вся работа. Пояснительная записка настоящее учебнометодическое пособие для студентовзаочников составлено в соответствии с программой по английскому языку для высших учебных заведений неязыковых специальностей,
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Вариант 4Поставьте в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. She is a cargo ship. They have very little free time. There are a few electrical devices in the engine room. He is measuring insulation resistance with a special device. He entered this university in 1993. Переведите на русский язык. There are many people in the port waiting for the ship. The more you learn the more you know. A circuit breaker is more reliable device than a fuse. What are you repairing? A fuse has a low melting point. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на перевод неопределенных местоимений и наречий. – Where are you going? – Nowhere, I’m staying here. None of these books are mine. I don’t see anything. If anyone needs help, they can ask me. There’s someone at the door. Can you go and see who is it? Найдите в предложении сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму, укажите инфинитив смыслового глагола. Переведите на русский язык. Образец: The motormen are repairing the engine. – are repairing – Present Progressive Active отстандартногоглагола « to repair» Мотористы ремонтируют двигатель. The second mate is checking the cargo. All seamen speak English when they are in foreign ports. If you do not work hard you will make no progress. He graduated from the University with honours. He was satisfied with his work. Переведите на английский язык. Мой друг – электромеханик. Он работает на траулере. Мы уже закончили все ремонтные работы в машинном отделении. В нашем экипаже 15 человек. Капитан на мостике. Он разговаривает со стармехом. Я стану старшим электромехаником через год. Переведите текст. A.S. Popov – Inventor of the Radio The wireless receiving set or radio is one of the greatest achievements of human genius. Priority in the invention of radio belongs to the Russian scientist Popov. A.S. Popov was born in 1859 in the Urals. While at school he spent all his free time on physics and mathematics. He studied at St. Petersburg University and graduated from it with honours. He began his researh in electrical engineering while working at the mining school in Krondstadt as a teacher. The greater part of his life he devoted to the problem of the application of electromagnetic waves to wireless communication. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. Who is the inventor of the Radio? Where and when was Popov born? What University did Popov graduate from? What problem was Popov interested in? Вариант 5Поставьте в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. Your report is very interesting. He is thinking of his future work. There are three cargo masts on the ship. He has just made an experiment and received good results. He worked as a chief electrical engineer aboard ship. Переведите на русский язык. He is teaching electrical engineering. There are many passengers on board the ship leaving the port. It is dangerous to use ungrounded tools on ships. The more I know the boatswain the less I understand him. The ship has the freeboard of 5 meters. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на перевод неопределенных местоимений и наречий. Any cadet can have the practical training aboard tall ship. Something was wrong with our engine. Nobody saw a strange object in the sea water because of the storm . None of the crew members could speak English. If you need anything, just ask. IV. Найдите в предложении сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму, укажите инфинитив смыслового глагола. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Образец: Themasterarrivedanhourago. – arrived – Past Simple Active отстандартногоглагола «to arrive». Капитан прибыл час назад. He turned the brushes two hours ago. The electrical engineer was looking for a tool. They had much trouble with their motor. The electrician is adjusting clearances of contacts. The generator will be repaired. V. Переведите на английский язык. Мой друг работает электромехаником на сухогрузе. Название этого судна «Рыбак Приморья». Старший механик – в машинном отделении. Матросы уложили груз в трюм. В штурманской рубке много навигационных приборов. VI. Переведите текст. Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh in 1847. His father was a world-famous teacher of speech and the inventor of a system which he called «Visible Speech». It helped deaf persons to pronounce words they could not hear. Alexander chose the same profession, and as his father became a teacher of the deaf, he moved to the United States and began to teach deaf children to speak. At the same time he worked at improving his father’s invention. In 1866, the nineteen year old Bell started thinking about harmonic telegraph which could send tones electrically from one place to another. Bell was not a scientist so he had to give all his energy and time to one thing only – knowledge of electricity. It was Alexander Graham Bell, who on the 10th of March, 1876 had invented the telephone. VII. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. What kind of system did Bell’s father invent? At what age did A. Bell start thinking about «harmonic telegraph»? Was A. Bell a scientist? When was the telephone invented? КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА 2 Вариант 1 Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам и выражениям. Electrical power is generated in the engine room. Up through World War II, a majority of ships were designed with direct current. Many scientists investigated electric phenomena. He has switched on the light. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов. Portable tools must be grounded. Moisture can be the cause of electric shock. You will have to put a cargo gear into operation. The electrician was able to repair the motor. Damaged wiring may lead to fire. III. Переведите на русский язык. Объясните различные значения глагола «to have»: Every ship has a whistle to warn other ships in fog. Sailors have to do different jobs on board. I have read a lot of sea stories. The electricians have to examine electrical equipment every day. Navigators have a lot of different responsibilities. IV. Переведите на английский язык, помня об образовании страдательного залога. 1. Это судно очень хорошо оборудовано. 2. Этот пассажирский лайнер был спущен на воду год назад. 3. Его спросили о размерениях судна. 4. Мне доложат о неполадках в электрооборудовании по судовой связи. 5. Этот документ уже переведён на английский язык 2-м помощником капитана. V. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное грамматическое время. 1. The chief engineer (to speak) with the captain when I (to see) him. 2. They (to carry out) the necessary survey of fresh water pumps defects half an hour ago. 3. The dockers ( to use) cranes when they (to unload) the cargo. 4. Check the motor! It (to hum). 5. We (to order) this type of motors next month. VI. Переведите текст. HELLO AND GOOD-BYE When Americans meet their friends, they often begin their conversations with a greetingand then ask about the friend’s health, family and job. Most of the time the conversation is optimistic. Even conversations about sad events such as serious illnesses, family problems, or deaths usually end in a hopeful way. People discuss special family events such as marriages, births, deaths, graduations, new jobs, and new homes. One friend will usually wish the other good luck. If the news is unhappy he or she will express sympathy and then add a hopeful comment. There are special rules about the discussion of money. Friends like to share good news – like a job promotion – or tell about major purchases like a new house, car or furniture. But they seldom discuss the amount of the money they got or spent. A friend might tell you how much the item cost, especially if it was a bargain, but it is not polite to ask: «How much was it?» Friends often discuss financial topics such as the economy, inflation and the high cost of living. VII. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. What do Americans begin their conversations with when they meet their friends? Is the conversation optimistic or pessimistic? What kind of events do people discuss? Are there any rules about the discussion of money? In what case will people express sympathy to other people? Вариант 2 Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам и выражениям. 1. Our chief engineer went ashore. 2. This vessel has two main generators. 3. The weather has changed. 4. We are dismantling the fresh water pump. II. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов. You are to keep morning and evening watches. Can I know my responsibilities? The motorman had to repair the engine. May I answer your question? I’ll be able to repair the motor in two hour. III. Переведите на русский язык. Объясните различные значения глагола «to have»: We have put out a fire. This ship has her engine room amidships. I‘ll have to keep watch from 8 till 12. They had to replace bearings. The electricians had eliminated the increased vibration of the motor by 17. IV. Переведите на английский язык, помня об образовании страдательного залога. Двигатель был запущен, как только отремонтировали обмотку. Новая гостиница для моряков будет построена в городе в ближайшем будущем. Проследите, чтобы было проверено соединение фаз. Их сменили с вахты час назад. Старшему механику на судне помогают в работе 2, 3 и 4-й механики и электромеханик. V. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное грамматическое время. Our electrician (to check alignment of the motor in one hour. We just (to reduce) the load of the motor to rated. We (to fill up) all the Technical documents as soon as they (to receive). The captain (to come) into the radio room not long ago. I (to know) him since childhood. VI. Переведите текст. |