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  • Английский язык для направления гороное дело. Облова И. Учебное пособие СанктПетербург 2020 удк 811. 111 (075. 8) Ббк 81. 2Англ я73 О18

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие СанктПетербург 2020 удк 811. 111 (075. 8) Ббк 81. 2Англ я73 О18
    АнкорАнглийский язык для направления гороное дело
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    Формат файлаdocx
    Имя файлаОблова И.docx
    ТипУчебное пособие
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    1. Coal Quiz - Test your coal knowledge.


    Question 1:


    What percentage of the total net electricity generated in America each day is represented by coal?

    The correct answer is b - 56 percent.
    Coal generates 56 percent of the electricity consumed in America each day.

    Question 2:


    The hardest type of coal, consisting of nearly pure carbon, is:

    The correct answer is c - anthracite.
    Anthracite is the hardest type of coal; it has the highest heating value and lowest moisture and ash content.

    Question 3:

    Energy fuels, such as coal, crude oil and natural gas, formed from the fossil remains of organic materials, are called:

    The correct answer is d - fossil fuels.

    Coal, oil and natural gas are fossil fuels - substances containing the remains of once living plants and animals that can be burned to release energy.

    Question 4:

    How much coal is needed to supply enough electricity to light ten 100-watt bulbs for about an hour?

    The correct answer is b- 1 pound.

    One kilowatt-hour (KwH) equals 1,000 watts of electricity used for one hour.  One KwH is the amount of electricity that one 100-watt bulb will use in 10 hours.  A pound of coal supplies enough electricity to light ten 100-watt bulbs for about an hour.

    Question 5:

    Which huge earth-moving machine is important in the surface mining process as it excavates the overburden, or soil covering the coal deposit?

    The correct answer is c - dragline.

    Draglines are the world's largest land-based machines with buckets up to 250 tons and play a key role in a surface mine's operation

    Question 6:

    Reclamation, the restoration of land and environmental values to a mining site, generally occurs:

    The correct answer is d - after excavation and extraction, even as production operations are taking place elsewhere at the mine site.

    As coal is removed from one section of a surface mine, the land at another part is returned, regraded and replanted so it will be as good or better than it was before mining began.  This process is called reclamation and because of it, modern surface mining is a temporary land use, involving not just excavation and extraction of coal, but also restoration and return of the land to productive use.

    Question 7:

    What percentage of total U.S. deep coal mine production is accounted for by longwall mining?

    Longwall mining is a highly productive underground mining process in which a panel or block of coal, sometimes 700 feet wide and a mile or more long, is completely extracted.  The working are is protected by a moveable, powered roof support system.  Longwall accounts for about 48% of total U.S. underground coal production.

    Question 8:

    Which two transportation means move nearly two-thirds of all U.S. coal shipments?

    The correct answer is a - railroads and barges.

    Most coal sent from mine to market travels either by railroad or by barge.  Railroads handle the most coal, which is the largest single commodity carried by the rail industry.  Barges operating along inland waterways and intercoastal and lake routes handle about 20 percent of domestic coal movements.  Railroads and barges combined move nearly two-thirds of all U.S. coal shipments.

    Question 9:

    Which state has the largest demonstrated coal reserves?

    The correct answer is b - Montana.

    Montana has the largest demonstrated coal reserves – nearly 120 billion tons of coal, or about one-quarter of the United States’ total reserves of 494 billion tons of coal.

    Question 10:

    The second largest market for coal is:

    The correct answer is d - the industrial and retail sector.

    The industrial and retail sector accounts for about nine percent of annual U.S. coal consumption.  Coal is an important fuel for heating and powering foundries, cement plants and other industrial and manufacturing facilities. Many electric power plants also use coal to produce steam for generating electricity and for heating.
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