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Exercise 5, p. 264 shy - timid 1. A bold man by nature, he was shy as a boy in the presence of women. 2. “The soup is beastly!” old Osborn roared, in answer to a timid look of inquiry from his daughter. shy - self-conscious 1. She was obviously wearing her best clothes and had the self-conscious wooden smile on her face. 2. The girl looked at the man with a shy smile. rude - rough 1. Though rough in manner and speech the old soldier was at heart kind and considerate. 2. Squire Western was rude to the servants and the women of his household. rough - coarse 1. The surface of the stone is rough. It needs polishing. 2. The fire gleamed on the coarse white tablecloth. Exercise 6, p. 264 A. 1. Our train is on track five, let’s hurry up/let’s walk faster. 2. Sinking into the deep snow the hound was follow- ing a hare’s tracks. 3. He is not the kind of man/person (He is not one/He is not a man/person) to follow the beaten track. 4 . I have lost track of his reasoning and couldn’t understand what he was talking about. 5. Beyond the railway/railroad (US) tracks there was a field which stretched to the (very) horizon. 6. Here’s the outline of my report. Will you look it through? 7. Unfortunately I don’t have this article with me now but if you wish I can outline it to you/tell you what it’s about in outline. 8. The road was rough from the tracks of countless wheels. 9. The man was wearing (a short overcoat) made of coarse cloth/fabric/a short coarse overcoat and no hat. 10. The woman’s hands were rough from washing clothes and dishes/from laundering and washing up. 11. I don’t advise you to write a rough copy of the paper: you won’t have the time to rewrite it (you won’t have the time to write a fair copy then). 12. I’m afraid that Father and I don’t see eye to eye on this point. 13. There’s something wrong with her, keep an eye on her. 14. He ran his eyes over/through the list and saw his name on it. 15. He is a clever artist with an eye for colour. 16. The doll was so pretty that the little girl couldn’t take her eyes offit. 17. I’ve come here with an eye to/with a view to getting to the bottom o f this affair/to clearing up this matter. 18. She couldn’t thread the needle because the eye was too small. 19. The boy caught the teacher’s eye and stopped talking. 20. No wonder/Small wonder/It is no wonder (that) it’s so cold: the window is open. 21. I wonder why the doctor has given up/dropped medical practice. 22. It’s a wonder to me how one can be so tactless. B. 1. Why are you lame in the right foot? - I’ve slipped and fallen. 2. Tim noticed that the girl was walking with a slight limp. 3. She made up some lame story to excuse her being late/her late arrival (some lame excuse for being late). 4. The old man shifted the hard straw-filled/straw-stuffed pillow and drew/pulled/ stretched the blanket over himself. 5. Have you got a pen? I’m afraid I’ll forget your address if I don’t put it down/write it down/take it down/make a note of it. 6. I’ve got everything ready. Put aside your work and let’s have supper/dinner. 7. It’s time to put the winter clothes away or they will/may/might be eaten by moths/or moths may get to them. 8. I put all his failures to a lack of confidence. 9. I know him well enough and I’m sure that he’ll cope with this work/job. One should put in a word for him or it may be given to someone else, and he is very interested in it. 10. We can’t accept this offer without thinking everything over properly. Let’s put offthe decision till tomorrow. 11. The fact that the paragraph was put on the first page shows (testifies to) the importance of this event. 12. Why do you want to put up at a hotel? Stay with us as long as you wish, w e’ve got a lot of room. 13. “I don’t want to put up with you laziness,” the father said. “You must do this work today.” 14. She struck me as a clever but very shy girl. 15. “Here’s you room. If you need something don’t be shy of calling me/don’t nesitate to call me,” the hostess said. 16. The girl got very shy when I addressed her. 17. These woollen socks have shrunk a lot, can they be stretched somehow? 18. Anne stretched a clothes-line between two trees and began to hang the underwear on it. 19. Finley spread his coat over/on the wet grass and stretched himself (out) on it. 20. I don’t know why they have to hold a trial here, at my place,” said Mr. White. 21. Do you think this bag will hold the apples? 22. He held his breath and pricked his ears. 23. This warm spell is temporary. This kind of weather won’t hold long. 24. At that moment the boy lost hold of the rope and fell to the ground/plopped down. Exercise 7, p. 266 оставлять следы - to leave tracks; замести следы - to cover up one’s tracks; избитый путь - the beaten track; вырисовываться на фоне - to be outlined against; растрепанные волосы - rough hair; черновик - a rough copy; присматривать за - to keep an eye on; открыть кому-л. глаза на... - to open one’s eyes to; строить глазки - to make eyes (at smb.); смотреть сквозь пальцы на что-л. - to turn a blind eye to smth.; to close one’s eyes to smth.; знать в чем-то толк - to have an eye for smth.; с намерением - with an eye to; хромать на правую (левую) ногу - to be lame of/in the right (left) foot/leg; неудачная отговорка - a lame excuse; выбросить из головы - to put smth. out of one’s mind; ввести в расходы - to put smb. to expense; примириться с... - to put up with; застенчивая улыбка - a shy smile; размять ноги - to stretch one’s legs; без перерыва - at a stretch; протянуть руку - to stretch out one’s hand/to hold out one’s hand; скрыть что-л. - to hold smth. back; to keep smth/ back; схватить за - to catch (take, get, seize, grip, lay) hold of. Exercise 12, p. 267 1. My sister was very ill and I had to sit up all night with her. 2. This little stream never dries up. 3. You have worked very well so far; keep it up. 4. You have got the story all mixed up. 5. The home was burned down before the fire brigade came. 6. The sleeves of my dress are too short. I must ask the tailor to let them down an inch. 7. We can’t buy that car just yet, but we are saving up. 8. After dinner I’ll wash up. 9. Sit down, there is plenty of room for everyone. 10. Your coat collar is up at the back, shall I turn it down? 11. Don’t stand under a high tree during a thunderstorm. 12. I can’t use my office now, it is under repair. 13-I did this under orders. 14. Under the circumstances I will not give you any extra work. 15. He is under age and cannot be allowed to be independent. Exercise 13, p. 267 1. At five o ’clock I was already up and without wasting time set to work/started working. 2. Hang up your overcoat here, I’ll show you the way to your room. 3. I’ve picked up a handkerchief. Is it yours? 4. Her parents died when she was still a little girl and she has been brought up by an aunt. 5. The boy turned the box upside down, and the toys scattered/ slipped all over the floor. 6 . I was up all night, and now I’m dropping with fatigue. 7. Let’s go up this hill, it (its top) gives/offers a very lovely view of the river. 8. Yesterday Mother fell down the stairs and hurt/injured her foot/leg. I’m very worried about her./I worry about her very much. 9. I’m feeling off colour/under the weather/unwell, I’d better go and lie down. 10. I don’t like looking down from a big height, I feel dizzy. 11. You had better put down my address in a notebook, you may lose this sheet/slip of paper. 12. A large part of the city was flooded/was covered with water/was under water. 13. A boy of about five was sitting at a desk alone. 14. A lot of writers publish their works under assumed names. 15. The students were conducting/carrying out/making an experiment under the guidance of a professor. CONVERSATION AND DISCUSSION MAN AND NATURE TOPICAL VOCABULARY Natural resources and attractions. - Природные ресурсы и достопримечательности: minerals - минералы; полезные ископаемые; (fresh) water supplies (reservoirs) - запасы (пресной) воды; reservoir ['rezəvwɑ:] - водохранилище; flood - 1) наводнение; половодье; разлив; 2) поток; rainfall - осадки; vegetation - растительность; greenery - зелень; растительность; листва; woodland - лесной массив, лесистая местность; woodlands - лесные массивы; forestry - лесоводство, лесное хозяйство; wildlife - дикая природа; animal kingdom - животный мир; animal population - популяция животных; flora and fauna [fɒ:nə] - флора и фауна; arable land (soil) (also ploughland) - пахотная земля; cultivated land - обработанная земля; open land - открытый грунт; свободное пространство; “green” belts — зеленые пояса (вокруг городов); recreation areas - зоны отдыха; coastal areas - прибрежные районы; country (national) parks - национальные парки; clear landscapes - открытые ландшафты; public open spaces - открытые пространства для общего пользования. Environment and man. - Окружающая среда и человек: to link man to nature - устанавливать связь человека с природой; to adapt to environment - приспособить(ся) к окружающей среде; to be preoccupied with economic growth - заботиться об экономическом росте; unrestricted industrialization - безудержная индустриализация; the sprawl of large built-up areas - беспорядочное расширение районов застройки; to upset the biological balance - нарушить биологическое равновесие; to abuse nature - хищнически эксплуатировать природу, нерационально использовать природные ресурсы; to disfigure (litter) the landscape - уродовать (засорять) местность; ecology - экология; ecosystem - экосистема; to be environment-conscious - понимать необходимость охраны окружающей среды; to be environment-educated - быть экологически образованным. Environmental destruction and pollution. - Разрушение и загрязнение окружающей среды: land pollution - загрязнение грунта; derelict land - заброшенная земля; industrial waste - промышленные отходы; the by-products of massive industrialization - отходы массовой индустриализации, пригодные для использования в других отраслях, побочные продукты массовой индустри- ализации; to dump waste (products) on land - вываливать/выли- вать/высыпать отходы на землю; extensive use of agrochemicals - экстенсивное использование агрохимикатов/ядохимикатов; the denudation of soil - денудация/оголение грунта; the toxic fall-outs of materials - токсичные осадки; water pollution - загрязнение воды; a dropping water level - снижающийся уровень воды; to face the fresh water supply problem - бороться с проблемой уменьшения запасов пресной воды; depletion of water resources - истощение ресурсов/ис- точников воды; the disruption of water cycle - нарушение круговорота воды в природе; marine pollution - загрязнение морской воды; oil spillage - разлив нефти; air (atmospheric) pollution - загрязнение воздуха (атмосферы); the air pollution index - уровень загрязнения воздуха; to produce foul air - загрязнять воздух; to exhaust toxic gases (fuel) - выбрасывать токсичные газы (-oe топливо); combustion of fuel - сгорание топлива; concentrations of smoke in the air - уровни концентрации дыма в воздухе; dust content in the air - содержание пыли в воздухе; загрязнение воздуха пылью; radiation - радиация; high (low) radioactivity - высокая (низкая) радиоактивность; to store (disperse) radioactive waste - хранить (распространять) радиоактивные отходы; noise offenders (pollutants) - источники шума, превышающего нормы; нарушители предельных уровней шума; merciless killing of animals - безжалостное истребление животных; destruction of animals habitats - разрушение естественной среды обитания животных. Nature conservation and environment protection. - Охрана природы и защита окружающей среды: a global imperative for environment - важнейшая задача охраны окружающей среды; global environmental security - всемирная экологическая безопасность; to preserve ecosystems - сохранять экосистемы; to create disaster-prevention programs - создавать программы по защите от катастроф/стихийных бедствий; to harmonize industry and community - гармонизировать деятельность промышленных предприятий и жизнь населения; plants and people - растения и люди; conservation movement - экологическое движение; to preserve woodlands - сохранять лесные массивы; to protect and reproduce animal (fish, bird) reserves - сохранять и воспроизводить популяцию животных (рыб, птиц); to fight pollution - бороться с загрязнением окружающей среды; to install antipollution equipment - создавать очистные сооружения; to minimize noise disturbance - сводить к минимуму шумовое загрязнение; to reduce pollution - уменьшать загрязнение окружающей среды; to dispose of garbage (litter, waste) - удалять мусор (мусор, отходы). GRAMMAR EXERCISES MORPHOLOGY Exercise 1, p. 362 1. Normally no article is used with names of people as they point out individuals, so the proper nouns Peter (first name), Carl (middle name) and Faberge (surname) are used without articles. 2 and 7. These are cases of a metonymic transfer. In these sentences the names of the famous jeweller (Faberge) and painters (Levitan and Aivazovsky) are used to denote their works and thus become common countable nouns. As such they must be used with articles. The indefinite classifying article is used, because the works of art in both sentences are mentioned for the first time. 3. No article is used if the name of a person is modified by the descriptive attribute little. The same rule applies to big, dear, poor, lucky, old, young, honest, pretty and some others because they form a part of the name they precede. 4. Big Ben and the Tower are proper names denoting buildings. The use of articles with names of important buildings varies from name to name and largely depends on tradition. Most of them take no article but there are quite a few exceptions which should be memorized. 5. Here tower is a common noun used in a set phrase with the classifying indefinite article. 6. In the first clause of this compound sentence “the city” is a common noun. It is used with the definite article in its specifying function because it is clear from the context that the city in question is London. In the second clause of the sentence “the City” is a proper name. The use of the definite article here is based on tradition. 8, 10, 15, 16. These are clear cases of a metonymic transfer. Names of companies usually take no article but here Sony, Panasonic, Ford, Adidas, Nike and Chanel denote not the manufacturing companies but items produced by them. As such they are countable and can take articles including the classifying indefinite article as in these sentences. 9. There is a legend that the popular nickname for Academy Awards which were first conferred by the US-based Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 1929 for excellence in acting, directing, writing screenplays and other aspects of film production stuck to the gilted statuette in the following way. One of the Academy’s employees, a Margaret Merrick looked at one of the first statuettes and said, “Why he looks just like my uncle Oscar!” Thus as a result o f a metonymic transfer the Academy Awards came to be known as Oscars. This is a common count noun which takes articles and has a regular plural. 11. Heniy Ford is a personal name. Generally such names take no articles and this is just the case. 12 and 13. These are clear cases of a metonymic transfer. Names of persons become countable common nouns indicating typical features associated with those names. In sentence 12 the indefinite article is used because the speaker evidently does not think the boy or young man in question unique. In sentence 13 the definite article is used because everybody seems to believe the singer a unique phenomenon. 14. This is another case of a metonymic transfer. The characteristic qualities of the proverbial Jack-of-call-trades are meant, so the name becomes a count noun. 17. The definite article is used with the surname in the plural to indicate the whole family. 18. If a name is preceded by Mr., Mrs. or Miss, the use of the indefinite article implies that the speaker doesn’t know this person. 19. See 17 for the Benois. The indefinite article is used before the name Benois to indicate that one of a family is meant. 20. The definite article is used with the name of a person modified by descriptive attributes as the limitation is clear from the context. 21. In the second sentence the name is just that - a personal name indicating the bearer of the name, so no article is used. In the first sentence the characteristic qualities of the Cora in question are meant, and it becomes a countable common noun in the plural. 22. The name is modified by a descriptive attribute and is the center of communication, so the indefinite article is used. |