 20. Было сравнительно прохладно, и я был рад возможности размять ноги после долгого плавания. 21. Он встал, потянулся и перегнулся через подоконник. 22. Он протянул свои длинные тонкие руки к огню, чувствуя, что напряжение спало. 23. Девочка вытянула шею и заглянула (peeped) за верхний край забора. Exercise 3, р. 262 А. 1. I’m afraid I’ve completely lost track of him. 2. She stumbled along the steep track that led up the hill. 3. The man was sure lie had covered up his tracks. 4. The mystery bored him and he could not keep track of the plot. 5. The hounds were on the track of the fox. 6 . I know I’ve followed the wrong track. 7. The quaint ancient castle was outlined against the dark sky. 8. The student was asked to outline the historical event. 9. In her letters she had outlined her life/had told me about her life in outline. 10. The sea is rough today. 11. His rough manner frightened the children. 12. Should the weather be rough, do not think of riding. 13. What he told me opened my eyes to the true state of affairs. 14. I hope we see eye to eye/I hope I see eye to eye with you in this matter. 15.I never set eyes on her before. (Very informal: I never clapped eyes on her.) 17. His words opened my eyes to their plans. 18. You should keep an eye on the children when they are playing. 19. He has an eye for a pretty girl. 20. A half-indignant mutter arose about him but he just closed his eyes to it. В. 1. Television is one of contemporary world’s wonders. 2. It’s no wonder/No wonder/Small wonder that your words sent her temper up. 3. I wonder at her saying that. 4 . I wonder what she told you./What did she tell you I wonder? 5. Melody wondered if she would ever find the courage to dare to confide in Sarah. 6. This is a lame argument, it does not prove anything. 7. How would you put this in French? 8. The outbreak (вспышка) of dysentery was put down to bad drinking-water. 9. I’ll put in a word for you, I promise. 10. His modesty is all put on. 11. He was very much put out by the loss of the document. 12. Let’s put offour hiking tour until the weather is better. 13. Don’t be shy of ringing me up any time. I’ll be in the whole day. 14. She stretched out/held out her fragile hand to her cousin and touched his wife softly with the other. 15. He stretched himself out on the settee and watched the canary hop about in its cage. 16. Hurst parish stretches over miles o f sandy lowland and sandstone hill. 17. The meeting was held in the hospital dining-room. 18. He had been careful to hold back what he knew about the subject. 19. She did not know whether or not to hold out her hand. Exercise 4, p. 263 A. 1. I clean forgot about the time/the passage of time./ I completely forgot that there was such a thing as time./The fact that the time was passing and sooner or later this would end had slipped my mind. It was wonderful. 2. He was very careful not to leave any signs/marks that could let people know where he had been or what he had done. 3. You are thinking in a way that’s likely to lead to an incorrect result./ You are after the wrong person/You are barking up the wrong tree/You are suspecting the wrong person/You’ve chosen a wrong way. 4. It was that, that eventually made our friend guess/understand what had happened. 5. I hope you don’t expect me to follow all the details? 6. The dim white contour of her summer dress was all that I could see. 7. I begin to see - not what you would like me to see - the shape of a face and a form - but the shape of a mind./ I begin to see - not what you would like me to see - not the way he/she looks but the way his/her mind works. 8. He was prepared to accept the bad things in life as well as the good ones./He realized that it wouldn’t be all plain sailing and was prepared to face the problems as they came./He realized that there might be problems and difficulties and was prepared to face them. 9. Mrs. Steptoe believes in treating poor relations unkindly/ looking down her nose on poor relations and being unpleasant to them. 10. Hance was an old man with a brusque/impolite tongue and compassionate eyes. 11. She shook hands very firmly looking me straight in the face. 12. Do you mind looking through/glancing at these accounts? 13. Well, I don’t suppose there’s hope of making you understand the realities of life/there’s no hope of making you give up your illusions and see life as it really is. 14. He pictured the image of the girl to himself/He saw the girl in his mind’s eye. 15. She has no opinions of her own: she sees everything just like her mother. 16. She gave/told me the main points of the article but I read it myself. 17. He spoke briefly about the events of those stirring days. 18. I can never get over the marvels of modern science. 19. The Christmas tree, of what they had never seen the likes, filled them with admiration and amazement/awe. 20. Finch considered whether he should embrace the boy - give him a hug and a kiss. 21. It’s very surprising/I’m very surprised/ it’s a miracle you got here at all. 22. The X-ray treatment has remarkably improved his condition. B. 1. A lean old gentleman rose from his chair and hobbled forward to meet me/and walked forward in such a way that it was evident that one of his legs or feet was injured, stiff or malformed. 2. He tried to prevent me from what I intended to do by making empty promises. 3. This will make me spend a lot of money. 4. I can’t stand this noise any longer. I am going to try and put an end to it. 5. Don’t try to assume that air of injured dignity: I can see through you pretence/ Don't try to pretend that your dignity is injured: I know that you are play-acting. 6. He tried not to think about/to forget the incident. 7. I think in those days we sometimes hesitated/ didn’t dare to show our emotions. 8. I thought if we had spent one evening together perhaps he would dare to ask me of his own accord another time. 9. He is capable of speaking 24 hours running/in a row/non-stop/without stopping. 10. A wet railway line/Wet rails and ties ran into the desolate distance. 11. We didn’t know what the future held in store for us/We hadn’t the least notion/the faintest idea what would happen to us in the future. 12. A girl in a cotton dress and straw hat ran up to him her hands held out. 13. You have the air of one who can dictate the terms/who has all the trumps (and will have everything their own way). 14. She can stand her ground with anyone and she isn’t one to be trifled with. 15. Can I suggest an alternative solution that’s likely to work/an alternative sensible solution? 16. I’d like to be able to behave in this town in a way that shows that I have no cause to be ashamed of myself and that I expect respect. |