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  • Text 4. Leo M. Reznikov

  • Leo M. Reznikov

  • Text 5 Timofey Fedorovich Gorbachev

  • Timofey Fedorovich Gorbachev

  • Appendix

  • Английский язык для направления гороное дело. Облова И. Учебное пособие СанктПетербург 2020 удк 811. 111 (075. 8) Ббк 81. 2Англ я73 О18

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие СанктПетербург 2020 удк 811. 111 (075. 8) Ббк 81. 2Англ я73 О18
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    Joseph Francis Joy

    Joseph Francis Joy (1883-1957) was born in the small mining town of Cumberland, Maryland. Joy is known for being an inventor.

    He accumulated 190 patents in his lifetime. His major inventions were recognized as milestones in the history of underground mining mechanization. He had pioneered new concepts in hydraulics, modern control and power circuits, trackless mining equipment, efficient gearing and seal designs as well as dozens of other “firsts” in the industry.

    His contributions changed forever the way minerals are mined. Joy is also known for founding the company named Joy Machinery.

    1. Prepare a presentation about the discoveries mentioned in the text.

    2. Give definitions to the following terms.


    underground mining mechanization

    efficient gearing and seal designs

    firsts” in the industry


    1. Read the Russian article and render it in English using the following plan.


    1. The headline of the article is ... (The article is headlined ...; The headline of the article I've read is...)

    2. The author of the article is...

    3. The article is taken from the newspaper...

    4. The central idea of the article is about... (The main idea of the article is... the article is devoted to... the article deals with... the article touches upon... the purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on... the aim of the article is to provide a reader with some material on...).

    Joy Global Inc. это американская компания, которая производит и обслуживает землеройно-транспортные машины , используемые в подземных и открытых горных работ. Компания занимается продажей запчастей. Компания возникла в Милуоки, штат Висконсин в конце 1880х годов. В то время среди предпринимателей там были А.Павлинг и Г. Харнисхефер В 1887 году, Павлинг и Харнисхефер начали восстановливать мостовые краны после аварии. Вскоре после того, Павлинг и Харнисхефер начали строить свою линию мостовых кранов для производства и складских операций.Тем временем, в Мэриленде 12-летний Джозеф Френсис Джой  пошел работать  в угольной шахте, постепенно он начал придумывать различные приспособления для облегчения шахтерского труда. В течение 20 века фирма Джоя развивалась к 1997 приобрела фирмы Паулинга  и Харнисфегера. 21 июля 2016, Комацу согласился купить Джой Глобал Инк. за $2,89 млрд, или 28.30 $за акцию в денежной форме через средства в кассе и банковские кредиты, 20% премии за компании по цене закрытия $23.55 на 20 июля. Процедура приобретения будет завершена в середине 2017 года.

    Прямые поставки оборудования компании Joy в Россию начались с 1993 года, до этого продавали посредники. Это были проходческие комбайны непрерывного действия и самоходные вагоны для шахты Распадская и ИК Соколовская. В 1997г. в г. Ленинск-Кузнецкий был основан первый в России сервисный центр иностранной компании по сервисному обслуживанию и ремонту горнодобывающего оборудования. В 2015 г открыт завод по ремонту оборудования площадью 11 тыс м² в пос.Калачево Прокопьевского района Кемеровской области. Более 100 единиц оборудования эксплуатируется в России и СНГ, 200 человек численность персонала в РФ.
    Text 4. Leo M. Reznikov

    1. Discuss

    Have you ever heard about Leo Reznikov? What is he famous for?

    2. Learn to pronounce the words given below. Use them in the sentences of your own.

    ventilation; chief; retired; evacuated

    3. Read the text and take a note of the discoveries the researcher made.

    Leo M. Reznikov
    Leo M. Reznikov (1918 – 1991) is an outstanding figure in the coal industry, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, an organizer and leader of the Kuzbass biggest production unit extracting coal by the surface method.

    Leo Reznikov was born on August 24, 1918 in the village of Omelnik, Kremenchug district, Poltava region. Having left secondary school, he began working as a draftsman. In a year he became a student of a workers’ high school, and a year later entered the Donetsk Industrial

    Institute, Mining Faculty. During the Second World War, in 1942 the Institute was evacuated to Prokopyevsk. Since that moment Reznikov’s life is tightly connected with Kuzbass. Having graduated from the Institute he worked as a chief’s assistant of the ventilation section at the Kalinin underground mine, then he became the chief of the section and the deputy chief engineer.
    1947 – the chief engineer of the “Redakovo-Severnaya” mine;

    1949 – director of the Dimitrov underground mine in Novokuznetsk;

    1951 – director of the “Abashevskaya” underground mine.

    In 1954 he leads the biggest “Kapitalnaya-1” underground mine in the Kuznetsk coal basin.
    In 1960 Leo M. Reznikov was the deputy chief engineer of the “Kuzbassugol” group of mines, since 1961 he was the manager of the “Kiselevskugol” trust.

    In 1964 “Kuzbasscarierugol” group of mines was founded; Leo M. Reznikov was appointed its head.

    In 1975 the group of mines was renamed the “Kemerovougol” production unit, Leo M. Reznikov was appointed its general director. He occupied this post till December 1984, and then became the leader of the Kuznetsk branch of the Scientific Research Institute of Opencast Mining. In 1989 he retired. Leo M. Reznikov died on March 11, 1991.
    4. Find synonyms. Match A with B.





















    5. Watch the video "Just the Job – Miner". Find out why the young man wants to be a miner.


    6. Read the Russian article and render it in English using the following plan.


    1. The headline of the article is ... (The article is headlined ...; The headline of the article I've read is...)

    2. The author of the article is...

    3. The article is taken from the newspaper...

    4. The central idea of the article is about... (The main idea of the article is... the article is devoted to... the article deals with... the article touches upon... the purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on... the aim of the article is to provide a reader with some material on...).

    Генерал угольных карьеров

    Родился 24 августа 1918 года в селе Омельник, ныне Кременчугского района Полтавской области Украины.

    После окончания средней школы работал чертежником. Через год стал студентом рабфака, а еще через год поступил на горный факультет Донецкого индустриального института. Во время Великой Отечественной войны, в 1942 году, институт был эвакуирован в город Прокопьевск Кемеровской области. Был призван в армию, успел повоевать, но был отозван из рядов Красной армии для работы в тылу. По окончании института Лев Резников работал на шахте имени Калинина сначала помощником начальника участка вентиляции, затем — начальником этого участка и позже — заместителем главного инженера.

    В 1947 году Л. М. Резников был главным инженером шахты «Редаково-Северная»; в 1949 году – начальником шахты имени Димитрова в Новокузнецке; в 1951 году – начальником шахты «Абашевская»; с 1954 года руководил крупнейшей шахтой Кузбасса — «Капитальная-1». В 1960 году он стал заместителем главного инженера комбината «Кузбассуголь», а с 1961 года — управляющим трестом «Киселевскуголь». Когда в 1964 году был образован комбинат «Кузбасскарьеруголь», Резников был назначен его руководителем. В 1975 году комбинат был преобразован в производственное объединение «Кемеровоуголь», Резников назначен его генеральным директором, и в этой должности работал до декабря 1984 года. После ухода из объединения возглавил Кузнецкий филиал Научно-исследовательского института эффективности и безопасности горного производства, а в 1989 году вышел на заслуженный отдых.
    Text 5 Timofey Fedorovich Gorbachev

    1. Discuss

    Have you ever heard about Timofey Fedorovich Gorbachev? What is he famous for?

    2. Learn to pronounce the words given below. Use them in the sentences of your own.

    roof support; youth; labour; mechanical; pressure

    3. Read the text and take a note of the discoveries the researcher made.

    Timofey Fedorovich Gorbachev
    Gorbachev (1900 – 1973) was born in the village of Troitskaya, Tambov region on July 23, 1900. In 1928 he graduated from the Mining Faculty of the Tomsk Technological Institute and for more than 20 years had been working in Kuzbass.

    He took an active part in the organization of the construction of a number of large mines in our region and was one of the founders of the mechanical self-advanced roof support for coal mines. He modernized the system of mining thick steep coal seams. For some time, he studied the problem of rock mechanics and rock pressure. The Siberian Branch of the USSR (now Russian) Academy of Sciences was founded under his participation. From 1954 to 1972 Gorbachev was a Vice-president of this branch. And in 1968 he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences.

    Timofey Fedorovich was not only a prominent scientist, but also an outstanding organizer of science, instructor and educator of youth. He had numerous pupils who are now engaged in scientific research.

    Gorbachev was the author of more than 60 printed works, among them his fundamental paper Mining of coal deposits in Kuzbass” (1959). As you know he was the first rector of the Kemerovo Mining Institute who headed the KMI from 1950 to 1954. For his work Gorbachev was given many governmental awards. For example, in 1945 he became a Hero of Socialist Labour and in 1949 a USSR State Prize Winner.

    4. Choose the right answer:

    1. T.F. Gorbachev was born in
    a. 1900

    b. 1945

    c. 1973

    2. In 1928 he graduated from the

    a. Moscow Mining Institute.

    b. Tomsk Technological Institute.

    c. Kemerovo Mining Institute.

    3. He was one of the creators of

    a. new mining transport facilities.

    b. new stratigraphy of Russia.

    c. mechanized self-advanced roof support.
    4. T. F. Gorbachev improved a system of mining

    a. thin coal seams.

    b. inclined coal seams.

    c. thick steep coal seams.

    5. For some time he studied the problem of

    a. rock mechanics and pressure.

    b. fire damp.

    c. coal gasification.
    6. From 1954 to 1972 he was

    a. a President.

    b. a Vice – president.

    c. a corresponding member of Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
    7. T.F. Gorbachev was not only the prominent scientist but also

    a. an honorable citizen of Kemerovo.

    b. an organizer of science, instructor and educator of youth.
    c. an outstanding person of Kuzbas.

    8. He was the author of … printed works, among them his fundamental paper
    a. “Coal mining machines and complexes”.
    b. “Mining of coal deposits in Kuzbas”.

    c. “The Kuznetsk Coal Basin”.

    9. T.F. Gorbachev headed the KMI from

    a. 1941 to 1945.

    b. 1950 to 1954.

    c. 1950 to 1960.

    5. Read the text and check your answers.

    6. Using the answers to the test given above, tell your groupmates about Gorbachev`s life and activities.

    Appendix I
    Phrases you need to summarize the information from a text
    or an article


    The title of the article (text) is

    Заглавие статьи (текста) …


    It was published in …

    Она была опубликована в …


    The author of the article is …

    Автор статьи …

    1. The article deals with theСтатья имеет дело с проблемой

    problem (question) of …

    (вопросом) …


    It also touches upon …

    Она также касается …


    The article (text) says in detail

    Статья (текст) говорит в деталях о

    about …


    The article (text) gives facts

    Статья (текст) дает факты (цифры,

    (figures, names) illustrating …

    имена), иллюстрирующие …


    It should be noted that …

    Следует отметить, что …


    In conclusion the author says

    В заключениe автор говорит, чтo

    that …

    10. I think the most important fact in this article is … Я думаю, что самый важный факт в этой статье это …
    11. I find the article (text) …



    important for me


    hard (easy)

    to understand

    Я нахожу статью (текст) ... .



    важной для меня


    трудной (легкой)

    для понимания


    Mining Engineers

    Mining engineers plan and direct the various engineering aspects of extracting minerals from the earth. They prepare initial plans for the type, size, location and construction of open pit or underground mines.

    The sorts of things that a mining engineer oversees at a mine might include:

    • conduct investigations of mineral deposits and undertake evaluations in collaboration with geologists, other earth scientists and economists to determine whether the mineral deposits can be mined profitably;

    • prepare plans for mines, including tunnels and shafts for underground operations, and pits and haulage roads for open-cut operations, using computer-aided design packages;

    • prepare the layout of the mine development and the way the minerals are to be mined;

    • plan and coordinate the employment of mining staff and equipment with regard to efficiency, safety and environmental conditions;

    • consult with geologists and other engineers about the design, selection and provision of machines, facilities and systems for mining, as well as infrastructure such as access roads, water and power supplies;

    • operate computers to assist with calculations, prepare estimates on the cost of the operation and control expenditure when mines come into production;

    • oversee the construction of the mine and the installation of plants and equipment;

    • make sure that mining regulations are observed, including the proper use and care of explosives, and the correct ventilation to allow the removal of dust and gases;

    • conduct research aimed at improving efficiency and safety in mines;

    • establish first aid and emergency service facilities at a mine.

    Mining engineers have a wide variety of career options including becoming mine planners and designers, consultants for tunneling operations (for road, rail, hydro-electric, water supply or sewerage works), operation managers, technical specialists (eg. rock mechanics, drilling and blasting, mine machinery or ventilation), investment analysts and advisers, researchers, or general managers and mine managers.

    To prepare for such a career, students studying mining engineering cover a broad range of subjects such as mining technology, rock mechanics, ventilation, geology, metallurgy, surveying, economics and finance, management, health and safety, environmental principles and computer applications.

    Mining Engineer – Open pit

    Mining Engineers working in open pits are involved with both long and short term open pit mine planning, mine design scheduling and budgeting, strategic planning, supervision of technical and operating staff, mine management. They are also involved with feasibility studies, drilling and blasting supervision, operation of mining systems, evaluation of open pit mining equipment, mining contract development.

    Mining Engineer – Underground

    Underground Mining Engineers can be involved with coordinating mining activities, maintenance scheduling for all equipment, short / long term mine planning, scheduling and design. They supervise staff and are involved with feasibility studies, mining contract development, design operation and maintenance of underground mining equipment.

    Mining Engineer – Coal

    Coal mines can be open pit or underground and tend to use different mining methods. Coal mines can be prone to gas and fire problems. Coal Mining Engineers can be involved with coordinating mining activities, maintenance scheduling for all equipment, short / long term mine planning, scheduling and design. They supervise staff and are involved with feasibility studies, mining contract development, design operation and maintenance of mining equipment.

    Mining Engineer – Consulting

    Mining Engineers who work as consultants are often involved in a wide variety of projects, mining methods and different technical areas. They use computer programs to model the mining process and design and can work on both open pit and underground developments. Consulting mining engineers will typically be based in coastal cities and fly out to projects and mines as required.

    Mining Engineer – Academic/research

    Academic and Research mining engineers often work in universities or CRC’s (cooperative research centres). Rather than looking primarily at the economic issues of how to mine most economically and locating the boundaries of ore deposits for this reason, academic and research engineers investigate why and how things behave the way they do or are the way they are. They experiment with different mining methods, designs and equipment.
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