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  • Introduction to coal mining

  • Английский язык для направления гороное дело. Облова И. Учебное пособие СанктПетербург 2020 удк 811. 111 (075. 8) Ббк 81. 2Англ я73 О18

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие СанктПетербург 2020 удк 811. 111 (075. 8) Ббк 81. 2Англ я73 О18
    АнкорАнглийский язык для направления гороное дело
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    Unit 2 Coal mining

    Text 1. Introduction to coal mining

    1. Discuss

    Do people need coal mining?

    1. Learn to pronounce the words given below. Use them in the sentences of your own.

    society; earth; certainly; recycling; employ

    1. Read the text and choose the sentences that best summarise its main idea.

    Introduction to coal mining
    Mining is a basic industry – very important to our economy. Literally, everything in our lives is either grown or mined. Contrary to popular idea, the “stuff” of our lives does not come from WalMart1 or Target2. Electricity does not come from the socket also. The materials in our society and the energy that drives our world originate in the earth. Picture the mining industry extracting a new bicycle or computer for you. Picture a coalmine delivering the electricity to your home. Most of the components for most items and energy sources in our life come from the earth and are delivered to you by today’s modern mining industry.
    For example, each day, each American consumes over 125 pounds of mined materials and over 45K* pounds annually! Fortunately, modern society has also developed increasingly efficient means of recycling materials into other uses. However, there are relatively few items that can be completely recycled. Therefore, a strong and technologically advancing mining industry is vital to support our needs.
    Most of the people still carry the images of mining of the 1800s as their view of modern mining. That period certainly was a key time in our history and mining played a very significant role in settlement, development, industrialization and protection. However, today's mining industry is both a high-tech industry and a guardian of our natural resources, employing more engineers and environmental scientists as a percentage than any other industry.

    Therefore, coal mining is the extraction or removal of coal from the earth by mining. When coal is used for fuel in power generation it is referred to as steaming or thermal coal. Coal that is used to create coke for steel manufacturing is referred to as coking or metallurgical coal. In the United States, United Kingdom, and South Africa, a coal mine and its accompanying structures are collectively known as a colliery.
    A modern mine is regulated by of local, state and federal agencies. The mining industry supports many jobs and contributes billions to the economy. More importantly, however, it supports each and every family with the lifestyles they look for, while wisely using and protecting our nation's resources.

    1. Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer and the most popular net of stores in America. It is known for low prices and big choice of goods.

    1. Target – is a big retailer in America.

    • K – thousand, 45K pounds – 45 thousand pounds

    • 1 pound ≈ 0,45 kg

    4. Read the following statements and say if they are true or false. Correct the false ones.

    a. Everything in our life is either grown or mined.

    b. There are many items that can be completely recycled.
    c. The mining industry contributes billions to the economy.

    d. The mankind will run out coal very soon.
    e. Scientists will discover a new kind of energy.

    5. Translate the following sentences and find their equivalents in the text given above.

    a. горная промышленность является основной отраслью

    b. поставляющий электричество
    c. эффективные средства

    d. быть полностью переработанным
    e. уголь, используемый для

    f. предоставлять рабочие места

    6. Watch the video and say what the world would be like without coal.


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