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  • Библиография трудов Абрахама Маслоу

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    Carlson R. (1980). The future of health care in the United States. In A. Hastings,
    J. Fadiman, & J. Gordon (Eds.), Health for the whole person (pp. 483–495). Boulder,
    CO: Westview Press.
    Crasilneck H., & Hall J. (1975). Clinical hypnosis: Principles and applications. New York:
    Grune & Stratton.
    Duhl L. J. (1980). The social context of health. In A. Hastings, J. Fadiman, & J. Gordon
    (Eds.), Health for the whole person (pp. 39–52). New York: Grune & Stratton.

    Библиография и избранная литература
    Dychtwald K. (1977). Bodymind. New York: Pantheon. Gordon J. (1980). The paradigm of holistic medicine. In A. Hastings, J. Fadiman, & J. Gordon (Eds.), Health for the
    whole person (pp. 3–35). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
    Graettinger J. (1978). The results of the NIRMP for 1978. Journal of Medical Education,
    53, 500–502.
    Illich I. (1976). Medical nemesis. New York: Pantheon. Hastings A., Fadiman J., & Gor
    don J. (Eds.). (1980). Health for the whole person. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
    Leonard G. (1983, December). Abraham Maslow and the new self. Esquire Magazine,
    pp. 326–336.
    Lindemann H. (1974). Relieve tension the autogenic way. New York: Wydon.
    Nuernberger P. (1981). Freedom from stress — A holistic approach. Honesdale, PA: Hi
    malayan Publications.
    Pelletier K. R. (1977). Mind as healer, mind as slayer: A holistic approach to preventing
    stress disorders. New York: Delta.
    Popenoe C. (1977). Wellness. Washington, DC: Yes! Inc.
    Samuels M., & Bennett H. (1973). The wellbody book. New York: Random House.
    Shapiro D., & Walsh R. (1980). Meditation: Self regulation strategy and altered states of
    consciousness. New York: Aldine.
    Sobel D. (Ed.). (1979). Ways of health. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
    Психология женщин
    Friedan B. (1977). The feminine mystique. New York: Dell.
    Gilligan C. (1979). Woman’s place in man’s life cycle. Harvard Educational Review, 49,
    Gilligan C. (1982). In a different voice: Psychological theory and women’s development.
    Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    Hall M. H. (1968, July). A conversation with Abraham Maslow. Psychology Today,
    pp. 35–37, 54–57.
    Miller J. (1976). Toward a new psychology of women. Boston: Beacon Press.
    Norman D., Murphy M., & Gilligan C. (1982). Sex differences and interpersonal rela
    tionships: A crosssectional sample in the U.S. and India. International Journal of
    Aging and Human Development, J4(4), 291–305.
    Roaldo M., & Lamphere L. (1974). Women, culture and society. Stanford, CA: Stanford
    University Press.
    Синергетическое общество
    Anderson W. (1973). Politics and the new humanism. Pacific Palisades, CA: Goodyear.
    Ferguson M. (1980). The aquarian conspiracy. Los Angeles: Tarcher.
    Goble F. (1970). The third force: The psychology of Abraham Maslow. New York: Gros
    Mitchell A. (1983). The nine American lifestyles. New York: Warner Books.
    Naisbitt J. (1982). Megatrends: Ten new directions transforming our lives. New York: War
    ner Books.
    Yankelovich D. (1981). New rules: Searching for selffulfillment in a world turned upside
    down. New York: Random House.

    Библиография трудов Абрахама Маслоу
    Если чтолибо пишешь, хочется, чтобы это прочли. Это величайшее удовольствие.
    Абрахам Г. Маслоу
    Abraham H. Maslow: A Memorial Volume, 1972, p.115
    1. Delayed reaction tests on primates from the lemur to the orangoutan. (With Harry
    Harlow and Harold Uehling.) Journal of Comparative Psychology, 13, 313–343.
    2. Delayed reaction tests on primates at Bronx Park Zoo. (With Harry Harlow.)
    Journal of Comparative Psychology, 14, 97–101.
    3. The «emotion of disgust» in dogs. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 14, 401–407.
    4. Food preferences of primates. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 16, 187–197
    5. Influence of differential motivation on delayed reactions in monkeys. (With Eli
    zabeth Groshong.) Journal of Comparative Psychology, 18, 75–83.
    6. The effect of varying external conditions on learning, retention and reproduction.
    Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17, 36–47.
    7. The effect of varying time intervals between acts of learning with a note on pro
    active inhibition. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17, 141–144.
    8. Appetites and hungers in animal motivation. Journal of Comparative Psychology,
    20, 75–83.
    9. Individual psychology and the social behavior of monkeys and apes. International
    Journal of Individual Psychology, 1, 47–59. Reprinted in German translation in
    Internationale Zeitschrift für Individual Psychologie, 1936, 1, 14–25.
    10. The role of dominance in the social and sexual behavior of infrahuman primates:
    I. Observations at Vilas Park Zoo. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 48, 261–277.
    11. II. An experimental determination of the dominance behavior syndrome. (With
    Sydney Flanzbaum.) Journal of Genetic Psychology, 48, 278–309. Reprinted in
    W. Dennis (Ed.), Readings in general psychology, PrenticeHall, 1949.
    12. III. A theory of sexual behavior of infrahuman primates. Journal of Genetic Psy
    chology, 48, 310–338.
    13. IV. The determination of hierarchy in pairs and in groups. Journal of Genetic Psy
    chology, 49, 161–198.

    Библиография трудов Абрахама Маслоу
    14. The comparative approach to social behavior. Social Forces, 15, 487–490.
    15. The influence of familiarization on preferences. Journal of Experimental Psycho
    logy, 21, 162–180.
    16. Dominancefeeling, behavior and status. Psychological Review, 44, 404–429.
    17. Personality and patterns of culture. In R. Stagner, Psychology of personality, Mc
    GrawHill. Reprinted in S. Britt (Ed.), Selected readings in social psychology,
    Rinehart, 1950.
    18. An experimental study of insight in monkeys. (With Walter Grether.) Journal of
    Comparative Psychology, 24, 127–134.
    19. Dominancefeeling, personality and social behavior in women. Journal of Social
    Psychology, 10, 3–39.
    20. Dominancequality and social behavior in infrahuman primates. Journal of Social
    Psychology, 11, 313–324.
    21. A test for dominancefeeling (selfesteem) in college women. Journal of Social
    Psychology, 12, 255–270.
    22. Principles of abnormal psychology: The dynamics of psychic illness. (With Bela
    Mittelmann), Harper. Recorded as Talking Book for the Blind.
    23. Deprivation, threat and frustration. Psychological Review, 48, 364–366. (Included in No. 57.) Reprinted in T. Newcomb and E. Hartley (Eds.), Readings in social
    psychology, Holt, 1947; in M. Marx (Ed.), Psychological theory: Contemporary
    readings, Macmillan, 1951; C. Stacey and M. DeMartino (Eds.), Understanding
    human motivation, Howard Allen, 1958.
    24. Liberal leadership and personality. Freedom, 2, 27–30.
    25. The Social Personality Inventory: A test for selfesteem in women (with manual),
    Consulting Psychologists Press.
    26. The dynamics of psychological securityinsecurity. Character and Personality, 10,
    27. A comparative approach to the problem of destructiveness. Psychiatry, 5, 517–
    522. (Included in No. 57.)
    28. Selfesteem (dominancefeeling) and sexuality in women. Journal of Social Psy
    chology, 16, 259–294. Reprinted in M. DeMartino (Ed.), Sexual behavior and per
    sonality characteristics, Citadel Press, 1963; H. M. Ruitenbeek (Ed.), Psycho
    analysis and female sexuality, College and University Press, 1966.

    Библиография трудов Абрахама Маслоу
    29. A preface to motivation theory. Psychosomatic Medicine, 5, 85–92. (Included in No. 57.)
    30. A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50, 370–396. (Included in No.
    57.) Reprinted in P. Harriman (Ed.), Twentieth century psychology, Philosophical
    Library, 1946; H. Remmers, et al. (Eds.), Growth, teaching and learning, Harpers
    1957; C. Stacey and M. DeMartino (Eds.), Understanding Human Motivation, Ho
    ward Allen, 1958; W. Lazer and E. Kelley (Eds.), Managerial marketing, Richard
    Irwin, 1958; W. Baller (Ed.), Readings in psychology of human growth and deve
    lopment, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1962; J. Seidman (Ed.), The child, Rinehart,
    1958; L. Gorlow and W. Katkowsky (Eds.), Readings in the psychology of ad
    justment, McGrawHill, 1959; I. Heckman and S. Huneryager (Eds.), Human re
    lations in management, SouthWestern, 1960; P. Hountras (Ed.), Mental hygiene:
    A test of readings, Merrill, 1961; J. A. Dyal (Ed.), Readings in psychology: Un
    derstanding human behavior, McGrawHill, 1962; T. Costello and S. Zalkind
    (Eds.), Psychology in administration: A research orientation, PrenticeHall, 1963;
    R. Sutermeister (Ed.), People and productivity, McGrawHill, 1963; H. J. Leavitt and L. R. Pondy (Eds.), Readings in managerial psychology, University of Chicago
    Press, 1964; J. Reykowski (Ed.), Problemy osobowosci i motywacji w psychologii
    Amerykanskiej, Warsaw, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naokowe, 1964; D. E. Ha
    machek (Ed.), The self in growth, teaching and learning, PrenticeHall, 1965;
    BobbsMerrill reprint series, 1966; Y. Ferreira Balcao and L. Leite Cordeiro
    (Eds.), O comportamento humano na empresa, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Rio de
    Janeiro, 1967; M. S. Wadia (Ed.), Management and the behavioral sciences, Allyn
    & Bacon, 1968; H. Kassarjian and T. Robertson (Eds.), Perspectives in consumer
    behavior, Scott, Foresman, 1968; D. Hampton, C. Summer, and R. Weber (Eds.),
    Organizational behavior and the practice of management, Scott, Foresman, 1968;
    R. G. Brown, R. Newell, and H. G. Vonk (Eds.), Behavioral implications for cur
    riculum and teaching, W. C. Brown, 1969; S. Frey and E. Haugen (Eds.), Readings
    in learning, American Book, 1969; L. D. Grebstein (Ed.), Toward selfunderstan
    ding: Studies in personality and adjustment, Scott, Foresman, 1969.
    31. Conflict, frustration and the theory of threat. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psy
    chology, 38, 81–86. (Included in No. 57.) Reprinted in S. Tomkins (Ed.), Con
    temporary psychopathology: A sourcebook, Harvard University Press, 1943.
    32. The dynamics of personality organization I & II. Psychological Review, 50, 514–
    539, 541–558. (Included in No. 57.)
    33. The authoritarian character structure. Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 401–411.
    Reprinted in P. Harriman (Ed.), Twentieth century psychology: Recent develop
    ments in psychology, Philosophical Library, 1946; R. S. Ross (Ed.), Speechcom
    munication, PrenticeHall.
    34. What intelligence tests mean. Journal of General Psychology, 31, 85–93.

    Библиография трудов Абрахама Маслоу
    35. A clinically derived test for measuring psychological securityinsecurity. (With
    E. Birsh, M. Stein, and I. Honigman.) Journal of General Psychology, 33, 21–41.
    36. A suggested improvement in semantic usage. Psychological Review, 52, 239–240.
    Reprinted in Etc., A Journal of General Semantics, 1947, 4, 219–220.
    37. Experimentalizing the clinical method. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1, 241–243.
    38. Security and breast feeding. (With I. SzilagyiKessler.) Journal of Abnormal and
    Social Psychology, 41, 83–85.
    39. Problemcentering vs. meanscentering in science. Philosophy of Science, 13, 326–
    331. (Included in No. 57.)
    40. A symbol for holistic thinking. Persona, 1, 24–25.
    41. «Higher» and «lower» needs. Journal of Psychology, 25, 433–436. (Included in
    No. 57.) Reprinted in C. Stacey and M. DeMartino (Eds.), Understanding human
    motivation, Howard Allen, 1958. Reprinted in K. Schultz (Ed.), Applied dynamic
    psychology, University of California Press, 1958.
    42. Cognition of the particular and of the generic. Psychological Review, 55, 22–40.
    (Included in No. 57.)
    43. Some theoretical consequences of basic needgratification. Journal of Personality,
    16, 402–416. (Included in No. 57.)
    44. Our maligned animal nature. Journal of Psychology, 28, 273–278. (Included in No.
    57.) Reprinted in S. Koenig et al. (Eds.), Sociology: A book of readings, Prentice
    Hall, 1953.
    45. The expressive component of behavior. Psychological Review, 56, 261–272.
    (Included in No. 57.) Condensed in Digest of Neurology and Psychiatry, Jan.,
    1950. Reprinted in H. Brand (Ed.), The study of personality: A book of rea
    dings, Wiley, 1954.
    46. Selfactualizing people: A study of psychological health. Personality symposia:
    Symposium #1 on Values, Grune & Stratton, pp. 11–34. (Included in No. 57.)
    Reprinted in C. Moustakas (Ed.), The self, Harpers, 1956; G. B. Levitas (Ed.), The
    world of psychology, George Braziller, 1963; C. G. Kemp (Ed.), Perspectives on the
    group process, Houghton Mifflin, 1964.

    Библиография трудов Абрахама Маслоу
    47. Social Theory of Motivation. In M. Shore (Ed.), Twentieth century mental hygiene,
    New York: Social Science Publishers. Reprinted in K. Zerfoss (Ed.), Readings in
    counseling, Association Press, 1952.
    48. Personality. (With D. MacKinnon.) In H. Helson (Ed.), Theoretical foundations
    of psychology, New York: Van Nostrand.
    49. Higher needs and personality. Dialectica (Univ. of Liege) 5, 257–265. (Included in No. 57.)
    50. Resistance to acculturation. Journal of Social Issues, 7, 26–29. (Included in No. 57.)
    51. Principles of abnormal psychology (rev. ed.). (With Bela Mittelmann), Harper &
    Bros. Recorded as Talking Book for the Blind. Chapter 16 reprinted in C. Tho
    mpson et al. (Eds.), An outline of psychoanalysis, Modern Library, 1955.
    52. Volunteererror in the Kinsey study. (With J. Sakoda.) Journal of Abnormal and
    Social Psychology, 47, 259–262. Reprinted in Sexual behavior in American society,
    J. Himelhock and S. Fava (Eds.), Norton, 1955.
    53. The SI Test (A measure of psychological securityinsecurity), Consulting Psycho
    logists Press. Spanish translation, 1961, Institute de Pedagogia, Universidad de
    Madrid. Polish translation, 1963.
    54. Love in healthy people. In A. Montagu (Ed.), The meaning of love, Julian Press.
    (Included in No. 57.) Reprinted in M. DeMartino (Ed.), Sexual behavior and
    personality characteristics, Citadel Press, 1963.
    55. College teaching ability, scholarly activity and personality. (With W. Zimmer
    man.) Journal of Educational Psychology, 47, 185–189. Reprinted in U. S. Dept.
    Health, Education & Welfare, Case book: Education beyond the high school, 1958.
    56. The instinctoid nature of basic needs. Journal of Personality, 22, 326–347. (Inclu
    ded in No. 57.)
    57. Motivation and personality, Harper & Bros. (Includes papers 23, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32,
    39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 54, 56, 59.) Spanish translation, 1963, Sagitario,
    Barcelona. Selections reprinted in W. Sahakian (Ed.), Psychology of personality:
    Readings in theory, RandMcNally, 1965. Japanese translation, 1967, Sangyo No
    ritsu Tanki Daigaku.
    58. Abnormal psychology. National Encyclopedia.
    59. Normality, health and values. Main Currents, 10, 75–81. (Included in No. 57.)
    60. Deficiency motivation and growth motivation. In M. R. Jones (Ed.), Nebraska
    symposium on motivation: 1955, University of Nebraska Press. (Included in No. 86.)
    Reprinted in General Semantics Bulletin, 1956, Nos. 18 and 19, 33–42; J. Coleman,

    Библиография трудов Абрахама Маслоу
    Personality Dynamics and Effective Behavior, Scott, Foresman, 1960; J. A. Dyal
    (Ed.), Readings in psychology: Understanding human behavior, McGrawHill, 1962;
    R. C. Teevan and R. C. Birney (Eds.), Theories of motivation in personal and social
    psychology, Van Nostrand, 1964.
    60a. Comments on Prof. McClelland’s paper. In M. R. Jones (Ed.), Nebraska sym
    posium on motivation, 1955, University of Nebraska Press, pp. 65–69.
    60b. Comments on Prof. Old’s paper. In M. R. Jones (Ed.), Nebraska symposium
    on motivation, 1955, University of Nebraska Press, pp. 143–147.
    61. Effects of esthetic surroundings: I. Initial effects of three esthetic conditions upon perceiving «energy» and «wellbeing» in faces. (With N. Mintz.) Journal of Psy
    chology, 41, 247–254. Reprinted in D. C. Barnlund (Ed.), Interpersonal commu
    nication, Houghton Mifflin, 1968.
    62. Personality problems and personality growth. In C. Moustakas (Ed.), The self,
    Harpers. Reprinted in J. Coleman, F. Libaw, and W. Martinson, Success in college,
    Scott, Foresman, 1961; F. Matson (Ed.), Being, becoming and behavior, Braziller,
    1967; D. Hamachek (Ed.), Human dynamics in psychology and education, Allyn
    & Bacon, 1968.
    63. Defense and growth. MerrillPalmer Quarterly, 3, 36–47. (Included in No. 86.)
    Reprinted in T. Millon (Ed.), Theories of psychopathology, Saunders, 1967.
    64. A philosophy of psychology. Main Currents, 13, 27–32. Reprinted in Etc., 1957,
    14, 10–22; J. Fairchild (Ed.), Personal problems and psychological frontiers, She
    ridan Press, 1957; Manas, 1958, 11, 17 & 18; S. I. Hayakawa (Ed.), Our language
    and our world, Harpers, 1959; L. Hamalian and E. Volpe (Eds.), Essays of our ti
    mes: II, McGrawHill, 1963; Human growth institute buzz sheet, 1964; F. T. Severin
    (Ed.), Humanistic viewpoints in psychology, McGrawHill, 1965; Forum for cor
    respondence & contact, 1968, 1, 12–23. Translated into Urdu in FikrONazar,
    Muslim University of Alibarh, India, 1968.
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