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книга учителя 4 класс. Spotlight 4 книга учителя. Тематическое планирование Поурочное планирование

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Если позволяет время,
учащиеся по образ
цу текстов из упр. 2 рассказывают теперь уже поанглийски, что происходит 1 апреля в нашей стране.
Домашнее задание
Написать абзац о том, как отмечается первое апреля в России, и проиллюст
рировать его так, как это сделано в упр. 2.

Материалы для оценки знаний и умений
В этом разделе содержатся таблицы и карточки, которые заполняются на разных этапах обучения.
Таблица текущего контроля (Formative Evaluation Chart)
Данная таблица может заполняться учителем на любом этапе работы, когда он по
считает необходимым оценить выполнение учащимися того или иного упражнения или задания. Учитель делает копию таблицы для каждого вида работы и заполняет соответствующие графы:
– название игры/вида работы (диалоги, тексты, минисочинения, песни, рифмовки,
изготовление поделок и т. д.);
— цель игры/вида работы;
— номер/название модуля, номер урока, название Учебника;
— список класса;
— оценка и комментарии.
Предлагается следующая система оценок:
(competence) — «хорошо»: учащиеся понимают и правильно употребляют изуча
емые лексику и структуры.
(working on) — «удовлетворительно»: учащиеся понимают изучаемые лексику и структуры, но еще не умеют употреблять их правильно.
(noncompetence) — «неудовлетворительно»: учащиеся не понимают изучаемые лексику и структуры.
Вместо оценок учитель может использовать цветовой код: «хорошо» (зеленый цвет),
«удовлетворительно» (желтый цвет), «неудовлетворительно» (красный цвет).
Таблица итогового контроля по каждому модулю (Evaluation
Chart for Each Module)
Итоговый контроль осуществляется по окончании изучения каждого модуля.
Учитель заполняет следующие графы:
— номер/название модуля, число, название Учебника;
— список группы;
— цели: определить, умеет ли ученик, например, называть школьные принадлежнос
ти; отдавать и выполнять команды и т. д. (модуль 1).
Для получения более полной информации о том, насколько успешно проходит про
цесс обучения детей, следует учитывать такие факторы, как усердие и прилежание
(diligence) и активность (participation). Для этого в таблице есть специальная графа
Attitudes (отношение к учебе) со следующими условными знаками оценивания:
(Yes), (No), I (Improving — есть улучшения).
Карточки для самооценки учащихся (Student’s Self!Assessment
Заполнив таблицу Now I know, учащиеся самостоятельно оценивают, чему и как они научились в данном модуле. Учащиеся заполняют ксерокопированные карточки до
ма и хранят их в папке Языкового портфеля.
Карточки оценки работы учащихся (Progress Report Cards)
Завершив работу над очередным модулем и проведя соответствующую контрольную работу (Modular Test), учитель делает из Книги для учителя ксерокопии карточек
Progress Report Card для каждого учащегося и заполняет их. При этом он принима
ет во внимание участие ребенка в различных видах деятельности, его прогресс,
а также оценку, полученную за контрольную работу. Карточки раздаются учащимся и хранятся в папке Языкового портфеля.
Банк ресурсов

Name of game/activity: .................................................................................
Aim of game/activity: ....................................................................................
Module: ................................... Unit: .......................... Course: ....................
Evaluation chart for games and activities (formative evaluation)
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© Prosveshcheniye Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLE
Evaluation criteria:
c (green)
w (yellow)
n (red)
Children’s names:
Mark and comments

104 22 55 22 44 22 33 22 22 22 11 22 00 11 99 11 88 11 77 11 66 11 55 11 44 11 33 11 22 11 11 11 00 99 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 1
Da te:
Cour se:
iimm ss::
The child is able to .
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
tttt iitt uu dd ee ss::
dd iill iigg ee nn ccee
pp aa rrtt iicc iipp aa ttii oo nn
Children’s names
Evaluation chart for each module (cumulative evaluation)
Marking crit
c (gr een)
w (y ello w)
n (r ed)
Marking crit

e s

❙Impr o

• Student’s SelfAssessment Forms
Student’s SelfAssessment Form
Cumulative Evaluation
Name: ..................................................... Module 1
I can ...
read and write
very well OK
not very well
very well OK
not very well
very well OK not very well
• What does he look like?
He’s tall and slim and he’s got fair hair. What’s he like? He’s very funny!
• Where’s my hairbrush?
It’s next to the clock.
• What’s William doing?
He’s skiing. He can ski really well.
• How old is your grand
He’s sixtytwo.
Draw how you feel!

Name: ..................................................... Module 2
I can ...
read and write
very well OK not very well
very well OK not very well
very well OK not very well
• Where’s the Animal
It’s in Bridge Street.
• What do you do?
I’m a nurse.
• I never wake up late.
• How often do they play volleyball at the sports centre?
• What time is it?
It’s quarter to eleven.
• Does Kim have to wash the dishes? Yes, she does.
Draw how you feel!

Student’s SelfAssessment Form
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© Prosveshcheniye Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLE

© Express Publishing
© Prosveshcheniye Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLE
Name: ..................................................... Module 3
I can ...
read and write
very well OK not very well very well OK not very well very well OK not very well
• Can you pass me the lemon, please?
• How much bread is there?
A lot!
• Can I have a packet of biscuits, please? Yes, of course. Here you are.
That’s one pound nine pence, please.
• May I have some more potatoes, please?
Draw how you feel!

Student’s SelfAssessment Form
Name: ..................................................... Module 4
I can ...
read and write
very well OK not very well
very well OK not very well
very well OK not very well
• Look at the giraffe! Oh,
yes! It’s eating from a tree!
• What are the seals doing?
They’re clapping. They always clap at lunchtime.
• Whales are bigger than dolphins.
• You mustn’t feed the animals.
Draw how you feel!

Student’s SelfAssessment Form

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© Prosveshcheniye Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLE
Name: ..................................................... Module 5
I can ...
read and write
very well OK not very well very well OK not very well very well OK not very well
• That looks delicious! It’s for Robbie’s sixteenth birthday.
• Kim was at the zoo on
Saturday. No, she wasn’t at the zoo. She was at the shops!
• Were you angry yesterday?
Yes, I was.
Draw how you feel!

Student’s SelfAssessment Form
Name: ..................................................... Module 6
I can ...
read and write
very well OK not very well very well OK not very well very well OK not very well
• Once upon a time, there was a very fast hare and a very slow tortoise.
• She cooked dinner.
• Did Lulu dance with the prince? Yes, she did!
• Last Saturday Larry played soccer and then visited a friend.
Draw how you feel!

Student’s SelfAssessment Form

© Express Publishing
© Prosveshcheniye Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLE
Name: ..................................................... Module 7
I can ...
read and write
very well OK not very well
very well OK not very well very well OK not very well
• Where did Phil go last weekend?
He went to the concert.
What did he do?
He danced all night.
• He bought a jacket.
• Who was the best stu
dent in the class? Andy was!
• This year Uncle Harry came from Australia. We met him at the airport.
Draw how you feel!

Student’s SelfAssessment Form
Name: ..................................................... Module 8
I can ...
read and write
very well OK not very well very well OK not very well very well OK not very well
• Where are you going to go on holiday? I’m going to go to Australia. What are you going to do there?
I’m going to go to the seaside!
• What is Wendy going to do on holiday? She’s going to go camping.
• What will the weather be like in London tomorrow?
It’ll be cloudy.
• Why are you carrying a suitcase?
Draw how you feel!

Student’s SelfAssessment Form

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© Prosveshcheniye Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLE

Cumulative Evaluation
• Progress Report Cards
Progress Report Card
..................................................... (name) can: Module 1
I can ...
very well
not very well
talk about appearance and character name personal items and talk about location count up to 100
talking about activities write about actions happening now
..................................................... (name) can: Module 2
I can ...
very well
not very well
talk about location talk about jobs talk about activities tell the time write about a relative
Progress Report Card

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© Prosveshcheniye Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLE

..................................................... (name) can: Module 3
I can ...
very well
not very well
talk about food items buy food and say prices ask for, give/refuse permission write about food
..................................................... (name) can: Module 4
I can ...
very well
not very well
talk about animals name the months talk about rules write about animals
Progress Report Card
Progress Report Card

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© Prosveshcheniye Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLE

..................................................... (name) can: Module 5
I can ...
very well
not very well
use ordinal numbers express feelings say and write about where people were last week
..................................................... (name) can: Module 6
I can ...
very well
not very well
tell stories talk about past activities write what people did in the past
Progress Report Card
Progress Report Card

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© Prosveshcheniye Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLE

..................................................... (name) can: Module 7
I can ...
very well
not very well
say what people did in the past compare people, animals, things write about the best day of the year
..................................................... (name) can: Module 8
I can ...
very well
not very well
talk about countries talk about holiday plans name holiday items talk about the weather ask and answer questions write a letter to a friend from holiday
Progress Report Card
Progress Report Card

Unit 3 113
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Photocopiable material
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This is my best friend
Module 1 Unit 2

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Module 2 Unit 4

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Module 3 Unit 6
1 If you eat noodles, you eat ... .
A pasta
B sausages
2 In Spain, when you order tortilla, they bring ... .
A soup
B bread
3 Where are fortune cookies from?
A Japan
B China
4 Where is feta cheese from?
A Greece
B Italy
5 In Germany, they eat goulash. What is it?
A Soup
B Burger
6 If an American is eating a candy, he’s eating ... .
A rice
B a sweet
7 If an American is eating jello, he’s eating ... .
A jelly
B biscuits
8 In Turkey, when you order kebab, they bring ... .
A meat
B soup
9 Where is paella from?
A Spain
B France
10 In Russia, caviar is very popular. What is it?
A Fish eggs
B Fish heads
11 In Italy, when you order espresso, they bring... .
A milk
B coffee
12 Where is souvlaki from?
A Greece
B England

The elephant seal
Elephant seals, sometimes called sea elephants, make the same journey not once but ............................................................... !
From ................................................. the seals go to the warm waters of California to have .................................................... .
Then they travel to the cold waters of ......................................
to find ...................................................................................... .
From ........................................................, the seals go back to
................................................................................ to lose their old ......................................... and ......................................... .
Elephant seals travel a long way and get a lovely new coat too!
Module 4 Unit 8

makes the same journey twice a year

December — March: goes to
California to have its babies

travels to Alaska to find food

April — August: goes back to
California to lose its old coat and grow a new one
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Last week Larry and Paco were
Module 5 Unit 10

What’s the best name for this story? Tick (
) one box.
Chatterbox, the parrot
A thief at the zoo
Me and my grandmother
Module 6 Unit 12
Last week my grandmother and I were at the
We around and looked at all the the . Suddenly, someone :
. My grandmother loves birds, so we stopped to look at
. ‘It was just Chatterbox, the parrot. She does that all
‘STOP, THIEF!’ We were very surprised. We turned around, but there was no one there, just the zookeeper! ‘Don’t worry!’ He the time!’ It was very funny!
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Module 7 Unit 14
My best day of the year was when I
After the

Hope you’re having
Our hotel
Dear ,
This evening
Anyway, that’s all for now. I miss you!
Module 8 Unit 16
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Module 2 Unit 3

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Module 4 Unit 8

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Module 5. Spotlight on the UK — Birthday wishes!

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Module 6 Unit 11

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Module 8 Unit 16

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Happy New Year

Цель Языкового портфеля — развитие у учащихся умений самостоятельной рабо
ты. Однако на первых этапах они нуждаются в руководстве по вопросам организа
ции работы, регулярной записи необходимой информации. Хотя учащиеся полны желания экспериментировать, они могут потерять уверенность в своих силах, если не понимают, что от них требуется. Когда установится определенный порядок рабо
ты, и учащиеся приобретут некоторые навыки самостоятельной работы, учитель может потребовать от них большей ответственности и дать больше свободы. Но и в этом случае учащиеся нуждаются в помощи и одобрении, и поэтому очень важ
но, чтобы учитель руководил работой учащихся и поощрял их старание.
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