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вся работа. Пояснительная записка настоящее учебнометодическое пособие для студентовзаочников составлено в соответствии с программой по английскому языку для высших учебных заведений неязыковых специальностей,

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One of the most striking features of English life is the selfdiscipline and courtesy of people of all classes There is little noisy behavior, and practically no loud disputing in the street. People do not rush excitedly for seats in buses or trains, but take their seats in queues at bus stops in a quiet and orderly manner.

Englishmen are naturally polite and never tired in saying «thank you», «I am sorry», «Beg your pardon». If you follow anyone who is entering a building or a room, he will hold a door open for you.

The Englishman does not like any boasting or showing off in manners, dress or speech. The Englishman prefers his own house to an apartment in a block of flats, because he doesn't wish his doing to be overlooked by his neighbours. «An Englishman's house is his castle.»

Many Englishmen are very good to their wives at home. They help their wives in many ways. They clean the windows when they are at home on Saturdayafternoon. They often wash up the dishes after supper in the evening.
VII. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
1. What is the most striking feature of English life?

2. How do English people take their seats in buses?

3. Do Englishmen like boasting?

4. Why does the Englishman prefer his own house to an apartment in a block of flats?

5. What kind of housework do many Englishmen do when they are at home on Saturday afternoon?

Вариант 3
I. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам и выражениям.
1. We shall call at Tokyo tomorrow.

2. S.O. Makarov entered the Naval school in 1898.

3. He was an electrician four years ago.

4. There is a sick bay on board.
II. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов.
1. A master must be well qualified and experienced navigator.

2. We can stow life rafts athwart ships or fore and aft.

3. My friend has to work hard at English to pass the exam.

4. He will be able to maintain generating sets in two months.

5. Sailors had to do different tasks on board the ship.
III. Переведите на русский язык. Объясните различные значения глагола «to be».
1. Marine electrician is to know the construction of motors and distribution gear.

2. The captain is speaking with the chief mate.

3. The ship is well equipped with automatic equipment.

4. He is our boatswain and very experienced specialist.

5. Lights are not to be left on unnecessarily.
IV. Переведите на английский язык, помня об образовании страдательного залога.
1. Каждое судно оборудовано электрическими устройствами.

2. Наше судно будет ремонтироваться в Сингапуре.

3. Люки нельзя оставлять открытыми.

4. Судно загружается судовыми стрелами и кранами.

5. Шлюпку ремонтировали в течение двух часов.
V. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное грамматическое время.
1. They just (to test) insulation of the motor.

2. The sailors (to paint) the hull of the ship white.

3. I ( to reassemble) the generator tomorrow.

4. They (to clean) the circuit breakers, relays and contactors now.

5. Masts and samson posts (to support) derricks.
VI. Переведите текст.

Admiral of the ocean sea

It is August 3, 1492. A new day begins in a busy Spanish harbor. Three ships - the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria - are starting out to sea.

The rulers of Spain - Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand - believe in Columbus. They are paying for his trip. Columbus promises to find a new route from Spain to the Far East. India, China, Japan - the Indies. Lands of gold and valuable spices. If he succeeds, Spain will be rich.

Columbus knows the world is round. Why not travel to the Far East by sailing west? But the world is bigger than Columbus thinks. And there is something else Columbus doesn't know. Two huge continents lie in his way. Nobody in Europe knows they are there.

Soon the sailors cannot see land. Now they are really afraid. What if the wind stops blowing? The ships have no motors. What if there is a storm? The ships are small and made only of wood. What if they run out of food? They cannot go back for more. What if they are in danger? They cannot radio for help.

Christopher Columbus is not afraid of getting lost. He is the captain of the Santa Maria and the leader of the voyage. Columbus knows a lot about the sea. He is a navigator and a mapmaker. Now he dreams of becoming explorer, too.
VII. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. When does Columbus start out to sea?

2. Who were the rulers of Spain at that time?

3. How many huge continents lie in his way?

4. Do ships have any motors and radio?

5. What is the name of the ship Columbus is the captain of?
Вариант 4
I. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам и выражениям.
1. They are replacing automatic devices.

2. I like to listen to sea stories.

3. We have planned the preventive maintenance of the main switchboard.

4. The electricians will put the main switchboard out of service in three days.
II. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов.
1. You will have to wait for our Chief engineer.

2. They will be able to sign this document tomorrow.

3. Can you show us your engine-room?

4. Faulty fuses must be replaced.

5. The electrical engineer is to check readiness of electrical equipment for the voyage.
III. Переведите на русский язык. Объясните различные значения глагола «to be».
1. The repair works are to start at 10.

2. The commutator brushes are burning. Do you see the sparks?

3. The cabins are provided with every possible comfort.

4. Damaged insulation is very dangerous.

5. Our ship is to be connected to the shore electrical supply during the repair works.
IV. Переведите на английский язык, помня об образовании страдательного залога.

1. Ток измеряется в амперах.

2. Его сменили с вахты час назад.

3. Лампочки в каюте будут заменены.

4. Электротехнический журнал подписывается электромехаником.

5. Поломка мотора была только что устранена.
V. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное грамматическое время.
1. The electrician (to remove) old lighting cable in a day.

2. They (to paint) masts now.

3. He (to work) in the engine room every day.

4. When you (to see) your friends last time? I (to see) them last Sunday.

5. We (to adjust) motor capacity when it is necessary.
VI. Переведите текст.


The English Channel is only twenty miles across, but it presents a challenge even to the strongest swimmers. There is a strong tide running up the Channel from the south, and another coming down from the north. These two tidal movements meet near the mouth of the Thames river, creating such strong currents that it is impossible to swim in a straight line across Channel. To escape the currents, swimmers must go around them either to the north or to the south; distance is more than doubled by this manoeuvre. The first man to succeed in swimming the Channel was Captain Webb, who landed in France twenty-one hours and forty five minutes after entering the water at Dover. Other attempts have also been successful, some in much less time. It must be mentioned that the sea in the Channel is usually cold, and swimmers must cover their bodies with grease to protect their bodies. They are fed by men who accompany them in small boats.
VII. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
1. What is the width of the English channel?

2. Where do two tidal movements meet?

3. Who was the first man to succeed?

4. How long did it take Captain Webb to cross the channel?

5. Do swimmers eat during their swimming?
Вариант 5
I. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам и выражениям.
1. The master has instructed the crew.

2. During mooring you will stand by the main distribution board.

3. The chief electrical engineer will be able to provide continuous operation of all electrical equipment .

4. Our ship was built in Poland.
II. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов.
1. What kind of electrical equipment can we find in the engine room?

2. They had to wait for their captain ashore.

3. Their ship will be able to weigh the anchor in a day.

4. Tools and equipment must be grounded.

5. What kind of problems may lead to electric shock?
III. Переведите на русский язык. Объясните различные значения глагола «to have».
1. The generators have been just secured.

2. We have 3 diesel-generating sets on board

3. I have just filled up the logbook.

4. The ship will have to call at the nearest port for repairs.

5. You have to pick up tools lying about.
IV. Переведите на английский язык, помня об образовании страдательного залога.
1. Ему показали машинное отделение.

2. О неполадках в электрической цепи сообщили в службу технической эксплуатации.

3. Об этом капитане много говорят.

4. Профилактический ремонт должен производиться в соответствии с графиком.

5. Электрическое оборудование будет осмотрено электриком.
V. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное грамматическое время.
1. We (to keep watch) now.

2. They (to wash) windings before they dry them in an oven tomorrow.

3. The electrical engineering group on board (to deal with) the hull and deck machinery.

4. He (to paint) the generator frame two hours ago.

5. Deck lamps (to be) renewed according the repair list.
VI. Переведите текст.

Nautical English
Every captain finds it necessary to know English. A seafarer has to learn a professional vocabulary, that of nautical English.

Seafarers use 8,000 words that are not in current use on land. Of course, seamen do not have to know them all, except those to be used in orders affecting the movement of the ship.

Englishmen had trouble with two of them for a long time. It is known that «starboard» means the right-hand side of the ship facing the bow: or front, and that «port» means the left-hand side.

But up to not very long ago, they were known as «starboard» and «larboard». On windy, stormy nights, many helmsmen mistook one for the other and turned the wheel the wrong way. This worried and irritated so many ships' mas­ters, that they changed «larboard» to «port» and everyone was happy.
VII. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
1. What do they call nautical English?

2. Why is it necessary for every seafarer to know English?

3. What does «starboard» mean?

4. What word was used before instead of «port»?

5. Why did they change «larboard» to «port»?
Вариант 1
I. Соотнесите части А и В.
A. direct current (d.c.), rotating part, armature coil, stationary part, alternating current (a.c.), field coil, winding, commutator, relative motion, force magnetic lines, electromotive force (e.m.f.), to induce, outside load, slip ring, prime mover, propulsion plant, end housing, stator frame, field poles, brush assembly, field.

B. внешняя нагрузка, неподвижная часть, постоянный ток, обмотка, относительное движение, первичный двигатель, наводить, станина статора, катушка возбуждения, щеточное устройство, силовые магнитные линии, переменный ток, вращающаяся часть, электродвижущая сила, гребная установка, коллектор, контактное кольцо, подшипниковый щит, катушка якоря, переменный ток, полюса с катушкой возбуждения, поле.

II. Вставьте данные ниже сказуемые в пропущенные места в предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
are called, are connected, is, are supplied, is mounted, is induced, there is, is put
1. Large amounts of power … by generators.

2. The armature coil … on the rotating part of a device.

3. A generator … for converting mechanical power into electrical power.

4. … motion between the armature and field coils.

5. In an a.c. generator the armature windings … to the ship rings.

6. Machines for supplying energy to generators … «prime movers».

7. A mechanical power … into a generator to drive it.

8. An e.m.f. … in the armature.
III. Переведите текст.
Each ship is to be provided with some sources of electric power. Large amounts of power are supplied by generators.

A generator is a device which is designed to convert mechanical power into electrical power. Generators can supply either d.c. or a.c. power.

D.c. generator is a generator in which the armature windings are connected to a commutator. In a.c. generator the armature windings are connected to the slip rings.

All generators whether a.c. or d.c. consist of two main parts: rotating and stationary parts. In most d.c. generators the armature coil is mounted on the rotating part, which is there referred to as the «armature». The field coils are mounted on the stationary part and then are called the «field». In most a.c. generators the field is mounted on the rotating part - the rotor and the armature winding on the stationary part - the stator.

In either case there is relative motion between the armature and field coils, so that the armature coils are cut through the force magnetic lines of the field. As a result, an e.m.f. is induced in the armature, causing a current to flow through the outside load.

Since the generator supplies electrical power to a load, mechanical power must be put into the generator to cause the rotor to turn and generate electricity.

Consequently, all generators must have machines to supply the mechanical energy. These machines are called «prime movers». Steam engines, electric motors, diesels, turbines, main propulsion plant can drive generators.
IV. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What is a generator?

2. What kind of power can generators supply?

3. What is the difference between d.c. and a.c. generators?

4. What main parts do generator consist of?

5. Where are field coils mounted in a d.c. generator?

6. Is there any motion between the armature and field coils?

7. What are machines for supplying mechanical power to generators called?
V. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. In assembling a.d.c. generator the fields are mounted in the stator.

2. One end housing is bolted to the stator frame.

3. The armature is inserted between the field poles and the housing.

4. The brush assemblies are mounted last.

5. Generator assembly and disassembly varies depending on the size, type and manufacturer.
VI. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

    1. Что представляет собой генератор?

2. Генератор – это устройство для преобразования механической энергии в электрическую.

3. Генератор может поставлять постоянный или переменный ток.

4. Генератор состоит из 2 главных частей: вращающейся и неподвижной.

5. В генераторе постоянного тока вращающаяся часть называется якорем.

6. Между якорем и катушками возбуждения возникает относительное движение.

7. Катушки якоря пересекаются силовыми магнитными линиями.

8. ЭДС наводится в якоре.

9. Машины, поставляющие механическую энергию генераторам, называются первичными двигателями.
Вариант 2
I. Соотнесите части А и В.
A.: field coil, voltage source, excitation current, separately excited generator, self excited generator, field current, series generator, compound generator, exciter, amplifier.

B.: ток возбуждения, генератор с последовательным возбуждением, источник напряжения, усилитель, катушка возбуждения, генератор смешанного возбуждения, катушка возбуждения, генератор с параллельным возбуждением, генератор независимого возбуждения, генератор с самовозбуждением.
II. Вставьте данные ниже сказуемые в пропущенные места в предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
is, have, supplied, must be connected, drives, may be supplied, is called, will result, can use

1. To produce a constant field to use in a generator, the field coils … across a d.c. voltage.

2. The d.c. current in the field coils … the «excitation current».

3. The excitation current … from a separate d.c. voltage.

4. A generator … part of its output to supply a field current.

5. Separately excited generators … two circuits.

6. In a separately excited d.c. generator the field … independent of the armature.

7. With a slight change in the field current, a large change in the load current … .

8. The output of the generator supplies the current which … a motor.
III. Переведите текст.
Most practical d.c. generators have electromagnetic fields.

To produce a constant field to use in a generator, the field coils must be connected across a d.c. voltage source. The d.c. current in the field coils is called the «excitation current», and may be supplied either from a separate d.c. voltage source, or by using the d.c. output of the generator itself.

If the field is supplied with current from an external source, the generator is called «separately excited»; but if some of the generator output is used to supply the field current it is said to be «self-excited». In a self-excited generator the field coils may be connected either in series with the armature coils («series»), in parallel with the armature coils («shunt»), or partly in series and partly in parallel with the armature coils («compound»).

Separately-excited d.c. generators have two circuits: the field circuit, consisting of the field coils connected across a separate d.c. source, and the armature circuit, consisting of the armature coil and the load resistance.

In a separately excited d.c. generator, the field is independent of the armature, since it is supplied with the current from either another generator (exciter), an amplifier or a battery. The separately-excited field provides a means of controlling the power output of the generator. With a slight change in the field current, a large change in the load current will result.

A separately-excited generator is frequently used in automatic motor control systems. In these systems the field current is controlled by an amplifier, and the output of the generator supplies the current which drives a motor.

IV. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What is the d.c. in the field coils called?

2. What kind of a generator is supplied with the current from an external source?

3. What is a self-excited generator?

4. How can the field coils in a self-excited generator be connected?

5. How many circuits do separately-excited generators have?

6. Is the field in a separately excited d.c. generator independent of the armature? Why?

7. What kind of a device is the field current in a separately-excited generator controlled by?
V. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. Ammeter measures the current flowing in a circuit.

2. Voltmeter is used to measure the potential difference between two points in a circuit.

3. The function of a wattmeter is to measure the power which is the product of the current and voltage.

4. We measure insulation resistance with a megohmmeter.

5. This device is easy to handle.
VI. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  1. Существуют два способа возбуждения генераторов.

  2. В зависимости от способа возбуждения генераторы делятся на два типа: генераторы независимого возбуждения и генераторы с самовозбуждением.

  3. Постоянный ток в катушках возбуждения называется током возбуждения.

  4. Генераторы независимого возбуждения используют внешний источник для подачи тока возбуждения полю.

  5. Генераторы с самовозбуждением используют часть своей выходной мощности для подачи тока возбуждения полю.

  6. Самовозбуждение генераторов может быть последовательным, параллельным и смешанным.

  7. Генераторы с независимым возбуждением имеют две цепи: цепь возбуждения (поля) и якорную цепь.

  8. Небольшое изменение в токе возбуждения приводит к большому изменению в токе нагрузки.

Вариант 3

  1. Соотнесите части А и В.

A.: alternator, revolving armature type, revolving field type, similar, commutator, to bring to, a load, a slip ring, rating, high voltage, fixed connection, to insulate, heating loss, to sustain, conductor, excessive, to destroy, to rate in terms of, voltage output, volt-ampere.

B.: нагрузка, мощность напряжения, генератор с вращающимся якорем, контактное кольцо, высокое напряжение, чрезмерный, рассматривать, коллектор, вольт-ампер, сходный, рассчитывать в единицах, изолировать, (номинальная) мощность, тепловые потери, генератор с вращающимся полем, проводник, подвижное соединение, поддерживать, разрушать, поступать к, генератор переменного тока.
II. Вставьте данные ниже сказуемые в пропущенные места в предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
can be, are, is converted, would be, can be converted, brought.
1. There …… two types of alternators: the revolving-armature type and the revolving-field type.

2. In the d.c. generator the e.m.f. generated in the armature windings …… into d.c. by means of the commutator.

3. In the alternator the generated a.c. is …… to the load unchanged.

4. The revolving field type alternator …… a stationary armature winding.

5. The generated voltage in the revolving-field alternator …… directly to the load.

6. Fixed connections are more easily insulated than …… slip.

7. The maximum current depends on the maximum heating loss which …… sustained in the armature .
III. Переведите текст.
Vast majority of ships use alternating current generators often called alternators. There are two types of alternators – the revolting-armature type and the revolting – field type. The revolting-armature type alternator is similar in construction to the d.c. generator in that the armature rotates through a stationary magnetic field. But in the d.c. generator, the e.m.f. generated in the armature windings is converted into d.c. by means of the commutator; whereas in the alternator, the generated a.c. is brought to the load unchanged, by means of slip rings.

The revolving-armature alternator, however is only found in alternators of small power rating, and is not generally used.

The revolving-field type of alternator has a stationary armature winding and a rotating field winding. The advantage of having a stationary armature winding is that the generated voltage can be connected directly to the load. Fixed connections are much more easily insulated than would be slip rings at very high voltages; so high-voltage alternators are usually of the rotating field type.

The maximum current which can be supplied by an alternator depends on the maximum heating loss which can be sustained in the armature. This heating loss heats the conductors, and if excessive, destroys the insulation. Alternators are rated in terms of this current as well as in terms of voltage output. That is to say, every alternator rating is expressed in volt-amperes.
IV. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What kind of current is used on modern ships?

2. What is an alternator?

3. How many types of alternators do you know?

4. Is the d.c. generator similar in construction to the revolving field or revolving armature alternator?

5. How is the generated a.c. in the alternator brought to the load?

6. Is a stationary armature winding considered as the advantage or disadvantage? Why?

7. What does the maximum current supplied by an alternator depend on?
V. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. Vast majority of ships use alternating current generators.

2. High-voltage alternators are usually of the rotating field type.

3. Heating loss heats the conductors.

4. Alternators are rated in terms of current and voltage output.

5. In the d.c. generator the e.m.f. is converted into d.c. by means of the commutator.

VI. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Существуют два типа генераторов переменного тока: с вращающимся якорем и вращающимся полем.

2. Вращающийся якорь используется в генераторах с небольшой мощностью.

3. Генератор с вращающимся полем имеет неподвижную якорную обмотку и вращающуюся обмотку возбуждения.

4. В генераторе переменного тока переменный ток подается к нагрузке посредством контактных колец.

5. В генераторе постоянного тока электродвижущая сила преобразуется в постоянный ток посредством коллектора.

6. Генераторы переменного тока рассчитываются в единицах тока и выходного напряжения.

7. Максимальный ток зависит от максимальных тепловых потерь.

8. Тепловые потери разрушают изоляцию.
Вариант 4
I. Соотнесите части А и В.
A.: slot, neutral point, frequency, pole pairs, rotational speed, star connection, line lead, vector sum, equal, delta connection, to be phase-displaced, current flow, to depend on, to join together.

B.: поток тока, нейтральная точка, зависеть от, паз, скорость вращения, сдвигаться по фазе, векторная сумма, частота, линейный проводник, соединение «звездой», соединение «треугольником», пары полюсов, равный, соединяться.

II. Вставьте данные ниже сказуемые в пропущенные места в предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
will be, are connected, are, is, can be connected, combine, are joined together.
1. The frequency of the e.m.f. generated …… measured in Hertz.

2. One end of each of the three phase windings …… to from the «neutral point» of a «star» connection.

3. The other ends of the phase winding …… to line leads.

4. The voltage from a neutral point to any line leads …… the phase voltage.

5. The 3 output line voltages and 3 output line currents …… to create the three-phase electrical power output.

6. A three-phase stator …… so that the phases are connected end – to – end.

7. In delta connection the line voltages …… equal to the phase voltage .
III. Переведите текст.
The vast majority of ships use the 3-phase, 380 and 440 volts, a.c. system.

A practical a.c. generator has three sets of coils, called phase windings, located in the stator slots surrounding the rotating magnetic poles. The e.m.f. induced in each phase is phase-displayed by 120 degrees from the other two phases.

The frequency of the e.m.f. generated is measured in Hertz. It depends on the rotational speed and the number of pole pairs. Phase windings are usually labelled A B C. One end of each of the three phase windings join together to form the «neutral point» of a «star» connection.

The other ends of the phase windings are connected to line leads.

Since the windings form only one path for current flow between phases, the line and phase currents are equal.

A three-phase stator can be connected so that the phases are connected end-to-end; it is then called «delta connection». In delta connection the line voltages are equal to the phase voltage, but the line currents will be equal to the vector sum of the phase currents.

The 3 output line voltages and the 3 output line currents are combined to create the three-phase electrical power output, (measured in watts).

Three-phase alternators are in common use nowadays because they are much more efficient than either two-phase or single-phase alternators.
IV. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
1. What kind of voltage does a.c. system the majority of ships use?

2. How many windings does a practical a.c. generator have?

3. Where are phase windings located?

4. What kind of units is the frequency measured in?

5. How are phase windings joined in a «star» connection?

6. What is end – to – end connection called?

7. Why are three-phase alternators in common use nowadays?
V. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. A practical a.c. generator has three sets of coils.

2. The e.m.f. induced in each phase is phase-displaced by 120 degrees from the other two.

3. The frequency of the e.m.f. depends on the rotational speed and the number of pole pairs.

4. Phase windings are usually labelled ABC.

5. In delta connection the line voltage is equal to the phase voltage.
VI. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Большинство судов используют 3-фазную систему переменного тока напряжением 380 или 440 вольт.

2. Обычный генератор имеет три обмотки.

3. Обмотки расположены в пазах статора.

4. ЭДС, наводимая в каждой фазе, сдвигается по фазе на 120 градусов от двух других.

5. Фазы могут соединяться в форме «звезды» или «треугольника».

6. При соединении «звездой» один конец каждой обмотки соединён с двумя другими в точке, называемой «нейтральной».

7. Если фазные обмотки соединены конец к концу, то такое соединение называется «треугольником».

8. Трехфазные генераторы переменного тока гораздо производительнее двух- или однофазных.
Вариант 5
I. Соотнесите части А и В.
A.: brushless, abrasion, dirt, dust, silicon diode rectifier, make, reliability, performance, resistance for vibration, shaft-mounted.

B.: марка, грязь, кремневый диодный выпрямитель, пыль, истирание, бесщёточный, сопротивление к вибрации, надежность, установленный на валу, эксплуатационные качества.

II. Вставьте данные ниже сказуемые в пропущенные места в предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
are unmatched, have, are being replaced, can be limited, are, is.
1. Conventional alternators …… by the a.c. brushless generators.

2. The brushless alternators …… for operation on board marine vessel.

3. The performance of brushless alternators …… by any other make of generators.

4. Brushless generators …… no slip rings.

5. Movable contacts in conventional alternators …… subject to abrasion.

6. Brushless generators maintenance …… to the cleaning dirt and dust.

7. The resistance for vibration of conventional alternators …… lower than that of brushless alternators.
III. Переведите текст.
Conventional alternators are being replaced by the a.c. generators of brushless types. The brushless alternators are specially designed for operation on board marine vessels. Their reliability and performance, especially resistance for vibration and insulation are unmatched by any other make of generators. These generators have no brushes, slip rings or other movable contacts of any kind which are subject to abrasion. The conventional d.c. exciter and the alternator slip rings and brushgear are replaced by a rotating armature a.c. exciter and shaft-mounted silicon diode rectifier. This considerably reduces generator maintenance. It can be limited to the required cleaning of dirt and dust, along with the control and occasional lubrication of the bearings.

This type of alternators has a lighter weight, a better fuel consumption and a lower cost. The operation is fault-free and absolutely reliable. Noise level of the operating device is extremely low even during maximum power output.

The machine delivers high quality power with low fluctuations of voltage and frequency; it is practically vibration-free.
IV. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Why have the brushless generators found world wide acceptance nowadays ?

2. What is the difference between conventional and brushless generators?

3. What advantages do a.c. generators of brushless type in comparison with conventional generators have?

4. What kind of excitation system is used in brushless alternators?

5. Does the maintenance of brushless generator require working hours?

6. What type of a generator would you install on a modern ship?
V. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. On our ship a.c. generators of brushless type are installed.

2. Brushless generators meet the requirements placed on generators for ocean-going ships.

3. Brushless generators have no movable contacts.

4. Movable contacts are subject to abrasion.

5. The excitation in this self-excited generator is effected by means of a brushless thyristor exciter.
VI. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Переносной генератор модели EF 1400 был разработан в 1989 году.

2. Эта модель популярна благодаря своей надёжности и безаварийной эксплуатации.

3. По сравнению с другими типами генераторов он более лёгок по весу, экономичен в потреблении топлива и относительно дёшев.

4. Шумовой уровень работающего устройства чрезвычайно низок.

5. Машина поставляет высококачественную энергию с низкими колебаниями напряжения и частоты.

6. Устройство обладает стойкой сопротивляемостью к вибрации.

7. Это генератор бесщёточного типа.

8. Выходная мощность генератора в 10 ампер позволяет подзаряжать большие аккумуляторные батареи.
Вариант 1

  1. Переведите данные слова и словосочетания на русский язык.

Auxiliaries, lighting, to distribute, wiring circuit, reliable operation, direct current, emergency switchboard, circuit breaker, alternating current, switch, circuit protection, to run in parallel, bus, copper bar, to supply power, to secure, power panel, anchor windlass, step-down transformer, outlet, «hotel» loads.

II. Подставьте в предложения недостающие слова, воспользовавшись приведёнными в скобках подсказками.
1. (Распределительный щит) is a metal frame on which different switches, controlling and indicating devices are mounted.

2. (Автоматический выключатель) is a switch with certain automatic features to provide circuit protection.

3. (Шина) is a large copper bar located behind the switchboard.

4. (Силовая панель) is the part of the main switchboard.

5. (Понижающий трансформатор) is a device designed for decreasing voltage.
III. Составьте предложения, используя слова и выражения, приведённые ниже.

  1. to drive, electrical power, auxiliaries, machinery, engine room, deck.

  2. to generate, engine room, wiring circuit, to distribute, electrical power,

throughout the ship.

  1. electrical power, generator, ship’s service switchboard, to lead, circuit breaker, through.

  2. protection, the function, circuit, to provide, circuit breaker, is.

  3. a load center, to be located, the power panel, distribution point, on ships, called, intermediate, the bus.

IV. Переведите на русский язык следующий отрывок.
Electrical power is used throughout the ship to drive engine room auxiliaries and deck machinery, power electronic equipment, provide lighting, etc. Electrical power is normally generated in the engine room and then distributed by various wiring circuits throughout the ship.

Circuit breakers are switches that have certain automatic features to provide circuit protection. For example, if the electrical load becomes too great, the generator circuit breaker will automatically open, isolating the generator from the switchboard. If two or more generators are supplying the ship’s service switchboard at the same time, the generators are said to be running in parallel. The main 440-volt bus supplies power to the 440-volt power panels. These power panels may be part of the main switchboard or may be located closer to their load. For example, power for the forward winches and anchor windlass may be supplied from a power panel located in the forecastle. On some large ships, an intermediate distribution point, called a load center, is located between the bus and the power panel.

Power from the main 440-volt bus is also led to the 120-volt bus through step-down transformers. This bus is connected to power panels which generally provide «hotel» loads such as lighting outlets in living spaces. During normal operation, the 440-volt main bus also supplies power to the emergency switchboard.
V. Восстановите недостающие реплики.

  • Could you explain to me the construction of the main switchboard?

  • ……

  • I see. And what devices are there on the control section?

  • ……

  • And what is the function of automatic switches and devices mounted on the distribution section?

  • ……

  • As far as I remember the control, measuring and commutation devices are on the generating sections. What are they used for?

  • ……

VI. Составьте вопросы, ответами на которые могли бы являться следующие предложения.

      1. By the 1950s a majority of ships were being built with alternating current systems.

      2. A.c. motors have decreased weight and increased reliability.

      3. The heart of the electrical system is the generator.

      4. Electrical power is normally generated at 440 or 380 volts aboard ship.

      5. The generator circuit breaker will automatically open if the electrical load becomes too great.

      6. On a bus there are connections between the bus power supply and the electrical load distribution.

      7. When in port the bus can also be supplied from shore.

      8. Power panels may be located closer to their load.

      9. The power panels contain circuit breakers for the loads they supply.

      10. Power from the main 440-volt bus is led to the 120-volt bus through step-down transformers.

VII. Переведите на английский язык.
Устройство распределительного щита
Распределительный щит представляет собой металлический корпус, состоящий из 8 секций. Это – 1 секция управления, 4 распределительных и 3 генераторных секции. На секциях управления расположены синхроноскопы, панельный мегометр и несколько других измерительных приборов. На распределительных секциях смонтированы автоматические выключатели потребителей для защиты цепи. Кроме того, имеются амперметры, предназначенные для измерения тока в цепях. Устройства управления, измерительные устройства находятся на генераторных секциях. Они используются для измерения напряжения, проверки частоты нагрузки, параллельной работы генераторов.

Вариант 2
I. Переведите данные слова и словосочетания на русский язык.
Сircuit overload, fuse, excessive current, tripped position, to reset, live wiring, to melt a metal conductor, to restore power exposed, fuse clips, electrocution, to interrupt, selective tripping, to replace, protective covering.

II. Подставьте в предложения недостающие слова, воспользовавшись приведёнными в скобках подсказками.
1. (Перегруз цепи) is drawing too many amperes, which can result in damage to the electrical devices.

2. (Плавкий предохранитель) is a piece of metal with a low melting point, inserted in series with a circuit.

3. The circuit breaker is a safe device, since (электропроводка, находящаяся под напряжением), is behind the cover.

4. (Оголённые контактные пружины плавкого предохранителя) can cause electrocution if touched.

5. Circuit breakers are normally designed for (выборочного сраба­тывания).
III. Составьте предложения, используя слова, приведённые ниже.

  1. automatically, an overload, is, each, circuit, protected, from.

  2. fuses, stop, open, flow, circuit, circuit breakers, automatically, electricity, of.

  3. can, reset, to, be, manually, position, circuit, the, «on», a, breaker.

  4. to restore, the, fuse, replaced, in, power, be, order, must.

  5. the, of, cause, should, overload, identified, circuit, be, the.

IV. Переведите на русский язык следующий отрывок.
Each electrical circuit on the ship has a maximum current load, measured in amperes (amps) that it can safety handle. A circuit overload (drawing too many amps) will result in overheated wiring and damage to the electrical devices it serves. Therefore, each circuit is automatically protected from an overload. On newer ships, this is done with circuit breakers. On older ships, the circuits are protected by fuses. Both devices automatically open the circuit and stop the flow of electricity when they are heated by excessive current. A circuit breaker moves to the tripped position and, after a few minutes to cool off, can be manually reset to the «on» position. The circuit breaker is also safe, since all live wiring is behind the cover. Fuses interrupt the flow of current by melting a metal conductor inside a protective covering. In order to restore power, the fuse must be replaced. This must be done by qualified personnel only, as the exposed fuse clips can cause electrocution if touched.

A circuit breaker is a magnetic type overload relay designed to protect circuits not only from overload but from voltage failure or current reversal.

A fuse is simply a piece of metal with low melting point inserted in series with a circuit which is to be protected. Although a fuse is a simple and inexpensive device, it has the disadvantage that it is almost instantaneous in action. So a fuse cannot be used to protect motor as the starting current is a lot higher than the operating current.
V. Восстановите недостающие реплики.

  • How are circuits protected from an overload on your ship?

  • ……

  • How is the protection performed?

  • ……

  • Are fuses used on modern ships?

  • ……

  • What disadvantage does a fuse have?

  • ……

VI. Составьте вопросы, ответами на которые могли бы являться следующие предложения.

        1. Exceeding the maximum values is called an overload.

  1. An overload will result in overheated wiring and damage to the electrical devices.

  2. Fuses are rated in amperes..

  3. The proper fuse must be used for each circuit in order to afford proper overload protection.

  4. The cause of the circuit overload should be identified and corrected before the circuit breaker is reset or the fuses replaced.

  5. Circuit breakers are designed for selective tripping.

  6. The circuit breakers closest to the fault should trip first.

  7. Selective tripping ensures circuit protection while maintaining power to as much of the ship as possible.

  8. A fuse cannot be used to protect motors because the starting current is much higher than the operating current.

  9. Yes, a circuit breaker is a magnetic type overload relay

VII. Переведите на английский язык.
На нашем судне цепи защищены от перегрузки с помощью автоматических выключателей. Обычно схема защиты состоит из автоматов, плавких предохранителей, контакторов, реле максимального тока (overcurrent relays), реле минимального напряжения (under-voltage relays) и реле обратной мощности (reverse power relays). Процесс защиты происходит следующим образом: автомат прерывает ток повреждения (fault current). Реле максимального тока обнаруживает ток повреждения и инициирует срабатывание.

Автоматический выключатель – это реле магнитного типа, предназначенное защищать цепи не только от перегрузок, но и от сбоев в напряжении и обратного тока (current reversal).
Вариант 3
I. Переведите данные слова и словосочетания на русский язык.
Light bulb, to plug into a socket, to spark, to bypass, inoperative, hazard, extension cord, light fixture, moisture, cable run, cable area, dim light, deteriorated wiring, faint smell, first aid, safety procedure, resistance, perspiration, dampness, to eliminate, short circuit, to accompany.
II. Подставьте в предложения недостающие слова, воспользовавшись приведёнными в скобках подсказками.
1. (Электробезопасность) aboard ship is serious business.

2. (Удлинительные шнуры) must be in good repair and must be grounded.

3. (Световые выключатели) must be covered to protect them from moisture.

4. (Тусклый свет и изношенная электропроводка) may lead to electrical shock or fire.

5. (Короткое замыкание) causes an overload.
III. Составьте предложения, используя слова, приведённые ниже.

  1. plug, socket, devices, don’t, several, into, a, single..

  2. multiple, don’t, adapters, use, outlet.

  3. flow, through, electric, to, your, the, body, shock, current, of, due, is.

  4. is, by, electric, accompanied, shock, often, falling.

  5. Reduced, be, the, of, shock, can, by, clothes, danger, solid, wearing, electric.

IV. Переведите на русский язык следующий отрывок.
Many problems can cause circuit overloading. Unauthorized additions to electric circuits cause the circuit to draw more amps than the wiring was designed for. Using light bulbs of higher wattage than the circuit was designed for will result in overload. The use of multiple outlet adapters, which allow several devices to be plugged into a single socket, nearly always causes an overload and shouldn’t be permitted aboard ship. A short circuit, caused by two current carrying conductors coming in contact, causes an overload. Short circuits usually result in sparking which can start a fire. Circuit breakers and fuses are designed to isolate and minimize the damage caused by these problems. Any attempt to bypass or render these safety devices inoperative puts the ship and her crew in serious danger.

Electrical safety aboard ship is serious business. The fact that ship’s structure is metal increases the hazard of electrical shock significantly. Portable tools and extension cords must be in good repair and must be grounded. Ungrounded tools and equipment designed for use ashore are simply not safe aboard ship. Exterior sockets and light fixtures must be covered to protect them from moisture. Cable runs near cargo handling areas must be protected from damage. All problems with electrical circuits and machinery should be reported to the engine department immediately. Dim lights, damaged or deteriorated wiring, the faint smell of hot electrical insulation or a motor that fails to start may all lead to serious electrical shock or fire.
V. Восстановите недостающие реплики.

  • What does the term overload mean?

  • ……

  • What will overload result in?

  • ……

  • What problems can cause an overload?

  • ……

  • What is short circuit caused by?

  • ……

VI. Составьте вопросы, ответами на которые могли бы являться следующие предложения.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11

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