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  • Вариант 5 I . Переведите данные слова и словосочетания на русский язык.

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    III.Emergency sources of electric power are emergency generator and emergency storage batteries.

    IV.The emergency storage batteries are located in a special space having a direct exit to the deck.

    1. Storage batteries must be able to supply a few important loads such as: navigation lights, emergency communications and loudspeaker system, electrically controlled or powered ship’s whistle etc.

    2. Storage batteries normally supply electric power for at least one-half hour.

    3. Under normal conditions power is fed from the main to the emergency bus through the bus transfer.

    4. The bus transfer circuit breaker and emergency generator circuit breaker have an interlock.

    5. In case of emergency the emergency generator circuit breaker is closed.

    6. Transfer switch connects the batteries to either the battery charger or the emergency battery bus.

    7. The storage batteries are kept fully charged.

    8. If power is lost from the ship’s service generators, the battery transfer switch automatically connects the batteries to the emergency battery bus.

    VII. Переведите на английский язык.
    На грузовых судах валовой вместимостью 5000 рег. т и более предусматривается автономный аварийный источник энергии, расположенный выше верхней непрерывной палубы. Мощность аварийного источника электроэнергии должна быть достаточной для питания аварийного освещения в помещении машинного отделения и помещении основной генераторной установки, на мостике и в штурманской рубке. Аварийным источником электроэнергии могут быть аккумуляторная батарея или генератор. Аккумуляторная батарея должна питать аварийное освещение непрерывно в течение получаса. Кроме того, временный аварийный источник должен обеспечивать закрытие водонепроницаемых дверей, различные аварийные системы и т.д.
    Вариант 5
    I. Переведите данные слова и словосочетания на русский язык.
    Radio direction finder, battery charger, depth sounder, elevator, limited capacity, fire protection sprinkler system, jury-rigged, to hold smb responsible, to see that, to enter in ship’s logbook, to start automatically, to use properly, steering gear failure alarm, to operate under load, bus tie circuit breaker.
    II. Подставьте в предложения недостающие слова, воспользовавшись приведёнными в скобках подсказками.
    1. The emergency generator (запускается) either manually or automatically.

    2. Once the emergency generator is running, (автоматический выключатель, питающий шины) closes, and the emergency generator circuit breaker opens.

    3. Each ship’s radio and (радиопеленгатор) are powered by emergency generator.

    4. Emergency generator supplies power to the steering gear and (сигнализация отказа рулевого устройства).

    5. An electrical system that is (в аварийном состоянии) can start the fire.
    III. Составьте предложения, используя слова, приведённые ниже.

    1. manually, the, interlock, can, bus, circuit, bypassed, transfer, breaker, be.

    2. has, emergency, the capacity, generator, limited, very, a.

    3. restarting, main, for, loads, plant, are, bus, absolutely, main, the, necessary.

    4. battery, will, everything, bus, be, expert, lost, emergency, power, to, the.

    5. starting, the, equipment, too, emergency, much, overloaded, generator, is, by.

    IV. Переведите на русский язык следующий отрывок.
    At the same time batteries begin supplying power the emergency generator is started. Once the emergency generator is running, the bus tie circuit breaker opens, and the emergency generator circuit breaker closes. Now the emergency switchboard bus is being supplied from the emergency generator. The emergency generator must supply continuous power for 18 hours on oceangoing cargo ships and tankers and for 36 hours on passenger ships. The following circuits are powered by the emergency generator:

    1. One bilge pump

    2. One fire pump

    3. Each ship’s radio and radio direction finder

    4. Battery chargers and others.

    Now the main concern is to get the ship’s service generators and main propulsion plant back on line if possible. This requires that several auxiliary motors fed from the ship’s service switchboard be started. The bus transfer circuit breaker interlock can be manually bypassed and power fed to the main bus from the emergency bus. However, care must be taken that the ship’s service generator circuit breakers are open since the emergency generator is usually not designed to be run in parallel with the ship’s service generators. Also, the emergency generator has a very limited capacity and only main bus loads absolutely necessary for restarting the main plant can be energized.

    The ship's master is held responsible for seeing that emergency power and lighting system are tested each week. The emergency generator must be run under load for at least two hours each month. Emergency storage batteries must be put on the line every six months to demonstrate they can supply the emergency load for at least half on hour. The dates and results of these tests must be entered in the ship’s logbook.

    An electrical system that is jury – rigged or allowed to deteriorate can start the fire that leads to the loss of the ship.
    V. Восстановите недостающие реплики.

    • In what event is the emergency generator started?

    • ……

    • Does the emergency generator have its own switchboard ?

    • ……

    • On what types of ships must emergency generators be able to supply power longer: on tankers or passenger ships?

    • ……

    • What is it necessary to do to get the ship’s service generators back on line?

    • ……

    VI. Составьте вопросы, ответами на которые могли бы являться следующие предложения.

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