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  • Which of the following types of cell and tissue death is most often caused by sudden ischemia from vascular occlusion

  • Which type of necrosis is most characteristic of ischemia involving the heart or kidney

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    Which of the following terms is defined correctly?

    Heterolysis - changes induced by fixatives used in histopathologic tissue preparation

    @Autolysis - tissue degradation by intracellular enzymes

    Fibrinoid necrosis – ischemic necrosis resulting from arterial occlusion by fibrin clots

    Apoptosis - ballooning of cell cytoplasm from lipid accumulation




    Highly injured person gradually died. Please choose the indicator of biological death:

    Absence of movements

    @Autolysis and decay in the cells

    Absence of palpitation

    Loss of consciousness

    Disarray of chemical processes



    A 52 year old patient suffering from cancer of the lower jaw underwent a course of radiation therapy. The tumour has remitted. Which mechanism of cell destruction ensures efficiency of radiation therapy most of all?


    @Generation of free radicals


    Lysis by natural killer cells

    Vessel thrombosis



    A 27-year-old woman who is actively training for a marathon presents with the new onset of a painful lump in the upper outer quadrant of her right breast. A mammogram shows an irregular mass with focal areas of calcification. An excisional biopsy reveals a localized area of granulation tissue and numerous lipid-laden macrophages surrounding necrotic adipocytes. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    Acute mastitis


    Enzymatic fat necrosis

    Foreign-body reaction

    @Traumatic fat necrosis



    Which of the following types of cell and tissue death is most often caused by sudden ischemia from vascular occlusion?


    Caseous necrosis

    @Coagulative necrosis

    Fat necrosis

    Fibrinoid necrosis



    Which type of necrosis is most characteristic of ischemia involving the heart or kidney?








    A 49-year-old man develops an acute myocardial infarction because of the sudden occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Which of the following types of necrosis should be present in these areas of infarction?

    @Coagulative necrosis

    Liquefactive necrosis

    Fat necrosis

    Caseous necrosis

    Fibrinoid necrosis



    A 48-year-old woman has a malignant lymphoma involving lymph nodes in the paraaortic region. She is treated with a chemotherapeutic agent which results in the loss of individual neoplastic cells through fragmentation of individual cell nuclei and cytoplasm. Over severaleeks, the size of the lymphoma decreases, as documented on abdominal CT scans. By which of the following mechanisms has her neoplasm primarily responded to therapy?

    @Coagulative necrosis

    Mitochondrial poisoning


    Acute inflammation




    In an experiment, a glass bead is embolized to a branch of the renal artery. A day later there is a focal area in which the renal parenchymal cells in the distribution of the occluded artery show karyolysis and karyorrhexis. The outlines of the cells are still visible, but the nuclei have lost basophilic staining and the cytoplasm is eosinophilic but pale. Which of the following types of cellular necrosis is most likely present?








    A 59-year-old woman had the loss of consciousness that persisted for over an hour. When she became arousable, she could not speak and she could not move her right arm or legacerebral angiogram revealed an occlusion to her left middle cerebral artery. Months later, a computed tomographic (CT) scan shows a large 5 cm cystic areain her left parietal lobe cortex. This CT finding most likely demonstrates a lesion that is the consequence of resolution from which of the following events?

    @Liquefactive necrosis


    Coagulative necrosis

    Caseous necrosis




    A 73-year-old man suffers a "stroke." On physical examination he cannot move his right arm. A cerebral angiogram demonstrates occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery. An echocardiogram reveals a thrombus within a dilated left atrium. Which of the following is the most likely pathologic alteration from this event that occurs in his brain?

    @Cerebral softening from liquefactive necrosis

    Pale infarction with coagulative necrosis

    Predominantly the loss of glial cells

    Recovery of damaged neurons if the vascular supply is reestablished

    Wet gangrene with secondary bacterial infection



    Liquefaction necrosis occurs in







    Coagulative necrosis is seen in all except:

    Myocardial infarction



    Zenker's degeneration



    A 29-year-old man hospitalized for AIDS is found to have pulmonary tuberculosis. Which type of necrosis is found in the granulomatous lesions (clusters of modified macrophages) characteristic of this increasingly frequent complication of AIDS?








    A surgery on a patient, with a history of syphilis revealed a locus of flabby tissue. Grossly, this locus was yellowish, dry, structures and gummy. The most likely diagnoses is:

    @ Caseous necrosis


    Waxy necrosis

    Fibrinoid a necrosis




    Coagulative necrosis is seen with




    Zenkers degeneration



    Caseous necrosis is seen in

    Non-specific lymphadenitis

    Metastatic lymph node

    Filarial lymphadenitis

    @Tuberculosis lymphadenitis



    At histologic examination of tuberculoma resected from right lung a necrosis in center is found out. Call a kind of the necrosis.








    During the section of a man who died of abdominal typhoid, was revealed that striated muscles of anterior abdominal wall were consolidated, white and looked like a stearin candle. What pathological process is meant?

    @Zenker’s necrosis (degeneration)

    Fibrinoid necrosis

    Colliquative (liquefaction) necrosis

    Caseation (cheesy) necrosis




    A 63-year-old male died of an endemic typhus. During the post-mortem it was revealed that the muscles of the abdominal wall and legs were dense with whitish-yellowish colouring. They resemble a candle. Name the pathological process?

    @Waxy necrosis (Zenker's necrosis)


    Fibrinoid necrosis

    Colliquative necrosis

    Caseous necrosis



    During an autopsy of a man died of abdominal typhus: straight muscles of abdomen are thick, white-coloured, look like stearine candle. What is the name for such pathological process?


    Fibrinoid necrosis

    Colliquative necrosis

    Curdled necrosis

    @Wax necrosis



    An autopsy of a 57-years old man, who died of abdominal typhus: front abdominal muscles and thigh muscles are thick, white-yellow in colour, look like paraffin candle. Name the pathological process in muscles.

    @Wax necrosis


    Fibrinoid necrosis

    Colliquative necrosis

    Curdled necrosis



    A postmortem of a man, who died from typhoid revealed muscles on the abdominal wall and legs were dense, fragile, whitish-yellowish colour, resembling a candle. Which term best characterizes the muscles changes?

    @Zenker's necrosis

    Fibrinoid necrosis

    Caseous necrosis

    Colliquative necrosis




    A postmortem of a 48-year-old male who had a history of typhoid fever revealed that the rectus abdominis at the wall was dense, a whitish colour, and resembled a candle. Which is the most likely diagnosis?

    @Waxy necrosis

    Fibrinoid necrosis

    Colliquative necrosis

    Caseous necrosis




    At post-mortem, a 60-years-old man, with a history of typhoid fever, is found to have rectus muscles of the anterior abdominal wall dense, whitish, and look like a stearic candle. What is the most likely diagnose?

    @Zenker's necrosis.

    Fibrinoid necrosis.

    Colliquative necrosis.

    Caseous necrosis.




    A 44 year old ill patient died due to the severe chronic heart failure. Pathologist diagnosed rheumatic granulomatous myocarditis. Microscopic evaluation of the myocardium indicated the presence of granulomas which consisted of macrophages with hyperchromatic nuclei and clear cytoplasm. Also necrosis was seen in the center of a lesion. Which is the most likely type of necrosis in the center of the lesion?

    @Fibrinoid necrosis.

    Waxy necrosis.

    Caseous necrosis.

    Colliquative necrosis.

    Fatty dystrophy.



    A postmortem was performed on a female who died due to the cystadenocarcinoma metastases. The postmortem revealed large segments of a necrosis of the skin and soft tissues within cubitus area. Name the form of the necrosis.

    @Decubitus ulcer



    Caseous necrosis

    Zenker's necrosis



    A patient with circulatory deficiency got the skin and soft tissue darening above the sacrums after a long staying in the bed. These tissues became swallowed. Sloughing off the epidermis in this area resulted in ulceration. Which complication is most likely?

    @Decubitus ulcer

    Dry gangrene






    A male who had a long history of the intermittent claudication demonstrates the tissue of the foot fingers as being dry with a black colour, resembling a mummy. On small interval from this place the dichromatic line (red colour is next to unchanged tissues and white - yellow colour close to tered tissues). Which type of a necrosis occurred?




    Decubitus ulcer.




    The physical exam of a 6-year-old girl, who had measles, showed that soft tissues of cheeks had fuzzy outlined, edematous, red-black territories. Name the complication of measles.

    Gaseous gangrene

    Dry gangrene

    Dry gangrene

    @Moist gangrene (noma)


    Trophic ulcer



    A 57-year-old patient has a long history of the type II diabetes mellitus. Physical examination revealed the alteration of the right foot tissues. They are dense, black with precise boundaries from normal tissues. Which terms most correctly describe the lesion?

    @Dry gangrene.

    Wet (moist) gangrene.

    Gas gangrene.


    Trophic ulcer.



    A 60 year old man suffered from diabetes mellitus. Tissues of his right foot are black, thickened, with sharp edges. What is the diagnosis?

    @Dry gangrene

    Moist gangrene

    Gaseous gangrene


    Trophic ulcer



    A 55-year-old man has a 30-year history of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. He has had extensive black discoloration of skin and soft tissue of his right foot, with areas of yellowish exudate, for the past 2 months. Staphylococcus aureus is cultured from this exudate. A below-the-knee amputation is performed. The amputation specimen received in the surgical pathology laboratory is most likely to demonstrate which of the following pathologic abnormalities?


    @Gangrenous necrosis






    A patient with diabetes mellitus suddenly began having sharp pain in his right foot. The examination revealed black hallux, swallen foot tissues, focuses of epidermis detachment, secreta with unpleasant smell. What clinico-morphological form of necrosis developed in a patient?



    Dry gangrene


    @ Moist gangrene



    A patient with diabetes mellitus presents to his physician with an acute pain in the right foot. At inspection the toe of foot had a black colour; the tissues of foot were edematous, with bed smell. Which form of necrosis was likely to be diagnosed?

    @ Moist (wet) gangrene

    Decubitus ulcer


    Dry gangrene




    A patient with the history of diabetes mellitus presents has sharp pain in right foot. The thumb is black; the tissues are edematous. Focal epidermal detachment and secret with wicked smell are also presented. What clinico-morphological form of necrosis has developed?


    @Moist gangrene


    Dry gangrene




    A 65-year-old female, with a long history of diabetes mellitus, presented her black, edematous and painful thumb of the right foot. Gross inspection revealed a focal epidermal detachment and malodorous discharge. What is the most likely clinicopathologic form of necrosis?

    @ Moist (wet) gangrene.

    Decubitus ulcer.


    Dry gangrene.




    A patient with diabetes mellitus gained pain in his right leg. Thumb tissues are black, swollen, epidermis is exfoliated, exudate with repulsive smell appeared. Name the pathological process.

    @Moist gangrene

    Dry gangrene

    Coagulative necrosis





    A 5-year-old boy with measles presents to his pediatrician with necrotic changes of his cheeks. Gross inspection revealed that the cheeks soft tissues were edematous with reddish black fluctuated indistinctly outlined foci. What is the most likely complication of a measles?

    @Moist gangrene.

    Dry gangrene.

    Gas gangrene.

    Decubitus ulcer.

    Trophic ulcer.



    The examination of a child, who had a history of measles, revealed reddish-black, uneven, swollen, slightly fluctuated lesions of cheaks and perineum area. Name the complication of measles?

    @Moist gangrene (noma)

    Dry gangrene

    Gas gangrene

    Decubitus ulcer

    Trophic ulcer



    A 6 year old child was delivered to the hospital because of measles pneumonia. On the mucous membrane of a cheek a dentist revealed an ill-defined greish area 2х2,5 cm large. Soft tissues are edematic and foul-smelling. The most probable diagnosis of the dentist should be:

    Ulcerous stomatitis

    Pustular stomatitis


    Phlegmonous stomatitis

    Gangrenous stomatitis



    Examination of a child who has recently recovered from measles revealed in the soft tissues of cheeks and perineum some inaccurate, edematic, red-and-black, slightly fluctuating areas. What complication is it?

    Trophic ulcer

    Gas gangrene

    Pressure sore

    @Humid gangrene

    Dry gangrene



    A 62-year-old male got a surgery due to the inguinal hernia. Macroscopic examination reveals that the wall of the intestine was a cyanotic, inflated, swallowed and coated with threads of a fibrin. Peristalsis was not heard. Which pathological process occurred in the wall of the intestine?

    @Moist gangrene.

    Dry gangrene.

    Coagulate necrosis

    Colliquative necrosis

    Decubitus ulcer



    During a laparotomy of a 77 year old woman with strangulated abdominal hernia there is a cyanotic-coloured gut, expanded, swollen, covered with fibrin filaments and without any peristaltic activity. What kind of pathological process takes place in the gut?

    @Moist gangrene

    Dry gangrene

    Coagulative necrosis

    Colliquative necrosis




    An ill elderly patient with a atherosclerosis, develops pain in the left foot. Grossly was found the foot enlargement, its tissues were black, flabby and macerated. The demarcation zone was not expressed. Which term best characterized the foot tissues changes?

    @Moist (wet) gangrene.


    Coagulate necrosis.

    Dry gangrene.




    A male had a surgery due to "acute abdomen". During the operation it was noted that the peritoneum was dull and in the lumen of the mesenteric artery superior a thrombus was detected. About 80 centimeters of the ileac intestine had a black colouring. Which process was diagnosed in the intestine?


    Decubitus ulcer

    White infarct

    White infarct with a hemorrhagic crown

    Coagulative necrosis



    A 70-year old woman was operated because of acute stomach. During operation there was found 80 cm of ileac intestine, black-coloured. Peritoneum was dull, lumen of upper mesenterial artery is clogged by a thrombus. What's the name of the process in the intestine?



    White infarction

    White infarction with haemorrhagic halo

    Coagulative necrosis



    A patient with insufficient blood circulation, moveless after a stroke, has his skin and muscles above sacrum black and swollen, epidermis is exfoliated and few ulcers appeared. Name the process.


    Dry gangrene






    A patient with cerebral haemorrhage has been lying on the bed for a long time. His skin along the vertebral column became dark-brown colour, soft tissues became swollen, epidermis is desquamated. Name the form of necrosis.


    Dry gangrene

    Moist gangrene

    Coagulative necrosis




    During the exam of femur bone, a chronic purulent inflammation of compact substance and medulla and sequestra formation were determined. There was a formation of sequestra, too. What disease causes such changes?



    Myeloid disease (multiple myeloma)





    A physical examination of 67-year old lady, with a history of femoral bone fracture, revealed a sequester formation accompanied with chronic inflammation of a bone marrow and adjacent tissues. What is the most likely disease caused such lesions?



    Multiple myeloma.





    A patient has exacerbation of chronic periodontitis: there is a fistula with purulent exudate. Radiogram shows: several areas of rarefaction of bone, sequestri. What is the pathological process in the bone?




    Fibrous dysplasia




    In 77-year-old patient suffered with atherosclerosis the pain has appeared in the right foot. The foot is enlarged in size, its skin has black color and is macerated; the demarcation line is not clear. What pathological process takes place in a patient?


    Coagulative necrosis

    Wet gangrene

    Dry gangrene




    A 45-year-old woman has had congestive heart failure for the past 4 years. She develops a fever that persists for over a week. On physical examination, a heart murmur is present. Her temperature is 30.4 C. The spleen tip is palpable. On echocardiography she has an abnormally thickened mitral valve. Laboratory studies show a blood culture positive for Streptococcus, viridans group. Another echocardiogram reveals a 1 cm vegetation on the superior aspect of her mitral valve. Which of the following findings would you most expect to appear in the kidney as a consequence of these events?

    Marked passive congestion

    @Ischemic thromboembolic infarct

    Extensive edema

    Granulomatous inflammation

    Gangrenous necrosis



    A patient presents high activity of LDH1,2, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine phosphokinas e. In what organ (organs) is the development of a pathological process the most probable?

    In skeletal muscles (dystrophy, atrophy)

    In connective tissue

    @In the heart muscle (initial stage of myocardium infarction)

    In kidneys and adrenals

    In liver and kidneys



    A patient died from acute cardiac insufficiency.The histological examination of his heart revealed in myocardium of the left ventricle the necrotized section, which was separated from undamaged tissue by the zone of hyperimic vessels, small hemorrhages and leukocytic infiltration. What is the most likely diagnosis?

    @ Myocardial infarction

    Productive myocarditis

    Myocardial ischemic dystrophy

    Focal exudate myocarditis

    Diffuse exudate myocarditis



    At a post-mortem of the 46-year-old male a large yellow - grey lesion was found in the left ventricle of the heart. A fresh thrombus was found in the coronary artery. What disease is he most likely to have?

    @Infarct of the myocardium







    At autopsy a 60-year-old male is found to have ischemic heart disease and atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of heart. A section of the myocardium showed a white-yellowish focus, surrounded by the zone of hemorrhages in the apex, anterior and lateral walls areas of a left ventricle, wnicn is me most likely diagnosis?

    @Infarct of the myocardium

    Post-infarction cardiosclerosis

    Diffuse cardiosclerosis


    Fatty dystrophy of the myocardium



    A 58-year-old female with the history of atherosclerosis dies suddenly due to acute heart failure. Gross inspection of the left ventricle of the heart revealed a whitish-yellowish 6x5 cm, dense lesion with uneven boundaries and hemorrhagic zone next to it. Which is most likely diagnosed?

    @Infarct of the myocardium

    Postinfarction fibrosis

    Healed infarct


    Ischemic cardiomyopathy



    A postmortem of on a previously ill 48-year-old patient found an obturation of the lumen of the middle cerebral artery due to a thrombus. In the parietal-temporal area of the left hemisphere of the brain a locus of grey colour tissue with soft texture is found. Which tern best characterizes the brain tissue changes?




    Caseous necrosis

    Fibrinoid necrosis



    A post-mortem revealed a thrombus in the left artery mesencephalicae and a large locus of grey softening in the tissues of the left hemisphere of a brain. Which pathological process is most likely to be present in the brain?

    @Ischemic infarct

    Coagulative necrosis


    Moist gangrene




    A 48-year-old male with a history of hypertension (12 years) presents acute disturbance of the cerebral circulation. He developed a headache and alteration of the motion in the right extremity. Following right-handed hemiplegia resulted in fatal outcome. A postmortem revealed a systemic hyalinosis of the small arteries, thrombosis in the left arteria cerebri media. In the left parietal-temporal area a lesion was found, which is called:

    @Ischemic infarct


    Abscess of a brain

    Hemorrhagic infarct

    Edema of the brain



    A postmortem on an elderly male with atherosclerosis reveals a thrombus in a branch of the internal carotid artery as well as a grey locus of a moist softening of the brain's tissue. Which pathological process was found in the brain?

    @Ischemic infarct

    Hemorrhagic infiltration



    Tumor of a brain



    The postmortem of a 48-year-old male reveals in the right temporal lobe of the brain a large grey lesion with a softening, porridge-like texture. The basal arteries of the brain had numerous white - yellow thickenings of an intima which significantly decreased lumen. Which is the most likely diagnosis?

    @Ischemic infarct

    Abscess of a brain


    Hemorrhagic infarct

    Edema of the brain



    Autopsy of a woman with cerebral atherosclerosis revealed in the left cerebral hemisphere a certain focus that is presented by flabby, anhistic, greyish and yellowish tissue with indistinct edges. What pathological process is the case?

    @Ischemic stroke

    Focal encephalitis

    Multiple foci of fresh and old cerebral hemorrhage

    Senile encephalopathy

    Multifocal tumor growth with cystic degeneration



    An aged person had an infarction of a right hemisphere. In a year, as the person had immobility of left limbs, he was made computed tomography. A cave was detected in the right hemisphere, which had plain walls and was filled with liquor. What pathological process was detected in cerebrum?



    @Grey softening of the brain

    Cerebral infarction

    Post-MI (myocardial infarction) cyst



    A postmortem on the upper lobe of the right lung reveals the large triangle-like locus of the

    dark red dense tissue. Histological examination indicates necrosis of the walls of the alveolus's and the lumens filled with erythrocytes. Which is the most likely associated finding?

    @Hemorrhagic infarct


    Lung's gangrene





    A 62-year-old female with atherosclerosis was admitted to the hospitalized. At surgery gross examination revealed purulent peritonitis. During the operation a thrombus in the mesenteric arterias was found. Which was the most likely cause of the peritonitis?

    @Hemorrhagic infarct.

    Angiospastic ischemia

    Ischemic infarct


    Compressive ischemia



    A section of the left lung was found to have an area of dense red tissue. The area was cone-shaped, stood out distinctly from the healthy tissue, with its base directed to the pleura. The dissected tissue was granular, dark-red. What is the most likely diagnosis?

    Lung abscess

    Primary tuberculous affection

    Lung gangrene

    Croupous pneumonia

    @Haemorrhagic infarction



    An old man had infarction of the right cerebrum hemisphere. One year later, taking into consideration the absence of movements of his left extremities, the patient underwent computer tomography of the cerebrum, which revealed a smooth-walled cavity, full of liquor. What pathological process is found out in the cerebrum?

    Brain infarction

    Gray maceration of the brain

    @ Postinfarction cyst





    A 72-year-old-male had an infarct of the dextral hemisphere of the brain. One year later a computer tomography of the right hemisphere of the brain reveals a cavity with smooth walls and filled with liquid. Which pathological process is he most likely to have?

    @Post-infarct cyst


    Grey softening of a brain

    Infarct of a brain




    An elderly woman with a history of a stroke one year ago complains of the left limbs immobility. A computer tomography examination revealed a cavity filled with liquor, at right hemisphere of her brain. What is the most likely diagnose?

    @ Postinfarction cyst.


    Grey encephalomalacia.

    Cerebral infarction.




    During the autopsy it was found out the cavity 2,5x1,5 cm within the right frontal part of the brain. It was filled with transparent fluid and its walls were smooth and of brownish colour. What process did develop in the brain?

    @Cyst as an outcome of hemorrhage

    Grey softening of brain

    Abscess of brain

    Birth defect of brain

    Cyst as a outcome of gray softening



    A postmortem examination of a dead body revealed a cloudy corneas, dry skin with yellowish - brown lesion. Which term most correctly identifies describes a post-mortem alteration?

    @ Cadaver desiccation

    Clotting of blood

    Livor mortis

    Rigor mortis

    Algor mortis


    Circulatory disturbance №1.



    All following features are associated with hyperemia EXCEPT one:

    @Involved the sympathetic neurogenic mechanism

    Depend on the releasing of vasoactive substances

    Increased blood flow into capillary beds

    Marked dilation of small venues

    Caused intensified blue-red coloration



    While playing volleyball a sportsman made a jump and landed on the outside edge of his foot. He felt acute pain in the talocrural joint, active movements are limited, passive movements are unlimited but painful. A bit later there appeared a swelling in the area of external ankle, the skin became red and warm. What type of peripheral circulation disturbance is the case?

    @Arterial hyperemia

    Venous hyperemia






    A 22-year-old second-year medical student develops a “red” face after being asked a question during lecture. Which of the following statements best describes this vascular reaction?

    @Active hyperemia

    Acute congestion

    Non-palpable purpura

    Passive hyperemia

    Petechial hemorrhage



    A 42-year-old woman with trigeminal nerve neuralgia complaints of redness of right part of her face and neck, feeling of heat rush and increased dermal sensitiveness. What is the arterial hyperemia in this case according to pathophysiological mechanism?








    A rabbit's nerve that innervates the right ear was cut and its right superior cervical ganglion was removed. Immediately after operation the temperature of ear skin was measured. It was revealed that the temperature of the rabbit's ear skin on the side of denervation was by 1,50C higher than on the opposite intact side. What of the following is the most probable explanation of the above-mentioned effects?

    @Atrerial hyperemia induced by metabolic factors

    Arterial neuroparalytic hyperemia

    Reactive arterial hyperemia

    Arterial neurotopical hyperemia

    Physiological arterial hyperemia



    Upper neck node of sympathetic trunk was removed from the rabbit on experiment. Reddening and increased temperature of the skin of head is observed. What form of peripheral circulation of the blood developed in the rabbit?

    Venous hyperemia


    Neurotonic arterial hyperemia

    Metabolic arterial hyperemia

    @Neuroparalytic arterial hyperemia



    A 65-year-old- patient presented with liver cirrhosis. The removal from his abdominal cavity of 10 liters of ascitic liquid resulted a collapse. Grossly his peritoneum was hyperemic. Define the type of hyperemia in peritoneum.

    @Post-anemic hyperemia

    Collateral hyperemia

    Complementary hyperemia

    Inflammatory hyperemia

    Caused by arteriovenous fistula



    A male with a fracture of the shoulder bone carried on overlapped plaster bandage. Suddenly, an arm and the visible part of the forearm became cyanotic, cold, and edematous. Which of the following is most likely happened?

    @Local venous congestion

    Local arterial hiperemia

    Local anemia





    A patient with closed fracture of humeral bone was bandaged with plaster. The next day the injured hand became swollen, cyanotic and cold. What disorder of peripheral blood circulation are these symptoms typical for?



    Arterial hyperemia


    @Venous hyperemia



    A 50-year-old male with a myocardial infarction died from the heart failure. A post-mortem revealed the edema of the lungs and petechial hemorrhages at serous and mucus membranes. Microscopic examination indicated marked dystrophic alterations of the nephron's epithelium at proximal canaliculi of kidneys. Also, the centrolobular hemorrhage and necrotic zones were found in the liver. Name the type of the blood circulation disorder.

    @Acute general venous congestion.

    Arterial hyperemia.

    Chronic general venous congestion.

    Acute anemia.

    Chronic anemia.



    In patient with rheumatic mitral stenosis were revealed the dilatation of right chambers, tricuspid regurgitation, ascities, hydrothorax, edema of low extremities and increased central venous pressure. This state is the finely correlated with:

    Acute localized congestion

    Acute localized hyperemia

    Chronic localized congestion

    @Chronic generalize congestion

    Chronic generalize hyperemia



    A post-mortem of an elderly man with a long history of the ischemic heart disease and heart failure revealed a nutmeg liver, brown induration of lungs, cyanotic induration of kidney and spleen. Indicate, what type of the blood circulation disorder is most likely?

    @Chronic general venous congestion.

    Arterial hyperemia.

    Acute general venous congestion.

    Acute anemia.

    Chronic anemia.



    During an autopsy of a man: liver is enlarged, thickened, has rounded edges. On incision the tissue of liver is yellowish-brown in colour with red spots and stripes, looks like nutmeg. What pathological process causes such changes?

    @Chronic venous hyperaemia

    Acute venous hyperaemia

    Arterial hyperaemia

    Arterial ischemia

    Chronic bleeding



    During an autopsy of a 69 year old man, who died of chronic cardiac failure: liver is enlarged, thickened. On incision the liver is stripy of greyish-yellow colour with dark-red spots. What is the figurative name for such liver?








    The histological investigation of a liver detects venous plethora of center lobules, dystrophy and atrophy of hepatocytes in the venous plethora's area, fatty a dystrophy of hepatocytes on the periphery of a lobe. The replacement fibrosis in places of an atrophy of the hepatocytes was also revealed. Which pathological process does this refer to?

    @'Nutmeg' liver with precirrhotic phenomena.

    Biliary hepatic cirrhosis.

    Fatty hepatosis.


    Toxic dystrophy of a liver.



    A male with a history of myocardial infarct died of cardiovascular failure. A post-mortem revealed a replacement fibrosis, hypertrophy of the myocardium and dilatation of the cavities, especially the right ventricle. The liver was enlarged. Its surface was smooth. Grossly, a motley pattern with dark red dots on the grey a background was revealed. Histologically, central zones of the lobules were hyperemic. On the periphery, around of periportal tracts hepatocytes demonstrated fatty dystrophy. Name these liver changes.

    @"Nutmeg" liver (chronic venous congestion)

    Pseudo 'nut-meg' liver


    Cirrhosis of a liver

    Steatosis of a liver



    A 65-years-old patient, who presented with a 10 years history of ischemic heart disease, died due to heart failure. An autopsy revealed the cyanotic induration of both spleen and kidneys, brown induration of lungs and "nutmeg" liver. Which is the most likely type of the blood circulation disorder, resulted in such changes of internal organs?

    @General chronic venous hyperemia

    General acute venous hyperemia

    General arterial hyperemia after an anemia

    Arterial ischemia as a result of reallocating a blood

    Local chronic venous hyperemia



    A patient died under conditions of cardiovascular insufficiency. Autopsy results: postinfarction cardiosclerosis, myocardium hypertrophy and dilatation of its cavities, especially of its right ventricle. Liver is enlarged, its surface is smooth, and incision revealed that it was plethoric, with dark-red specks against the background of brownish tissue. Histologically: plethora of central parts of lobules; peritheral parts around portal tracts contain hepatocytes in a state of adipose degeneration. How are these liver changes called?

    Liver cirrhosis

    Liver steatosis

    @Nutmeg liver

    Pseudonutmeg liver




    The postmortem of a 48-year-old male, with a long history of a chronic heart failure, revealed an enlarged liver. Grossly, a liver had a motley pattern. Macroscopically, the sectional view looked like a nutmeg on incision. Which term most correctly defines these alteration?

    @General venous congestion

    General arterial hyperemia






    A 77-years-old female with unstable angina presents to physician with slowly increasing heart failure symptoms. On the night of admission to the hospital she dies. A post-mortem examination revealed the enlarged liver with dense texture and the rounded edges. Sectional view had a nutmeg pattern with dark red dots on the yellowish background. Which pathological process resulted in liver's alteration?

    @Chronic venous congestion

    Acute venous congestion

    Arterial hiperemia

    Arterial anemia

    Chronic hemorrhage



    The autopsy of the dead body revealed enlarged, solid with rounded margins liver, on section the tissue was yellow-brown in colour with dark red spots and stripes, which resembled nutmeg. What pathological process led to such liver changes?

    Chronic hemorrhage

    @ Chronic venous congestion

    Acute venous congestion

    Arterial hyperaemia

    Arterial anemia



    A 54-years old male with a history of ischemic heart disease presents at hospital with recurrent myocardial infarction. Few days later, he died due to cardiac failure. Post-mortem revealed an enlarged solid spleen of dark cherry color on the cut surface. Microscopically, pulp sclerosis and follicles atrophy were found out. What is the most likely term to define spleen's alterations?

    @Cyanotic induration of spleen.

    Sago spleen.

    Lardaceous spleen.

    Porphyry spleen.

    Septic splenitis



    A patient who had suffered from ischemic heart disease and has had recurrent myocardial infarction died in the background of progressive cardiovascular failure. An autopsy showed enlarged, thickened spleen of cherry colour on incision. Microscopically: follicle atrophy and pulp sclerosis. What term is used to describe such changes?

    Porphyry spleen

    Sago spleen

    Fatty spleen

    @Cyanotic spleen induration

    Septic spleen



    The patient, who had ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction, died because of progressive cardiovascular insufficiency. At section an enlarged solid spleen was detected, dark cherry colour when incised. Microscopically: sclerosis of the pulp and the atrophy of follicles were examined. What term can we use to name these changes?

    Porphyry spleen

    Sago spleen

    Tallow spleen

    @Cyanotic induration of the spleen

    Septic spleen



    Examination of a patient who had been suffering from rheumatism for a long time revealed stenosis of mitral orifice, death was caused by cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency. Autopsy has shown brown induration of lungs. What type of circulation disturbance provokes such changes in lungs?

    @Chronic left ventricular insufficiency

    Chronic right ventricular insufficiency

    Acute right ventricular insufficiency

    Portal hypertension

    Acute left ventricular insufficiency



    Autopsy of a 73-year-old man who had been suffering from the coronary heart disease along with cardiac insufficiency for a long time revealed: nutmeg liver, brown induration of lungs, cyanotic induration of kidneys and spleen. What kind of circulation disorder was the cause of such effects?

    Chronic anaemia

    Arterial hyperaemia

    Acute anaemia

    @General chronic venous congestion

    General acute venous congestion



    A 63-year-old patient with long history of ischemic heart disease and repeated myocardial infarction died due to progressive cardiovascular failure. A post-mortem revealed an enlarged, dense spleen with the dark red colour of the sectional view. At the microscopic examination of spleen the pulp's sclerosis and atrophy of the follicles were found. Which term most correcuy ueimca www changes?

    @Cyanotic induration of a spleen

    Sago spleen

    Waxy spleen

    Porphyry spleen

    Septic spleen

    Tissue embolism



    A 52-year-old male with long history of rheumatic heart disease died of chronic heart failure. A post-mortem revealed brown colour, enlarged dense lungs. Name the changes in lungs.

    @Brown induration of lungs

    Acute bronchitis

    Horny-comb lungs

    Chronic bronchitis

    Chronic emphysema



    An autopsy of a man, who died of chronic cardiac failure, showed: lungs are enlarged, thickened, rusty-coloured with conjunctive tissue expansive growth around bronchi and vessels. What is the most probable diagnosis?

    @Brown lung induration

    Nidus pneumonia.

    Croupous pneumonia

    Interstitial pneumonia

    Haemorrhagic pneumonia



    A young male with a history of rheumatic heart disease since childhood, gradually develops mitral stenosis, accompanied with episodes of heart failure. He presents to a hospital complaining of coughing with reddish-brown sputum. Name probable changes at patient's lungs.

    @Brown induration of lungs

    Emphysema of lungs

    Atelectasis of lungs





    A patient with a long history of rheumatic disease died of cardiopulmonary failure. A post-mortem revealed a stenosis of the mitral orifice as well as a brown induration of lungs. Which term most correctly defines this blood circulation disorder?

    @Chronic left ventricular failure.

    Chronic right ventricular failure.

    Acute left ventricular failure.

    Acute right ventricular failure.

    Portal hypertension.



    Histologic sections of lung tissue from a 68-year-old woman with congestive heart failure and progressive breathing problems reveal numerous hemosiderin-laden cells within the alveoli. Which of the following is the cell of origin of these “heart failure cells”?

    Endothelial cells







    During emotionally hard work suddenly died a young man. Autopsy showed uneven blood perfusion of myocardium. Histochemically: decrease of glycogen content. Electronic microscopical research showed mitochondria destruction, myofibrils contractures. Name the most probable blood circulation failure.

    Chronic ischemia

    @Acute ischemia

    Vacate arterial hyperaemia

    Acute venous hyperaemia

    Angioneurotic arterial hyperaemia



    On examination of a road accident victim a doctor revealed left clavicle fracture and disturbed blood circulation in an extremity (no pulsing of radial artery). What cause of blood circulation disturbance is the most probable?

    Compression of vertebral artery

    Compression of subclavian vein

    @Compression of subclavian artery

    Compression of axillary vein

    Compression of axillary artery



    A patient, who had fast elimination of 10 liters of an ascitic liquid from abdomen, suddenly lost his consciousness. What was the cause of this phenomenon?

    @Ischimia of the brain

    Thrombosis of the cerebral arteries

    Brain hemorrhage

    Arterial hyperemia

    Thrombosis of the cerebral veins



    During a section of an 86-year-old woman, who had an atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, the atrophy of cerebral cortex was determined. Name the atrophy due to the reason.


    @Insufficiency of blood supply

    Physical and chemical factors





    A post-mortem of 77-year-old male, with a long history of cerebral atherosclerosis, revealed an atrophy of his cerebral cortex. What was the most likely cause of cortex alterations?

    @Insufficiency of blood supply.


    Physical and chemical factors.





    During the autopsy of a 48-year-old man, the obturation of the middle cerebral artery’s lumen by clot was determined. The parieto-temporal part of the left hemisphere had a focus of pappy consistence and of gray colour. Term the most possible reason of such changes.

    Fibrinoid necrosis



    Caseous necrosis




    A 56-year-old male with a history of cerebral atherosclerosis suddenly dies. At a there is a thrombus within a middle cerebral artery's lumen. Gross inspection revealed a grey flabby focus at the parietotemporal part of the left hemisphere of his brain .What are the most likely alterations diagnosed in a brain tissues?




    Caseous necrosis.

    Fibrinoid necrosis.



    Punctata hemorrhage was found out in the patient after application of a tourniquet. With disfunction of what blood cells is it connected?








    The main intermediate cause of diapedetic hemorrhage is:

    @Increased vascular permeability

    Increased arterial pressure

    Small damages of vascular wall

    Sclerosis of vascular wall

    Hyalinosis of vascular wall



    A 67-years old female with long state rheumatic mitral stenosis were revealed: marked dilatation of left atrial chamber, the signs of lung circuit hypertension. Was usually associated with intra alveolar hemorrhage. What is the underlying mechanism of this type of hemorrhage:

    Hemorrhagia per rhexin

    Hemorrhagia per diabrosim

    @Hemorrhagia per diapedesis

    All the answers are right

    All the answers are fals



    During postmortem examination of 34-deceased male, died by suicidal hanging, the multiple subpleural, subepi- and subendocardial minute hemorrhages were established. What is the name of this type of hemorrhage;





    Hemothorax and hemopericardial



    A 20-year-old man incurs blunt trauma to his upper outer arm. On physical examination, there is a 2 x 3 cm contusion. The initial soft tissue bleeding stops in a few minutes and the size of the bruise does not increase. Name this kind of haemorrhage:








    A 42 y.o. patient complains of pain in the epigastral area, vomiting; vomit masses have the colour of "coffee-grounds", the patient has also melena. Anamnesis records gastric ulcer. Blood formula: erythrocytes - 2,8*1012 /l, leukocytes – 8*109/l, Hb- 90 g/l. What complication is it?

    Pyloric stenosis







    During an autopsy in the upper lobe of right lung there was found a big, wedge-like nidus of dark-red, thick tissue. Histologically: necrosis of alveolar walls, alveolar lumen is densely filled with erythrocytes. Name the process.



    @Haemorrhagic infarction





    An autopsy of a patient who died suddenly at emergency room revealed in his brain a cavity of irregular shape (5 x 3.5 cm) filled with blood clots and macerated cerebral tissue. An area of cavitary destruction had a rim of brown discoloration. This lesion was found within the subcortex nuclei at the right hemisphere of brain. What is the most likely definition of described pathology?


    Hemorrhagic impregnation

    Ischemic infarction





    An elderly female develops acute disorder of the cerebral blood circulation, followed with coma, resulted in fatal outcome. A post-mortem revealed in the right hemisphere of the brain a large cavity, filled with blood. Which pathological process took place in the brain?

    @ Hematoma

    Hemorrhagic infiltration

    Infarct of the brain


    Edema of the brain



    Autopsy of a man who suffered from essential hypertension revealed a cavity with rust-coloured walls in the cerebral substunce. What preceded the appearance of these changes?



    Ischemic infarction


    Diapedetic hemorrhages



    During an autopsy of a man, who suffered from chronic hypertension, there was found a cavity in cerebral tissues, it had rusty walls. What preceded these changes?


    Diapedetic bleedings

    Ischemic infarction





    Autopsy of a man who had been suffering from hypertension revealed in his brain a cavity with rubiginous walls. What event preceded development of these changes?


    Ischemic infarction



    Diapedetic haemorrhages



    A post-mortem of a 60-year-old female with a history of secondary hypertension revealed a cavity at the right hemisphere of the brain 4x2,5 cm, filled with red clots of blood and softened brain tissue. What term best characterized the brain changes?


    Hemorrhagic impregnation

    Ischemic infarct





    A post-mortem of a 59-year-old patient with long history of idiopathic hypertension revealed in brain a cavity with rusty colour walls. Which process preceded these changes?

    @ Hematoma


    Ischemic infarct





    During the right he bemisphere subcortex nuclei autopsy, a distorted cavity (5 x 35 cm) with red concentrated blood and softened cerebral tissue was determined. Term the pathology that developed in this case.


    Hemorrhagic leakage

    Ischemic infarction





    A post-mortem of a 53-year-old male with a long history of hypertension revealed the cavity in the occipital lobe of the brain. It measured 2x1 cm, had a brownish smooth walls and filled with transparent liquid. Which is the most likely diagnosis?

    @Cyst after hemorrhages

    Softening of the brain

    Abscess of a brain

    Developmental defect of a brain

    Cyst after softening of the brain



    A 78-year-old male, with a history of stroke 2 years ago, died of pneumonia as a complication of severe influenza. At post-mortem, gross investigation of his brain revealed a cerebral cyst with rusty color of its walls. Perls' test was positive. Name the process reveled within a cystic wall.

    @Local hemosiderosis.

    Common hemosiderosis.

    Local hemomelanosis.

    Infiltration of bilirubin.

    Primary hemochromatosis.



    After having a hemorrhagic insult, a cerebral cyst developed in a patient. After 2 years he died of grippe pneumonia. At section the cerebral cyst with the walls of whight-rusty color was detected. The Perls’ test is positive. What process in the cystic wall is assigned?

    @Local hemosiderosis

    Common hemosiderosis

    Local hemomelanosis

    Infiltration of bilirubin

    Primary hemochromatosis



    After restoration of blood circulation in damaged tissue accumulation of lactate comes to a stop and speed of glucose consumption slows down. These metabolic changes are caused by activation of the following process:

    @Aerobic glycolysis



    Glycogen biosynthesis

    Anaerobic glycolysis



    A 45 year old patient was taken to the hospital by an emergency team with serious cranial trauma in shock condition. Objectively: unconscious, skin is pale, body t0- 35,00С, low muscular tonus, reflexes are absent, pulse is rapid and weak, AP- 50/30 mm Hg. What clinical shock stage is it?

    Erectile stage

    Torpid stage

    Excitement stage

    Inhibition stage

    @Terminal stage



    Shock and signs of acute renal failure (ARF) developed in the patient due to permanent injury. What is the leading cause of development of ARF in the case?

    Urine excretion violation

    Increased pressure in the renal arteries

    @Decreased arterial pressure

    Decreased oncotic BP

    Increased pressure in the nephron capsule



    Purulent endometritis developed in a woman after delivery. Treating with antibiotics inhibitors of murein synthesis was ineffective. Wide spectrum bactericidal antibiotic was administered to her. In 6 hours temperature rapidly increased up to 400C with shiver. Muscle pains have appeared. BP dropped down to 70/40 mmHg. Oligura has developed. What is the main reason for the development of this condition?

    Toxic effect of preparation

    Internal bleeding

    @Endotoxic shock

    Anaphylactic shock




    A 22-year-old woman presents with the sudden onset of a high fever, a diffuse erythematous skin rash, and shock. She started menstruating at age 13 and for several years has used tampons. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    Erysipelas caused by Streptococcus pyogenes

    Fifth disease caused by human parvovirus B19

    Scarlet fever caused by S. pyogenes

    Secondary syphilis caused by Treponema pallidum

    @Toxic shock syndrome caused by Staphylococcus aureus



    After two weeks in the hospital following a fall in which she incurred a fracture of her left femoral trochanter, a 76-year-old woman now has a left leg that is swollen, particularly her lower leg below the knee. She experiences pain on movement of this leg, and there is tenderness to palpation. Which of the following complications is most likely to occur next after these events?

    Gangrenous necrosis of the foot

    @Hematoma of the thigh

    Disseminated intravascular coagulation

    Pulmonary thromboembolism

    Soft tissue sarcoma



    Within minutes following a bee sting, a 37-year-old man develops marked respiratory stridor with dyspnea and wheezing. He also develops swelling and erythema seen in his arms and legs. What type of pathological processes has develops in patient?



    Venous congestion

    Serous inflammation

    @Anafilactic shok



    In order to provide infiltrative anaesthesia a man was injected a solution of ultracaine with adrenaline. Afterwards, suddenly there appeared hyperaemias, swellings with vesicles and itching. What kind of hypersensitivity is this?



    Immune complex damage

    Decelerated hypersensitivity




    For the purpose of anaesthetization a patient got injection of local anestheti C. A few minutes later the patient got dyspnea and tachycardia; he lost consciousness. What type of shock is it?







    Circulatory disturbance №2.



    A 35-year-old patient complains of repeated vomiting, diarrhea, decreased arterial pressure and tachycardia. He supposes this condition related to the food poisoning. Laboratory tests detected Salmonella's infection. Hematological examination revealed an increased number of erythrocytes per unit volume. Which circulatory disturbance took place to create this pathology?

    @Clotting of a blood.

    Hemolysis of erythrocytes and compensatory induction of a hemogenesis

    General arterial plethora


    Hyperchromatic anemia



    Examination of a patient who has recently had a hepatic disease revealed low concentration of prothrombin in blood. First of all this will cause disturbance of:

    Vasculothrombocytic haemostasis

    First phase of coagulation haemostasis


    Anticoagulative blood properties

    @Second phase of coagulation haemostasis



    During the autopsy of a 46-year-old man who died when the motorcycle he was riding was hit by a truck, a 1.2-cm red mass is found within a branch of the left pulmonary artery. Grossly this mass is rubbery, gelatinous, and has a “chicken fat” appearance. Histologic sections reveal that this mass is not attached to the wall of the pulmonary artery, and alternating lines of Zahn are not seen. Which of the following statements best describes this intravascular mass?

    @Postmortem blood clot

    Postmortem hematoma

    Premorten embolic blood

    Premorten non-embolic thrombus

    Premorten non-thrombotic embolus



    All following factors predispose to thrombosis EXCEPT one:

    Injury of ultima

    Turbulence blood flow

    Stasis of blood





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