вся работа. Пояснительная записка настоящее учебнометодическое пособие для студентовзаочников составлено в соответствии с программой по английскому языку для высших учебных заведений неязыковых специальностей,
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I.Ungrounded tools and equipment are not safe aboard ship.II.Cable runs near cargo handling areas must be protected from damage.All problems with electrical circuits and machinery should be reported to the engine department immediately. Hot electrical insulation may lead to fire. Copies of safety procedures should be displayed on board ship. Electric shock is due to the flow of current through your body. The danger of electric shock can be reduced by insulating footwear and gloves. Electric shock is often accompanied by falling. The size of your body resistance depends on your state of health and the perspiration on your skin. Solid clothes protect all parts of the body against current, sparks and burns. VII. Переведите на английский язык. ПРЕДОСТОРОЖНОСТИ ПРОТИВ УДАРА ТОКОМ Удар током – это неприятное ощущение. Иногда удар током может быть смертельным. Каждый, кто имеет доступ к электрическому оборудованию под напряжением, должен уметь оказать первую помощь. Кроме того, необходимо знать технику безопасности. Удар током – это поток тока, проходящий через ваше тело. Ток, мощностью 15 мА, может быть смертельным. Степень сопротивления вашего тела удару током зависит от состояния вашего здоровья, продолжительности контакта с проводами под напряжением и влажности вашей кожи. Опасность удара током может быть снижена плотной одеждой, специальной обувью и перчатками. Вариант 4 I. Переведите данные слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Stand by generator, prime mover, failure, continuous deck, set of batteries, bus transfer, feed (fed), interlock, battery charger, navigation lights, escape, assembly areas, machinery spaces, loud speaker system, fire screen doors, smoke detection system, whistle, emergency generator. II. Подставьте в предложения недостающие слова, воспользовавшись приведёнными в скобках подсказками. 1. An independent (запасной генератор) is installed aboard ship to be used in the event of (отказа) of the ship’s service generators. 2. (Первичный двигатель) for the emergency generator is normally a diesel engine. 3. (Соединение шин) connects the emergency bus to the main bus. 4. A transfer switch connects the batteries to the (зарядное устройство). 5. The batteries must be able to supply (системы обнаружения дыма и огня) for at least one-half hour. III. Составьте предложения, используя слова, приведённые ниже. emergency, function, various, the switchboard, of, is, circuits, to distribute, the, power. have, the, breaker, emergency, bus, circuit, generator, transfer, and, breaker, interlock, circuit, an. its, are, emergency, above, the, generator, located, uppermost, the, deck, and, switchboard, continuous. operated, fire, supplied, batteries, screen, are, by, electrically, watertight, case, doors, and, emergency, in, doors, of, storage. bus, normal, main, through, the, under, power, is, bus, from, conditions, bus, to, through, transfer, fed, the, emergency. IV. Переведите на русский язык следующий отрывок. An independent standby generator is installed aboard ship to be used in the event of a failure of the ship’s service generators. The prime mover for the emergency generator is normally a diesel engine. The emergency generator and its switchboard are located away from the engine spaces and above the uppermost continuous deck of the ship. Also included in the emergency power system is a set of batteries. The emergency power system works as follows. The bus transfer connects the emergency bus to the main bus. Under normal conditions, power is fed from the main bus to the emergency bus through the bus transfer. From the emergency bus, this power is distributed through the emergency switchboard to the various emergency circuits. Note that the bus transfer circuit breaker and emergency generator circuit breaker have an interlock so that if one is closed, the other must be open. Normally the bus transfer circuit breaker is closed and the emergency generator circuit breaker is open. Also, there is a transfer switch that connects the batteries to either the battery charger or the emergency battery bus. Normally, this switch connects the batteries to the battery charger so that they can be kept fully charged. If power is lost from the ship’s service generators, the battery transfer switch automatically connects the batteries to the emergency battery bus. The batteries must be able to supply the following loads for at least one-half hour: Navigation lights Emergency communications and loudspeaker system. Electrically operated watertight doors and fire screen doors. Fire and smoke detection systems. Electrically controlled or powered ship’s whistle. V. Восстановите недостающие реплики. What parts does the emergency power system include? …… Where is the standby generator installed? …… What source starts supplying power in case of emergency first? …… How long must the storage batteries be able to supply power? …… VI. Составьте вопросы, ответами на которые могли бы являться следующие предложения. |