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  • Intimate zone of communication

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  • Сборник научных работ студентов института психологии и педагогики тюмгу тюмень Тюменский государственный университет 2017

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    Pashkevich Y.Y., Gr: 29P153
    The direction of Р education
    Scientific Advisor: Abysheva E.M.,
    candidate of Philology, associate Professor
    Institute of psychology and pedagogy, Tyumen state University, Tyumen
    The goal is to explore non-verbal communication
    Analyze the information about different types of non-verbal communication;
    To conduct a survey to find out how our students are familiar with non-verbal communication;
    To draw conclusions from the study
    Body language is an important part of any interaction, so every person should develop an ability to read other people’s signals.
    Body language isn`t always just one movement. There are three forms of nonverbal communication:
    − gestures;
    − mimicry;
    − pantomimics.
    1) Gestures are various movements by hands and the head. Intensity of gesticulation can grow together with increase of emotional excitement of the person.
    2) Mimicry are the movements of face muscles. It can be considered the meaningful indicator of feelings. The main characteristic of a mimicry is its

    575 integrity and dynamism. The main information in a mimicry is transmitted by eyebrows and lips. The visual contact, is also an extremely important element of communication. To look at a person speaking means to show your interest in this person.
    3) Pantomimics is a gait, poses, a bearing, the general motility of all body.
    Gait is a style of movement of the person. By gait of the person it is possible to judge about the health of the person, his (her) character. "Heavy" gait is characteristic of the people who are in anger, whereas "easy" gait describes joyful people. The proud person has the biggest length of a step and if the person suffers, his gait is oppressed. The pose at which the person crosses hands and legs is closed. The closed pose is perceived as a pose of disagreement. The pose in which hands and legs aren't crossed and palms and feet are developed to the partner is considered open. It is a pose of trust, a consent, goodwill, psychological comfort.
    Consider a sheet with examples of nonverbal communication and its interpretation

    If a person crosses hands on a breast, stuffs up a leg on a leg and removes back, the person feels danger or discomfort;

    If a person is in free, a little relaxed pose and demonstrates his (her) open palms: person feels comfortable;

    Gestures of boredom: leg about a floor, looking at a situation, an
    "empty" look;

    Gestures of personal interest: For women such signs is the corrections of a hairstyle, clothes, gloss in eyes.
    Men in the company of the pleasant woman correct clothes, smarten up, straighten a back, straighten shoulders.

    If a person looks away and his (her) skin color on a face changes, the person is a liar;

    Self-checking gestures: The hands got for a back are also strongly compressed. Gestures of this group signal about desire to cope with strong feelings and emotions.

    The hands resting against hips: a sign of the fact that the person feels the confidence, the power that he with ease shows to people [1].
    Psychologists have found that the message sent by body language affects companion stronger than the verbal message. For example, if a person through tears convinces friends: "I'm all right!" they rather believe his tears than words.
    The clothes can also be revealing, they inform others about the mood, feelings and intentions. If a woman comes out in a short tight dress with a plunging neckline, perhaps without even realizing it, she sends a certain signal. If you want to show a special relationship to the audience at the reception, you can appear there dressed not according to the Protocol.
    You express your relationship to the person, not only his dress and manners, but also what distance you keep in communication with him. Hall distinguishes four zones of interpersonal communication:
    Intimate zone of communication
    This distance is usually used for communication between lovers, parents and children, very close friends. If you let someone enter this area, you let the person know that you would like to consider him a friend.
    Area of personal communication
    This distance allows people to touch each other, shake hands, pat each other on the shoulder.
    Area formal communication
    At this distance people usually conduct business negotiations, as well as official meetings. You probably know the expression 'keep your distance', which describe the relationship of superior and subordinate.
    Public communication area
    If you sit in the great hall and listening to the speaker, we can say that you are in a situation of public communication. The space that separates you from the speaker is an area of public communication. In such a situation intimate gestures and comments are inappropriate; you can't shake the speaker's hand, pat him on the shoulder or ask how he spent the weekend [2].

    Cultural differences in non-verbal exchange of information can create barriers to understanding. The same expressive gesture or movement in different people means different things.
    In the US, for example: "zero" means "everything is fine", "everything is okay". In Japan the same gesture means "money" in France, zero.
    Italian or French, if he (she) believes any idea is silly, he (she) expressively bangs his (her) palm against the forehead, as if shouting: "you're crazy!" As for a
    Briton or a Spaniard, the same gesture shows how he is pleased with himself.
    Representatives of different Nations during conversation prefer the following distances:
    Close – the Arabs, the Japanese, South Americans, French, Greeks, Negroes and Spaniards living in North America, Italians, Spaniards;
    Secondary – the British, the Swedes, the Swiss, Germans, Austrians;
    Large white population of North America, Australians, new Zealanders [3].
    You need to be aware of tactile contacts. For example, in Latin America as a sign of friendship partners shake hands and hug. In the United States as a sign of friendship can pat the partner on the back. In the East there is no such custom. The
    Chinese, the Japanese generally avoid touching them may shock hug and a Pat on the back. Moreover, a pat on the shoulder in Korea – a sign of a very dismissive attitude to the partner. It is best just to exchange neutral hands, remembering that even this simple gesture is an innovation in the region.
    In our schools if a person is ready to ask or answer the question, he pulls a hand, in European schools he raises the index finger of the right hand. If at the end of the lecture in German universities, you will hear the sound of fists on the tables, it is not an obstruction to the teacher, it is sign of gratitude for the well lectured. Т practical part Т research has been conducted, examinees were given a questionnaire which is focused on knowledge of nonverbal communication.
    21 person from 1 and 2 courses of psychology department took part in the survey.

    Educational test "Expert on Nonverbal Communication"
    1. That the conversation was effective, it is necessary to look to the interlocutor in the face:
    A) all the time of a conversation;
    B) 2/3 times of a conversation;
    C) half of time of a conversation;
    D) sometimes.
    2. If during the conversation your interlocutor sitting opposite has leaned back on a back of a chair and has crossed hands on a breast, means:
    A) he is ready to listen carefully to you;
    B) it is pleasant to him to communicate with you, he is interested;
    C) the conversation subject isn't interesting to him, he doesn't agree with you;
    D) he just has no place to put hands.
    3. It is known that the emotional state influences gait of the person. A person takes the widest step of people when tests:
    A) boredom;
    B) pride;
    C) grief;
    D) disappointment.
    4. What of gestures speaks about the partner's superiority, his domination?
    A) percussion on a table fingers;
    B) rubbing of palms;
    C) hands in a side on a waist;
    D) scratching necks.
    5. If the person during the conversation touches you by a hand, he shows you:
    A) the hostility;
    B) the desire to hit you;
    C) the uncertainty;

    D) the arrangement to you.
    6. If the person involuntarily in a conversation with you repeats your pose, gestures, words, a mimicry, then he, it is obvious:
    A) the diffident person, copies everything;
    B) nervous and excited;
    C) wants to leave you somewhat quicker;
    D) wants to express his agreement with you.
    7. If your interlocutor has leaned back on a chair, has thrown a leg for a leg and hands for the head:
    A) he is tired, wants to relax;
    B) he shows the superiority, omniscience;
    C) he is open for equal dialogue;
    D) he is concentrated, entirely absorbed by a topic of conversation.
    8. If during the conversation the interlocutor begins to collect nonexistent fibers with clothes, means:
    A) he wants to make an impression of the person accurate, scrupulous;
    B) he wins time for thoughts;
    C) he constrains the reaction of disapproval;
    D) he isn't self-assured, closed.
    9. Astride a chair the person usually sits:
    A) closed, unsociable;
    B) showing the superiority;
    C) with the low level of culture;
    D) suffering a lack of time.
    10. If the person has cramped hands behind the back and one squeezes another, it means that:
    A) he tries to constrain himself, to control;
    B) he feels the superiority;
    C) he is happy with a situation, weakened, sincere;
    D) he estimates your words [4].

    Understanding of non-verbal communication is very important, because sometimes non-verbal signs (gestures, mimics etc.) can tell us what a person is trying to hide.
    It is vital to remember that the same signs and gestures can be understood differently in different cultures. That’s why we should know their meanings if don’t want to offend a person.
    Results of a research: the first course understands nonverbal communication better, than the second
    40% of second-year students have 0-2 MISTAKES, and 60% have 2 mistakes And MORE
    80% of the first year students have 0-2 MISTAKES, and 20% have 2 mistakes and MORE. Список литературы
    1. Allan Pease The Definitive Book of Body Language – Psychology of communication 2015, р.
    2. Alyoshina I.V. Cultural variations in verbal and nonverbal communications.
    Copyright 2007, р.
    3. Bechtel I.G. Psychological culture of a leader 2010, p.135.
    4. Fast J. Magazine nonverbal psychology and body Language – 2011., р.

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